Ben Jonson


The Staple of News
Original Story
Written in 1625 by the British playwright Ben Jonson, the play “The Staple of News” provides a historic root for this discussion about the role of the press in modern day Brazil. Journalists of several generations discuss the dilemmas of the selection and focus of their subjects, the resistance of the media in accepting itself as a political agent, the inevitability of interpretation as there are no hard facts in nature, and above all the search for an always complex balance between credibility and the public’s growing demand for news.
Wienerworld has teamed up with Stage on Screen to release a brand new series of classic plays aimed at the student, teacher, lecturer and theatre lover alike. Each production is highly polished, using professional actors and directors at London s award-winning Greenwich theatre, which specialises in productions for young people.e.
A version of Ben Johnson's play: A Venetian swindler goes from town to town pretending to be a dying millionaire in order to attract (and dispose of) greedy "friends".
Volpone ou Le Renard
Theatre Play
Un pacífico comerciante veneciano ha sido traicionado por los que creía su amigos. Ahora le ha llegado el momento de la venganza y para ello concibe un in genioso plan.
Mujeres en Venecia
Original Story
El señor Cecil Fox (Rex Harrison), un millonario excéntrico y maquinador, decide trasladar a su propia vida la farsa que propone la obra teatral "Il Volpone", escrita por Ben Jonson, dramaturgo inglés del siglo XVII. Fox fingirá que está a punto de morir y, por lo tanto, de hacer testamento, noticia que atraerá hasta su palacio de Venecia a tres mujeres que fueron importantes en su pasado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Story
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.