
Bluebeard (1951)

Género : Drama, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Christian-Jaque
Escritor : André-Paul Antoine


Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.


Pierre Brasseur
Pierre Brasseur
Amédée de Salfère dit Barbe-Bleue
Cécile Aubry
Cécile Aubry
Jean Debucourt
Jean Debucourt
Le majordome
Robert Arnoux
Robert Arnoux
Mathieu les grands pieds
Jacques Sernas
Jacques Sernas
Geneviève Gérald
Geneviève Gérald
Anny Fling
Georges Chamarat
Georges Chamarat
Le chapelain
Elly Norden
Elly Norden
Cunégonde von Kronberg Meinscnichtsgonfried
Fernand Rauzéna
Fernand Rauzéna
Hans Albers
Hans Albers
Fritz Kortner
Fritz Kortner
Lina Carstens
Lina Carstens
Arno Paulsen
Arno Paulsen
Ina Halley
Ina Halley
Henri Rollan
Henri Rollan
Le comte d'Etioles
Denise Cormand
Denise Cormand
Valentine d'Etioles
Fernand Fabre
Fernand Fabre
L'envoyé de l'empereur
Reggie Nalder
Reggie Nalder
Le capitaine des gardes
Espanita Cortez
Espanita Cortez
Carmen Esmeralda Dulcinée de la Yotta
Célina Cély
Célina Cély
Anny Fling
Diane Lefort
Diane Lefort
Phung Thi Nghiep
Phung Thi Nghiep
Aziza Néri
Aziza Néri
Leïla de Timboli
Elly Claus
Elly Claus
Cunégonde von Kronberg Meinsnichtgonfried
Fred Barius
Fred Barius
Diana Bel
Diana Bel
Elvira Del Mare (uncredited)
Gérard Calvi
Gérard Calvi
Henri Cote
Henri Cote
Robert Dartois
Robert Dartois
Le comte de Lurdes (uncredited)
Leila Fouad
Leila Fouad
Fatma (uncredited)
Fernand Rauzéna
Fernand Rauzéna
Giuseppe (uncredited)
Made Siamé
Made Siamé
La nourrice de Barbe-Bleue (uncredited)
Carl Wery
Carl Wery


André-Paul Antoine
André-Paul Antoine
Charles Perrault
Charles Perrault
Jean Bernard-Luc
Jean Bernard-Luc
Henri Jeanson
Henri Jeanson
Gérard Calvi
Gérard Calvi

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