Andreas Schmidt

Andreas Schmidt

Nacimiento : 1963-11-23, Finnentrop, Germany

Muerte : 2017-09-28


Andreas Schmidt
Andreas Schmidt


The Invisibles
Hans Winkler
Cuatro judíos logran sobrevivir al Tercer Reich en pleno Berlín convirtiéndose en lo que más tarde se denominaría "invisibles"
Zwei Bauern und kein Land
The Legend of Timm Thaler: or The Boy Who Sold His Laughter
The devil tricks a little boy off his laughter in exchange for assured wins in all his bets. It depicts his journey after the deal with the devil, how he loses his soul bit by bit with each win.
Wolfsland - Tief im Wald
Georg Ebertin
Wolfsland – Ewig Dein
Gregor Ebertin
Krauses Glück
Police chief Horst Krause is retired. Together with his sister Elsa, he takes care of the inn in Schönhorst. But none of that makes him happy.
Emma nach Mitternacht - Frau Hölle
Fortune Favors the Brave
Frank Weiss
Eleven-year-old Linh shows great grace under pressure. When her mother, who’s raising her kids on her own, has to return unexpectedly to Vietnam, Linh looks after her little sister Tien and the family restaurant on her own. Of course, no one is supposed to find out, not the school, not the neighbours, and definitely not child protective services. But Linh’s biggest problem has red hair, a telescope and a sly grin: Pauline. The daredevil from across the street has the whole neighbourhood under surveillance and can’t imagine anything cooler than a life without parents. When Pauline blackmails the Vietnamese sisters into starting a gang with her, the three girls set off on a daring adventure.
Emma nach Mitternacht - Der Wolf und die sieben Geiseln
Benno Heinle
Das Romeo-Prinzip
Tom does not have it easy. At the student theater, his friend Jan and his beloved Annelie play the leading roles; the inconspicuous Tom, on the other hand, makes the prop. When he realizes that he must finally take his life, and especially love, into his own hands, he turns to his janitor, Mr Müller. What Tom does not know: Müller was once a psychologist of the Stasi! In the so-called "Romeo" program, he prepared male agents to address women in Germany and make them available as a source.
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der große Schatz
Fiete Finnsen
Die Wallensteins - Dresdner Dämonen
Carsten Günther
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der Schäfer
Fiete Finnsen
To Life!
Fate has taken its toll on the aging cabaret singer Ruth and the young but terminally ill Jonas. Yet despite their great age difference and their entirely opposite experiences in life, they form an intense bond and give each other a reason and purpose to live.
Krauses Geheimnis
Horst Krause still can't believe that his sister Meta moved to Cologne because of love. When a stranger surprisingly asks for a room, some excitement returns. Albert has been abandoned by his wife and does not know how to proceed. But why does the sailor end up in Schönhorst of all places? Strange hints awaken buried memories - could it be that the liaison that Krause had with a circus artist in the summer of 1961 was not without consequences?
Reiff für die Insel – Katharina und die Dänen
Fiete Finnsen
Radical Evil
Das radikal Böse is a German-Austrian documentary that attempted to explore psychological processes and individual decision latitude "normal young men" in the German Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and SD, which in 1941 during the Second World War as part of the Holocaust two million Jewish civilians shot dead in Eastern Europe.
Herr Karl
November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...
Banklady tells the true story of Gisela Werler, a law-abiding factory worker from Hamburg, who falls in love with a thief and becomes a media darling as Germany’s first and most notorious female bank robber. Cunning, sexy, and exciting, Gisela and her beloved Hermann pull off one daring heist after another. Banklady follows this outlaw who captured Germany’s imagination, boldly defying gender expectations and living a decades-long Bonnie and Clyde romance.
Friend of Family
La joven Helen Memel de 18 años tiene predilección por usar verduras para la masturbación y opina que la higiene corporal está sobrevalorada. Provoca a los demás pronunciando las palabras que ellos ni en sueños se atreverían a enunciar. Los padres de Helen están divorciados y nada la haría más feliz que verlos juntos de nuevo. Solamente con su mejor amiga Corinna se siente arropada, pues juntas rompen muchos tabúes sociales. Un día, al depilarse en la zona íntima, se lastima accidentalmente y tiene que ingresar al hospital. El médico encargado del caso, Prof. Notz, la considera un caso excepcional y causa revuelo en el hospital por su desparpajo y su sinceridad.
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der ganz große Fisch
Fiete Finnsen
A Family of Three
When novelist Andrea Dewenter dies in a car accident, the lives of her husband Christian, grown-up son Lars, and adolescent daughter Elaine go off the rails. For all three, the few days between Andrea's sudden death and her funeral turn into an emotional roller coaster that eventually shows them the virtue of being a family.
Deckname Luna
Die zertanzten Schuhe
Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.
Krauses Braut
Rolf-Dieter Schlunzke
Krause and Elsa are stunned: their sister Meta wants to get married. She chose the Cologne taxi driver Rudi Weisglut, whom she met two years earlier during Krause's cure on the Baltic Sea.
Das Mädchen auf dem Meeresgrund
When Hans Hass seeks a secretary for his Viennese office in the summer of 1947, Lotte Baierl applies for the job. She has just graduated from high school and is a big fan of Hass. Lotte is learning how to handle diving equipment and underwater cameras, as she wants to participate in the next expedition. Hass, who is initially against the participation of a woman, changes his mind. The TV movie tells the story of the two diving pioneers.
El ángel de la justicia
Knut Dierksen
Película protagonizada por Katja Weitzenböck. Ella interpreta a una abogada que lucha por la gente necesitada.
Valentins Freund
Ambientada en el siglo XIX. Se basa en la leyenda alemana de Fausto, un sabio que hace un pacto con el diablo, y en las adaptaciones literarias del mito por parte de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe y Thomas Mann.
Ein guter Sommer
Reisebusfahrer Andi Komorowski
Eines Tages...
Stefan Ranft
Enrique IV
Guillaume du Bartas
Coproducción europea que gira en torno a la figura de Enrique IV de Francia y III de Navarra (1503-1555). A Enrique se le conocería como 'el rey bueno' de Francia, un joven príncipe navarro, llamado a ser un día Rey de Francia, según la profecía de Nostradamus. Tras largos años de guerras religiosas e intrigas de salón, Enrique llegará al trono. Su igualitarismo religioso, su pasión por la vida y las mujeres, su preferencia por los más desvalidos, convertirán a Enrique IV en un monarca excepcional. Los telespectadores se sorprenderán con la fascinante aventura de este rey que se enfrentó a las grandes casas reales europeas, que luchó por su vida más de una vez, que vivió incontables amores y que tuvo, por lo menos, 18 hijos.
Spook Inn
Geist Chlodwig Bückler
Chef Ralf Dienert from Berlin buys an old inn in Spessart after the death of his wife. When he arrives there he will have to deal with the thieving ghosts Karl, Mops and Clovis.
Liebling, weck die Hühner auf
Pfarrer Juchem
Joanna Trollope: In Boston liebt man doppelt
Krauses Kur
On a summer evening the circuit of the village policeman Krause suddenly went crazy. His doctor immediately prescribed a cure on the Baltic Sea for him. And so Krause and his sisters set off in the legendary "Dübener Ei". In the sanatorium he meets his roommate Rudi - an encounter with far-reaching consequences.
Zoogeflüster - Komm mir nicht ins Gehege!
Hugo Elstner
The Moon and Other Lovers
Der Mond und andere Liebhaber narrates the story of Hanna, a woman who will not take lifes set-backs and knock-downs sitting down. Instead, she takes them in her stride, picks herself up and marches onward. This is a woman who continually draws new courage from her inexhaustible will to live. Whatever losses and uncertainties come her way, she remains true to herself.
Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Krauses Fest
Rolf-Dieter Schlunzke
Police chief Krause celebrates Christmas every year with his two sisters. However, this year everything will be different.
Los falsificadores
Berlín, 1936. Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), el rey de los falsificadores de moneda, es un judío sin escrúpulos que cree que "la manera más rápida de ganar dinero es fabricar dinero". Nada le importa lo que está sucediendo a su alrededor, ni siquiera la situación de los judíos. Sin embargo, cuando estalla la guerra, es arrestado y llevado a un campo de concentración nazi, donde se ve obligado a trabajar con otros falsificadores. Su misión: fabricar libras esterlinas y dólares americanos. A cambio, sus condiciones de vida son mejores que las de los demás prisioneros. Sin embargo, esta situación les plantea a algunos un dilema moral: cooperar con sus verdugos equivale prolongar la guerra y facilitar la victoria de la Alemania nazi.
Rudy, el cerdito de carreras
Hasta ahora, Nickel (Maurice Teichert) y su padre soltero Thomas (Sebastian Koch) han tenido una excelente relación, pero cuando Nickel vuelve de una excursión con el cerdito Rudy metido en la mochila, todo se complica. Para colmo, papá tiene una novia, madre (Sophie Von Kessel) y, lo que es peor: ella y su hija Felicitas (Sina Richardt) se instalan a vivir en su casa. Nickel hace un trato con su padre: si ellas se quedan, Rudy también. Pero el travieso cerdito siembra el caos y provoca constantes peleas en la familia.
Beutolomäus und der geheime Weihnachtswunsch
17-year-old Guido suffers since his early childhood from neurodermatitis. After being taken to the hospital due to a heavy attack, he starts to question his personal and familiar environment and discovers that his parents’ relationship – which he assumed to be happy and sound – is built on lies. Unable to deal with this disappointment, he flees from it and moves in with his older brother and his roommates...
Verano en Berlín
Verano en Berlín. Katrin y Nike son dos amigas que viven en una casa antigua de lo que fue Berlín Este. El piso de Nike tiene un balcón, donde pasa noches enteras charlando con Katrin, que vive con su hijo en la planta baja. Suspendidas entre el cielo y la tierra, se instalan en el balcón y observan la existencia diversa y compleja de los hombres, reflexionando acerca de sus propias vidas y de sus deseos.
Bin ich sexy?
Locked Up
In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?
El fantasma de Canterville
Sir Simon Canterville
La familia Brenner ha decidido pasar sus vacaciones en el castillo de Canterville, un mágico lugar en Escocia, en donde abundan las leyendas. Un noche de tormenta, empiezan a escucharse extraños sonidos: se trata del fantasma del castillo, que una vez más acude a atemorizar a los inquilinos. Pero la familia Brenner no es como las demás, y el pequeño Paul no mostrará ningún temor, convirtiéndose en amigo del fantasma
Guys & Balls
Ecky está bajo los palos para intentar parar el penalti decisivo en el último partido que su equipo disputa en la liga regional. Y no lo para. Si se tratara de Casillas, Barthez o Khan, los hinchas lo justificarían como una cantada pasajera o mejor aún, una noche movida cumpliendo con señoritas modelos. Como se trata de Ecky y toda la ciudad acaba de descubrir que es gay, por puro prejuicio popular bien arraigado: “los homosexuales si de algo no entienden es de fútbol”, lo condenan al ostracismo. Pero Ecky no sólo no se rinde, sino que comienza a ojear talentos para crear el primer equipo de fútbol gay de la historia. Y aún más: demostrará que, para jugar al fútbol, mejor arte y talento que testosterona y las pelotas, mejor sobre el césped que presumir de ellas.
Liebe in der Warteschleife
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Ich will laufen! Der Fall Dieter Baumann
Stephane Franke
Hunger auf Leben
Paul Korb, 'Halber Hahn'
Liebe auf Bewährung
Beach Boys - Rette sich wer kann
Hotte in Paradise
Hotte, a Berlin-based pimp with only modest turnovers, suddenly becomes a big player in the prostitution business. He has three girls on the streets: Rosa is in love with Hotte and is working hard for him. Jenny, the new girl, is an unconventional prostitute but nevertheless much sought-after by her clients. And the third girl, Yvonne, also brings in a large turn-out. So, Hotte’s proceeds are more than sufficient to buy expensive accessoires and to boost his reputation with the other pimps. But when Yvonne quits her job and Jenny starts to work for another pimp, Hotte’s rise comes to a sudden end
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Veteran film director Matty Bonkers, a Hollywood legend, arrives in Berlin for an honorary retrospective tribute. While introducing his film Mockery, he receives a phone call from his producer lying in intensive care at a hospital. Blau needs a favor for old times' sake. Could Matty finish a porn movie before his legs get broken by Tokyo Tony? Matty reluctantly agrees. On the set he meets movie star and ex-cello-player Inga - and the experience is bizarre spirited uplifting a comédie humaine.
Schutzengel gesucht
Why Don't We Do It in the Road?
In the middle of the road on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin's heaviest tourist attraction and as close to Times Square as Germany will ever get. How they manage to "do it" there is Zarah's idea, a postmodern creative artist, who likes doing it with Anton in the most quaint and daring of public places - right where and when the traffic is the heaviest. This time, to heighten the fun, Zarah hits upon a special object of desire . . .
Heidi M.
Heidi M. is in her late forties and has a small store in the pulsating center of Berlin. She goes out in the evenings with her friend Jacqui, but when she is unexpectedly confronted with romantic love, old wounds are opened.
Todo por el éxito
Viktor Vogel sueña con triunfar en una agencia de publicidad. Un día, sin previo aviso, se presenta en la reunión de una campaña de Opel. Viktor causa buena impresión pero está claro que no funciona para ese empleo ya que es demasiado honesto y directo. Sin embargo, precisamente eso es lo que atrae a la directora de marketing, quien le ayudará a conseguir un trabajo en la empresa, ni más ni menos que dirigir una millonaria campaña.
Der Solist - Niemandsland
Planet Alex
The Metropolitan Opera - Mozart: The Magic Flute
Speaker of the Temple
Mozart’s allegorical fairy tale has charmed audiences and inspired artists, for more than 200 years. A few weeks before this telecast, the Met unveiled a new production of the opera featuring the colorful designs of acclaimed artist David Hockney. His bold colors and vivid images enchanted audiences and seemed to inspire the striking cast, led by James Levine’s affectionate conducting. Francisco Araiza is the young prince Tamino, who finds himself in a strange land, forced to undergo mysterious tests so he can rescue, then marry, the woman he loves, Pamina, played by Kathleen Battle. Kurt Moll is the compassionate Sarastro and Luciana Serra is the Queen of the Night.
Maria is a wife and mother in the beautiful, but very remote Connemara region of Ireland. When an old friend from Germany arrives in the place, her life is thrown into turmoil.
Plus-minus null
Berlin. A lonely construction worker falls in love with an East European prostitute. She asks him to marry her - but they have different ideas about the reason for this marriage.
Der Schnapper: Blumen für den Mörder
Kidnapping Mom & Dad
La vida en obras
Mieter mit Schrank
Narra la historia de un hombre que, camino del trabajo, se enfrenta con dos policías de paisano. Como consecuencia, tiene que huir hacia las afueras de la ciudad, y lo hace en compañía de Vera, una joven a la que no conoce y de la que se enamora.
The Greatest Love and the Greatest Sorrow
The Greatest Love and the Greatest Sorrow is a film which sets out to bring the viewer closer, not to the details of Schubert's life, but to the spirit of what he was trying to express with what he called his creative gift and with which he tried "to brighten the world". The film begins with the funeral of Beethoven, at which Schubert was a torch-bearer, His story is told almost entirely in music written in the twenty months that remained to him after that date, together with quotations from Schubert's letters, diaries and the words that he chose to set in some of his songs. Includes personal introductions by Christopher Nupen and Jacqueline du Pré and features the legendary 1969 performance of The Trout with Daniel Barenboim, Itzhak Perlman, Jacqueline du Pré, Pinchas Zukerman and Zubin Mehta.
Le Nozze di Figaro
Count Almaviva
Live from Glyndebourne 1994. The first production to be filmed Live in Glyndebourne´s new opera house May 1994. The Marriage of Figaro is a continuation of the plot of The Barber of Seville several years later, and recounts a single “day of madness” in the palace of the Count Almaviva near Seville, Spain. Rosina is now the Countess; Dr. Bartolo is seeking revenge against Figaro for thwarting his plans to marry Rosina himself; and Count Almaviva has degenerated from the romantic youth of Barber into a scheming, bullying, skirt-chasing baritone. This follows the Count trying to obtain favours from Susanna, Figaro’s bride to be, under the nose of the Countess.
Le nozze di Figaro
Count Almaviva
The Marriage of Figaro is a continuation of the plot of The Barber of Seville several years later, and recounts a single "day of madness" in the palace of the Count Almaviva near Seville, Spain. Rosina is now the Countess; Dr. Bartolo is seeking revenge against Figaro for thwarting his plans to marry Rosina himself; and Count Almaviva has degenerated from the romantic youth of Barber into a scheming, bullying, skirt-chasing baritone. This follows the Count trying to obtain favours from Susanna, Figaro's bride to be, under the nose of the Countess.
Black Rider
A young black man is verbally harassed by an older woman on a streetcar, while the other passengers remain silent. He finally exacts his revenge.
The Rose Garden
In Germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. The attacker refuses to speak. A female lawyer is appointed to him. She discovers that the attacker has numbers tattooed on his arm and the attacked man was a German officer.
Der Leibwächter
El microchip asesino
Civil Servant
La historia empieza con la desaparición del "superchip". Éste ha pasado a poder de Peters, quien resulta invencible mientras lo posea. Peters es capaz de preparar cualquier tipo de juego para ordenadores, es el número uno. Más tarde, Peters desaparece; dos personas lo buscan, aunque por razones muy diferentes. Una de ellas, la Srta. Flanagan, es una profesora de alemán llegada de Estados Unidos, siempre dispuesta a ayudar a los demás. La otra es Kai Westerburg, el ayudante de Peters en el manejo de ordenadores. Ambos le buscan juntos a pesar de que no se gustan demasiado. De pronto, aparece una tercera persona que busca a Peters. Es un personaje misterioso que habla ruso y que no cree en absoluto en la cooperación, prefiere golpear duro. A partir de ese momento, la búsqueda se convierte en persecución y la tensión nerviosa en amor. Pero Peters no quiere verse perseguido, prefiere ser él quién persiga, por lo que los cazadores podrían ser cazados.
The Trout
Christopher Nupen's record of the concert given by five young musicians in the new Queen Elizabeth Hall at London's South Bank, in 1969. The Trout is an exuberant explosion of youthful enjoyment in music: first from Schubert himself, who wrote his famous Trout quintet when he was 22 years old, and then from five young artists of the highest rank. They pick up the spirit of Schubert's music magnificently, both in preparation and rehearsal, and in their 1969 performance of the work, which has become one of the most remembered ever given. Includes personal introductions by Christopher Nupen and Jacqueline du Pré and features the legendary 1969 performance of The Trout with Daniel Barenboim, Itzhak Perlman, Jacqueline du Pré, Pinchas Zukerman and Zubin Mehta.