Hermione Baddeley

Hermione Baddeley

출생 : 1906-11-13, Broseley, Shropshire, England, UK

사망 : 1986-08-19


Hermione Youlanda Ruby Clinton-Baddeley (13 November 1906 - 19 August 1986) was an English character actress of theatre, film and television. She is the sister of Angela Baddeley, best known for playing Mrs Hudson in the television series 'Upstairs Downstairs'. She died in California following a series of strokes on 19th August 1986.

프로필 사진

Hermione Baddeley

참여 작품

The Last Leaf
Mrs. McCleary
An Easter Parable: As lingering pneumonia takes her will to live, a young girl decides that she will die when the last leaf drops from a dying vine outside her window. Her neighbor, an elderly artist frustrated by his inability to paint what is in his heart, follows the example of the Savior and makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her life. In doing so, he creates the masterpiece he has been struggling to paint.
This Girl For Hire
Edwina Gaylord
In this pilot for a proposed TV series, B.T. Brady is a flippant, but somewhat klutzy female private detective in Hollywood who sets out to solve the murder of a obnoxious mystery writer. Along the way, Brady gets help from her flamboyant mother Zandra, a washed-up actress, as well as Brady's live-in boyfriend Wolfe who runs a memorabilia shop.
I Take These Men
Mrs. Lomax
Moments before being surprised at an anniversary garden party thrown by her husband and their family and friends, Carol Sherwood shocks him by saying she wants a divorce and during the course of the party, she has three separate fantasies with three different men in attendance of being married to them. The first is with egotistical real estate magnate Craig Wyler. The second is with milquetoast English professor David Koenig. The third is with her best friend Elaine's husband Phil.
마우스 킹
Auntie Shrew (voice)
국가 지능 연구소인 'N.I.M.H'의 실험으로 농장의 쥐들은 평범한 쥐에서 지능이 있는 쥐로 변했다. 그래서 쥐 의회는 농장을 떠나 다른 곳으로의 대대적인 이주를 계획한다. 그러던 어느 날, 브리스비 부인은 막내 아들이 병에 걸려 이주 날짜에 움직이지 못하게 되자, 아들을 살려내기 위해 온갖 모험을 해 결국 니코데무스에게까지 가게 된다. 니코데무스는 쥐 의회의 지도자로 브리스비 부인의 남편인 조나단과는 각별한 사이였다. 니코데무스는 조나단에게 진 빚을 갚기 위해 그 부인을 도와주기로 하는데... 한편 권력에 눈이 먼 제너는 어떻게든 니코데무스를 없애고 자신이 그 자리에 오르려 한다. 하지만 진정한 용기를 지닌 브리스비 부인과 신비한 목걸이의 힘으로 브리스비 가족과 쥐 의회는 평화를 얻게 된다.
There Goes The Bride
Daphne Drimond
A nervous ad executive creates havoc on his daughter's wedding day and becomes obsessed with a dream girl he keeps seeing everywhere but whom he can't catch.
Mrs. Flower
A young man invents a robot dog that has super strength, x-ray vision and can detect crimes being committed. A greedy businessman tries to steal the boy's invention from him.
South Riding
An adaptation of Winifred Holtby's classic novel
검은 풍차
A British agent's son is kidnapped and held for a ransom of diamonds. The agent finds out that he can't even count on the people he thought were on his side to help him, so he decides to track down the kidnappers himself.
괴짜 백만장자
Mrs. Worth
1916년 필라델피아. 백만장자인 비들(Anthony J. Drexel Biddle: 프레드 맥머레이 분)은 쾌활하고 낙천적이며 외동딸 코디(Miss Cordelia (Cordy) Biddle: 레슬리 앤 워렌 분)를 가장 사랑한다. 코디는 파티장에서 우연히 만난 청년 앤지(Angie Duke: 존 데이비슨 분)와 서로 사랑하는 사이가 된다. 두 사람은 양가 부모의 허락도 없이 약혼하기로 결정한다. 뉴욕 출신인 앤지는 코디보다 몇 배나 부자집 아이지만 앤지는 사사건건 어머니 뜻대로만 하는 마마보이다. 성대한 약혼식을 끝내고 결혼식을 준비하는 과정에서 양가부모들의 의견이 엇갈리고, 엄아 말이면 꼼짝 못하는 나약한 앤지의 모습에 코디는 실망을 느끼고 결혼식을 취소해 버린다. 충격을 받은 앤지는 비들씨 집안의 영리한 시종 존(John Lawless: 토미 스틸 분)의 조언으로 자신의 인생은 자신이 결정해야 된다는 사실을 깨닫고 과감하게 코디를 데리고 평소 자신이 꿈꾸던 자동차 도시 디트로이트로 떠난다.
어드벤쳐 오브 불휩 그리핀
Miss Irene Chesney
To restore his family's lost wealth, a young Boston lad stows away on a ship bound for the California Gold Rush. When their very proper butler gives chase, all roads lead to nonstop adventure, wild and woolly characters, and a lucky punch that leads to a bonanza of belly laughs!
Do Not Disturb
Vanessa Courtwright
American Mike Harper, sent to do business in England, moves there with his wife, Janet. But she soon becomes convinced that Mike is carrying on with his attractive new assistant, Claire. Mike also has been spending a considerable amount of time with his British bachelor buddies. Vexed and lonely, Claire hires charming antiques expert Paul to decorate the Harper home and maybe make Mike jealous in the process.
Marriage on the Rocks
Jeannie MacPherson
Ad-agency president Dan Edwards goes to Mexico to celebrate his nineteenth wedding anniversary and winds up getting divorced by mistake, whereupon his wife Valerie marries his best friend Ernie Brewer by mistake.
Marie Dressler
Loosely based biography of 1930s star Jean Harlow as she begins her climb to stardom. One of two "Harlow" film biographies that appeared in 1965, this one stars Carol Lynley in the title role that begins as Jean Harlow, a bit player in Laurel and Hardy comedies, is invited to test for director Jonathan Martin for the lead in Howard Hughes's "Hell's Angels." She is an instantaneous sensation, and in a series of films devoted more to her body than her talent, she becomes Hollywood's "Platanum Blonde."
메리 포핀스
Ellen - Maid
영국 런던의 브리티쉬 뱅크에 다니고 있는 조지 뱅크스, 여성 참정권을 주장하고 다니는 그의 아내 위니프레드 뱅크스, 그리고 매번 유모들을 쫓아내다시피 하는 말썽꾸러기 아이들 제인과 마이클. 그 날도 아이들은 유모 몰래 사라져 버리고 유모는 더 이상 못 참겠다며 가방을 싸들고 집을 나선다. 집으로 돌아오던 뱅크스 부인은 유모를 말려보지만 소용이 없다. 결국 유모는 뱅크스댁을 떠나게 되고, 그제서야 아이들이 돌아온다. 뱅크스씨는 신문에 유모를 구한다는 기사를 내려하고, 아이들은 자신들이 원하는 유모의 조건을 적어가지고 온다. 붉은 뺨을 하고 있어야 하고, 재미있는 놀이를 많이 알고 있는 유모를 원한다는 것이다. 그러나 뱅크스씨는 이 종이를 찢어버린다. 다음날, 면접을 보러 많은 사람들이 몰려오지만, 우산을 타고 내려온 메리 포핀스의 바람에 모두들 날아가 버린다. 어떨결에 메리 포핀스를 유모로 정하게 된 뱅크스씨. 아이들은 가방에서 옷걸이며, 화분이며 이것 저것을 꺼내는 메리 포핀스를 보며 신기해 한다. 메리 포핀스와 노래를 부르며 방을 치우고 굴뚝 청소부 버트와 함께 그림속 축제가 열리는 마을로 여행도 가고, 웃으면 붕 뜨는 알버트를 만나 함께 웃으며 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 어느날 아이들은 아버지를 따라 브리티쉬 은행에 가게 되는데, 그곳에서 마이클이 가진 2펜스 때문에 소동이 벌어지는데...
The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Buttercup Grogan
The buoyant Molly Brown has survived the first crisis of her life—a flood. Sixteen years later she sets out to make her way in the world. She assures the Leadville saloon keeper that she can sing and play the piano, and learns quickly. Soon she marries Johnny Brown, who in a few years will be able to replace the original cigar wrapper wedding ring with a replica in gold and gemstones. The Browns head for Europe and bring a few crowned heads back to Denver for a party that turns into a ballroom brawl. Molly goes to Europe alone, returning on the Titanic. She didn't survive a flood as a baby for the story to end here.
Information Received
Drama of an underworld double-cross as a man and woman set a death trap from which only one could possibly escape.
Rag Doll
A British drama about a girl becoming a woman after she relocates to London. She and her young boyfriend become tempted by one of her older admirers money.
누군가 노리고 있다
Dora Hammer
Kit Preston begins to unravel when she receives threatening telephone calls informing her she's soon to be murdered.
Let's Get Married
A medical student who is thrown out of his university, ends up working in a laundry and rebuilds his confidence with a relationship with a fashion model.
Expresso Bongo
A seedy London promoter turns a naive, working-class teenager into a pop singing sensation.
Jet Storm
Mrs. Satterly
Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.
꼭대기 방
영국의 황량한 공장 지대. 냉혹하고 잇속이 밝은 노동자 조 램튼(로렌스 하비 분)은 백만장자 도날드 울핏이 경영하는 노스 컨트리의 공장에서 일자리를 잡게 된다. 조 램튼은 밤 시간의 무료함을 달래기 위해 극장의 단원이 되고, 그곳에서 수잔이라는 순진한 소녀를 만나게 된다. 그런데 그녀가 자신이 다 니는 공장 사장의 딸이라는 사실을 알게 되고, 조 램튼은 그녀를 유혹해 반드시 성공하고 말겠다는 야심을 불태운다. 램튼은 그러면서도 다른 한편으로 같은 극단원인 프랑스의 유부녀(시몬 시뇨레 분)와 불륜의 관계에 빠 져든다. 램튼은 프랑스의 유부녀를 한낱 노리개 정도로 여기고 있었지만 유부녀는 수잔이 램튼의 아이를 임신했다는 사실을 알고 자살해버리고 만다. 영혼을 담보로 한 램튼의 야망은 성공할 수 있을까?
Women Without Men
In love with a man who wants to marry her after he returns from a trip to sea, chorus girl Angela Booth tries to quit her seamy job and become a model citizen. When her employer refuses to dissolve her contract, though, they quarrel and she accidentally hits him. He presses charges, claiming she hit him deliberately, and she is convicted and sent to prison. As her fiance is at sea and out of contact, she is terrified he will think she has jilted him when she does not keep a New Year's date. A kindly old convict, Gran', notorious as a prison-breaker, agrees to engineer an escape for Angela...
Blonde Bait
Grace, Gran's friend
Seeking the whereabouts of international gangster Nick Randall, the US State Department contacts Scotland Yard, as his girlfriend, Angela Booth, is currently in a British prison. Angela has refused to give Nick up to the law, so the combined authorities arrange for Angela to escape, aided by stoolie Gran' Ramsey who is at the same prison. The police will then follow Angela to Nick. Gran' stages the getaway, and the two women, accompanied by a third convict, Marguerite, whose prison-born baby is about to be turned over to welfare authorities. It is up to Gran' to keep the police informed of Angela's movements without being detected by the escapees, until Angela contacts Nick. This film is a reworking of principal footage from the UK film WOMEN WITHOUT MEN (1955), q.v., which, with added new footage (including scenes with original star Beverly Michaels), significantly revises the plot and central characters from a story about a wrongly imprisoned waif to one about a gangster's moll.
트리니안의 여인들
Miss Drownder
The unruly schoolgirls of St Trinian's are more interested in men and mischief than homework and hockey. But greater trouble than ever beckons when the arrival at the school of Princess Fatima of Makyad coincides with the return of recently expelled Arabella Fritton, who has the kidnap of a prize racehorse on her mind. The first film in the classic comedy series.
Madame Del Mar
While perusing the books of an engineering company, fastidious auditor Frank Manning encounters rum goings on when he is approached by a woman who claiming she is being blackmailed. She begs him to find certain letters and he eventually agrees. Having obtained the letters, he takes them to a specified address where, to his horror, he finds a man, fully clothed, dead in the bath.
Cosh Boy
Mrs. Collins
Roy Walsh is a brash and enterprising thug who bullies his friends into subservience. He and his gang assault and rob people on the street, but things get increasingly dangerous when their behavior escalates to larger crimes.
The Pickwick Papers
Mrs. Bardell
The Pickwick Club sends Mr. Pickwick and a group of friends to travel across England and to report back on the interesting things they find...
Time, Gentlemen, Please!
Emma Stebbins
Because of its high productivity and "almost" 100 per cent employment, the town of Hayhoe, England is expecting a visit from the Prime Minister. The "almost" is because of Dan Dance (Eddie Byrne), an old rogue who would rather drink and philosophize than work. The Village Council are determined to have a perfect record so they connive to have the old man put into the alms-house which has been unoccupied for many years, where he must abide by rules laid down 400 years ago. A new Vicar arrives and discovers that, because of the circumstances created by the Council, Dan Dance is entitled to 6,000 pounds a year at the expense of the village.
Song of Paris
Mrs. Ibbetson
An archetypal Englishman returns from a jaunt abroad to face a dastardly foreign count in a screwball duel for the hand of a beautiful mademoiselle.
크리스마스 캐롤
Mrs. Cratchit
자린고비 구두쇠인 주인공 스크루지(에베니저 스크루지 Ebenezer Scrooge)는 자린고비로 인정이라곤 손톱 끝만치도 없는 수전노이다. 그런 그가 크리스마스 전날 밤에 본래 공동으로 사업을 하던 동업자의 유령을 만나 자기의 과거·현재·미래의 모습을 보게 되자 자신의 죄를 뉘우치고 사람다운 마음을 찾게 된다는 이야기이다.
Mrs. Cratchit
There Is Another Sun
Gypsy Sarah, Fortune-Teller
Story of romance between a young boxer in fairground boxing booth and a chorus girl, and how 'Racer', a 'Wall of Death' rider in the same fairground, involves them in a robbery.
Hell Is Sold Out
Mme. Louise Menstrier
A supposedly dead writer suddenly turns up to confront the young woman who is using his penname.
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Sally Harrowell
When Tom Brown arrives at Rugby boarding school, he’s mercilessly tormented by the school’s evil bully Flashman. With the help of his friend East, plucky Brown devises a plan to get back at Flashman; in the meantime, he’s asked to look out for a timid new student, whose life is accidentally put in peril during a school race.
The Woman in Question
Mrs. Finch
Agnes "Astra" Huston, a fortune teller at a run-down fair, is found strangled in her bedroom. As the police question five suspects, their interactions with her are shown in flashbacks from their point of view.
핌리코행 여권
Edie Randall
When an unexploded WWII bomb is accidentally detonated in Pimlico, it reveals a treasure trove and documents proving that the region is in fact part of Burgundy, France and thus foreign territory. The British government attempts to regain control by setting up border controls and cutting off services to the area.
Dear Mr. Prohack
Eve Prohack
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
No Room at the Inn
Mrs. Waters
A group of children are evacuated during world war two into the care of an alcoholic woman.
Beatrice Sunbury
Somerset Maugham introduces four of his tales in this anthology film: "The Facts of Life," "The Alien Corn," "The Kite," and "The Colonel's Lady."
브라이튼 록
Ida Arnold
1947년 영국의 한 휴양도시 브라이튼을 배경으로 실제 갱단 두목의 이야 기를 그린 (브라이튼 룩)은 차가운 시선을 가진 갱스터영화의 고전이다. 특히 롤러코스터에서의 끔찍한 살인을 아무런 주관적인 감정을 넣지 않고그려내, 묘한 서스펜스를 느끼게 해준다. 그렇지만 더욱 놀라운 것은 이 두목이 어른이 아닌 어린 나이의 청소년이라는 점이다. 우리에게 (간디)로 익숙한 리처드 아텐보로는 양심이라고는 찾아 볼 수 없는 냉혈한 캐릭터의 어린 갱두목 핑키 역을 훌륭하게 소화해내 주목을 끌었다.데일리 메신서의 대표 키버는 카드를 숨겨두고 이것을 찾는 자에게 상금 을 주겠다고 말한다. 어린 갱 두목 핑키는 놀이 동산에서 카드를 가지고 있던 프레드를 무자비하게 살해한다. 그리고 이 카드를 스파이서에게 숨겨두라고 명령한다.
It Always Rains on Sunday
Doss, Housekeeper
During a rainy Sunday afternoon, an escaped prisoner tries to hide out at the home of his ex-fiance.
Miss Mergle
A young tradesman learns that money doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Drama.
Polly Eccles
The daughter of a Cockney drunkard marries a young aristocrat who is presumed killed in action in WWI. When she gets the news she goes to stay with her aristocratic in-laws.
The Guns of Loos
Set against the backdrop of the shell crisis of 1915 at home and the Battle of Loos on the Western Front, two soldiers, one the manager of Grimlaw’s munitions factory are tested in their rivalry for Diana, a red cross nurse (Madeleine Carroll in her first film role).