René Villarreal


Guilt Free
First Assistant Director
Twenty-one-year-old Juan gets some terrible news from his doctor: he has aggressive lung cancer. His whole life turns upside down as the disease evolves.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Эксперимент «Офис»
First Assistant Director
В чьём-то извращённом социальном эксперименте группа из 80-ти американцев заблокирована в многоэтажном корпоративном офисном здании в Боготе (Колумбия), и по внутренней телефонной связи компании неизвестный голос приказывает им участвовать в смертельной игре — «Убей, или будешь убит».
Cumbia Callera
Framed by the high mountain chains that surround the city of Monterrey (Mexico), three youngsters live passions and dilemmas, roaming between the steep slums and the luxury districts, crowned by the irresistible rhythm of the "colombia regiomontana".
Cumbia Callera
Framed by the high mountain chains that surround the city of Monterrey (Mexico), three youngsters live passions and dilemmas, roaming between the steep slums and the luxury districts, crowned by the irresistible rhythm of the "colombia regiomontana".
Hijos del viento
Second Unit Director
First Assistant Director
Однажды радиоастроном Зэйн Замински услышал сигнал из космоса. Однако за совершенное Зэйном «открытие века» его начальник Джордиан увольняет своего сотрудника, из чего Замински делает вывод, что существует грандиозный заговор с целью скрыть установление контакта с внеземной цивилизацией. В поисках доказательств своего предположения Зэйн приезжает в мексиканскую провинцию, где знакомится с Иланой Грин, специалисткой в области прогнозов погоды для всей планеты. Здесь, в Мексике, с риском для жизни Зэйн узнает, что инопланетяне у нас на Земле чувствуют себя хозяевами. Конечно, они пока еще не завоевали Землю, но, выбирая, каким путем им идти, чтобы решить проблемы жизни на своей, очевидно, гибнущей планете (путем переговоров с землянами или путем уничтожения нашей цивилизации), пришельцы предпочли второй вариант…
Святая кровь
Second Assistant Director
Молодой парень по имени Феникс находится в больнице для душевнобольных. В детстве он стал свидетелем того, как его отец-циркач отрезал руки своей жене, религиозной фанатичке и лидеру секты «Святой крови», и покончил с собой. Парень сбегает из лечебницы и находит свою выжившую безрукую мать. Феникс сидит целыми днями дома, помогает матери готовить еду и пытается изобрести формулу невидимости. По мере того, как Феникса начинают посещать воспоминания детства, в городе начинается череда жестоких убийств…
Second Assistant Director
Romero is a compelling and deeply moving look at the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who made the ultimate sacrifice in a passionate stand against social injustice and oppression in his county. This film chronicles the transformation of Romero from an apolitical, complacent priest to a committed leader of the Salvadoran people.