Sarah Adler

Sarah Adler

Nacimiento : 1978-06-18, Paris, France


Sarah Adler
Sarah Adler


Beating Sun
Max is preparing an architecture and landscape competition for the city of Marseille. He is confident, his project is daring but pioneering. The oral is going well. The garden on this square is finally emerging and with it radical changes for the inhabitants as well as for Max whose career is stalling dangerously.
Tel Aviv Beirut
With the backdrop of the 1980s Israeli-Lebanese conflict, this road movie portrays the journey of women separated from their families by the border.
Monsieur Deligny, vagabond efficace
Famous educator Fernand Deligny tries to find ways to communicate beyond language with troubled and autistic children in his care.
Quisiera que alguien me esperara en algún lugar
Aurore decide celebrar su 70º cumpleaños en su residencia de verano junto a sus 4 hijos. Uno de ellos tomará una decisión que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
El repostero de Berlín
En Berlín, Oren, un ingeniero constructor israelí que trabaja periódicamente en un gran proyecto, se encapricha del pastelero Thomas. El romance ni siquiera parece haber empezado propiamente cuando Thomas descubre que Oren ha muerto en un accidente de coche en Jerusalen. Thomas viaja allí sin saber exactamente qué es lo que está buscando. Sí halla, con todo, el café del que es propietaria la mujer de Oren, Anat, quien no tarda en ofrecerle un empleo de lo más básico, consistente en limpiar y fregar cacharros. Thomas no revela su talento hasta el cumpleaños del hijo de Anat, cuando decide preparar una sorpresa bajo la forma de una confección de pastas. Esto no acaba de sentar bien al religioso Motti, el hermano de Oren. A eso hay que sumar un hecho simple: Thomas es alemán, la comida que prepara un goy no es de conformidad con la ley judaica y un café en Jerusalem pierde clientes sin el certificado kosher.
Daphna Feldmann
En el Israel de nuestros días, un matrimonio con problemas recibe la noticia de que el hijo ha muerto en el frente. Tras el luto, la mala nueva se descubre que es falsa. Una confusión de nombres...
Los años perdidos
Marie Launey
Para Marie Launey, la pesadilla comienza cuando se encuentra a su madre, con un arma en la mano, cerca del cadáver de su padre. Sin duda para la policía: Catherine, mató a su marido Jean en un ataque de celos. Marie está convencida de su inocencia, pero como su hermana Juliette no deja de recordarle, su ausencia durante años tal vez afecte su juicio ... ¿Y quién es realmente ese tío Daniel que regresó recientemente de Brasil que su madre parece confundir con su marido? Trabajando como restauradora de pinturas, Jean había analizado recientemente "The Deposition of Christ", un lienzo que resulta ser una copia. ¿Había descubierto un tráfico de falsificadores?
The story is set in Palestine in 1947, during the British mandate period. The Zionists are fighting for the establishment of a Jewish state, and four comrades in arms pressure the young Elisha to overcome his moral qualms and fully commit to the armed struggle.
French Dolls
Louise, Sam, Lili. Three women who don't know each other but whom will be forced to meet, get together, and compare themselves to each other by the wild will of evolution.
Tsili is a young girl caught in the middle of World War II. After her family is taken to a concentration camp, Tsili hides in the forest, free from hatred and men, until the arrival of Marek, a stranger who speaks to her in Yiddish.
Self Made
Self Made tells the story of two women - one Israeli, the other Palestinian- who are trapped within their respective worlds. After a mix-up at a checkpoint, they find themselves living the life of the other on the opposite side of the border.
D'où que vienne la douleur
Two years ago, Romy left his mother, Monique, a prostitute who does not give hard-ons any more, without leaving any signs or ever giving any news. Their getting back togeather is a collision, a last-ditch struggle.
Ana Arabia
Filmed in one sequence-shot of 1 hour and 25 minutes, Ana Arabia is a moment in the life of a small community of outcasts, Jews and Arabs, who live together in a forgotten enclave at the “border” between Jaffa and Bat Yam, in Israel. One day, Yael, a young journalist, visits them. In these dilapidated shacks, in the orchard filled with lemon trees and surrounded by mass public houses, she discovers a range of characters far removed from the usual clichés offered by the region. Yael has the feeling of having discovered a human goldmine. She no longer thinks of her job. Faces and words of Youssef and Miriam, Sarah and Walid, of their neighbors, their friends tell her about life, its dreams and its hopes, its love affairs, desires and disillusions. Their relation to time is different than that of the city around them. In this tinkered and fragile place, there is a possibility of coexistence. A universal metaphor.
One evening, Sophie decides to house a woman in distress sleeping at the bottom of her building. At night, she can not close her eyes: what madness may have pushed her to bring an unknown woman home?
Big Bad Wolves
Dror's Wife (voice)
Una serie de brutales asesinatos provocan la inestabilidad en un pueblo alejado de la metrópoli. Estos duros acontecimientos provocarán que la vida de tres hombres quede entrelazada entre sí para siempre. El padre de la primera víctima cuya sed de venganza es insostenible viendo la ineficacia policial a la hora de resolver el caso, un detective de policía que a la hora de resolver un conflicto decide actuar en el margen de la ley y un profesor de religión, máximo sospechoso de los asesinatos debido a su relación directa con las víctimas, es detenido aunque al final es liberado debido a una negligencia policial.
Up The Wrong Tree
This is the story of Nits, a restless bum and a hopeless cynic as he returns from his journey with an obsessive intention of bringing back his ex- girlfriend and their beloved dog. She however, throws him down the drain and so he finds himself, contrary to his anti- political and anti-everything attitude, stuck on top of a tree overlooking his beloved's apartment fearlessly leading an environmental battle against real estate sharks. For once in his life, he finds some comfort by staying put. He refuses to disembark even when the bulldozers charge in. Perhaps it's because he's had enough time on the road and finally understands there's nowhere to run to and perhaps because he can't remember what he's doing up that tree in the first place.
Cuando Thomas Overby cree erróneamente que Aya es el chófer que se le ha asignado, ella decide espontáneamente seguir la farsa y lo lleva a Jerusalén. Overby, un pianista rígido y reservado, está intrigado por la impulsiva aunque melancólica Aya. A medida que comienzan a conectar, la historia nos lleva a un viaje que esperamos que nunca termine.
A drama about a family's effort to save their antique restoration business.
Bachelor Days Are Over
Arnaud nicknamed "Cui Cui" no longer knows which way to look. He is about to marry Anna but he is not sure he really loves her. To make matters worse, he falls in love during the stag party he has with his friends. And Léa, a nightclub singer, is obviously the woman of his dreams. What to do? Cancel the wedding and create a scandal but be able to live with a woman he loves truly and loves him in return? Or be a good boy and not disappoint the company but say farewell to happiness. For four days, Arnaud goes to and fro aimlessly between Anna and Léa, between his eccentric sister and his self-centered mother, between hope and depression.
In a post-industrial world people are no longer able to dream. A factory run by Mr Terrier sells the frightened, sleepless masses a dreaming experience. Sarah, the single surviving dreamer, sets out to the only place that can provide answers to her strange night-time visions: the dream factory. Her arrival excites Mr Terrier, who is searching for a new dreamer. The visions of the old comatose man, whose dreams Mr Terrier taps into, have become repetitive and dull. He must be replaced. Didi, Sarah's lover, cuts and edits the dreams for Mr Terrier. To avoid Sarah turning out like the old man, Didi must save her. But for Terrier, Sarah holds the future of his company. He kidnaps her, tying her up then forcibly drugging her. After awakening, Sarah comes to realize the repercussions her dreams have had in the real world.
31 de diciembre de 1990. El ultimátum lanzado a Irán por la ONU expira dentro de quince días : si Saddam Hussein no evacúa Kuwait, les Aliados recibirán mandato de hacer uso de la fuerza. En los despachos de prensa occidentales se habla de una posible tercera guerra mundial. En Jerusalén, se siente una gran angustia : Saddam Hussein amenaza con lanzar contra Israel Scuds cargados con armas químicas y bacteriológicas.(FILMAFFINITY)
La vie des bêtes
Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
María Antonieta
Comtesse d'Artois
Francia, siglo XVIII. El compromiso matrimonial entre el futuro Luis XVI (Schwartzman) y María Antonieta (Dunst) sirve para sellar una alianza entre Francia y Austria. Con sólo catorce años, la ingenua princesa austríaca se ve obligada a abandonar Viena, su familia y sus amigos para instalarse en la opulenta, sofisticada y libertina corte francesa, donde reinan las intrigas y los escándalos. La joven se rebela contra el aislamiento que representa la corte de Versalles y se convierte en la reina más incomprendida de Francia.
Nina's House
Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.
Year Zero
Through a mosaic of stories intertwined and created a current picture of the sad social and economic situation in Israel. Mother forced into prostitution to support her son; Blind man must survive after loosing his dog; Son is looking for his rocker father's; Apartment owner complicates his life while entering the underworld...
Nuestra música
Judith Lerner
El filme está compuesto de tres partes, respectivamente tituladas: Reino 1. Infierno; Reino 2: Purgatorio y Reino 3: Paraíso. El infierno, de una duración aproximada de siete u ocho minutos, se compone de distintas imágenes de guerra, sin orden cronológico o histórico. Aviones, tanques, buques de guerra, explosiones, fusilamientos, ejecuciones, poblaciones en fuga, campos devastados, ciudades destruidas, etc. Todo tanto en blanco y negro como en color. Las imágenes quedan mudas, acompañadas por cuatro frases y cuatro músicas (piano). El purgatorio, de aproximadamente una hora de duración, se desarrolla en nuestros días en la ciudad de Sarajevo -mártir entre otras - con ocasión de los Encuentro Europeos del Libro. Se trata de conferencias o de simples conversaciones sobre la necesidad de la poesía, de la imagen de uno mismo y el otro, de Palestina e Israel, etc., (FILMAFFINITY)
A neurotic and overly-presumptuous mother accuses her family's au pair of stealing a cherished heirloom, much to the chagrin of her husband.
Afraid of Everything
Anne is partly handicapped following a car accident and in the year of her rehabilitation she has rarely left her apartment in America. She lives with her husband Donny, an architect, and spends all day reorganising her apartment and with other futilities. While the couple are very fond of each other, the agoraphobia and the physical discomfort are not without their consequences for the marriage. Yet neither of them takes the plunge and talks about the frustrations and the lack of sexual contact. Change comes to this tense, silent existence cut off from the world when Anne's half-sister Iris comes to visit from Israel. A teenager filled with energy and fun, who is however attracted to the withdrawn and secure lifestyle of Anne and Donny. She nestles into the house like a wasp in a bottle of beer, but her presence brings the couple's suppressed fears and desires at the surface.