Tetsuo Yasuda


El imperio de la pasión
Sound Recordist
Un viejo conductor de carro-taxi está casado con una bella joven que cada noche le baña, le da masajes y le ofrece sake. Una noche, el joven amante de la mujer mata al marido y esconde el cadáver en un pozo aislado. Pasan tres años y el fantasma del muerto aparece.
El imperio de los sentidos
Sound Recordist
Una pareja de amantes vive una historia de amor llevada hasta límites inimaginables. La pasión se ha adueñado de ellos. El sexo ha pasado a ser lo único importante de sus vidas. Las ansias de la mujer por poseer a su hombre parecen inagotables y crecen cada día más hasta llegar a confundir el placer con el dolor.
Dear Summer Sister
Sound Designer
Sunaoko come to Okinawa to find his brother Tsuruo. Her searching is not very painless because it tears up old wounds in complicated relationships, some of which date back to the horrors of war.
Dedicated Treasures of Horyuji-Temple
Sound Recordist
A film by Haneda Sumiko.
Evil Spirits of Japan
Sound Recordist
Murase is a bodyguard of yakuza group. Ochiai is a police officer who once was a student activist. When they meet, they are surprised how identical they look.
Farewell to the Summer Light
Sound Recordist
A spontaneous romance blooms between Kawamura, a professor touring Europe, and Naoko, a married woman living in Paris, scarred by the Nagasaki atomic bombings. The two protagonists travel around Europe trying to find themselves.
Children Hand in Hand
Sound Recordist
Bad Boys
Sound Recordist
A young delinquent takes part in a robbery and is sentenced to a juvenile detention center, where he clashes with other youths and reflects on his life experiences.