Boris Kaufman

Boris Kaufman

Nacimiento : 1906-08-24, Bialystok, Russian Empire [now Poland]

Muerte : 1980-06-24


Boris Kaufman


All Vertovs
(archive footage)
The film "All the Vertovs" tells about the Kaufman brothers-David, Mikhail and Boris. All three are world-class filmmakers. Each of them managed to achieve the highest level of proficiency in the profession, each had their own vision of the world and the gift to embody it on the screen in a unique, deeply individual manner.
Dime que me amas, Junie Moon
Director of Photography
Atacada por un pretendiente, Junie Moon (Liza Minnelli) ha quedado con el rostro y un brazo marcados para siempre. Al ser dada de alta del hospital, ella alquila una casa en la que decide convivir con otros dos pacientes muy especiales: Warren Palmer (Robert Moore), un discapacitado con inclinaciones homosexuales, y un epiléptico de nombre Arthur (Ken Howard), quien ve en ella algo más que una simple compañera.
Director of Photography
Black militants building up an arsenal of weapons in preparation for a race war are betrayed by one of their own.
Director of Photography
The son of a powerful Mafia don comes home from his army service in Vietnam and wants to lead his own life, but family tradition, intrigues and powerplays involving his older brother dictate otherwise, and he finds himself being slowly drawn back into that world.
Bye Bye Braverman
Director of Photography
One day, Morroe Rieff learns that his friend and fellow writer, Leslie Braverman, has died. After meeting Leslie's widow, Inez, who is more flirtatious than grieving, Morroe joins up with three other writer friends, Barnet, Felix, and Holly to attend funeral services. However, the quartet faces numerous obstacles that could keep them from paying their respects.
El grupo
Director of Photography
Los avatares de ocho mujeres de posición acomodada, compañeras de universidad, desde que se gradúan a mediados de los años 30, hasta los prolegómenos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una de ellas, a través de cartas mecanografiadas, da noticias de las otras a todas, manteniendo la unión, también fomentada en diversos encuentros.
Director of Photography
A man attempts to evade observation by an all-seeing eye.
El prestamista
Director of Photography
Un superviviente del exterminio judío regenta una tienda de préstamos en el neoyorquino barrio de Harlem. Los espeluznantes y dolorosos recuerdos del campo de exterminio dominan completamente su vida.
El irresistible Henry Orient
Director of Photography
Dos colegialas, fascinadas por un concertista de piano, lo espían, lo siguen por todas partes y conspiran para introducirse en su vida en una desenfrenada y loca historia. Con Nueva York como telón de fondo, las precoces adolescentes harán todo lo posible por no perder de vista a su héroe, poniendo patas arriba la vida de Henry Orient.
Gone Are the Days!
Director of Photography
A young, idealistic man returns home to the plantation where he grew up in servitude. With him, he brings his fiance, Lutiebelle, in hopes of convincing the plantation owner that she is really his cousin in order to secure the family inheritance. To aid in the comic complications that follow are his family members Missy and Gitlow, and the plantation owners endearing (but ineffectual) son Charlie.
Larga jornada hacia la noche
Director of Photography
Adaptación del drama teatral homónimo de Eugene O'Neill, que tiene un carácter claramente autobiográfico. Describe un ambiente familiar deprimente y explosivo: una madre, que después de una larga estancia en un hospital, se ha vuelto adicta a la morfina; un hermano sumido en el alcoholismo e incapaz de encontrar trabajo, y un padre insensible y mezquino que ha fracasado como actor, llevando la familia a la ruina.
Esplendor en la hierba
Director of Photography
En una localidad rural de Kansas, dos jóvenes que pertenecen a ambientes sociales muy distintos se aman y deciden no separarse jamás; pero la desaprobación de sus familias y ciertos intereses ajenos a sus sentimientos acabarán decidiendo su suerte.
Piel de serpiente
Director of Photography
Adaptación de "La caída de Orfeo", drama de Tennessee Williams. Valentine 'Snakeskin' Xavier (Marlon Brando) es un músico de Nueva Orleáns que lleva una vida errante y muy irregular que le crea frecuentes problemas con la ley, razón por la cual se ve obligado a cambiar de ciudad continuamente. Durante un viaje, se detiene en Two Rivers, cerca del Mississippi. Allí consigue trabajo en la tienda de Lady Torrance (Anna Magnani), una mujer madura de origen italiano que se convierte en su amante. Al mismo tiempo, tambien se siente atraído por Carol Cutrere (Joanne Woodward), una joven alcohólica que corresponde a sus sentimientos.
Esa clase de mujer
Director of Photography
1944. Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un tren lleva a dos mujeres, Kay y Jane, de Miami a Nueva York. Kay es la amante de un tipo poderoso que se hace llamar "El hombre". Tanto ella como Jane son mujeres de compañía, cuyo trabajo consiste en entretener a un importante general con el que "El hombre" tiene dudosos negocios. Las circunstancias hacen que cada una de ellas conozca a un hombre con el que congenia, y lo que parecía una fugaz aventura con un soldado de permiso, da paso a sentimientos y emociones más intensas.
12 hombres sin piedad
Director of Photography
Tras escuchar todos los testimonios y valorar las pruebas presentadas, un jurado popular compuesto por doce hombres tiene que decidir, por unanimidad, si absuelve o condena a muerte a un joven acusado de haber matado a su padre. Al principio, once están completamente convencidos de su culpabilidad y se inclinan por la condena, pero el que discrepa empieza a plantear dudas razonables que, poco a poco, van resquebrajando la inicial seguridad de los demás. Alabadísimo debut cinematográfico de Sidney Lumet.
Baby Doll
Director of Photography
Ambientada en el húmedo y caluroso Mississippi, narra la historia de un hombre maduro casado con una joven de diecinueve años, a cuyo padre, un rico terrateniente, ha prometido respetarla hasta que cumpla los veinte.
Crowded Paradise
Director of Photography
A Puerto Rican immigrant anxiously awaits his wedding day, but his fiancé's racist landlord intervenes.
Director of Photography
Staples, a successful plant operator, is brought in from Ohio to take an executive position at Ramsey & Co. in New York. He forms a friendship with Briggs, the long-time vice president, but it soon becomes apparent that Walter Ramsey, who has inherited the position of CEO, is grooming Staples to replace Briggs. Ramsey will not fire Briggs, instead doing everything he can to humiliate and sabotage Briggs until he resigns.
Singing in the Dark
Director of Photography
Leo, a holocaust survivor who suffers from total amnesia, comes to the U.S. and works as a hotel desk clerk. One night while a comedian who owns a bar in the hotel gives him a drink, he breaks out in song and discovers a great voice. Under a psychiatrist's treatment, and because of a blow to the head by some hoodlums, he realizes his name is David and that he was the son of a great Jewish Cantor, and gradually recovers his memory of losing his parents. He gives up a promising career singing in nightclubs to return to the synagogue.
Garden of Eden
War widow and pre-teen daughter leave home of tyrannical father-in-law in Florida, get lost on a detour, and find shelter at a nudist colony.
La ley del silencio
Director of Photography
El exboxeador Terry Malloy podría haber sido un serio aspirante al título, pero se ve obligado a ganarse la vida trabajando para Johnny Friendly, el jefe de la conflictiva banda de gánsteres de la ciudad. Cuando dos de los matones de Friendly asesinan brutalmente a un hombre, Terry comienza a sentirse culpable con la vida que lleva, iniciando una peligrosa lucha para derrocar el imperio del hampa
Leonardo da Vinci
Director of Photography
Se cuenta en este documental la historia del brillante polímata italiano, artista, escultor, pintor, poeta, músico, escritor, filósofo, científico, botánico, geólogo, cartógrafo, matemático, anatomista, paleontólogo, arquitecto, urbanista, ingeniero e inventor. El legado del genial Leonardo (1452-1519) al mundo vino de muchas formas; en la belleza sobrecogedora de La Última Cena y La Gioconda; en su rica colección de grabados o en las anotaciones de pensamientos originales sobre astronomía, biología y fisiología.
Director of Photography
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, we take a music quiz, plus survey various unusual musical instruments.
The Gentleman in Room 6
Short story film about a derelict and forgotten character hiding in a room somewhere in South America.
Hymn of the Nations
Director of Photography
Hymn of the Nations, originally titled Arturo Toscanini: Hymn of the Nations, is a 1944 film directed by Alexander Hammid, which features the "Inno delle nazioni," a patriotic work for tenor soloist, chorus, and orchestra, composed by Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi in the early 1860s. (For this musical work, Verdi utilized the national anthems of several European nations.) In December 1943, Arturo Toscanini filmed a performance of this music for inclusion in an Office of War Information documentary about the role of Italian-Americans in aiding the Allies during World War II. Toscanini added a bridge passage to include arrangements of "The Star-Spangled Banner" for the United States and "The Internationale" for the Soviet Union and the Italian partisans. Joining Toscanini in the filmed performance in NBC Studio 8-H, were tenor Jan Peerce, the Westminster Choir, and the NBC Symphony Orchestra. The film also included the overture to Verdi's opera La Forza del Destino.
Schubert's Serenade
Director of Photography
Serenade represented the return to the screen of international favorite Lillian Harvey after an absence of two years. Based loosely on the life of composer Franz Schubert, the film casts Bernard Lancret as Schubert, Harvey as his dancer sweetheart, and Louis Jouvet as a possessive Baron who has his own designs on our heroine.
De Man Zonder Hart
Director of Photography
When his colleague presents him with (forged) evidence of his wife Sylvette's unfaithfulness, factory owner Jean Sourdier kills him in a fit of rage. After fifteen years in prison he is determined to take revenge on his wife by killing Ninette, a daughter from her second marriage.
L'homme sans coeur
Director of Photography
Sentenced to 20 years after killing a colleague for revealing that his wife was unfaithful, Sourdier escapes hoping to kill the woman as well.He learns she was true to him and has had a little girl who thinks the father is dead.
Quand minuit sonnera
Director of Photography
A criminal is being blackmailed by his former accomplices. He does everything in his power to gain time because the statutory limitation for the crime he committed starts at midnight.
Klokslag Twaalf
Director of Photography
On his wedding day, mere hours before the statute of limitations for his crimes expires, revengeful mobsters abduct former criminal Jean Verdier. The gang leader's daughter - who's still in love with Jean - tries to stall the police until the clock strikes twelve and he can no longer be prosecuted.
Young Girl in the Garden
Director of Photography
Impressionist performance of a ballet dancer to the music of Federico Mompou.
The Fountain of Arethusa
Director of Photography
“La Fontaine d'Aréthuse” opens with what has been described as a “shimmering wash of sound in the piano, octave leaps in the left hand passing above and below repeated chords in the right,” a tune which apparently suggests the splashing waters of a fountain. The story “told” by the music involves a naked water goddess on the river shore, who is pursued by a hunter, before disappearing into thin air to join her water once again. (IMDb)
The Cradles
Director of Photography
Les Berceaux is about the dedicated sailors who venture out into the deepest ocean, and the wives who must await their return. The woman sits in her living room, gently rocking her infant’s cradle as she sings, the movement mimicking the rolling motion of the ocean waves. Many men will lose their lives to the ocean’s vast waters, but the juxtaposition of death and life (in the cradle) suggests an endless and noble cycle. Kirsanoff imaginatively places a rear-projection screen outside the woman’s window, through which, as she sings, we can watch the ocean waves lapping up against the shore, or the ship charging majestically over the water. Also worth noting is that the film was photographed by Boris Kaufman, who later also shot On the Waterfront (1954) and 12 Angry Men (1957). —
Director of Photography
Zou Zou tries to help her childhood friend prove his innocence after he's accused of murder.
Le Père Lampion
Director of Photography
How a simple sewer, a perfect look-alike of the president of the council, manages to reform a country and make himself loved by his fellow citizens.
Director of Photography
La joven esposa de un viejo marinero está harta de su monótona vida en la barcaza “L'Atalante”. Después de dejarse llevar por la artificiosa vida de la ciudad, dejando a su marido sumido en la desesperación, regresa con él amargamente decepcionada.
Cero en conducta
Director of Photography
Obra maestra donde Jean Vigo (muerto a los 29 años con tan sólo cuatro películas en su haber) retrata sus recuerdos infantiles a través de la historia de cuatro jóvenes estudiantes franceses que, sujetos a un estricto régimen escolar, deciden rebelarse contra la institución. Filme prohibido en Francia en su estreno por su presunto mensaje antipatriótico.
Taris, rey del agua
Director of Photography
Documental sobre Jean Taris, el nadador olímpico y 29 veces campeón francés. Estudia el estilo de natación del antiguo campeón del mundo explicando los mecanismos del arrastre, breaststroke y otras técnicas de la natación. Vigo emplea técnicas como la cámara lenta, fotografía subacuática y uso dramático de la iluminación subacuática.
A propósito de Niza
Director of Photography
Conmovedora visión de Niza, la atmósfera y el tipo de vida de la ciudad. La película se centra principalmente en el contraste entre los ricos ociosos que toman el sol y disfrutan de los lujos de hoteles y casinos, y los barrios pobres de Niza.
A propósito de Niza
Conmovedora visión de Niza, la atmósfera y el tipo de vida de la ciudad. La película se centra principalmente en el contraste entre los ricos ociosos que toman el sol y disfrutan de los lujos de hoteles y casinos, y los barrios pobres de Niza.
A propósito de Niza
Conmovedora visión de Niza, la atmósfera y el tipo de vida de la ciudad. La película se centra principalmente en el contraste entre los ricos ociosos que toman el sol y disfrutan de los lujos de hoteles y casinos, y los barrios pobres de Niza.
The March of the Machines
Director of Photography
La marche des machines is a thundering, thumping symphony of turbines, belts, flanges, wheels and sparks.
Les Halles centrales
Camera Operator
The goods supplying all of Paris come by cart, by train. Big Les Halles handlers do the unloading, the market's night life in full swing around them: meat cut, vegetables sorted, coffee downed at the café. Les Halles teems with life until the small hours of the morning.
Les Halles centrales
Director of Photography
The goods supplying all of Paris come by cart, by train. Big Les Halles handlers do the unloading, the market's night life in full swing around them: meat cut, vegetables sorted, coffee downed at the café. Les Halles teems with life until the small hours of the morning.
Les Halles centrales
The goods supplying all of Paris come by cart, by train. Big Les Halles handlers do the unloading, the market's night life in full swing around them: meat cut, vegetables sorted, coffee downed at the café. Les Halles teems with life until the small hours of the morning.