The film traces the cultural and environmental influences of a soil-dwelling, pathogenic fungus, Coccidioides immitis, and its associated disease, valley fever, in California's Central Valley. Interweaving past, present and mythological time, the film draws upon historical and cultural references, including the plight of migrants during the Depression, the spread of the disease in recent years, contemporary theories of climate change, and the significance of the desert wind in ancient Assyria. In Ruperto and Keagy’s film, natural phenomena remain neutral, fleeing from any kind of judgment and avoiding binary oppositions of positive and negative, destruction and regeneration, life and death.
The film traces the cultural and environmental influences of a soil-dwelling, pathogenic fungus, Coccidioides immitis, and its associated disease, valley fever, in California's Central Valley. Interweaving past, present and mythological time, the film draws upon historical and cultural references, including the plight of migrants during the Depression, the spread of the disease in recent years, contemporary theories of climate change, and the significance of the desert wind in ancient Assyria. In Ruperto and Keagy’s film, natural phenomena remain neutral, fleeing from any kind of judgment and avoiding binary oppositions of positive and negative, destruction and regeneration, life and death.
En la villa se va a celebrar una cumbre del más alto nivel, a la que asistirán las potencias más importantes del momento: Francia, Inglaterra, Portugal y el mismísimo Papa. Aunque estos países han forzado el encuentro con la excusa de buscar la paz entre españoles y lusos, los motivos reales son asaltar el reino de España. Para asegurar el éxito del complot, en el que la Marquesa de Santillana será una pieza clave, contratan a un sanguinario cosaco para acabar con Águila Roja. Al mismo tiempo,una chica, Beatriz pide ayuda al héroe para rescatar a su padre, que está encerrado en un castillo inaccesible. Águila Roja consigue vencer al cosaco contratado para matarle, pero, en la pelea, su hijo Alonso resulta herido y eso provoca que el héroe decida abandonar la lucha por la justicia y tirar la katana. La villa y todo el reino quedan a merced de los traidores...