Louis Roth

Louis Roth


Louis Roth


Érase una vez en China IV: El rey del viento
Father Thomas
Fines del siglo XIX, en la China de la dinastía Qing, Wong Fei-Hung y sus compañeros se enfrentan a nuevos enemigos. Por ser el último campeón, Wong es invitado por un general para representar a su país en un concurso internacional de Danza del León, organizado por la Alianza de las Ocho Naciones en China. Deberán triunfar para mantener la dignidad del pueblo chino y demostrar su fuerza nacional.
Lau Zhai sueña con convertirse en estudiante de Wong Fei Hung, y después de regresar de un viaje a Hong Kong con su amigo Ah So, se convierte en un estudiante a prueba mientras Wong Fei Hung está en viaje de negocios. Cuando le engañan escondiendo opio en el Po Chi Lam (la escuela de Wong Fei Hung), Lau Zhai debe luchar para demostrar su inocencia en medio de un complot tramado por funcionarios corruptos y mafiosos sin escrúpulos.
City hunter
Cruise purser
Ryo Saeba es un peculiar detective privado más conocido por su debilidad hacia las mujeres atractivas que por su capacidad para resolver crímenes. Ryo es contratado por un magnate de la prensa para encontrar a su hija desaparecida, Shizuko. La investigación le conduce hasta un crucero de lujo que casualmente resulta ser también el objetivo de una banda de terroristas internacionales. Atrapado a bordo, Ryo deberá resolver la situación con la inestimable colaboración de su celosa ayudante Kaori, la bella agente secreta Saeko y un misterioso jugador llamado Kotetsu.
Casino Tycoon
Father Bai
Set in World War II, Casino Tycoon chronicles the story of Benny, a young graduate played by Andy Lau, who flees Hong-Kong during the Japanese invasion and heads for gambling haven Macau. Once in Macau, he impresses a local business man who has ties to organised crime, he slowly builds his way up in the ranks of the Macau underworld which ultimately leads to trouble.
Lee Rock II
Commissioner Alan (uncredited)
The second part of the trilogy chronicling the rise and fall of Hong Kong's top corrupt official. During this time period, Lee Rock enjoys his sucess and has found a new love. But jealousy within the ranks and a new departmrnt designed to clean up the corruption within the system is threating the comfort that Lee Rock enjoys.
Lee Rock
Commissioner Alan
The film chronicles the rise and fall of a corrupt police force that Lee Rock becomes a part of.
Family Day
Struggling to support a wife a son and his sick mother a kind-hearted man is forced to work the streets as a pickpocket.
Undeclared War
A Hong Kong Special Branch cop and a CIA agent reluctantly team up to bring down a major international terrorist.
Undeclared War
Alex Vladovich
A Hong Kong Special Branch cop and a CIA agent reluctantly team up to bring down a major international terrorist.
Casino Raiders
Mr. Fransolini's Guard
Law and Chan are gamblers and friends. Forced into a battle with the Yakuza, How far will friendship go? A high stakes card game will settle it all.
Gángster por un pequeño milagro
Governor Steaves
Kuo Chen llega a Hong Kong deseoso de comenzar una nueva vida. Para simbolizar esa idea, compra una rosa de la suerte a una vendedora callejera. Poco después, se introduce en un altercado de la mafia sin querer, y aunque no puede evitar que uno de los capos muera, se convierte en su sucesor de la noche a la mañana. Pero Kuo es un hombre de bien y no desea que sus hombres sean criminales, así que hace lo posible por dirigir un negocio legal en forma de local, el Ritz. La hija de un jefe rival que les debe dinero comienza a trabajar para ellos para pagar la deuda, pero Kuo le convalida lo que le debe a cambio de que cante en su local. Los líos no tardan en llegar. Kuo no se puede negar cuando la vieja vendedora de rosas le pide ayuda. Quiere impresionar al padre del novio de su hija. Kuo decide montar la boda más sonada de Hong Kong mientras huye del incansable inspector de la policía y del jefe de un clan rival, Tigre.
Burning Ambition
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Garth Andrew
"Shooter," aka Matt Thompson aka Gruwald is a photographer in 1967 Saigon, Vietnam. Working out of a news agency for a major magazine, Thompson gets involved in the lives of the soldiers he meets and "shoots." There's Ngoc, the Vietnamese photo lab tech; Klause, a German photographer swiping Buddhas; Rene, a French photographer who carries an AK-47; Stork, Matt's superstitious roommate who is also a photographer; Rizzo, the irascible editor; Lan, an American-educated Vietnamese reporter and Tracey an embassy worker who is Matt's former flame.
The Vampire Raiders
The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.
Honor, plomo y sangre
protection money collector
Sung Tse-Ho recibe una oferta de libertad condicional anticipada por parte de la policía a cambio de espiar a su antiguo jefe y mentor, Johnny Lung, de quien se sospecha que dirige una operación de falsificación.
Ninja in Action
A ninja fighter and his American girlfriend journey to Hong Kong in search of the man who murdered her father and stole a cache of diamonds.
Ninja vs. Ninja
Wicked ninja drug lords do their darnedest to prevent a scientist from making public his newly developed cure for heroin addiction.
Ninja Operation: Licensed to Terminate
Yet another of those wonderfully zany cut and splice, highly colourful ninja outings as produced by and in this case, also directed by our good old friend Joseph Lai.
Ninja Commandments
In an attempt to put their Ninja lifestyle behind them, Rodney and Janet retire to the countryside to raise a family. As the old saying goes though, you can't run away from your past and the couple soon find themselves the target of a rather unpleasant gang. When Rodney is framed and put in prison, Janet is left to look after their son alone. Meanwhile, back at the clan, the Ninjas are facing a fierce internal struggle as the dastardly Stewart attempts a takeover. When Gordon returns from a mission, he soon uncovers the truth and the stage is set for a final face off of epic proportions.
Brandon Lee: La leyenda continúa
Brandon es un muchacho, dulce y trabajador que sólo espera poder seguir ganándose la vida honestamente y poder casarse con su novia. Pero la belleza de la novia otro la desea, es por ello que irá a prisión por un crimen que no cometió. Después de salir de prisión, Brandon volverá por venganza; y cazará a todos quienes lo involucraron en esto.
Clash of the Ninjas
Mr. Roy
An evil corporation it out to harvest organs from live people and smuggle them into the country. It is up to our hero to find out who is behind this illegal operation and put an end to the group once and for all.
Ninja in the Killing Field
The government seems powerless against the brutal activities of the ninjas and requests the help of the powerful task force of the American drug fighting organization. The US authorities send their best man on a high-explosive mission to eliminate the unscrupulous killer ninja clan and destroy their drug ring.