Ernö Verebes

Ernö Verebes

Nacimiento : 1904-12-06, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1971-06-13


Ernö Verebes


Remains to Be Seen
Waiter (uncredited)
Una vocalista y el administrador de su apartamento se ven mezclados en un sórdido asesinato, lo cual es pone en peligro constante.
Hombres olvidados
Official (uncredited)
Después de ser encerrado en un campo de concentración nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el refugiado judío Hans Muller emigra a Israel para empezar una nueva vida. Pero los traumas psicológicos de la guerra siguen afectando su mente y no tarda en atacar por accidente a un policía. Convertido en fugitivo, el confuso e inestable Hans huye de la justicia por todo Israel, junto a un joven huérfano, en busca de paz de espíritu.
Too Young to Kiss
Headwaiter (uncredited)
Eric Wainwright, un empresario ocupado, es asediado por hordas de aspirantes a estrellas de conciertos, ávidas de su gran oportunidad. Una de ellas es Cynthia Potter...
Donde habita el peligro
Waiter (uncredited)
Una noche, el joven médico Jeff Cameron (Robert Mitchum) conoce a Margo (Faith Domergue), que ha ingresado en el hospital después de un intento de suicidio. Aunque se trata de una mujer casada, enseguida se enamoran y empiezan a verse. Accidentalmente, el marido de Margo es asesinado. Así las cosas, deciden irse juntos a México para eludir la acción de la Justicia.
El desfiladero del cobre
Tras la Guerra de Secesión, en un pueblo del sur de los Estados Unidos, un grupo de mineros expoliados por antiguos nordistas pide ayuda a un experto tirador, que se gana la vida en disparando en ferias. Este resulta ser un antiguo coronel del ejército confederado.
Reto a la muerte
Window Dresser
Tras el asesinato de un empleado de Correos, una monja asegura que podría reconocer a uno de los asesinos si lo volviese a ver. Desde ese momento su vida correrá peligro.
Mi amiga Irma
Mr. Ubang
Una secretaria de Nueva York, rubia, muy sexy, pero algo tonta, se empeña en ayudar a un par de cómicos amigos suyos a encontrar trabajo.
Red Hot and Blue
A Broadway director rescues a starlet from mobsters who blame her for a shooting.
El gran pecador
Hotel Valet
Adaptación de la novela de Dostoiesvki "El jugador". Un hombre se debate entre su pasión por el juego y las buenas intenciones de quien intenta alejarlo de él.
Outpost in Morocco
Captain Gerard, greatest lover in the Foreign Legion, is assigned to escort an emir's daughter to her father's mountain citadel and find out what he can about the emir's activities. Gerard enjoys his work with lovely Cara, but arrives to find rebellion brewing.
Alias Nick Beal
Mr. Cox
Joseph Foster (Thomas Mitchell) es un honrado fiscal de distrito que anda tras un gangster local. Un día, un misterioso hombre llamado Nick Beal (Ray Milland) le hace una oferta para atraparlo. Foster acepta y ese pacto tendrá consecuencias...
El reloj asesino
El poderoso editor de un importante periódico comete un crimen pasional. Para evitar que lo descubran incrimina a un tipo al que no conoce, pero que casualmente resulta estar ligado al diario. El "falso culpable" utilizará entonces todos los medios a su alcance para probar su inocencia.
Northwest Outpost
Kyril Balinin's Aide
US cavalry officer James Laurence (Nelson Eddy) arrives at one of the Russian colonies to pave the way for the eventual American takeover of the territory. He faces resistance in the form of Prince Nikolai Balinin (Hugo Haas), who has no intention of weakening his despotic hold over the local peasants. The plot thickens when Laurence falls in love with Natalie Alanova (Ilona Massey), the wife of disgraced nobleman Count Igor Savin (Joseph Schildkraut).
Frenchman (uncredited)
Cine negro de bajo presupuesto y limitado metraje. Narra la historia de tres amigos pilotos que, sin miedo a la muerte, recorren Asia en sus aeroplanos. Cuando uno de ellos muere en Calcuta, sus amigos empiezan a investigar y se las tienen que ver con una peligrosa banda de ladrones de joyas.
Capt. Cartiaz
Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
Blackjack Dealer (uncredited)
Johnny Farrell, un aventurero que vive de hacer trampas en el juego, recala en Buenos Aires. Allí le saca de un apuro un hombre llamado Ballin Mundson, propietario de un lujoso casino. El recién llegado termina convirtiéndose en el individuo de confianza de su anfitrión. Un día, su superior le presenta a su esposa, Gilda. Él reacciona con perplejidad, ya que ella lo convirtió en el ser amargado y cínico que es ahora.
El Climax
El Dr. Hohner (Karloff), médico del teatro en el Teatro Real de Viena, asesina a su amante, la estrella soprano cuando sus celos lo llevan al punto de la loca obsesión. Diez años más tarde, otro joven cantante (Foster) le recuerda a Hohner a la difunta diva, y su vieja manía comienza. Hohner quiere evitar que cante para alguien que no sea él, incluso si eso significa silenciarla para siempre. La novia de la cantante (Bey) se apresura a salvarla en el clímax de la película.
Bajo sospecha
Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
En 1939, Richard Myles (Fred MacMurray), un profesor estadounidense que enseña en Oxford, y su nueva esposa Frances (Joan Crawford) se encuentran de luna de miel por Europa. Antes de salir de viaje, el servicio secreto británico le encarga a Myles que lleve a cabo una misión en Alemania. Al principio, tanto a Myles como a su esposa les divierte su papel de espías; pero poco a poco las cosas se irán complicando.
Moonlight Masquerade
Count Eric Nordvig
Two business partners, John Bennett, Sr. and Robert Forrester, are starting to get nervous when the birthday of Victoria, Forrester's daughter, approaches. A long time ago the two men made an arrangement that they would sign over one third of their company to their oldest children when they turned twenty-one, with the condition they married each other within thirty days....
Ser o no ser
Stage Manager (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
New Wine
Karl (uncredited)
The romantic story of Franz Schubert 's fight for recognition of his music. The 1941 Reinhold Schunzel biographical musical composer melodrama.
Maxel's Headwaiter
Un joven se siente especialmente atraído por la parafernalia exhibida por el Partido Nazi, siendo un ferviente admirador de las políticas expansionistas de Hitler. Sin embargo, cuando sus amigos comienzan a ser asesinados por la Gestapo, el muchacho cambia de parecer y decide ayudar a la resistencia alemana a acabar con la tiranía del Führer.
Orderly (uncredited)
Para evitar un matrimonio arreglado con un hombre al que no quiere, Sara Millick huye a Viena con su profesor de música, Carl Linden, a quien ella ama. Carl escribe una opereta y trata de conseguir un productor pero en su camino aparece el Barón Von Tranisch.
Baila, muchacha, baila
Judy O'Brien forma parte de un grupo de baile y aspira a dedicarse al ballet clásico. Bubbles, compañera suya deja el grupo para centrarse en la comedia. Cuando el grupo se deshace, Bubbles le ofrece a Judy un ingrato trabajo: ser la telonera de su espectáculo.
Danchenoff's Secretary (uncredited)
A Russian prince disguised as a worker and a cafe singer secretly involved in revolutionary activities fall in love.
Hotel Imperial
Ivan (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Hochzeitsreise zu 50%
Paul Kerekes
Catherine the Last
Tobby, Hans' servant
Story of a naive kitchen maid who falls in love with a wealthy womanizer.
Four and a Half Musketeers
Fritz Koerner, Geiger
A Hungarian-Austrian comedy and one of the last emigrant films made in Austria before the industry submitted to pressure from Nazi Germany and ceased to employ Jewish filmmakers.
Kleine Mutti
Villa for Sale
Hódy György
Ende schlecht, alles gut
Viktors Bruder Ferry
The sons of small town store owner Anton Polgar have abandoned him for the big city, until financial problems there lead him to rescue them and bring them back.
Father Knows Best
Mr. Polgár is a provincial paper dealer. His sons, Viktor and Feri, are managers in a big factory in the capital, spending their money lavishly, living their lives in a careless, irresponsible way. Viktor is to marry a baroness and feels rather too uneasy about his father's small business. He persuades his old man into selling the business he had so long cherished and to move to their place in Pest.
Egy éj Velencében
The Flower of Hawaii
Buffy, Sekretär
An adaptation of the operetta The Flower of Hawaii by Paul Abraham. It is based on the life of the last Queen of Hawaii Liliuokalani.
The Blue from the Sky
Der flotte Hugo
Out of unlikely circumstances an underground ticket vending girl and a mail pilot fall in love.
Gräfin Mariza
Koloman Zsupan
All or nothing
Once There Was a Waltz
Gustl Linzer
Banker Rudi Moebius and his counselor arrive in Wien for an arranged marriage which should solve their financial problems. Only they don't know, but Lucie Weidling is broken too, and in love with Gustl, a musician without the courage to elope. Meanwhile Rudi meets Steffi and falls in love not even knowing her name. He and Lucie become good friends and decide to help each other.
The Company's in Love
Heinrich Pulver - Regieassist.
The story follows a movie crew who is filming a musical in a small and idyllic alpine village. After their temperamental leading lady drops out of the film, they decide to replace her with the village's young post office clerk Gretl, who returns to Berlin with them. There she has to struggle with the movie's all-male crew, who all try to woo and win her.
Vergessen Sie bitte nicht die Antenne zu erden
A man tries to silence a radio and is taken for a robber.
Victoria and Her Hussar
Viktoria is a Hungarian countess who believes her Hussar captain husband was killed in World War I. She marries an American and resettles at the American consulate in Tokyo. Her first husband reappears, alive; and the American generously releases Viktoria from their union.
Everyone Asks for Erika
Otto Rebes, Redakteur
The Clairvoyant
By a nose
The Mystery of the Red Cat
André Dupont, Schauspieler
“The Red Cat” is a seedy dive. The rich American, Jefferson, who shows up there one day with his family and who recently became the proud owner of the famous Halifax emerald, particularly attracts the attention of the patrons of the “Cat”. One of them approaches the Americans disguised as a marquis, but he has not reckoned with Jefferson’s daughter, Jessie.
When the Soldiers
Once I Loved a Girl in Vienna
Imre von Kövesháza
A musical about love that spans the period before and after the Great War in the Austro-Hungarian empire.
The Dancing Hussar
Józsi Ballok
In this comedy, a civilian singer of opera is obliged to fulfill his duty and perform six weeks of military service.
The Carnival Fairy
Alfred v. Mützelburg
Film version of the operatta by Emmerich Kalman: Victor has won 10 000 Mark with his ceiling painting. In the local pub, he celebrates his triumph. Countess Alexandra happens to drop into the pub, too and is thought to be a model by the sponsor of the prize, Count Meredith. Victor soon has to save her from an embarassing misunderstanding. The two men insult each other and Victor loses his prize.
Tattoo on the Rhine
Musical comedy set in the scenic Rhine country, in which dashing officers and enlisted men pursue various kinds of women.
The Song Is Over
Jerome Tönli
Das Lied ist Aus (The Song Is Ended) is a typical early-talkie German musical in every respect, save one. The story, concerning the lives and loves of show folk, ends unhappily -- and surprisingly so. The doleful denouement didn't seem to have much effect on the film's box-office appeal, since Das Lied ist Aus proved a major moneymaker.
The Csikos Baroness
Leutnant Graf Kövesi
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
A Tango for You
Alfonso di Bei Juanos, Tangokapellmeister
Jimmy Bolt, a singer and dancer (and occasionally as a waiter) works at a varieté. The man may be talented, but he’s not exactly a big success, and things get complicated when a young orphan girl falls in love with the voice of another singer but then mistakes Bolt for him…
The Chase After Millions
Early German sound film based on the novel "Lord Spleen" by Ludwig von Wohl. Two stowaways attempt to unravel a plot onboard a steam train.
Gente en domingo
Película con espíritu documental que intenta retratar la vida cotidiana del Berlín de 1930. Para ello se utiliza una pequeña historia de ficción en la que dos hombres y dos mujeres pasan una jovial jornada de domingo en la ciudad.
Danube Waltz
Ognatz Stössl
Die Konkurrenz platzt
Leo Sanders
Das Land ohne Frauen
Crucified Girl
The young student Mary spends the beginning of her holiday with boat trips, visits to her wealthy groom, and gardening. In fast-paced, rhythmic cuts, Louise and Jakob Fleck draw their audience into a carefree, urban romantic comedy. With a single scene, however, it turns into a melodrama about sexual violence, shame and perpetrator-victim reversal.
Der schwarze Domino
Die Zirkusprinzessin
Der moderne Casanova
Serenissimus und die letzte Jungfrau
The Gallant Hussar
Six Girls and a Room for the Night
The Happy Vagabonds
August Fliederbusch
Der Bettelstudent
Ghost Train
Bobby (as Ernst Verebes)
Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of local superstition about a phantom train which is said to travel these parts at dead of night, carrying ghosts from a long-ago train wreck in the area. The travelers eventually get to the bottom of the things that go bump in the night.
Was die Kinder ihren Eltern verschweigen
What the children conceal from their parents. Banned at first in Europe. Released in the U.S.
Die Achtzehnjährigen
Gaston Ravel
Der Zigeunerbaron
Ledige Töchter
Die lachende Grille
Les voleurs de gloire
Der Veilchenfresser
Bobby Sterzl
An der schönen blauen Donau
Die dritte Eskadron
Leutnant Edler
Qualen der Nacht
Kurt Elversam
Gräfin Mariza
The Paul Street Boys
A couple of boy gangs in Budapest constantly fight over the neighborhood turf.