Gijs van de Westelaken

Nacimiento : , Geldrop, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands


The New Artis
Artis, the Netherlands’ oldest zoo, is about to undergo its most radical renovation in its 178 years of existence. The inspired managing director has a very clear mission – but, is this mission at the same time not a threat to himself, his employees and his animals? And also: how can we look after our environment whilst at the same time we wish to reduce our influence on it?
Adamo, un joven marroquí-italiano que vive en Bélgica, perdió a sus padres a los 6 años, y su tío Farid, un amigo de su padre, le acogió en su familia. Acompañado de tres amigos inseparables, Badia, Younes y Volt, que también viven en el barrio de 't Kiel' en Amberes, están dispuestos a todo para convertirse en legendarios pandilleros. Los cuatro se sumergen de cabeza en una guerra de bandas, dejándose llevar por un torbellino de delincuencia cuyas repercusiones llegan hasta Colombia
The New Rijksmuseum
En abril de 2013, el Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam, de una categoría similar al Louvre, el Prado y el Hermitage y principal atracción turística de Holanda, reabrió sus puertas tras casi diez años de una reforma carísima y muy polémica. Durante este período en el que las obras maestras de Vermeer, Rembrandt y otros artistas holandeses desaparecieron de la vista del público, el director Oeke Hoogendijk documentó este complejísimo proceso. La película retrata los problemas logísticos y burocráticos del proyecto de reforma firmado por los arquitectos españoles Antonio Cruz y Antonio Ortiz y se convierte en un estudio sociológico del impacto de una obra arquitectónica en la sociedad.
2/11 Het spel van de wolf
Scenario Writer
2 November 2004, shortly before nine in the morning. In The Hague, the report comes in that in Amsterdam Theo van Gogh has been murdered. All warning bells start ringing. With the country in flames, sometimes literally, politicians and officials in The Hague have to neutralise all sorts of known and unknown stings, and just when Van Gogh’s cremation seems to herald a period of relative peace, a second explosion follows: the attack on the Hofstad Network in the Laakkwartier in The Hague. A reconstruction of nine days of political high tension and flying dust, a decade after the assassination of the trendsetting filmmaker and TV presenter.
Confetti Harvest
The young Katelijne grows up in a strict Protestant peasant family. As the only girl between six brothers, she is hardly involved in farm work and is excluded from daily conversations. Hereby she lets her imagination run free by surrendering to Biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although she is not allowed to read them. During her brother's wedding, however, she overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.
After a couple of drinks two twenty-something students make a deal to have sex with each other for 2000 Euros. The deal takes them to Barcelona. There, their mutual embarrassment over the deal complicates matters, but brings them closer together.
The Renovation
Tessa opens her luxurious clinic with a big party. She is smart, beautiful, savvy, and happily married with an intelligent adolescent son. But appearances are deceptive. In reality, her marriage is falling apart, her house renovation is a disaster and the finances of her clinic are a mess. Desperate, she accepts the helping hand of a friend from the past who has turned up suddenly, but in doing so, opens herself up to an ordeal of terror and blackmail.
170 Hz
Nick and Evy are in love. Knowing that Nick is deaf, Evy’s parents do not consent to their relationship. They run away and move into an abandoned submarine, hidden from judgmental eyes. Their runaway love brings them new opportunities and new hardships...
Basado en el film homónimo del malogrado director holandés Theo Van Gogh. Pierre Peders (Steve Buscemi), un prestigioso corresponsal de guerra que atraviesa un momento crítico, se ha endurecido presenciando las inimaginables atrocidades cometidas por las tropas. Un día su editor lo obliga a entrevistar a Katya (Sienna Miller), la actriz de telenovelas más famosa del mundo. Aunque ofendido y humillado, Pierre se pone en contacto con Katya, convencido de que la entrevista será absurda e irrelevante; sin embargo, su encuentro con la mujer le deparará más de una sorpresa; descubre que bajo el glamour y el lujo que la rodean, hay una mujer inteligente, de ingenio afilado, con sus cicatrices y recovecos. Ambos comienzan a tejer entonces una entrevista llena de afiladas críticas, tensión sexual y lúcidas reflexiones sobre todo y sobre todos.
Prettig weekend - ondanks alles
One year after the assassination of Theo van Gogh, Katja Schuurman and Stan de Jong examine the government's role. They claim that 'intelligence services and the police have blundered at a large scale'. For example, it was unjustifiable that Theo van Gogh did not have government protection, and the film demonstrates that after the killing the police first examined the wrong apartment. Schuurman talks to people involved, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, with whom Van Gogh made the controversial film Submission, the Amsterdam chief public prosecutor Leo de Wit, who denies statements that were previously uttered (and filmed), and film producer Gijs van de Westelaken and chief editor of Metro Jan Dijkgraaf, who both condemn the police. Archive footage shows Theo van Gogh himself, Pim Fortuyn and the attacks in New York and Madrid; replays and close-ups of TV fragments emphasize salient statements.
Un periodista a quien le han asignado entrevistar a estrella holandesa Katja Schuurman (interpretándose a sí misma) en el apartamento de la actriz, se siente desilusionado por la superficialidad del encargo, ya que sus tareas habituales son como corresponsal político. Al principio no sabe qué puede preguntar, pero pronto afloran los secretos más oscuros de ambos...