Alix Wilton Regan

Alix Wilton Regan

Nacimiento : 1986-01-26, London, England


Alix Sophie Wilton Regan (born 26 January 1986 is an English actress, activist, writer and director. Born in London, Wilton Regan attended L'Ile Aux Enfants primary school, the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle, and Latymer Upper School for A-Levels. She also attended Sylvia Young Theatre School and Stage Coach for acting, singing and dancing lessons outside of school. After graduating, Wilton Regan enrolled in drama school and became the youngest ever student to be admitted to the NCDT and CDS accredited Drama Studio London. Whilst training, Wilton Regan represented her school at National level, in the BBC Radio Carlton Hobbs Awards. Wilton Regan was honoured by the BBC panel with two Special Commendation Awards: Best Shakespearean Monologue and Best Contemporary Duologue. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Alix Wilton Regan


A Nightmare Wakes
Mary Shelley
Una adaptación de la novela "Frankenstein", contada a través de la vida de Mary Shelley. Mientras crea su obra maestra, da a luz a un monstruo.
Love, Post-Lockdown
Isolating alone, anxious James clings to his social distance rituals, despite restrictions having been lifted. But after locking eyes with the sparky Sam, James must decide whether to step outside of his bubble or remain within it forever.
Robert McQueen's day takes a turn for the worst when he is held hostage and accused by three vengeful husbands of sleeping with their wives.
The Isle
Korrigan MacLeod
1840 y otra nave se estrella en las rocas de una isla casi desierta en Escocia. Tres marineros sobreviven al naufragio y llegan a la orilla, donde los pocos lugareños los reciben mientras esperan que el barco continental venga por ellos. Pero la historia de supervivencia de los marineros acaba de comenzar cuando descubren el extraño pasado de la otrora vibrante isla.
La buena esposa
Susannah Castleman
Joan Castleman es una buena esposa, de belleza madura y natural, la mujer perfecta. Pero lo cierto es que lleva cuarenta años sacrificando sus sueños y ambiciones para mantener viva la llama de su matrimonio con su marido, Joe Castleman. Y Joan ha llegado a su límite. En vísperas de la entrega del Premio Nobel de Literatura a Joe, Joan decide desvelar su secreto mejor guardado.
A man and a woman struggle up a corporate ladder in two very different ways. Pushed to the brink, they are going to find out if they can cope.
The Gatehouse
Eternity, a 10-year-old girl, lives in a gatehouse at the edge of an ancient forest and she likes to dig for buried treasure. One day she digs up something she shouldn't, and the forest wants it back.
Writers Retreat
En un retiro de escritores en una isla aislada, la novelista Zandra se une a un grupo de extraños que enfrentan sus secretos más oscuros. Pero cuando un miembro del partido desaparece misteriosamente, se dan cuenta de que hay algo más en la isla.
The Adventures of Anais Nin
Leah (journalist)
Groundbreaking author Anais Nin's diaries are explored in this docudrama. When young reporter Leah discovers Nin's provocative writings, she uncovers a life lived with freedom, liberation and passion. Blurring the lines between drama and doc, "Adventures" gives a glimpse into the life of a legendary artist.
20 Hz
Human hearing is capable of detecting sound waves between 20 and 20.000 Hz. … merely a small fraction of the frequency spectrum. Most sounds around us go unnoticed.
The Leap
Jade / Erin
After a long interstellar search, man has found a second home: New Earth. After the scientists, the governments, the military and the wealthy, the hopeless masses of Earth too want their chance at a new life on this emerging world of wonder and opportunity. 'Taking the Leap' in whatever way, lawfully or not, has become the dream of millions. In order to deal with illegal stowaways and human trafficking on a Biblical scale, specialized police cadres have been activated. In 22nd century London, this is the Inter-Planetary Migration Administration. Confrontations between IPMA units and the smuggling rings are merciless, if not most for those caught in the middle. Jacob Reiss is a conscientious but disillusioned IPMA detective, a veteran with 15 years of service. An encounter with a Cartel prostitute presents him with an opportunity he had given up on, a chance to save himself from a crushing secret in his past, as well as an empty future on Earth.
Real Playing Game
Young Alice
In a future not too far away, Steve Battier, an elderly, terminally ill multi-millionaire, accepts the offer of a company - RPG - that in exchange for a high monetary sum, provides a very select group of clientèle the chance to be young again. For 10 hours, 10 millionaires from around the world, men and women of fame and power, are transferred to attractive and healthy younger bodies, to live in a world of temporary rejuvenation, in a game of real thrills, where every hour someone must die.
The Zombie Diaries 2
Han pasado tres meses desde que un brote de virus acabó con el 99,9% de la población mundial. Los supervivientes se han convertido en la carne que comen los muertos vivientes.
The Symmetry of Love
Alex, a young journalist girl, enters in the life of Kyle by chance. He's a seductive architect who doesn't know his ex-wife, Elizabeth, is back in town after the death of her very rich - very old Parisian new husband. Elizabeth takes up her career as a psychologist and she has a new patient: Richard. He is afraid of the way his sexual life with Jane is going. She is a quiet and shy librarian with hidden hobbies, who likes to chat on the internet with Enzo, Kyle's best friend. Richard is paying his therapy with the money he earns as a mariachi chocolate seller in supermarket promotions while he waits for his novels to be published. One of the novels tells the story of his ex-girlfriend Alex... (