Célina Cély

Célina Cély


Célina Cély


The Last Gun
A famous gunfighter gives up his evil ways, and settles in a quiet town. But, the town is being terrorized by a gang, drawing our hero back to gunslinging, but this time in the name of good.
El sacrificio de las esclavas
Baltasar, usurpador de Babilonia, oprima a la ciudad con violencia y atrocidad. Nipur, el legítimo heredero al Trono, criado en el exilio y educado por Cyrus , rey de Persia, regresa a su país con el propósito de recuperar el cetro que le dejó su padre, y para traer de vuelta el orden y la justicia a Babilonia. Durante el viaje Nipur libera a Tamira, una chica judía que va a ser sacrificada a la diosa Itar por los hombres de Baltasar. Habiendo descubierto el escondite de Tamira, Baltasar captura con facilidad a Nipur y lo encierra en el cárcel. (FILMAFFINITY)
Madame Sans-Gene
Anna dite Ziguette
La fascinante y fastuosa corte de Napoleón vista por una mujer generosa y apasionada que recorrió de manera fulgurante toda la escala social. Cuando en 1789 estalló la revolución, era una lavandera parisina, después como cantinera durante la campaña de Italia fue amante del capitán Lefévre. Más tarde, mariscala de Francia y duquesa de Dantzig y casi reina de Westfalia. Por encima de las grandes batallas, de las ambiciones políticas y de una corte de advenedizos se impuso la apasionada historia de amor de Madame Sans-Gêne y el mariscal Lefévre.
The Versailles Affair
Mme Dorand
Rascel Marine
During WW2 a platoon of marines fights the Japanese on a little island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island there is a hut where old Taikiki lives with his two daughters. The two opposing armies soon forget about war and concentrate on winning the girls' hearts.
A Sailor's Promises
È arrivata la parigina
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
The Rebels of Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Anny Fling
Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.
Hotbed of Sin
A couple of dancers performs in a night club. The man is jealous of Gina, his partner,and keeps making scenes to her, going as far as bullying her on the stage during their act. A man gets killed. The dancer is suspected for being jealous of all the other men. Another potential culprit could the father of Gina since he overprotected his daughter. The real culprit will be unmasked after the police detective finds the murder has something to with the Occupation period.