Takahiko Akiyama


Visual Effects
26-year-old Shogo Washio sense danger from the expansion of Asian superpower nation Ouran. Shogo Washio teams up with Kenzo Nakagishi and establishes a new political party. He loses in the elections to gain a seat in the house of representatives. A few years later Japan is now invaded by the country of Ouran and falls under the military occupation of that country. Basic freedoms like speech and religion are lost, while protestors are killed. In this environment, Shogo Washio joins the underground resistance organization ROLE.
スピーシーズ4 新種覚醒
Visual Effects Supervisor
A scientist, Dr Holander, takes his niece Miranda to Mexico in an attempt to reverse the effects of the alien DNA he used to create her. However the treatment goes horribly wrong, and sets Miranda on a killing spree as she sets out to find a mate.
Black Night
Hong Kong director Patrick Leung, Japanese director Takahiko Akiyama, and Thai director Thanit Jitnikul pool their resources to terrify audiences with a three-part horror omnibus that proves terror takes many unique forms.
Black Night
Hong Kong director Patrick Leung, Japanese director Takahiko Akiyama, and Thai director Thanit Jitnikul pool their resources to terrify audiences with a three-part horror omnibus that proves terror takes many unique forms.
A recent accident has left Satoru Iwamoto, an elementary school student, temporarily wheelchair-ridden. In addition, the recent loss of his mother has thrown Satoru into a reclusive state, locking himself from the outside world. However, in an effort to help Satoru recover from his injuries, his father, Kaoru, has designed a remote-controlled robot that will go to school in his place and allow him to interact with people and do normal things.
Visual Effects Art Director
ハリウッド最高峰のスタッフが坂口博信監督のもとに集結して完成させた、史上空前のフルCG作品。 西暦2065年の地球。かつて隕石とともに現れた謎の侵略者ファントムの襲来を受け、人類に未曾有の危機が訪れていた。どんな物質も透過して進み、あらゆる武器が効かず、触れただけで命を奪う無敵の存在達に、残った人類はバリアシティに暮らしながら、生命力を兵器に転用し、わずかな抵抗を続けていた。 そんな中、老科学者のシドと女性科学者アキはファントムを無力化させる融和波動を発見、これをもつ8つの生命体を探して人類を救おうとしていた。一方で政府は最終兵器を用い、ファントムの本拠、隕石を叩いて一気に戦争を終結させ地球を守ろうと計画を進めていた。やがて知る驚くべきファントムの正体と生命波動の関係。果たして地球の運命は……。
Director of Photography
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.
A boy dreams of space and a strange egg falls on the book he is reading. What comes out of it is a strange insect. The boy tries to raise it, but his mother refuses, so he throws it away in a nearby mountain and continues to observe it. The worm continues to multiply and creates a civilization that rivals that of humans... Based on a novel by Shigeru Mizuki.