Christian Röhrs


The Teachers’ Lounge
Costume Design
When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.
Guerra de mentiras (Curveball)
Costume Designer
Aunque ya ha buscando sin éxito armas de destrucción masiva en Irak como miembro de una misión especial de las Naciones Unidas, el experto en armas bioquímicas Arndt Wolf sigue estando obsesionado con la idea de que Saddam Hussein esconde algo. Ninguna de las personas que le rodean muestra el menor interés en esta cuestión, circunstancia que cambia de la noche a la mañana cuando un refugiado político del gobierno iraquí asegura haber estado involucrado en la creación de este tipo de armas. El Servicio de Inteligencia Federal alemán convoca a Wolf para que evalúe si la información del informante, a quien se le ha otorgado el sobrenombre de "Curveball", es o no cierta.
Costume Design
Not an easy decision! District Administrator Hans Schuierer from the Upper Palatinate first opposed his own political line in 1981 and finally against the entire Bavarian Free State and Prime Minister Strauss. Because the planned reprocessing plant Wackersdorf promised 3,000 new jobs for the structurally weak region - but what if these are associated with massive health and ecological damage for future generations? Isn't it then the duty of a politician and citizen to resist?
1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
Costume Design
An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.
Geheimnisvolle Freundinnen
Assistant Costume Designer