Visual Effects
26-year-old Shogo Washio sense danger from the expansion of Asian superpower nation Ouran. Shogo Washio teams up with Kenzo Nakagishi and establishes a new political party. He loses in the elections to gain a seat in the house of representatives. A few years later Japan is now invaded by the country of Ouran and falls under the military occupation of that country. Basic freedoms like speech and religion are lost, while protestors are killed. In this environment, Shogo Washio joins the underground resistance organization ROLE.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Cuando la inteligente profesora universitaria Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) sufre una pérdida de conciencia, y se despierta entre los restos de una sangrienta carnicería, pide ayuda a su tío Tom (Ben Cross) y éste le revela la terrible verdad: que sólo es humana a medias y que en realidad es un clon de un híbrido de ADN humano y alienígena. Tío y sobrina se verán obligados a huir a México en busca del científico responsable de su creación, pero muy pronto tendrán que enfrentarse a una sanguinaria legión de híbridos mientras se agota el plazo para que Miranda, sin poder evitarlo, deba rendirse ante el instinto asesino que alberga en su propio cuerpo.
Hong Kong director Patrick Leung, Japanese director Takahiko Akiyama, and Thai director Thanit Jitnikul pool their resources to terrify audiences with a three-part horror omnibus that proves terror takes many unique forms.
Hong Kong director Patrick Leung, Japanese director Takahiko Akiyama, and Thai director Thanit Jitnikul pool their resources to terrify audiences with a three-part horror omnibus that proves terror takes many unique forms.
Un niño sufre un accidente de coche donde su madre muere y él sobrevive, pero se ve confinado a una silla de ruedas durante un tiempo. Como consecuencia el niño se retrae y culpa a su padre de lo sucedido, encerrándose en su habitación sin querer saber nada del mundo exterior. Su padre, preocupado, le diseña un robot que el niño puede teledirigir desde su casa. A través de este robot comienza a acudir a la escuela
Visual Effects Art Director
Corre el año 2070 y la tierra ha sido devastada por una invasión alienígena. En los ojos de una joven se refleja tristeza y desolación, mientras mira fijamente a la desértica tierra a su alrededor, y la luz del sol, demasiado brillante, le dificulta la visión. Está sola, entre nubes de polvo, en un amenazador mundo de extraterrestres y sus ojos revelan un conflicto interno. Times Square se desmorona en la oscuridad, quemado casi hasta desaparecer, pero en alguna parte grandes ejércitos retienen al ejército extraterrestre. Mientras la muerte acecha entre las sombras, ella busca el milagro, creyendo en que los valores humanos como el valor, la dedicación y el amor podrán finalmente salvar al planeta Tierra...
Director of Photography
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.