Delphine Zingg

Delphine Zingg


Delphine Zingg


Normandía al desnudo
Los ganaderos de Mêle-sur-Sarthe, un pequeño pueblo de Normandía, se han visto afectados por la crisis agrícola. Su alcalde, Georges Balbuzard (François Cluzet), busca la manera de que su pueblo se haga oír para salvarle. Por casualidad, Blake Newman, un famoso fotógrafo especializado en desnudos en masa, pasa por la zona y Balbuzard ve la oportunidad de llamar la atención. Por delante le queda la difícil tarea de convencer a todo el pueblo para que se desnude… por una buena causa.
A young woman who moves to Paris and has a brush with disaster. The grown-up at last, an accomplished woman, who thought she was safe from her own past. Gradually, these characters come together to form a single heroine.
Félicité canta en un club nocturno en Kinshasa, la capital de la República Democrática del Congo. Su vida cambia de raíz cuando su hijo de 14 años tiene un terrible accidente de motocicleta y ella comienza una búsqueda frenética a través de las calles de Kinshasa, un mundo de música y sueños. Su obsesión: recaudar dinero para la cirugía de su hijo. Y en su camino se cruza con Tabu.
Yacine se está descubriendo a sí mismo en este mundo del que quiere despegarse, y su búsqueda del infinito le lleva a Andalucía.
Myriam Bechet
El Hadj is studying in Paris. He is one of the young Senegalese men who have come to Paris since the French colony became independent to get a good education so that he can serve his fatherland on his return. Unexpectedly he is suddenly confronted by a problem with his residence papers, just because he has arranged an extension too late. His pleasant life filled with good prospects has gone in one fell swoop. He faces a dilemma. He can stay illegally in France, the country where he feels at home, where he has his friends, has fallen in love and can drink water from the tap. Or he can return (without graduating) to the 3rd-world country of Senegal to use the knowledge he has acquired. It is not only a practical choice. It comes down to the question of who he is, who he thought he could be.
Une affaire de goût
Fréderic Delamont es un empresario exitoso, refinado y lleno de fobias, que conoce en un restaurante a un joven camarero, Nicolas Rivière. Días más tarde, Delamont le propone de ser su catador particular a cambio de un alto salario. Lo que comienza con una relación profesional diferente y cordial, se convierte rápidamente en un juego peligroso para ambos hombres.
Annabelle partagée
In this mildly explicit sexual drama, the lovely dancer Annabelle (Delphine Zingg) has a passionate relationship with an older man but eventually decides to devote her romantic energies to a younger man with whom she has more in common. Between sex scenes, and philosophical discussions between friends and lovers about love and relationships, the viewer is treated to shots of the lovely dancer mulling over her life at various scenic locations in Paris.