Director of Photography
Recién salido de la cárcel y aún buscando a su difunta amada Beniamina, el joven arqueólogo inglés Arthur se reencuentra con su grupo de tombaroli, un alegre y despreocupado colectivo que sobreviven saqueando tumbas. Sin embargo, Arthur no está interesado en los artefactos; está buscando una puerta legendaria al inframundo para reencontrarse con su difunta esposa.
Director of Photography
Marcelo Peña es desde hace años profesor asistente de filosofía política en la Facultad de la UBA de la calle Puan. Tras la muerte de su mentor, el venerable profesor Caselli, se ha abierto una brutal e inesperada rivalidad por la cátedra con Rafael Sujarchuk, un antiguo discípulo de Caselli que vuelve de Alemania.
Director of Photography
Sigue el matrimonio de la reina Catalina Parr y Enrique VIII.
Director of Photography
Tras un difícil viaje a través de Europa, Aleksei llega a París para alistarse en la Legión Extranjera francesa, un cuerpo militar muy selectivo que permite conceder el pasaporte francés a cualquier extranjero, incluso indocumentado. En el delta del Níger, Jomo lucha contra las compañías petroleras que amenazan la supervivencia de su aldea. Mientras tanto, su hermana Udoka sueña con escapar, sabiendo que allí todo está perdido.
Lucile Chaufour’s Love & Crashes takes us for an unforgettable ride in partnership. With a mixture of fictional and documentary techniques, the film immerses us in the universe of sidecar racing, paying attention to the peculiarities of a vehicle driven by a magical alliance between pilot and passenger (or as it is known in sidecar jargon, 'monkey'). Aided by a dreamy musical score and Hélène Louvart’s deft cinematography, Love & Crashes explores technique and sensuality, control and spontaneity, the physical and the mental, speed and care.
Director of Photography
Even as bombs fall on Damascus, Mutaz refuses to flee to the uncertain life of a refugee. His wife, Hala, and daughter, Zeina, must make the choice whether to stay or leave.
Director of Photography
In the late 1980s, Rose moves from the Ivory Coast to the Paris suburbs with her two young sons, Ernest and Jean. Spanning 20 years from their arrival in France to the present day, the film is the moving chronicle of the construction and deconstruction of a family.
Director of Photography
Julia es una joven de 22 años y madre de dos niños que se enamora de Óscar, con el que inicia una relación intensa y tortuosa. Julia empieza a dudar sobre la conveniencia de Óscar como modelo masculino para sus hijos. Un incidente dará lugar a una huida hacia delante en busca de un futuro mejor.
Director of Photography
Una fábula graciosa sobre la mayoría de edad que termina con una moraleja descarada: ¿y si las presuntas "chicas malas" fueran las mejores?
Director of Photography
Julija parece enfadarse por momentos, y a pasos acelerados, por su situación familiar. Su padre no deja de darle órdenes a ella y a su madre, pero ella tiene sus propios sueños: venderle un terreno a un adinerado viejo conocido que está de visita.
Director of Photography
Un acto de terrorismo arruina la nochebuena en la ciudad de Clermont-Ferrand. A medida que la ciudad cae en el pánico, Mederic, de treinta y tantos años, se enamora de la prostituta, algunos años mayor, Isadora.
Director of Photography
Las vacaciones en la playa de una mujer madura toman un giro oscuro cuando comienza a obsesionarse con otra mujer y su hija, lo que la obligará a tener que enfrentarse a problemas de su pasado y de su primera maternidad.
Director of Photography
En la década de 1950, Alice deja las montañas y la soleada Suiza por las vibrantes costas de Beirut, en el Líbano. No sabe que allí se enamorará perdidamente de Joseph, un excéntrico astrofísico que quiere lanzar al país a la carrera espacial. Alice pronto encaja entre su grupo de amigos y familiares, pero tras años de felicidad, la amenaza de la guerra se cierne sobre este particular Jardín del Edén que han construido juntos.
Director of Photography
Autumn, una apática y callada adolescente, trabaja como cajera en un supermercado rural de Pennsylvania. Viéndose obligada a sobrellevar un embarazo accidental y sin alternativas viables para poder realizar un aborto en su propio estado, ella y su prima Skylar reúnen algo de dinero y se embarcan en un autobús rumbo a Nueva York. Con la dirección de una clínica apuntada en un papel y sin un lugar en el que pasar la noche, las dos chicas se adentran en una ciudad que desconocen.
Director of Photography
The story of the decline of the Soares family in the final months of the 19th century. Isabel is the dying mother, and her daughters are Maria and Ana. The three women try hard to forget about their pasts in the coffee farm and face the industrial times that start to take over Brazil.
"A" Camera Operator
Una joven adolescente se encuentra luchando por cuidar de sí misma y de su hermano menor después de ser abandonada por su madre soltera sin más remedio que vivir en las calles.
Director of Photography
Una joven adolescente se encuentra luchando por cuidar de sí misma y de su hermano menor después de ser abandonada por su madre soltera sin más remedio que vivir en las calles.
Director of Photography
Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1950. En el conservador hogar de la familia Gusmão, Eurídice y Guida son dos hermanas inseparables que se apoyan mutuamente. Si Guida puede compartir con su hermana menor los detalles de sus aventuras románticas, Eurídice encuentra en su hermana mayor el aliento que necesita para perseguir su sueño de convertirse en pianista profesional.
Director of Photography
Diciembre de 2012. Tras cuatro meses de cautiverio en Siria, dos periodistas franceses son liberados. Gabriel, el más joven, tiene algo más de 30 años. Después de pasar chequeos médicos y contestar a muchas preguntas, puede estar con su familia y su novia. Transcurren unas semanas, e incapaz de encontrar un rumbo a su vida, decide ir a Goa, donde creció. Allí conocerá a Maya.
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de su madre, Petra inicia la búsqueda de un padre cuya identidad le ha sido ocultada a lo largo de su vida. Todos los caminos parecen conducir hacia un hombre poderoso y despiadado. El destino, empeñado en imponer su lógica cruel, llevará a Petra hasta el límite de su fuerza interior.
Director of Photography
El mundo de Marcela se vuelve extraño y desconocido después de que su hermana Rina muere. Se siente perdida en su propia casa, y su relación con su esposo e hijos parece sufrir. Pero cuando Nacho, una joven amiga de su hija, cae inesperadamente, comienza a hablar y caminar con él. Poco a poco Marcela comienza a tener conversaciones con familiares de otra dimensión.
Director of Photography
Lazzaro es un joven campesino que, junto a un grupo de gente, vive en una casa de campo, a las órdenes de una marquesa. Pronto, sin embargo, nos daremos cuenta de que en esta historia hay algo extraño, y los avatares de Lazzaro darán un inesperado vuelco hacia lo fantástico. Lazzaro felice recorre el cine italiano de manera libre, para relatar la historia de un hombre bueno: un auténtico milagro cinematográfico.
Director of Photography
Un adolescente de Brooklyn sin objetivos lucha por escapar de su desoladora vida familiar y averiguar cuestiones sobre su identidad, mientras pasa el tiempo con sus amigos delincuentes, una posible nueva novia y hombres mayores que conoce online.
Director of Photography
Dark Night enigmatically unfolds over the course of a lazy summer day, as it traces the events leading up to a mass shooting in a suburban multiplex. Abandoning the narrative confines of the true crime genre, the story is told through fragmented moments from the lives of several characters, whose fates are tragically intertwined. As the sky grows darker, the placid surface of daily life becomes disturbed by a lurking and inevitable horror.
Director of Photography
After ten years abroad, Catherine returns to Luxembourg, to catch up with her daughter Alba, brought up by Catherine’s mother Elisabeth. Alba is cold and distant with this stranger showing up unexpectedly in her life, so is Elisabeth, keen to keep her protégée to herself. One day, Catherine cannot take it anymore. She kidnaps Alba and takes her on a trip to a lake up North. Begins an unsettling journey into the puzzling world of motherly love, only to find out that sometimes the true opponent is yourself.
Director of Photography
Naples. Present day. Giovanna, a combative 60-year-old social worker on the frontline of the daily war against pervasive criminality, is confronted, like a modern Antigone, with a moral dilemma that threatens to destroy her work and her life. Giovanna runs an after-school centre that takes care of underprivileged children; a grassroots alternative to the mafia dominance of the city. But one day, young Maria, wife of a ruthless Camorra criminal on the run, and her two children take refuge at the centre, and ask Giovanna for protection.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
En medio de su banquete de boda, Unn Tove encuentra un bebé abandonado en el baño del hotel y lo entrega a los servicios sociales. Dieciséis años después, una energética jóven aparece en la puerta de su casa. Es Rosemari, el bebé que encontró en su boda. Juntas comienzan a investigar las circunstancias que condujeron al nacimiento de Rosemari. Una conmovedora y divertida historia sobre cómo el sexo, las mentiras y la biología crearon una hermosa flor, Rosemari.
Director of Photography
Cora is a 19-year-old woman who has recently returned home for a gap year. Her father is the mayor of Bucco, a town whose livelihood depends on the tourism of Christians who believe in the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. While busy organizing the celebration of the Virgin of Bucco, an annual event that attracts numerous pilgrims, Cora notices a mysterious man whose presence will slowly rupture the tranquility of the town and her nascent adulthood.
Director of Photography
A transfixing, rarely-seen 16mm miniature made as part of Rohrwacher's opera production of La traviata in 2016. In four minutes and with just a few delicate shots, she creates a moment of true cinema, one imbued with her distinct and elegant filmmaking voice.
Director of Photography
En los años 90, Lina de 18 años, llega a París para estudiar. Ella busca lo que nunca encontró en el Líbano, su país de origen: una forma de libertad. Con el instinto de supervivencia como único equipaje va de un París a otro al ritmo de sus encuentros amorosos, porque a los 18 años se sueña con abrazar al mundo y no a un único hombre.
Director of Photography
Expulsada de su casa tras quedarse embarazada de forma misteriosa, una curandera que trata de limpiar su nombre conoce a una mujer que ansía el mismo milagro.
Director of Photography
Arianna is nineteen, but she's still waiting to get her first period. As the summer begins, her parents decide to renew their acquaintance with their country house on Lake Bolsena, where Arianna lived until she was three, and has never been back. As the family settle in for the summer, long-repressed memories start to re-emerge, and Arianna decides to stay on after her parents return to the city.
Director of Photography
The ninth short film of the Miu Miu’s Women’s Tales series reflects Alice Rohrwacher’s attention to the surreal world of ordinariness and exceptions.
Director of Photography
En un paraje solitario, un niño hace volar la cometa que ha hecho su padre. Sopla viento y el niño necesita la ayuda del adulto para seguir haciendo volar la cometa, que se ha enredado en la vegetación. En plena naturaleza, explican un cuento especial.
Director of Photography
Self-destructive teens go skateboarding, use drugs and turn tricks in Paris.
Director of Photography
Tras la muerte de su madre, Dany y su hermano Odysseas, de 16 y 18 años, emprenden la ruta de Atenas a Tesalónica para buscar a su padre, un hombre griego que nunca han visto. Albaneses por parte de madre, los chicos son extranjeros en su propio país y esperan que su padre los reconozca para obtener la nacionalidad griega. Además, Dany y Ody se hicieron la promesa de participar en un concurso de canto popular que podría cambiar su vida. Este viaje pondrá a prueba la fuerza del vínculo que los une, su lado infantil y el gusto por las canciones italianas.
Director of Photography
Tarek and his mother Ghaydaa number among the tens of thousands of refugees crossing the border from Palestine, having been separated from Tarek's father amidst the chaos of the Six Day War. They ultimately settle at the Harir refugee camp, a makeshift home for a new generation displaced by conflict. Tarek dreams of being reunited with his father, and struggles to adapt to a new life far away from all he previously knew.
Director of Photography
Se termina el verano en un pueblo en Umbría. Gelsomina vive con sus padres y sus tres hermanas pequeñas, en una granja destartalada en donde producen miel. Las chicas crecen alejadas de todos, pues su padre cree que se acerca el fin del mundo y prefiere el contacto con la naturaleza. Sin embargo, las reglas estrictas que mantienen unida se fragilizan con la llegada de Martin, un joven delincuente enviado por un programa de reinserción, y la grabación de un juego de televisión, "El país de las maravillas", que invade la región.
Assistant Director of Photography
The horrors of war cast young fisherman Adisu adrift in vast Ethiopia. Forty years later, he is a taxi driver in a Northern European city, dreaming every night of his lost love. Surprising debut is dreamlike yet authentic, with no hint of false sentimentality.
Director of Photography
Monique, happy and about sixty, is at the head of a small meeting agency, specializing in the third age. Her friend Madeleine is a regular and does not hesitate to make her organize meetings with the gents that she finds to her taste, more out of curiosity than of desire to find the soul-mate. While, the meetings follow each other and are all different. Love does not, necessarily, knock where we expect it too !
Director of Photography
While thousands of tourists invade the beaches, camping grounds and clubs, five teenagers from Porto Vecchio hang out. One evening one of them leads the others to an unoccupied luxury villa. They spend the night there. Before they leave, they steal some objects of no value and two prize rifles. When the house owner arrives from Paris, she complains about the theft to a small local boss she knows…
Director of Photography
In 1972, Djibril Diop Mambety shoots "Touki Bouki." Mory and Anta are in love. Two young lovers share the same dream: to leave Dakar for Paris. At the fateful moment, Anta embarks. Mory stays alone on quay, unable to tear himself away from his land. Forty years later, "A Thousand Suns" investigates the personal and universal inheritance which represents "Touki Bouki." What has happened since? Magaye Niang, the hero of the movie, has never left Dakar. And today, the old cowboy wonders where Anta is, the love of his youth. Stories about family, exile and cinema meet between the sphere of intimacy and that of myth.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Tangier. Dounia decides to sell on the black market the antiques uncovered on the building site she manages. She hopes to raise enough money to be able to leave Morocco with her son, who she hardly ever sees since her divorce. The death of a worker disrupts her plan...
Director of Photography
Dos adolescentes pasan juntos una noche saliendo por la ciudad de París. Uno intenta besar desesperadamente a una chica, mientras el otro se siente abrumado por el deseo que siente hacia su amigo.
Director of Photography
A group of young people are organizing. One night, they face the police who came to evacuate an African squat. Carmen meets Hussain, a young afghan poet. Crazy in love, they don’t leave each other. But a curse hangs over the city, papers are carrying death, bodies are falling. Panicked at the idea that he could get arrested, Carmen forbids him to go out, and locks herself with him. Gradually, Hussain get the feeling that she is watching him…
Director of Photography
Gloria (Dalle), una mujer de 40 años sin trabajo, sin familia y sin domicilio fijo, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en un bar de Nancy. Frances (Béart), una popular presentadora parisina, está casada con Claude, un renombrado escritor; pero, aunque en público parecen la pareja perfecta, en privado, ella se acuesta con mujeres, y él hace lo propio con hombres. En los años 80, estas dos mujeres se conocieron en un hospital psiquiátrico y se amaron con la pasión propia de la adolescencia. Todo en sus vidas era salvaje e intenso: sexo, drogas y punk rock. Veinte años después, sus caminos están a punto de cruzarse de nuevo.
Director of Photography
Two teenagers meet one Saturday evening to hang out together. While they cross Paris, meetings and disappointments are linked and push them to ask themselves about the feelings they have.
Director of Photography
Mademoiselle Julie is a naturalistic play written in 1888 by August Strindberg. It is set on Midsummer's Eve on the estate of a Count. The young woman of the title is drawn to a senior servant, a valet named Jean (Nicolas Bouchaud), who is particularly well-traveled, well-mannered and well-read. The action takes place in the kitchen of Mademoiselle Julie's father's manor, where Jean's fiancée, a servant named Christine (Bénédicte Cerutti), cooks and sometimes sleeps while Jean and Miss Julie talk. On this night the relationship between Miss Julie and Jean escalates rapidly to feelings of love and is subsequently consummated. Over the course of the play Miss Julie and Jean battle until Jean convinces her that the only way to escape her predicament is to commit suicide.
Director of Photography
After growing up in Switzerland, 13-year-old Marta returns to a city in southern Italy with her mother and older sister. Independent and inquisitive, she joins a catechism class at a local church. However, the games and religious pop songs she encounters there do not nearly satisfy her interest in faith. Struggling to find her place, Marta pushes the boundaries of the class, the priest, and the church.
Director of Photography
Homenaje de Wim Wenders en 3-D a la bailarina y coreógrafa alemana Pina Bausch, maestra de la danza, en un documental que recoge principalmente los testimonios de sus colaboradores.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
La vida de una azafata alemana se tuerce hacia abajo después de dejar a su marido, renunciar a su trabajo y unirse a un grupo radical de activistas por los derechos de los animales.
Director of Photography
Arnau, un adolescente que vive en su imaginario de papel e inmerso en una frágil realidad, viaja inconscientemente a la deriva. Sus compañeros de aventura son un zorro y unos cuantos pájaros cantores: pinzones, verderones, pardillos y un jilguero que es la esperanza de su vida. Ningún otro canta como él, gracias a muchas horas de trabajo paciente y minucioso adiestramiento.
Director of Photography
Documental autobiográfico de la directora Agnes Várda. La realizadora francesa explora sus memorias, de forma cronológica, a través de fotografías, videos, entrevistas, representaciones y narraciones de su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Inti tiene seis años y vive felizmente con su abuela hasta que Alba, su madre, reaparece tras haber estado ausente desde que él nació. Alba decide llevarse al niño e instalarse en El Bolsón, un pueblo situado en un inhóspito lugar de la Patagonia, convertido en una especie de comuna pseudo-hippie donde reina el caos, la insalubridad y la violencia a veces soterrada, otras no tanto. Sin agua corriente ni luz eléctrica, y sometidos a toda clase de privaciones, Alba intenta sobrevivir en un entorno, a todas luces hostil, con la fuerza de la esperanza en ese otro mundo posible para Inti. Pero el cuento feliz que ella imagina tiene demasiados rincones oscuros. Sus propias capacidades como madre dejan bastante que desear mientras Inti convive diariamente con la brutalidad de los otros niños del lugar y bajo la depresiva influencia de unos adultos al límite.
Director of Photography
A rebellious teenager and a "border-line" young nurse will learn to tame each other and get a fresh start in life...
Director of Photography
On the one hand you have Judith Zahn, an arrogant, snobbish, bitchy Parisian editor. On the other hand meet Julien Demarsay: an insecure, timid, young bookseller from the East of France who has just written his first autobiographic novel, with what it takes of navel-contemplating and soul-searching. What do they have in common? Nothing much, except that sex will unite them, ambition part them before true love is born between them at last.
Director of Photography
The last minute of a man's life.
Director of Photography
The french choreographer Mathilde Monnier and her preparation for her next performance is the main focus of this documentary. The choreography's practices and the bodies, everything is registered in some sort of anthropological way by the filmmaker's camera.
Director of Photography
Blandine arrives at the Charles de Gaulle Airport, seeking a reunion with her husband Papi in Paris. Despite articulate claims for asylum, she is held in a cramped cell along with a number of fellow Africans, humiliated, mistreated and told that they can expect immediate deportation. Papi enquires of her whereabouts at Arrivals, and is met with disinterested, misleading responses. When Blandine is hurt in a skirmish on the runway as the authorities try and force her out of the country, circumstances and a sympathetic employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs save her from expulsion. She is finally reunited with Papi in a communal squat, its inhabitants sharing harrowing stories of their time in France. With work, money and food scarce, and her confidence shaken by her less than warm welcome to the country, Blandine cannot find the enthusiasm to leave her damp mattress.
Director of Photography
Franssou, a charming Parisian English teacher, who shares part of her life with a boring middle-aged lover, dreams of another life. So, when she unexpectedly inherits 50,000 euros, she grasps the opportunity and goes to the French Riviera in order to take it easy in luxury. In the four-star hotel where she rents a room she comes across Stéphane, a strange guy who is in the process of arranging Elton John's next coming to the place. Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him. She knows Stéphane is at bay and decides to take advantage of it.
Director of Photography
Es Navidad. Simon (Gaspard Ulliel) tiene 19 años y vuelve a casa para pasar las fiestas, dejando atrás París, donde estudia cinematografía. en su regreso a casa de sus padres deja a todo el mundo sorprendido ya que aparace acompañado de Lousie (Mélanie Laurent), una joven a la que acaba de conocer en el tren. La propiedad de la familia se ubica en una isla. Su relación con sus padres es difícil, no obstante, con su madre Marie (Nicole Garcia) tiene una relación especial ya que parece ser la única que entiende sus elecciones: sus estudios de cine y fotografía. Simon tiene un amigo de la infancia que se ha quedado en la isla. Éste parece llevarse bien con Louise, llegando a distanciarse de Simon tras sus aventuras nocturnas. Una tarde, una inesperada llamada telefónica perturba la situación de la familia.
Director of Photography
Set in the summer of 1942 during WWII, the film traces the trajectory of simple people thrown into extraordinary lives, revealing the heart-warming flame of hope and humanity that endures, even in times of war and dispair. As young Julien, his family and a group of friends traverse the French countryside after fleeing the institution they called home, Julien must deal with his father's extreme violence and his mother's rosy fantasies and once again form a family that society tries to forget.
Director of Photography
Pierre lleva, a sus diecisiete años, una vida pequeña, ordenada y casta en compañía de su abuela. El desastre está en Canarias, en casa de sus padres, una pareja peleada y dada al libertinaje. Pierre comienza a vivir con ellos, con Hélène, madre fascinante, femme fatale, con el padre, odiado y al que pronto enterrarán. Hélène arrastra a su hijo al placer, le cede a Réa, antiguo capricho lésbico. Con ella, Pierre descubre el éxtasis, la vergüenza y el respeto. La moral de Hélène, definitivamente relajada, no considera que desear a su propio hijo sea un tabú, ella no lo llamaría incesto.
Director of Photography
A young woman tries to understand the real circumstances of the death of her mother.
Director of Photography
Raja is a nineteen year old orphan literally and figuratively scarred by life. Fred is an emotionally bankrupt westerner living amid his plush gardens and palm trees. Set against the backdrop of contemporary Marrakech, Raja is a cross-cultural drama about a wealthy middle-aged Frenchman's complex relationship with this poor local girl. Fred's attempts to seduce Raja, and their mutual attempts at manipulation, are fractured by their gross disparity of income, age and cultural sophistication.
Director of Photography
La historia podría contarse desde el punto de vista de Perroquet, un irritante pájaro doméstico que ha visto a su dueña, la vieja Mme. Catherine, palmarla por culpa de demasiados excesos. También podría contarse deteniéndonos en los trenes que cruzan este pequeño pueblecito no lejos de la frontera, lleno de vagones recorridos por revisores soñadores y perdidos como Sophie, que despachan a diario su lote de pasajeros, entre los cuales se encuentra el guapo de Gerard, que no hace más que pasar por los lugares como el viento que sopla aquí y allá, ¿a dónde irá Gerard?. Pero también podría seguirse a través de las botellas de vino que sirve Yann, el tabernero, y que comparte gustosamente con sus amigos Eric y Jean-Claude el gendarme. O podríamos escoger el trayecto sinuoso de una caja de galletas... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
A woman struggles to acclimate to prison life while her friend organises a labour strike on the outside.
Director of Photography
Françoise Barnier, the film's heroine, is a mother. One day, she stole something. She was in dire straits but no more so than usual. She was not in debt. She had always refused the degradation of excessive debt and charities, attempting to live in line with the rules laid down by society and the law. We follow her journey through the judicial institution. Here, two ideas of justice and law collide.
Director of Photography
Àlex es un joven que trabajaba en el puerto de Barcelona, pero un día, cansado de su vida rutinaria, decidió dejarlo todo e irse a vivir lejos de la ciudad, a un pequeño pueblo del Pirineo catalán. Pasó el tiempo y su familia comenzaba a preocuparse por la falta de noticias sobre él, hasta que les llega la noticia de que se ha suicidado. Su hermano Pau y su madre Mercè viajan al pueblo donde Àlex vivió los últimos meses para conocer los detalles y los motivos de su suicidio. Allí conocen a Sara, su novia. Cada uno de ellos descubre un nuevo Àlex a través de los otros y su ausencia les ayudará a replantearse sus objetivos y carencias. Todos buscan otra forma de vivir. Cuando se separen, ninguno de ellos será el mismo.
Director of Photography
Agatha is a beautiful young woman from Romania who had a brief but passionate love affair with a French surgeon when he visited her country as part of a charitable medical team. Agatha has decided to come to France to rekindle their romance, but when she arrives in the city of Roubaix, she discovers he didn't take their relationship nearly as seriously as she did. With nowhere to go, Agatha is befriended by Mehdi, a cab driver who helps her find a place to stay. Mehdi is attracted to Agatha, and she returns his interest, but as it turns out Mehdi is already seeing someone -- Cecile, who is having an affair with Mehdi while involved with his close friend Marc. Hoping to move away from Roubaix with Agatha and start a new life, Mehdi gets a job as a bill collector, while Marc impulsively walks off his job and an angry Cecile gives him his walking papers.
Director of Photography
First part of a "trilogy of modern times" (the second one is La Blessure, and third - La question humaine). Paria follows the path of two characters, Momo and Victor. Momo –remarkably played by Gérald Thomassin– lives in the streets, while Victor, on the edge of poverty, loses his apartment when he loses his job. Their destinies will come across during the night of the “millennium” which will be celebrated in a social pick-up bus.
Director of Photography
Argel, 1993. Corren tiempos de toque de queda. En la casa de Madame Osmane, una antigua combatiente de la guerra de la Independencia, viven su hija, su nuera, su nieta, su criada y dos mujeres a las que ha alquilado una habitación. Madame Osmane está obsesionada con la respetabilidad e impone una férrea disciplina bajo su techo. Cuando su hija se enamora, el mundo de Madame Osmane, hasta entonces perfectamente controlado, empieza a desmoronarse.
Director of Photography
Two women, angry Myope and happy Lunette (both played by Franssou Prenant), bounce ideas off each other in a small apartment, until Lunette fashions a story about Agathe (Cecile Garcia Fogel) and her husband Pierrot (Manuel Cedron), a one-time musician who now teaches gym. While the two love each other, they cannot communicate without quarreling.
Director of Photography
Single mother Nadia is surviving on welfare while transport strikes are paralyzing France in December 1995. While watching the news, she recognizes the father of her child among the strikers and decides to go and search for him. But she has nowhere to go. The film, shot almost entirely at night, carries documentary qualities, part of which is due to the appearances of actual railroad workers in several group scenes.
Director of Photography
This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory in Oran. He travels to Paris for a cataract operation. Marinette, his sister, and Belka, his friend and a recent immigrant, want him to return to France permanently. Friction develops between the two friends as Georges is pressured to sell his factory. Friendship developed between Georges and his surgeon, who as a French Arab has severed ties with his culture and country of origin.
Director of Photography
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
Director of Photography
Camera Supervisor
A young aristocrat is seduced by a young man who appeared to her in a dream one spring afternoon. Captive of this impossible love, the young girl is dying of melancholy. But the constancy of her love is stronger than death; she wins the pity of the judge of the underworld, manages to find her lover and come back to life. The opera "The Peony Pavilion" was composed in 1598 by the poet Tang Xianzu (1550-1617), one of the greatest playwrights of the Ming period. Of all the forms of Chinese opera that have followed one another since the 12th century, the kunqu is the one that best preserves the image of a classical art highly appreciated in educated circles for its musical, literary and gestural refinement.
Director of Photography
A young aristocrat is seduced by a young man who appeared to her in a dream one spring afternoon. Captive of this impossible love, the young girl is dying of melancholy. But the constancy of her love is stronger than death; she wins the pity of the judge of the underworld, manages to find her lover and come back to life. The opera "The Peony Pavilion" was composed in 1598 by the poet Tang Xianzu (1550-1617), one of the greatest playwrights of the Ming period. Of all the forms of Chinese opera that have followed one another since the 12th century, the kunqu is the one that best preserves the image of a classical art highly appreciated in educated circles for its musical, literary and gestural refinement.