Hermione Baddeley

Hermione Baddeley

Nacimiento : 1906-11-13, Broseley, Shropshire, England, UK

Muerte : 1986-08-19


Hermione Youlanda Ruby Clinton-Baddeley (13 November 1906 - 19 August 1986) was an English character actress of theatre, film and television. She is the sister of Angela Baddeley, best known for playing Mrs Hudson in the television series 'Upstairs Downstairs'. She died in California following a series of strokes on 19th August 1986.


Hermione Baddeley


The Last Leaf
Mrs. McCleary
An Easter Parable: As lingering pneumonia takes her will to live, a young girl decides that she will die when the last leaf drops from a dying vine outside her window. Her neighbor, an elderly artist frustrated by his inability to paint what is in his heart, follows the example of the Savior and makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her life. In doing so, he creates the masterpiece he has been struggling to paint.
Una chica simpática
Edwina Gaylord
Bárbara Brady es una detective privada que viste de una forma provocativa. También su convertible de 1948 y su despacho dan cuenta de su estilo y personalidad. Bárbara es, ante todo, una buena profesional y por ello es contratada para casos difíciles, como al que tiene que enfrentarse ahora. Un manuscrito robado y su autor asesinado. Las apariencias engañan, y sus arriesgadas investigaciones dan fe de ello.
I Take These Men
Mrs. Lomax
Moments before being surprised at an anniversary garden party thrown by her husband and their family and friends, Carol Sherwood shocks him by saying she wants a divorce and during the course of the party, she has three separate fantasies with three different men in attendance of being married to them. The first is with egotistical real estate magnate Craig Wyler. The second is with milquetoast English professor David Koenig. The third is with her best friend Elaine's husband Phil.
Nimh, el mundo secreto de la Sra. Brisby
Auntie Shrew (voice)
Ante la amenza de que el hogar de una familia de ratones de campo sea destruido, la madre, la señora Brisby, pide ayuda... Dibujos animados para los más pequeños de la casa, con una de las partituras más geniales del compositor de bandas sonoras Jerry Goldsmith.
There Goes The Bride
Daphne Drimond
A nervous ad executive creates havoc on his daughter's wedding day and becomes obsessed with a dream girl he keeps seeing everywhere but whom he can't catch.
Mrs. Flower
A young man invents a robot dog that has super strength, x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed. A greedy businessman tries to steal the boy's invention from him.
South Riding
An adaptation of Winifred Holtby's classic novel
El molino negro
Un agente secreto británico (Michael Caine), amenazado de muerte, tendrá que actuar por su cuenta cuando unos traficantes de armas sin escrúpulos secuestran a su hijo y piden un desorbitado rescate en diamantes.
El más feliz millonario
Mrs. Worth
Filadelfia, 1916. Para desesperación de su fiel esposa Cordelia, el millonario Anthony J. Drexel Biddle ha convertido su hogar en un lugar donde practica toda suerte de ejercicios físicos, como su afición por el boxeo, al tiempo que amaestra cocodrilos, entre otras «exóticas» dedicaciones. Pero ahora la principal preocupación para la Sra. Biddle es que su hija Cordy finalice sus estudios en Nueva Jersey. A su regreso, empero, Cordelia no puede evitar que su primogénita se comprometa sentimentalmente, a su temprana edad, con Angier Buchanan Duke, el hijo de un importante empresario del sector del tabaco.
Al loro con el oro
Miss Irene Chesney
Tras la muerte de Alonso J. Flagg, sus dos nietos Arabella y Jack, acostumbrados a llevar en Boston una vida acomodada, quedan en la más absoluta ruina, de modo que tendrán que abrirse camino como sea. Jack, de doce años, un apasionado de los libros de aventuras sobre buscadores de oro, viaja como polizón en un barco con destino a San Francisco, con la esperanza de hacerse rico buscando oro en California. Mientras tanto, su hermana Arabella confía a su fiel mayordomo Bullwhip Griffin la tarea de encontrarlo y traerlo de nuevo a casa.
Por favor, no molesten
Vanessa Courtwright
Janet Harper es la mujer de un ejecutivo estadounidense destinado a Londres. Su marido tiene mucho trabajo en la fábrica y ella, algunos problemas de adaptación al nuevo hogar y a la ciudad. Un día llama la atención de un caballero prototipo de la buena educación europea, lo que despierta los celos del marido.
Divorcio a la americana
Jeannie MacPherson
Después de veinte años de matrimonio, la rutina está poniendo en peligro la relación de Dan (Frank Sinatra) y Valerie Edwards (Deborah Kerr). Deciden intentar solucionar sus problemas maritales pasando una segunda y romántica luna de miel en México pero, tras una fuerte discusión, se divorcian.
Marie Dressler
Loosely based biography of 1930s star Jean Harlow as she begins her climb to stardom. One of two "Harlow" film biographies that appeared in 1965, this one stars Carol Lynley in the title role that begins as Jean Harlow, a bit player in Laurel and Hardy comedies, is invited to test for director Jonathan Martin for the lead in Howard Hughes's "Hell's Angels." She is an instantaneous sensation, and in a series of films devoted more to her body than her talent, she becomes Hollywood's "Platanum Blonde."
Mary Poppins
Ellen - Maid
Reinado de Eduardo VII (1901-1910). Una familia inglesa formada por un padre banquero, una madre sufragista y dos niños rebeldes -que pretenden llamar la atención de su padre haciendo la vida imposible a todas las niñeras-, se verá alterada con la llegada de Mary Poppins, una institutriz muy especial, que desciende de las nubes empleando su paraguas como paracaídas. Debut y Oscar para Julie Andrews en este clásico del cine familiar que en su día batió récords de taquilla. Una niñera mágica y canciones pegadizas que harán las delicias de los más pequeños de la casa.
Molly Brown siempre a flote
Buttercup Grogan
Molly Brown es una mujer del Lejano Oeste dispuesta a hacer todo lo posible para salir adelante. A pesar de ser huérfana y no tener recursos, se propondrá encontrar la manera de hacerse rica.
Information Received
Drama of an underworld double-cross as a man and woman set a death trap from which only one could possibly escape.
Rag Doll
A British drama about a girl becoming a woman after she relocates to London. She and her young boyfriend become tempted by one of her older admirers money.
Un grito en la niebla
Dora Hammer
La policía intenta proteger a la esposa de un importante financiero que ha sido amenazada de muerte por una voz anónima. A pesar de los esfuerzos de los agentes, el cerco se estrecha cada vez más.
Let's Get Married
A medical student who is thrown out of his university, ends up working in a laundry and rebuilds his confidence with a relationship with a fashion model.
Expresso Bongo
A seedy London promoter turns a naive, working-class teenager into a pop singing sensation.
Jet Storm
Mrs. Satterly
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
Un lugar en la cumbre
Joe Lampton (Laurence Harvey) acepta un trabajo de contable en un pequeña ciudad del norte de Inglaterra. Movido por la ambición, intenta conquistar a Susan (Heather Sears), la hija del hombre más rico y poderoso del lugar, pero éste se interpone en su camino y envía a su hija de vacaciones. Entonces, Joe se lía con Alice (Simone Signoret), una mujer madura cuya experiencia y sofisticación lo fascinan hasta tal punto que llega a pedirle que deje a su marido. Sin embargo, ciertas circunstancias hacen que los planes de Joe den un giro radical.
Women Without Men
In love with a man who wants to marry her after he returns from a trip to sea, chorus girl Angela Booth tries to quit her seamy job and become a model citizen. When her employer refuses to dissolve her contract, though, they quarrel and she accidentally hits him. He presses charges, claiming she hit him deliberately, and she is convicted and sent to prison. As her fiance is at sea and out of contact, she is terrified he will think she has jilted him when she does not keep a New Year's date. A kindly old convict, Gran', notorious as a prison-breaker, agrees to engineer an escape for Angela...
Blonde Bait
Grace, Gran's friend
Seeking the whereabouts of international gangster Nick Randall, the US State Department contacts Scotland Yard, as his girlfriend, Angela Booth, is currently in a British prison. Angela has refused to give Nick up to the law, so the combined authorities arrange for Angela to escape, aided by stoolie Gran' Ramsey who is at the same prison. The police will then follow Angela to Nick. Gran' stages the getaway, and the two women, accompanied by a third convict, Marguerite, whose prison-born baby is about to be turned over to welfare authorities. It is up to Gran' to keep the police informed of Angela's movements without being detected by the escapees, until Angela contacts Nick. This film is a reworking of principal footage from the UK film WOMEN WITHOUT MEN (1955), q.v., which, with added new footage (including scenes with original star Beverly Michaels), significantly revises the plot and central characters from a story about a wrongly imprisoned waif to one about a gangster's moll.
The Belles of St. Trinian's
Miss Drownder
The unruly schoolgirls of St Trinian's are more interested in men and mischief than homework and hockey. But greater trouble than ever beckons when the arrival at the school of Princess Fatima of Makyad coincides with the return of recently expelled Arabella Fritton, who has the kidnap of a prize racehorse on her mind. The first film in the classic comedy series.
Madame Del Mar
While perusing the books of an engineering company, fastidious auditor Frank Manning encounters rum goings on when he is approached by a woman who claiming she is being blackmailed. She begs him to find certain letters and he eventually agrees. Having obtained the letters, he takes them to a specified address where, to his horror, he finds a man, fully clothed, dead in the bath.
Cosh Boy
Mrs. Collins
Una banda de delincuentes juveniles se dedica a atracar ancianas, pero uno de ellos empieza a cometer delitos cada vez más graves.
Los papeles del Club Pickwick
Mrs. Bardell
The Pickwick Club sends Mr. Pickwick and a group of friends to travel across England and to report back on the interesting things they find...
Time, Gentlemen, Please!
Emma Stebbins
Because of its high productivity and "almost" 100 per cent employment, the town of Hayhoe, England is expecting a visit from the Prime Minister. The "almost" is because of Dan Dance (Eddie Byrne), an old rogue who would rather drink and philosophize than work. The Village Council are determined to have a perfect record so they connive to have the old man put into the alms-house which has been unoccupied for many years, where he must abide by rules laid down 400 years ago. A new Vicar arrives and discovers that, because of the circumstances created by the Council, Dan Dance is entitled to 6,000 pounds a year at the expense of the village.
Song of Paris
Mrs. Ibbetson
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
Cuento de Navidad
Mrs. Cratchit
Ebeneezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) es un cruel avaro hasta una Nochebuena fatídica cuando es visitado por tres fantasmas. Los espíritus le muestran cómo su comportamiento durante los años le ha hecho un hombre solitario, amargo. Utilizan eventos del pasado idealista de Scrooge, su tristre presente y su lúgubre futuro, las apariciones harán todo lo posible para derretir su alma steely. Cicatero Ebeneezer Scrooge aprende de sus errores justo a tiempo para las vacaciones de Navidad y consigue que la vida de todos sea un poco mejor.
Mrs. Cratchit
There Is Another Sun
Gypsy Sarah, Fortune-Teller
La historia de un boxeador y motorista que intenta seducir a una hermosa muchacha durante el carnaval.
Hell Is Sold Out
Mme. Louise Menstrier
A supposedly dead writer suddenly turns up to confront the young woman who is using his penname.
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Sally Harrowell
When Tom Brown arrives at Rugby boarding school, he’s mercilessly tormented by the school’s evil bully Flashman. With the help of his friend East, plucky Brown devises a plan to get back at Flashman; in the meantime, he’s asked to look out for a timid new student, whose life is accidentally put in peril during a school race.
Una mujer en entredicho
Mrs. Finch
Una mujer es asesinada. Sus conocidos rememoran sus encuentros con ella. Todos la recuerdan de formas muy distintas.
Pasaporte para Pimlico
Edie Randall
Narra cómo el descubrimiento de un tratado provoca que la "Sección Pimlico", una pequeña comunidad en medio de Londres, se proclame independiente e intente actuar como tal.
Dear Mr. Prohack
Eve Prohack
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
No Room at the Inn
Mrs. Waters
A group of children are evacuated during world war two into the care of an alcoholic woman.
Beatrice Sunbury
"Cuarteto" es una película británica con cuatro segmentos, cada uno basado en una historia de W. Somerset Maugham. Cada segmento es presentado por el autor. Fue un éxito y eso propició producir dos secuelas "Trio" (1950) y "Encore" (1951), y popularizó el formato de película de compendio. Los guiones de las historias fueron escritos por R. C. Sherriff.
Brighton Rock
Ida Arnold
Pinkie Brown (Richard Attenborough) es un gangster que lidera una pandilla de degenerados malvivientes. Después de cometer un asesinato, intenta manipular a una amiga suya para que le suministre una coartada. Filme basado en una novela de Graham Greene.
Siempre llueve en domingo
Doss, Housekeeper
Una mujer casada esconde a su ex amante, que acaba de escapar de la cárcel, en su casa de Londres. Está tan descontenta con su aburrido matrimonio que empieza a sentir que renace su antiguo amor por él. (FILMAFFINITY)
Miss Mergle
A young tradesman learns that money doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Drama.
Polly Eccles
The daughter of a Cockney drunkard marries a young aristocrat who is presumed killed in action in WWI. When she gets the news she goes to stay with her aristocratic in-laws.
The Guns of Loos
Set against the backdrop of the shell crisis of 1915 at home and the Battle of Loos on the Western Front, two soldiers, one the manager of Grimlaw’s munitions factory are tested in their rivalry for Diana, a red cross nurse (Madeleine Carroll in her first film role).