Ben Jonson


O Mercado de Notícias
Original Story
Passada a Copa do Mundo, os olhos da imprensa e da população se voltam para as Eleições 2014, que irão apontar novos representantes dos governos federais e estaduais. Quem está ligado nas redes sociais e nas notícias do nosso dia a dia já percebeu que virão dias sombrios pela frente, com um radicalismo tomando conta de muita gente. E parte da “culpa” por tal cenário é de nossa imprensa, que muitas vezes segue interesses políticos e comerciais. O radicalismo é tanto que chegamos a nos deparar com um colunista de uma grande revista do país chamando Gabriel García Márquez de idiota no obituário do mesmo, pelo simples fato do Nobel da Literatura ter uma posição ideológica de esquerda.Conhecido por comédias como O Homem que Copiava, Meu Tio Matou um Cara e Saneamento Básico, O Filme, Jorge Furtado decidiu focar justamente na cobertura jornalística dos dias de hoje neste novo documentário.
Wienerworld has teamed up with Stage on Screen to release a brand new series of classic plays aimed at the student, teacher, lecturer and theatre lover alike. Each production is highly polished, using professional actors and directors at London s award-winning Greenwich theatre, which specialises in productions for young people.e.
A version of Ben Johnson's play: A Venetian swindler goes from town to town pretending to be a dying millionaire in order to attract (and dispose of) greedy "friends".
Volpone ou Le Renard
The Big Fox
Theatre Play
Ugo Maria Volpone is a very rich shipowner. He dissimulates to be close to die in order to have the attention of three of his friends: Corvino, Voltore and Corbaccio. The three accepts every kind of humiliation and money loss in order to inherit all Volpone's fortune. Volpone hires a new servant, Mosca. Together the two start to realize new jokes and extortions to the three greedy fake friends. Who will win the inheritance?
The Honey Pot
Original Story
A millionaire fakes a terminal illness to fleece his former girlfriends.
Original Story
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.