First Assistant Director
¿Hasta qué punto podemos ayudar a un ser querido cuando hay una enfermedad terminal de por medio?
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
First Assistant Director
Un grupo de 83 americanos expatriados que trabajan en un edificio de Sao Paulo, Brasil, se ven atrapados en su lugar de trabajo mientras una voz les hace plantearse dudas morales sobre qué hacer en situaciones límites.
Frente al paisaje de las altas cadenas montañosas que rodean a la ciudad de Monterrey, tres jóvenes viven pasiones y disyuntivas, deambulando entre los escarpados barrios bajos y las colonias de lujo, ungidos por el ritmo irresistible de la "colombia" regiomontana.
Frente al paisaje de las altas cadenas montañosas que rodean a la ciudad de Monterrey, tres jóvenes viven pasiones y disyuntivas, deambulando entre los escarpados barrios bajos y las colonias de lujo, ungidos por el ritmo irresistible de la "colombia" regiomontana.
Second Unit Director
En el marco de la conquista de México por los españoles, Rodrigo, un náufrago español se enamora de Tizcuitl, la joven y bella azteca hija de Nezuhual, rey de Tlacopan, poderoso súbdito del emperador Moctezuma.
First Assistant Director
Un astrofísico que trabaja para la NASA, capta unas extrañas señales procedentes del espacio, que aparentemente encierran un mensaje inteligente. Pero cuando informa del hecho a sus superiores, es despedido. Después de localizar unas señales similares que se emiten desde México, el científico decide viajar a ese país con el fin de investigar el origen de las mismas. Allí descubre que los extraterrestres han llegado a la Tierra.
Second Assistant Director
Un niño que trabaja en el circo de su padre como mago y mimo, y cuya madre es una fanática religiosa que lidera una secta apocalíptica llamada "Santa Sangre", experimenta una serie de atroces vivencias que lo llevan a ser recluido en un hospital psiquiátrico. Ya adulto, emprende un viaje interior cuya meta es liberarse de los fantasmas que lo atosigan. (FILMAFFINITY)
Second Assistant Director
Narra la historia del arzobispo salvadoreño Oscar Romero, que desde su importante cargo eclesiástico se dedicó sin temor a criticar la desigualdad social y la represión del gobierno de El Salvador, y que murió asesinado en el año 1980, en los comienzos de lo que sería la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña.