László Gálffi

László Gálffi

Nacimiento : 1952-11-16,


László Gálffi


After losing his wife, the aged organist uses music to process the grief.
Mózes's father
A heavily neurotic young man starts to see his father's ghost, and while he helps the spirit cross to the otherworld, something happens that they could never achieve in their common life: they finally understand each other.
Dios blanco
Un cuento visionario entre una especie superior y sus congéneres caídos en desgracia… Una nueva ley da preferencia a los perros de raza e impone un tributo considerable por las razas cruzadas. Rápidamente, los refugios caninos se llenan con perros abandonados. Lili, 13 años, lucha por proteger a su perro, Hagen, pero su padre lo suelta en la calle. Hagen y su ama se buscan por todos los medios, hasta que un día Lili baja los brazos. Por su parte, Hagen lucha por sobrevivir y rápidamente se da cuenta de que no todo el mundo es el mejor amigo del perro. Se une a un grupo de perros errantes, es capturado y enviado a la perrera. Entonces, los perros aprovechan para escapar y hacer una revolución contra los seres humanos. Su venganza será despiadada. La única que podría terminar con la guerra entre el hombre y el perro sería Lili.
So Much for Justice!
Old Mátyás
Concerning the Mátyás era in Hungarian history, during the reign of Matthias Corvinus (1443–1490), the film focuses on three eras of the king's life: the young Mátyás fights for the throne, the older Mátyás as king, and the fate of the royal crown and the royal heir after his death.
Where Were You, My Son?
Set in a large apartment in Hungary during the death throes of communism, obedient Andor lives with his eccentric mother, Rebeka, a once-celebrated stage actress-turned-recluse. After years of coexisting in a love-hate relationship marked by routine and possible incest, Andor brings home Eszter, a beautiful girl his own age. Her advances awaken Andor's repressed desires, the depths of which prove shocking. Opera director Robert Alfoldi renders this bizarre story in a melodramatic style, and veteran Hungarian stage star Dorottya Udvaros rises to the occasion. If you can imagine the intersecting area on a Venn diagram that includes Taxidermia and Sunset Blvd., that's where Where Were You, My Son? was born. The original title, Nyugalom, which translates to Tranquility, is ironic to say the least. ...over the-top...memorable...thunderous...sex and violins (Variety).
Men in the Nude
Zeyk / Husband
En este drama oscuro, erótico húngaro, un escritor casado, de mediana edad empieza un asunto con un joven prostituto. La relación lo deja sintiéndose intoxicado de lujuria y creatividad, pero amenaza con destruir su vida.
A Bus Came…
Ikarosz (segment "Táltosember")
Áron is a happy child in his family. But at some point things take a different turn, and his mother starts to lose her health rapidly. As this happens, the man in charge decides what's best for Áron without consulting the young boy's opinion, and the boy finds himself thrown out of his warm home into an orphanage in the woods. He's utterly displeased by what's happening, without knowing he has yet to face much worse...
6:3, Play It Again Tutti
The makers, especially Péter Tímár wanted to invoke the atmosphere of the communist dictatorship of Rákosi era lasted from 1947 to 1956. I think they've managed to reconstruct it very much: if you read the history books about the era and newspapers from that times, if you listened to your parents' and grandparents' tales, you will experience the similarities are shocking. The main character (Tutti - Károly Eperjes) is excellent, Eperjes, acting an eccentric, but likable crank is in his royal spirits.
A pap
György Fehèr’s aim was to “make a film which is similar to the last salvaged print of a long lost film”. The passions he investigates are centred on primeval fears and cravings and a sense of inescapable doom. Shot in powerful black and white with excellent central performances.
Enikős and Dorkas marriage is unbearable. Hysterical, cruel and humiliating scenes are enacted in front of the childrens eyes, while the childless Barbara is held by her husband, the painter, to be a toy and sometimes a painting screen.
The Last Ship
The last ship (Utolsó hajó) is leaving the quay. Sirens are sounding.
Levelek a zárdából
Coronel Redl
Tragedia inspirada en una obra de teatro de John Osborne que, a su vez, se basa en hechos reales. Segunda película de una trilogía sobre el imperio Austro-Húngaro: la primera es ’Mephisto’, y la tercera, ’Hanussen’. Mientras se produce la desmembración del imperio Austro-Húngaro, el joven Alfred Redl ingresa en el ejército y asciende de forma meteórica. Redl llega a alcanzar el grado de coronel y realiza un impecable trabajo dentro de los servicios de contraespionaje. Su homosexualidad, que trata de mantener oculta, será el detonante de su estrepitosa caída en desgracia.
La rebelión de Job
Hungría, 1943. Una pareja de ancianos judíos, Job y Roza, adopta a un revoltoso niño no judío a quien tienen la intención de traspasar su riqueza y conocimiento antes que la opresión nazi envuelva a Hungría.
Pelle Gyula
When a young boy comes in to see a doctor abourt a red mark on his face, the doctor's wife welcomes him into the consulting room instead. As they talk, she offers him something to eat and then notes that his manner of eating is just like that of her previous husband, who died in prison many years earlier. It turns out that the young man had been his cell mate for a year, and he tells her the story of how her husband died. She then remembers (in flashbacks) how she had helped her first husband rid himself of his sexual repression, and how she had promised him she would marry her current husband if she were widowed. It seems her doctor-husband was a man who could remain untouched through any political climate, and was much admired by her first husband. Now that her memories have been awakened by the young man's account, she ignores the repeated phone calls of her current husband and decides to rid this young man of his own sexual repressions.
The Tyrant's Heart, or Boccaccio in Hungary
Una confusa exposición sobre el Poder y su apariencia, el poder real y el poder imaginario, centrada en el siglo XV en Hungría, en una de las muchas épocas en que los húngaros estaban dominados por un rey extranjero. Un castillo es el lugar adonde regresa Gaspar, hijo de un noble húngaro, después de haber pasado desde su niñez a su adolescencia en Bolonia; Gaspar regresa acompañado de unos actores. Su padre -le dicen- ha muerto en las garras de un oso; su madre ha quedado muda y parece sorda, pero acaso para reponerse de la impresión y conservarse siempre joven sacrifica cada noche una doncella, y sus tíos, un arzobispo y otro enamorado y amante de su cuñada, están empeñados en que el joven Gaspar alcance a ser Rey de Hungría.
Why not Speak of Love?
One morning, the caretaker of the student hostel of the University of Horticulture finds Citrom Flóra and Bohus Tamás, by the purest accident, in one bed together. Both are dismissed from university. During the appealing procedures they fall in love with each other.
The Kangaroo
Kánya, Varjú István
Istvan Varju a.k.a. Kanya is a track driver. He drives alone on the roads and listens to the radio. We're In the middle of seventies, the radio broadcasts hungarian beat music. He is convinced that interesting and significant events in the life happen on the roads, so we should go, go and go in order not to miss something.