A travelling company makes its way round the small villages of France. Shot for the program Cinéma 16 broadcast by the French channel FR3, where Franju adapted an argument written by one of his favourite actors, Pierre Brasseur, and worked with his fetish actress, Edith Scob.
La Brunetière
Cuando llega la noche, un italiano que se dirige a Suiza se ve obligado a pedir alojamiento en un castillo. Durante la cena, el anfitrión y tres de sus amigos, todos ellos ex-funcionarios de justicia, invitan al huésped a participar en un peculiar juego y le ofrecen el único puesto vacante, el de acusado. Mentira y verdad se confabulan en una oscura farsa, que lleva a reflexionar profundamente acerca del imperfecto intento del hombre de ser justo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Finales del siglo XVIII, Revolución Francesa. A Nicolás Philibert lo persigue la justicia por el asesinato de un barón. Pero también lo persiguen por haber traído de América trigo envenenado. Después de mil peripecias y aventuras, regresa al hogar donde encontrará de nuevo el amor.
Una joven triunfa como modelo, pero descubre el vacío de su vida después del éxito.
Por un lado, es una divertida alegoría política antitotalitaria a lo "Ubu Rey", de Alfred Jarry; por el otro, una fascinante recreación del cine mudo con ramalazo nórdico. En una isla ficticia habitada por seres humanos cuyos nombres comienzan con la letra G, un condenado a muerte es amnistiado por capricho del monarca. Sin querer, este personaje descubre que la Reina (encarnada por Ligia Branice, musa y pareja sentimental de Borowczyk) mantiene relaciones sexuales con su profesor de equitación. Los acontecimientos se precipitan: hay suicidios, asesinatos, ajustes de cuentas y hasta una resurrección surrealista. La escena de los funerales inspiró una muy similar en la película "Institut Benjamenta", de los hermanos Quay.
Documentary about filmmaker Jean Grémillon.
Edmond Dantes participa, activamente, en la resistencia contra los nazis, y, por el contrario, es acusado de ser colaborador del Tercer Reich. Así, está preso en la fortaleza de Sisteron.
Una mujer padece crisis de ninfomanía. Su marido ordena a su chófer "atenderla" durante sus recaídas.
Jules Polnick
Un joven malvive a base de hacer fotografías para los turistas de París. Su camino se cruza con el de una ladrona, prostituta ocasional, y ambos se enamoran, hasta que aparece el antiguo "protector" de la muchacha.
le Père Ballanchon
Trabajando en la preparación de un gas, Eugène descubre un gas euforizante capaz de neutralizar al enemigo. Una seductora espía intentará descubrir la fórmula...
Nissim Buzaglo
Directed by Menahem Golan.
Documentary about the making of Marcel Carne's 1945 film Children of Paradise (France), interviewing the director, the actors and production designer, as well as other French directors.
Le Général Géranium
Octubre, 1918. En los últimos días de la I Guerra Mundial, el soldado Charles Plumpick (Alan Bates) es enviado por sus jefes a desactivar las supuestas bombas dejadas por los alemanes en retirada a su paso por un pueblito francés. Plumpick llega al lugar, sólo para encontrarse con que los internos de un manicomio abandonado han tomado el pueblo.
Fernand Toussaint
A robbery of 10 billion is successfully carried out by a Corsican gang led by a man called Toussaint. The heist is also the start of a war with a rival gang.
Le Grec
Primer film rodado en francés por Vittorio De Sica, que sigue los pasos de un joven y una joven que forman una pareja, a pesar de que sus vidas son muy distintas e independientes, y se resisten a casarse. Sin embargo, ella se queda embarazada inesperadamente, lo que trastocará por completo sus vidas.
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Marie (Catherine Deneuve) y su marido Jerôme (Philippe Noiret) viven en un castillo cerca de Normandía. Marie sueña con ir a París, pero Jerôme, intimidado por la guerra y preocupado por la fidelidad de su esposa, prefiere permanecer aislado en el campo. Un paracaidista de la resistencia y un grupo de soldados alemanes ponen fin a la tranquilidad de los habitantes del castillo.
Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.
Le Maharadjah (l'oncle)
A young duke marries a girl, also penniless, and moves into a bus left him by an uncle, with their ten children. At last he finds the bus is made of solid gold.
Le guérisseur - segment 1 'La Bestiole'
ingular comedia negra que consta de tres episodios sobre el mismo tema: la muerte. Los protagonistas son una vieja campesina ("El ciempiés"), un hacendado que vive con sus sirvientes ("La corneja") y los artistas de un circo ("Miss Wilma").
Georges Richter
Un rico industrial muere en un accidente de avión. La investigación de las circunstancias del fallecidoconduce a sospechar de diversas personas, todas las cuales se esfuerzan al máximo en defender sus intereses.
Lucky Jo and his three friends are little criminals, who try to live from small burglaries. But they never have luck - ever so often something inpredictable happens to Jo and gets one of them arrested. While Jo is in prison once again, they decide they'd better do without him in future. He decides to help them secretly...and unfortunately.
Simone Palumbo
In late 19th century Sicily, handsome free-spirit Liolà wanders into town, where he encounters an old flame now married to a wealthy landowner.
Charles Cassidi
A lovely young nurse finds herself framed for the murder of a hospital patient who died after she administered an injection.
Russian killer
Martin Fenayrou
Film de sketches que giran en torno al mensaje del título.
Achille Pipermint, l'homme d'affaires radin à Orly
"Les petits matins" is a story of eighteen-year old Agathe (Agathe Aëms) with a firm independence of men even if she uses them to get to the côte d'azur.
Along the way she meets a lot of people , mostly men. And the director does not spare the sterotypical image of early 60s middle aged male cliches to lampoon.
But this is all very light stuff, nothing too intellectual.
But it's often charming, and there's a bevy of well-known actors involved.
Jean -Claude Brialy (the pompous, self absorbed male lead of Rohmer's "Claire's Knee"), Claude Rich, Lino Ventura, François Perrier, Pierre Brasseur, and the couple Bernard Blier & Arletty, who team up here for the first time since Marcel Carné's "Hôtel du Nord" (1938).
François Larmentiel
Charles-Edmond, the eldest of the Larmentiel brothers, decides to return to La Rochelle, his hometown to die there. Forty years earlier he had been driven out by his father. Before passing away, the old eccentric announces that he has a hidden son, Émile, a fisherman to whom he wishes to bequeath his property. François, the younger brother, whom Charles-Edmond hates, is eyeing the inheritance to bail out the powerful family business, a veritable fishing trust, and will try to appropriate the affection and property of this inopportune heir. Émile, meanwhile, is too busy arguing with Fernande, a beugland singer, to suspect what awaits him...
Carl Krasner
Un pianista pierde la mano derecha en un accidente. Arruinado en el juego, decide fingir su propia muerte para cobrar el seguro.
le grand duc Ernest
Diversas historias de amor protagonizadas por personajes célebres de la Historia. Los episodios son "Lauzun", "Les comédiennes", "Agnès Bernauer" y "Jenny de Lacour".
A businessman who lives from blackmailing begins to be blackmailed by his own wife who hates him.
Le connétable de Montmorency
Comte de Keraudren
An old count hides just before he dies to annoy his heirs. The heirs search a manor for the count's body and are killed off one by one. Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline, and Edwige investigate the deaths and search for the count's body.
Las aventuras de Cándido, un soldado francés, en 1940. Separado de su novia, le sucederán numerosas aventuras. (FILMAFFINITY)
Le commissaire du peuple
En plena Revolución Francesa, la joven Blanche de la Force decide protegerse en un convento y por eso ingresa en la orden Carmelita. Allí conoce a la alegre monja Sor Constance y a la madre Marie, entre otras, y es feliz junto a ellas a pesar de los conflictos externos y de las presiones de su padre para que deje el convento. Film basado en la real y trágica historia acontecida con las dieciséis monjas carmelitas del convento de Compiègne en 1794, y recogida por el escritor francés Georges Bernanos en su obra teatral homónima, que a su vez se inspiró en la pieza “La última del cadalso” de la escritora Gertrud Von Le Fort.
Alfio Magnano
Después de pasar varios años en Roma, Antonio (Marcello Mastroianni) regresa a Catania (Sicilia), su ciudad natal. Tiene un gran éxito con las mujeres porque es muy atractivo y de muy buena presencia. Sus padres han pensado que Bárbara (Claudia Cardinale) es la mujer ideal para él, y Antonio decide casarse con ella.
Narra la historia de la destrucción de Cartago. El gigantesco choque entre dos civilizaciones, Roma y Cartago, que luchan por el dominio del Mediterráneo (Guerras Púnicas), se centra en una dramática historia de amor cuyos protagonistas son dos jóvenes pertenecientes a bandos opuestos.
Doctor Génessier
En París, un brillante y desquiciado cirujano rapta chicas con el fin de utilizar su piel para reconstruir la belleza de su hija, destrozada por un trágico accidente del que él se siente culpable.
Monsieur Nègre
Dr. Varmont
Un chico termina en un hospital psiquiátrico pese a no estar realmente loco, pero poco a poco se va dando cuenta de que a la larga puede acabar realmente trastornado. El adolescente tuvo muchos enfrentamientos con su severo padre y una juventud de lo más inquieta y ahora deberá luchar por mantenerse en la línea de la cordura.
Don Cesare
En una pequeña ciudad italiana, un grupo de hombres se reúne cada noche en la taberna para jugar a "El juego de la ley", que consiste en que uno de ellos desempeñe el papel de jefe y humille a los demás. Los jugadores están dominados por oscuras pasiones: Francesco y su cuñado desean a Marietta, pero ella se ha enamorado de Enrico y quiere casarse con él, aunque sea pobre.
Lucien Maublanc
Pierre Carreau
The writer Pierre Carot became rich and famous with his book "Life as a Couple", which was based on the loving relationships of four couples. Now he's setting up his will and wants to leave his wealth to the couples among the four, which are still as deeply in love - if any: else, his companions get the money. He sends them out to visit the couples and test their love.
Jeroboam Driscoll
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
Juju, un borracho patán que siente la necesidad de ser importante para alguien, y su amigo El Artista son forzados a punta de pistola a alojar a un fugitivo, Pierre Barbier, en la casa destartalada de Juju. La necesidad de ser necesitado es tal en Juju que deja de beber y cuida de Pierre. Pero un día Juju descubre que Pierre ha estado haciendo el amor con su chica María....
Talleyrand, el gran político francés de finales del siglo XVIII y primer cuarto del XIX, rememora en una reunión de amigos, la vida del Emperador de los franceses, desde su nacimiento en Córcega, pasando por sus gestas militares, hasta su muerte en el destierro. La cinta es una pequeña lección de la historia de Francia.
Antoine Vallin
Two female agents from a rival gang are sent to disrupt the operations of a gold-smuggler's caravan in Africa.
Jehan Buridan
Durante el reinado de Luis X, el Capitán Buridan llega a París por la época en que todos los días se descubrían cadáveres flotando en el Sena en las proximidades de la Torre de Nesle. Los asesinatos se cometían después de las orgías que allí tenían lugar. El Capitán Burídan así como Phílippe d'Aulnay, hermano del favorito de la Reina, Gaultier d'Aulnay, son conducidos a una de esas orgías y a la emboscada que le sucedía. Phílippe es asesinado no sin antes identificar a la Reina Margarita de Borgoña...
Gregory Iefimovich Raspoutine
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
Console Grotti
Historia de una camarera que no logra triunfar en el amor, ni como esposa, ni como amante, ni como prostituta, hasta que se fabrica una personalidad ficticia a base de mentiras.
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
L'Oiseau (voice)
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
Maître Pierre Renneville
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
Ludovic Arn / Macbeth
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Julien Ledentu
Adaptación de tres cuentos del escritor francés Guy de Maupassant que versan sobre el placer:
(1) Un hombre extraño, que asiste a un popular baile de máscaras en París, baila hasta caer extenuado. El médico que lo atiende descubre sorprendido que tras la máscara se oculta un anciano. Cuando lo acompaña a su casa, la esposa le cuenta al médico la triste historia del bailarín. (2) A Madame Tellier, que regenta un prostíbulo, la invita su hermano Joseph a la primera comunión de su hija. La Madame cierra el negocio y se traslada con sus pupilas a la lejana granja de Joseph para asistir a la ceremonia. Terminada la fiesta, regresan al prostíbulo en medio del regocijo de los hombres, que ya las echaban de menos. (3) Un famoso artista se enamora de su bella modelo Josephine. Sólo pinta retratos de ella y alcanza el éxito, pero su historia de amor tiene un final inesperado.
Amédée de Salfère dit Barbe-Bleue
Just before wowing international critics and moviegoers with his adventure romp Fanfan la Tulipe, director Christian-Jaque dashed off the lampoonish Barbe-Bleue. Ostensibly the story of the famed wife-killing potentate Bluebeard (Pierre Brasseur), this lighthearted costumer begins as the title character is poised to march down the matrimonial aisle for the eighth time. Barbe-Bleue's newest spouse Aline (Cécile Aubry) is kept in line by her husband's claims of murdering her predecessors. But when Aline opens the famous locked door to the equally famous hidden room, both she and the audience are in for quite a surprise. The frivolous nature of Barbe-Bleue is underlined by its pleasing utilization of the French Gezacolor process.
Captain Joris KnAipper
Captain Joris Kniper believes so strongly that he is "skipper next to God" that he is used to playing God on his ship. Tough and bossy, he gives orders which are not to be discussed. But, some day, he is driven to accept on board several German Jews fleeing the nazis and who are refused asylum everywhere. He gradually realizes that skipper he is, but next to God only.The Bible will help him to find the way to self-questioning, awareness and charity.
A young intellectual, Hugo, joins the Communist Party out of a sense of idealism, only to see his principles manipulated by party leaders. He is given the assignment of killing Professor Hoederer, a party deviationist. However, he grows to admire the man and begins to have doubts about morals and revolutionary politics. But jealousy - Hugo thinks Hoederer has made love to his wife, Jessica - takes matters out of the political realm.
Jacques Mervel
Jacques Mervel, also known as "L'Homme de la Jamaïque" makes use of his talents as a gun runner in Tangiers, Morocco. After triumphing over a rival gang, he decides to quit the job and to start a new life with Vicky, a pretty young nurse. In Paris, a doctor lets him know that he is affected by leprosy. In desperation, Jacques runs away from Vicky to spare her. When she realizes the reason why Jacques has disappeared from her life, she joins him with a view to helping him fight the disease.
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Hubert Espivant
A penniless aristocrat is fooled by her ex-husband, a crook.
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
Fabius / Jean
A circus daredevil is the next victim of a danger-seducing woman who tricks him into a potentially deadly stunt after he attempted to kill her.
Adaptación del drama "Romeo y Julieta", de Shakespeare. En Venecia, dos jóvenes van a revivir el drama de Shakespeare: Angelo, un vidriero de Murano, y Georgia, hija de un magistrado fascista.
François Picault
One of Alexandre Dumas's most popular adventure novels is "The Count of Monte-Cristo". What is little known is that the famous writer made up neither its plot nor its characters. Dumas actually heard the true story of a man named François Picault during a stay at a private mansion and only adapted it into the novel everybody knows . Picault (who in the book would become Edmond Dantès) was about to marry the beautiful Marguerite (Mercédès in the novel) when he was denounced by three jealous friends who falsely accused him of being a spy for England. Picault was placed under a form of house arrest. In his prison, he made friends with an Italian abbot. When the man died, he left his fortune to Picault whom he had begun to treat as a son. On his release, Picault, who had become wealthy, was able to pursue his ruthless revenge on the three men who were responsible for his misfortune.
Pierre Taverny
A father wants to try by all means to avenge the death of his son, a test pilot, whose responsible is the attractive female star of a Parisian cabaret.
Emile Fréchisse
Kohlman, the attorney for the Fournil bank, diverts money from the institution. To hide his malpractices, he imagines to remove the director, the young and overconfident Clement Fournil, during a cruise at sea on the yacht Emile Frechisse.
In Paris, in the middle of the 19th century, the Comte de Chamery died of poisoning, leaving a considerable fortune to his long-dead son. Sir William, the count's murderer, hires a young rogue, Rocambole, to pretend to be the deceased's son. The two accomplices have the Count's fortune handed over to them. But their trickery is discovered by an intriguer, Baccarat, who finds the real Count of Chamery, a young painter without fortune, in love with Carmen de Montevecchio. Rocambole, who stops at nothing, kills Sir William, gets rid of Armand and makes Carmen love him. But Baccarat is determined not to let him continue his villainies.
In the 19th century, a thug from the slums of Paris pretends to be a young aristocrat, but is unmasked by a demi-mondaine, from the same background as him.
In an isolated house, in Brittany, live two sisters around whom gravitate a whole series of strange characters. Between the eruption of the vagrant voyeur and that of the couple in love, the youngest kills her eldest and goes mad.
Bitru is a carefree fellow who, one day, decides to buy a houseboat on the River Seine. He moves there and starts living surrounded by a circle of colorful friends. Among them, the daughter of an auto maker but also a group of scientists who have developed "Aqua Simplex", a device that could enable motorists to fill their tanks with... water ! Panic sets in in the automobile industry and Bitru is appointed his friends' middle man to represent them on the various car makers directors' boards.
París, 1945. Tras la liberación de la ciudad por los Aliados, Jean Diego se encuentra con un vagabundo que le predice que se enamorará de una bella mujer, pero que las próximas horas que va a vivir serán dramáticas. La profecía se hace realidad y Jean conoce a Marlou, una joven cuyo matrimonio la hace infeliz.
Petrus, a Montmartre photographer, is accidentally wounded by Migo, a dancer at the Frou Frou night club, when she is trying to shoot her faithless lover Rodrigue, a counterfeiter. Though Petrus tries to reconcile the lovers, Migo lands up with him after Rodrigue is finally killed by another jealous dancer.
Jean Pleyard
Fanny Le Doublond has a lover, Jean, and her husband is beginning to have suspicion. To calm him down she makes him believe that Jean dies of love for another woman and wants to commit suicide if his love is not returned. The two accomplices select a young creature named Claire Coussol for the (unwitting role)of the "beloved". As for Jean, he plays the suicidal man to perfection. But what the two lovers had not planned at all is that Claire, deeply moved by Jean's "act of desperation", starts growing fond of him.
Jean-Thomas Pellerin / François-Charles Talacayud
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
Jean-César Morin
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Frédérick Lemaître
París, 1820. Dos jóvenes artistas, Baptiste Debureau y Frédéric Lemâitre, debutan en el teatro de los Funámbulos y entablan amistad. Un día, Garance, una misteriosa y atractiva mujer, irrumpe en sus vidas. Mientras que el tímido Baptiste no se atreve a declararle su amor, Frédéric la convierte en su amante. Sin embargo, al estar implicada en una serie de crímenes, la mujer desaparece.
Prosper Bonenfant
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
A shimmering glass hotel at the top of a remote Provençal mountain provides the setting for a tragicomic tapestry about an obsessive love pentangle, whose principals range from an artist to a hotel manager to a dam worker.
Jules Frémissin is shy and in love. The father of the object of his flame is also shy. The marriage proposal is very laborious, because before marrying Cécile Thibaudier, Jules must fight a duel with the arrogant Vancouver, convinced that all this eager and awkward courtship was intended for his own wife, also named Cécile.
Tonio, pretty Micheline's fiance, meets Georgia ,a gypsy who makes advances to him.
A prestigious Paris doctor is tempted by a woman he knew in his youth, whose politician husband has neglected her.But will he in turn neglect his duties toward work and family?
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
The guitarist Moncho, singer Roberto and their impresario, arrive in Paris to find the fortune and the celebrity. They live in Montmartre in a pension that receives an impressive sampling of circus artists and music halls. They meet Maria-Rosa with whom they make a number, and this is glory.
Tobie is a hopeless daydreamer. He always has his head in the clouds, and this inevitably gets him into trouble with his employer. In the end, Tobie loses his job as a fairground performer and sinks into a state of abject despair.
Jonval, the young cynic
The joys and miseries of the inhabitants of a building in a Parisian district.
Two twin brothers have joined the army, Paul by vocation is a lieutenant of spahis and Georges to escape the police is a sergeant in the Foreign Legion. A snitch having informed the police of Georges' presence at the Legion, he must leave. In Casablanca, Paul helps his brother escape the police by taking his identity to allow him to regain his honor.
Caesar, a senior French colonist returned home after many years of absence, knows a girl, Marcella, who is in full depression because she was abandoned by her lover. Caesar welcomes her into his home and surrounds her with paternal attention so that he can quickly forget the past. Slowly his feeling turns into a love that Marcella seems to reciprocate. However, when Cesare realizes that the girl feels only gratitude for him and is in love with a younger man, he loses control. Blinded by jealousy, he plans to kill Marcella's lover but, in the face of the girl's vulgarity and indifference, he realizes that he has been teased and turns his anger towards her.
Siamese twins, separated at birth, maintain a psychic knowledge of each other's dire fates.
Alfredo Lebonnard
Father Lebonnard, a former watchmaker who made a fortune, remains simple while his wife is only dreaming of worldly affairs and pushes his son Freddy to marry Bianca, the daughter of the Marquis de Rocafort, their neighbor. She feeds a similar project for her daughter Mariella.
Georges Legrand is a young unscrupulous reveler. He seduces Fred, a woman doctor before shamelessly dumping her for Aline Ribourg, a tennis player. Soon fed up with his new conquest, he returns to Fred. But Aline is pregnant from him. Showing an admirable sense of self-sacrifice, Fred manages to persuade Georges to marry Aline.
Middle-aged Georges of the "old school" who offers shelter and comfort to Marcelle. Despite his own reservations, Georges falls in love with the much-younger girl, remaining faithful to her even after he realizes that she cares only for his money.
Le Rec
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
Alexandre Dumas figlio
Giuseppe Verdi, adolescente soñador e inconformista, decide abandonar su ciudad natal para estudiar música en Milán. Enfrentado al rechazo inicial del selecto círculo de la ópera italiana, Verdi vive en el fracaso hasta que conoce a la popular soprano Giuseppina Strepponi, con la que contrae matrimonio y comienza así una intensa trayectoria tan llena de éxitos como de fracasos.
Pierre Mougins
The daughter of an industrialist takes an interest in the workers and tries to improve their lot. She avoids a strike, and falls in love with an engineer.
Un desertor del ejército francés llega a Le Havre, una ciudad permanentemente envuelta en la niebla, para huir en barco. Conoce a Nelly en Casa Panamá, un garito del muelle, y simpatizan de inmediato; ella es una joven de diecisiete años tiranizada por su tutor Zabel, un extraño hombre que mantiene tratos con un grupo de jóvenes que juegan a ser mafiosos.
Femme fatale Madeleine Robinson is married to Raymond Aimos, a coal miner with a face like a pickled walnut and a libido to match. She wants some action, and what she can’t get from her impotent husband, she looks for elsewhere, first with his best friend Pierre Brasseur, then with his boss Lucien Gallas, who is also dating Brasseur’s kid sister Odette Joyeux.
Theatre Play
Femme fatale Madeleine Robinson is married to Raymond Aimos, a coal miner with a face like a pickled walnut and a libido to match. She wants some action, and what she can’t get from her impotent husband, she looks for elsewhere, first with his best friend Pierre Brasseur, then with his boss Lucien Gallas, who is also dating Brasseur’s kid sister Odette Joyeux.
Femme fatale Madeleine Robinson is married to Raymond Aimos, a coal miner with a face like a pickled walnut and a libido to match. She wants some action, and what she can’t get from her impotent husband, she looks for elsewhere, first with his best friend Pierre Brasseur, then with his boss Lucien Gallas, who is also dating Brasseur’s kid sister Odette Joyeux.
A pompous grocer’s assistant in Marseille annoys a visiting film crew so much that they prank him with a phony acting contract; believing it to be real, the “schpountz” heads to Paris for his new career.
Hercule, a young peasant, inherits a Parisian newspaper with a large circulation. The editor-in-chief, Vasco, takes advantage of his ignorance to make corruption prevail. But Hercules gradually realizes the role that we make him play.
monsieur Dubois
Poorly educated by her father, a wacky researcher, Claudine is a teenager full of life who loves her small village school run by Miss Sergeant. A new teacher, Aimée Lanthenay, arrives at the school. Seemingly awkward, she is actually an arrivist who manages to get the departure of Miss Sergeant.
Georges Letournel, le fils du mari de Jacqueline
A young unemployed girl pretends to be a boy and gets a job as a car washer.
Edmond Trivelin
A timid young man marries the daughter of the entomologist he works for. On the train for their honeymoon, he takes his young wife in his arms when a customs officer suddenly enters the compartment. The groom is now inhibited.
Louis Cruciol, a married man, leads a double life: he maintains his mistress by taking the identity of one of his employees, Louis Cornette. A series of misunderstandings ensues.
A shy young composer gets a job as musical director, under a false name, at a music publisher. The editor has two charming daughters, one falls in love with the composer, and the other with the musical director, two people who are only one man... Complications, misunderstandings and a happy ending.
Gontran is required to marry if he wants to benefit from his aunt's inheritance. To convince the latter in favor of a visit, he calls on the wife of a friend who will play the role of the future wife. This maneuver will cause many misunderstandings.
Maryse blackmails her former lovers by threatening to mention their names in her memoirs. But a real blackmailer appears and cashes the checks for him.
Two different young couples marry, despite the wishes to the contrary of their parents.
Irene, a young Hungarian becomes an elegant and brilliant Parisian for the love of a car racer. Her transformation earns her the heart of her beloved.
A young woman is seduced by a soldier whose name she does not know. Pregnant, she asks the colonel to review the squadron in order to recognize him.
Georges Darnetal
Mister Darnétal is invited by his nephew Georges to the premiere of his extravaganza in Paris;but his partner (he did not marry her,even after all those years)is not prepared to accept it and he uses his best friend as an alibi ;the two pals intend to live a wild life in the capital where there are plenty of lovely girls.But the uncle discovers that his dear nephew has a fiancee ,actually an unwed mother for she's got a little kid.The young man has fallen for the star of his variety show,a coquette fickle Chanteuse who ,in the end ,only has eyes for her co-star in the show .Uncle gets angry ,threatens to disinherit this infamous nephew and marries the young mom ,unbeknown to his fifty-something partner who has come to meet him in Paris.
Jean Berthier
A wealthy businessman joins his servant, who has won a winter getaway, on the trip, but at the hotel where they stay the servant is mistaken for the master.
Jean Forestier
From Constantinople to Marseilles, aboard a cargo ship, an intrigue full of adventures brings together a courageous young girl and a young risk-taker who succeeds in thwarting a series of long-planned crimes.
Lt. de Tokay
Princess Wilma is forced to wed by midnight or lose her inheritance. She impulsively chooses gypsy vagabond Latzi, offering him a huge sum of money if he'll consent. Swallowing his pride, Latzi agrees to the marriage, but soon the coy Countess falls in love with young Lieutenant de Tokay, who is himself in love with Latzi's gypsy sweetheart Tinka.
(Pierre, un "deuxième classe")
In a small provincial town, the new colonel of the dragoon regiment consigns all his men. Three soldiers defy orders and jump the wall. But the colonel becomes indulgent thanks to the intervention of the general who did not remain insensitive to the charm of a young American.
A restaurant waiter and the telephone operator at the Palace of Cap Martin sympathize without ever being able to go out together, because their day off is not the same. In the meantime, the disappearance of the Prince of Roumelia, whom no one knows, is announced. The boy, with the complicity of the young girl, pretends to be the Prince. They have a happy day. But the deception is quickly discovered, they are fired. Fortunately, the real prince arrives and asks for their forgiveness.
In this musical comedy, all the heirs of a recently deceased uncle must stay in his chateau until they find a buyer for it.If no one is found or if any of them leave, the place will be left to its Chinese servants, who devise tricks to cheat the heirs.
El cantante de ópera Enrico Ferraro, cansado de sus demasiados compromisos, salta del tren escapando de su manager y se cambia a otro yendo a la Riviera. Hace un amigo y se detiene en un pueblo, donde (al parecer) puede por fin tener unas merecidas vacaciones, con el interés añadido de conocer a una hermosa chica de los alrededores.
The new bride of a young Viennese is so demanding about her career that she lets him go on the honeymoon solo so she can do an engagement.Left on his own,he finds an unpretentious young lady who suits him better.
The story of Madame Leroy-Gomez, a wealthy divorcee living in Paris. Together with her servant Antoine she schemes to marry off her unmarried children and fix any issues that arise for those already married.
René is hungry and has no money. He returns home, where only bills await him. Her neighbor Lulu is a film actress. She tries to get him hired as an extra on the set where she herself works. It is a film about gastronomy. He thinks he can finally get his fill of food, but bad luck, he plays the role of an old man who pushes her away. At the end of the day, he returns home and, passing in front of his landlady who receives, goes to mime them all that is supposed to have taken place during the filming by eating all the food offered to his appetite. After this meal, he will invite his neighbor Lulu to come to his place.
A woman staying at a health spa (Lillian Harvey, goes to the theater every night to see "Quick" a comic performer, who wears clown make-up. She meets him off stage, without make-up and doesn't recognize him. He courts her, hoping she'll like him for himself but she maintains her crush on "Quick."
On the eve of getting married by order of his mother to a wealthy American heiress, Leon learns that his former friend just had a child. She cannot keep him, however, being in poverty.
A poor youth of noble birth needs to marry. Will the cynical, calculating upstart who wants to set him on the right course be able to help?