Alix Wilton Regan

Alix Wilton Regan

Рождение : 1986-01-26, London, England


Alix Sophie Wilton Regan (born 26 January 1986 is an English actress, activist, writer and director. Born in London, Wilton Regan attended L'Ile Aux Enfants primary school, the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle, and Latymer Upper School for A-Levels. She also attended Sylvia Young Theatre School and Stage Coach for acting, singing and dancing lessons outside of school. After graduating, Wilton Regan enrolled in drama school and became the youngest ever student to be admitted to the NCDT and CDS accredited Drama Studio London. Whilst training, Wilton Regan represented her school at National level, in the BBC Radio Carlton Hobbs Awards. Wilton Regan was honoured by the BBC panel with two Special Commendation Awards: Best Shakespearean Monologue and Best Contemporary Duologue. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Alix Wilton Regan


Франкенштейн. Начало
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Скачок / Прыжок
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