Jade y María son dos mujeres muy diferentes. Una es modelo y la otra una intelectual, una prefiere el estilo y la otra la comodidad. Eso sí, las dos viven en Nueva York y comparten ático, a la fuerza. Además, lo único que Jade y Maria tienen en común es su exmarido, Nick. A pesar de tener un comienzo difícil entre ambas, estas dos mujeres acabarán dándose cuenta de que, al fin y al cabo, les unen más cosas de las que pensaban.
Gira en torno a la figura de la filósofa judío-alemana Hannah Arendt, que trabajó como reportera cubriendo el juicio a Adolf Eichmann, el nazi que organizó el genocidio contra los judíos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hannah, a young Jewish girl, is rescued from a concentration camp by her Polish boyfriend, and believes he died after their perilous escape. More than 30 years later, the married Hannah faces an emotional crisis when she learns he's alive.
A German couple travels, shortly after reunification, to the Netherlands. Happiness does not last long. The wife receives a letter from an unknown woman.
Después de la muerte de su padre, Hannah Weinstein, una periodista neoyorquina de origen judío, decide averiguar qué sucedió en 1943 en Berlín cuando su madre, Ruth, y su abuela fueron separadas por los nazis. Sus investigaciones la llevan a la capital alemana. Allí Lena Fischer le cuenta cómo salvó la vida de Ruth cuando los últimos judíos de la ciudad fueron sitiados por orden de Goebbles en febrero de 1943, momento a partir del cual la pequeña Ruth ya no volvió a ver a su madre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nick and Charlotte are a married couple. As both are more than busy earning money, there is no time for love or sex - only Tuesdays. Soon, Charlotte finds a lover, Luis, who is an unsuccessful, married artist. He and his wife Eva also have no time for sex, as Eva has to support her artist and the couple's 3 and 6 year old kids by working in a restaurant. The secret affair of Luis and Charlotte lasts quite a while, they decide to spend a romantic week in Venice, Italy. But by accident, Eva finds out about the couple and their destination. She forces Nick, Charlotte's husband, to join her on a trip to Venice in order to restore her marriage as well as his.
Movie-making cliches are parodied in this German comedy which features to warring actresses, meddling producers, indulgent directors, and an ignored writer. Not only must they contend with each other, they must also deal with the bankers who have the power to shut them down at any moment. The story begins at the premier of director Viktor Rote's newest film "The Tin Cat," which stars his popular wife Riki Rote. The film's writer and Viktor's brother Richard is miffed when he is not allowed into the screening. Viktor's ambitious mistress and aspiring star the Nina is also not invited in. The film is a hit so Rote is allowed to begin his new film by producer George Kuballa. George is also head of the studio. His rich and frequently rejected wife is Lore, a major financial studio backer who prefers spending her time consorting with her handsome young chauffeur.
First Assistant Camera
Fliper Purify, un joven arquitecto de raza negra, comienza a salir con su secretaria, una chica blanca de origen italiano que tiene que cuidar de su padre. También Fliper tiene que atender a su hermano, un drogadicto. Ambos deciden confesar a sus respectivas familias que se han enamorado: la mujer de Flipper lo echa de casa y le prohíbe ver a su hija. Por su parte, el padre de Ángela, católico y racista, le pega una paliza y también la echa de casa
Assistant Camera
A Harry Angel, detective privado en horas bajas de la ciudad de Nueva Orleans, lo contrata en Nueva York un misterioso personaje llamado Louis Cyphre para que encuentre a un hombre desaparecido. Conforme avanza la investigación y conoce a Epiphany Proudfoot, hija de un sacerdote vudú, se suceden extrañas muertes, que parecen estar relacionadas con la magia negra y el vudú, y que implican a Harry de una manera cada vez más personal.
Assistant Camera
Guided by seasoned New Yorkers, political figures, and cultural connoisseurs, "Empire City" examines Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs in order to paint a portrait of the ever-evolving metropolis. Appearing to be both adaptable and stubbornly stagnant, New York is a city of juxtapositions. As our narrator notes, "The city is too big, too diverse, and too complex for anyone to comprehend. New York is many cities interlaced with one another, each in constant independent motion."