Hans Winkler
Четыре молодых еврея переживают Третий Рейх в середине Берлина, так безрассудно живут, что становятся «невидимыми».
Тим Талер беден, но очарователен и очень любит смеяться. Однажды состоятельный господин делает ему заманчивое предложение: если Тим согласится продать ему свой смех, любая его ставка будет победной…
Georg Ebertin
Gregor Ebertin
Police chief Horst Krause is retired. Together with his sister Elsa, he takes care of the inn in Schönhorst. But none of that makes him happy.
Frank Weiss
Eleven-year-old Linh shows great grace under pressure. When her mother, who’s raising her kids on her own, has to return unexpectedly to Vietnam, Linh looks after her little sister Tien and the family restaurant on her own. Of course, no one is supposed to find out, not the school, not the neighbours, and definitely not child protective services. But Linh’s biggest problem has red hair, a telescope and a sly grin: Pauline. The daredevil from across the street has the whole neighbourhood under surveillance and can’t imagine anything cooler than a life without parents. When Pauline blackmails the Vietnamese sisters into starting a gang with her, the three girls set off on a daring adventure.
Benno Heinle
После нескольких лет странствий по миру Эмма Майер решает осесть в немецком Мангейме. Она надеется получить место на радио-передаче «Ночной психолог», где сможет помочь советом радиослушателям. Всё оказывается не так, как она себе представляла. В первом же ее эфире поступает звонок от неизвестного, утверждающего, что он захватил заложников на автозаправке и грозится их всех убить. Недолго думая, Эмма вместе с шеф-редактором спешит в самую гущу событий, чтобы начать с преступником переговоры. Их результаты непредсказуемы…
Tom does not have it easy. At the student theater, his friend Jan and his beloved Annelie play the leading roles; the inconspicuous Tom, on the other hand, makes the prop. When he realizes that he must finally take his life, and especially love, into his own hands, he turns to his janitor, Mr Müller. What Tom does not know: Müller was once a psychologist of the Stasi! In the so-called "Romeo" program, he prepared male agents to address women in Germany and make them available as a source.
Fiete Finnsen
Carsten Günther
Fiete Finnsen
Судьба связала нестареющую шансонье Рут и молодого, но смертельно больного Джонаса. Тем не менее, несмотря на их большую разницу в возрасте и их полностью противоположный жизненный опыт, они образуют интенсивную связь и дают друг другу причину и цель, чтобы жить.
Horst Krause still can't believe that his sister Meta moved to Cologne because of love. When a stranger surprisingly asks for a room, some excitement returns. Albert has been abandoned by his wife and does not know how to proceed. But why does the sailor end up in Schönhorst of all places? Strange hints awaken buried memories - could it be that the liaison that Krause had with a circus artist in the summer of 1961 was not without consequences?
Fiete Finnsen
Das radikal Böse is a German-Austrian documentary that attempted to explore psychological processes and individual decision latitude "normal young men" in the German Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police and SD, which in 1941 during the Second World War as part of the Holocaust two million Jewish civilians shot dead in Eastern Europe.
Herr Karl
November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...
Banklady tells the true story of Gisela Werler, a law-abiding factory worker from Hamburg, who falls in love with a thief and becomes a media darling as Germany’s first and most notorious female bank robber. Cunning, sexy, and exciting, Gisela and her beloved Hermann pull off one daring heist after another. Banklady follows this outlaw who captured Germany’s imagination, boldly defying gender expectations and living a decades-long Bonnie and Clyde romance.
Friend of Family
Родители Хелен разведены, и поэтому самое заветное её желание — воссоединение семьи. Однажды, получив весьма необычную травму, девушка вынуждена обратиться за помощью к врачу. Случай её настолько необычен, что героиня быстро становится настоящей сенсацией для всей больницы. Понимая, что это великолепный шанс объединить родителей у своей постели, Хелен уговаривает медбрата Робина помочь ей с исполнением хитроумного плана…
Fiete Finnsen
Когда писательница Андреа Девентер погибает в автомобильный аварии, жизнь ее мужа Кристиана, взрослого сына Ларса и дочери-подростка Елани, идет верх тормашки. Для них эти несколько дней между неожиданной смертью Андреа и ее похоронами, превращаются в настоящий эмоциональный вызов, который в конечном итоге заканчивается осознанием всей силы семейных связей
Twelve princesses sleep in twelve beds in the same room; every night their doors are securely locked, but in the morning their shoes are found to be worn through as if they had been dancing all night. The king, in mourning, promises his kingdom and a daughter to any man who can discover the princesses'secret within three days and three nights, but those who fail within the set time limit will be put to death.
Rolf-Dieter Schlunzke
Krause and Elsa are stunned: their sister Meta wants to get married. She chose the Cologne taxi driver Rudi Weisglut, whom she met two years earlier during Krause's cure on the Baltic Sea.
When Hans Hass seeks a secretary for his Viennese office in the summer of 1947, Lotte Baierl applies for the job. She has just graduated from high school and is a big fan of Hass. Lotte is learning how to handle diving equipment and underwater cameras, as she wants to participate in the next expedition. Hass, who is initially against the participation of a woman, changes his mind. The TV movie tells the story of the two diving pioneers.
Knut Dierksen
Valentins Freund
Сюжетной основой является первая часть поэтической драмы Гете, где повествование, в основном, строится на любовной линии Фауст-Маргарита.
Reisebusfahrer Andi Komorowski
Stefan Ranft
Guillaume du Bartas
После смерти матери королем Наварры провозглашается Генрих, и вскоре он женится на Маргарите Валуа, известной как «королева Марго». Брак этот политический и имеет целью примирение католической и протестантской партий, которые ведут кровавую борьбу за землю и власть.Свадьбу празднуют несколько дней, которые заканчиваются жестокой расправой над протестантами — Варфоломеевской ночью. Генриху удается спастись, приняв католицизм, после чего он почти 4 года остается пленником при французском дворе. В феврале 1576, после побега на юг, Генрих возвращается к протестантству. В народной памяти Генрих IV остался как «добрый король Анри».
Geist Chlodwig Bückler
Chef Ralf Dienert from Berlin buys an old inn in Spessart after the death of his wife. When he arrives there he will have to deal with the thieving ghosts Karl, Mops and Clovis.
Pfarrer Juchem
On a summer evening the circuit of the village policeman Krause suddenly went crazy. His doctor immediately prescribed a cure on the Baltic Sea for him. And so Krause and his sisters set off in the legendary "Dübener Ei". In the sanatorium he meets his roommate Rudi - an encounter with far-reaching consequences.
Hugo Elstner
Der Mond und andere Liebhaber narrates the story of Hanna, a woman who will not take lifes set-backs and knock-downs sitting down. Instead, she takes them in her stride, picks herself up and marches onward. This is a woman who continually draws new courage from her inexhaustible will to live. Whatever losses and uncertainties come her way, she remains true to herself.
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Rolf-Dieter Schlunzke
Police chief Krause celebrates Christmas every year with his two sisters. However, this year everything will be different.
Берлин, 1936 год. Короля фальшивомонетчиков еврейского происхождения Соломона берут с поличным и доставляют в концлагерь, где знаменитому мошеннику приходится выживать, рисуя картины фашистской пропаганды. Затем гестаповцы переводят его в закрытый лагерь Заксенхаузен, где по приказу Гитлера собирается секретная группа заключенных-фальшивомонетчиков, которые должны печатать фиктивные доллары и фунты-стерлинги для подрыва экономики вражеских государств. Опытный «блинопек» Соломон и типографщик Адольф Бюргер оказывается перед нелегким выбором: работать на фашистов или погибнуть…
До сих пор Никель и его папа Томас жили дружно и счастливо. Однажды со школьной экскурсии Никель привозит домой забавного поросенка Руди, которого он спас от участия в страшных и жестоких поросячьих бегах. Но дома он обнаруживает невероятную картину: папа завел подругу!
17-year-old Guido suffers since his early childhood from neurodermatitis. After being taken to the hospital due to a heavy attack, he starts to question his personal and familiar environment and discovers that his parents’ relationship – which he assumed to be happy and sound – is built on lies. Unable to deal with this disappointment, he flees from it and moves in with his older brother and his roommates...
Жаркое лето в Берлине: Нике и Катрин живут в одном и том же многоквартирном доме в Восточном Берлине. Нике не умеет скрывать своих чувств и у нее всегда на все готовый ответ. Такая она и в своей работе — она ухаживает за стариками. Катрин разведена, много лет искала работу и воспитывает сына-подростка. Теплые летние ночи подруги проводят на балконе в квартире Нике: они пьют, смеются, сплетничают и им вполне хватает общества друг друга. Пока в их жизнь не врывается водитель грузовика Рональд.
In a German town, teacher Irene leads an inconspicuous, boring, lonely life. One day, a man rings at her door and slips in. It's an armed convict from the prison next door, escaped with a leg wound. He now makes her a prisoner in her own home. Almost without a word, as if she secretly enjoys the excitement or just mesmerized, she obeys Vassily, every single command, even sexual services, submissively or after a symbolic struggle. Somehow that seems to change, but can force initiate love?
Sir Simon Canterville
10 year-old Paul is an average but timid boy, subject to the typical fears of most kids his age. His overprotective mother Mona, believing Paul to be disturbed, sends him off to a psychotherapist.
В маленьком поселке, где живет Эки, футбол — это спорт для настоящих мужчин. И хотя он много лет защищал ворота местного клуба и был настоящим любимцем публики, один неверный поцелуй поставил его вне любимой игры. «Голубой» вратарь? Только не в нашем поселке! Бесцеремонно выставленный из клуба, Эки клянется отомстить бывшим товарищам. Но как это сделать? А очень просто. Нужно собрать команду, целиком состоящую из «голубых», и победить этих противных жлобов на футбольном поле…
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Stephane Franke
Paul Korb, 'Halber Hahn'
Hotte, a Berlin-based pimp with only modest turnovers, suddenly becomes a big player in the prostitution business. He has three girls on the streets: Rosa is in love with Hotte and is working hard for him. Jenny, the new girl, is an unconventional prostitute but nevertheless much sought-after by her clients. And the third girl, Yvonne, also brings in a large turn-out. So, Hotte’s proceeds are more than sufficient to buy expensive accessoires and to boost his reputation with the other pimps. But when Yvonne quits her job and Jenny starts to work for another pimp, Hotte’s rise comes to a sudden end
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Veteran film director Matty Bonkers, a Hollywood legend, arrives in Berlin for an honorary retrospective tribute. While introducing his film Mockery, he receives a phone call from his producer lying in intensive care at a hospital. Blau needs a favor for old times' sake. Could Matty finish a porn movie before his legs get broken by Tokyo Tony? Matty reluctantly agrees. On the set he meets movie star and ex-cello-player Inga - and the experience is bizarre spirited uplifting a comédie humaine.
In the middle of the road on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin's heaviest tourist attraction and as close to Times Square as Germany will ever get. How they manage to "do it" there is Zarah's idea, a postmodern creative artist, who likes doing it with Anton in the most quaint and daring of public places - right where and when the traffic is the heaviest. This time, to heighten the fun, Zarah hits upon a special object of desire . . .
Heidi M. is in her late forties and has a small store in the pulsating center of Berlin. She goes out in the evenings with her friend Jacqui, but when she is unexpectedly confronted with romantic love, old wounds are opened.
Как вчерашний неудачник заработал состояние на безумных выходках? Еще вчера его вышвыривали из офисов за нелепый вид. Теперь все иначе: все подражают Виктору Фогелю. За его идеи по рекламе платят бешеные деньги, ему поручают разработку рекламной кампании для новой модели Опеля. Получив работу своей мечты, Фогель тут же находит и девушку своей мечты — художницу Розу, которую случайно встречает на вечеринке. Но не все так радужно: теперь Виктору придется выбирать между любовью и карьерой, чувствами и деньгами.
Speaker of the Temple
Mozart’s allegorical fairy tale has charmed audiences and inspired artists, for more than 200 years. A few weeks before this telecast, the Met unveiled a new production of the opera featuring the colorful designs of acclaimed artist David Hockney. His bold colors and vivid images enchanted audiences and seemed to inspire the striking cast, led by James Levine’s affectionate conducting. Francisco Araiza is the young prince Tamino, who finds himself in a strange land, forced to undergo mysterious tests so he can rescue, then marry, the woman he loves, Pamina, played by Kathleen Battle. Kurt Moll is the compassionate Sarastro and Luciana Serra is the Queen of the Night.
Maria is a wife and mother in the beautiful, but very remote Connemara region of Ireland. When an old friend from Germany arrives in the place, her life is thrown into turmoil.
Berlin. A lonely construction worker falls in love with an East European prostitute. She asks him to marry her - but they have different ideas about the reason for this marriage.
Mieter mit Schrank
У Яна Небеля - череда неприятностей. Он с трудом находит в себе силы жить. К счастью, рядом с ним в трудную минуту оказываются его случайная знакомая Вера и коллега по работе Бадди...
The Greatest Love and the Greatest Sorrow is a film which sets out to bring the viewer closer, not to the details of Schubert's life, but to the spirit of what he was trying to express with what he called his creative gift and with which he tried "to brighten the world". The film begins with the funeral of Beethoven, at which Schubert was a torch-bearer, His story is told almost entirely in music written in the twenty months that remained to him after that date, together with quotations from Schubert's letters, diaries and the words that he chose to set in some of his songs. Includes personal introductions by Christopher Nupen and Jacqueline du Pré and features the legendary 1969 performance of The Trout with Daniel Barenboim, Itzhak Perlman, Jacqueline du Pré, Pinchas Zukerman and Zubin Mehta.
Count Almaviva
Live from Glyndebourne 1994. The first production to be filmed Live in Glyndebourne´s new opera house May 1994. The Marriage of Figaro is a continuation of the plot of The Barber of Seville several years later, and recounts a single “day of madness” in the palace of the Count Almaviva near Seville, Spain. Rosina is now the Countess; Dr. Bartolo is seeking revenge against Figaro for thwarting his plans to marry Rosina himself; and Count Almaviva has degenerated from the romantic youth of Barber into a scheming, bullying, skirt-chasing baritone. This follows the Count trying to obtain favours from Susanna, Figaro’s bride to be, under the nose of the Countess.
Count Almaviva
The Marriage of Figaro is a continuation of the plot of The Barber of Seville several years later, and recounts a single "day of madness" in the palace of the Count Almaviva near Seville, Spain. Rosina is now the Countess; Dr. Bartolo is seeking revenge against Figaro for thwarting his plans to marry Rosina himself; and Count Almaviva has degenerated from the romantic youth of Barber into a scheming, bullying, skirt-chasing baritone. This follows the Count trying to obtain favours from Susanna, Figaro's bride to be, under the nose of the Countess.
A young black man is verbally harassed by an older woman on a streetcar, while the other passengers remain silent. He finally exacts his revenge.
Адвокат Габриела Фройнд берет на себя защиту пожилого мужчины Аарона Райхенбаха, который напал в аэропорту на старика и избил его. Райхенбах отказывается разговаривать, что создает сложности для его адвоката. Тем не менее, Габриеле удается узнать, что потерпевший, Арнольд Кренн, является бывшим нацистским офицером, служившим в концентрационных лагерях. Кренн хочет, чтобы Райхенбах был осужден. Но Габриела открывает черные страницы прошлого, которое преследует героев... Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях - проведении медицинских экспериментов над двадцатью еврейскими детьми и последующей казни их в день рождения Гитлера.
Civil Servant
Christopher Nupen's record of the concert given by five young musicians in the new Queen Elizabeth Hall at London's South Bank, in 1969. The Trout is an exuberant explosion of youthful enjoyment in music: first from Schubert himself, who wrote his famous Trout quintet when he was 22 years old, and then from five young artists of the highest rank. They pick up the spirit of Schubert's music magnificently, both in preparation and rehearsal, and in their 1969 performance of the work, which has become one of the most remembered ever given. Includes personal introductions by Christopher Nupen and Jacqueline du Pré and features the legendary 1969 performance of The Trout with Daniel Barenboim, Itzhak Perlman, Jacqueline du Pré, Pinchas Zukerman and Zubin Mehta.