Delphine Zingg

Delphine Zingg


Delphine Zingg


Normandia Nua
Em Mêle sur Sarthe, uma pequena aldeia da Normandia, os agricultores são gravemente afetados pela crise. Georges Balbuzard, o prefeito da cidade, não aceita a difícil situação e decide tentar de tudo para salvar seu povoado. Por obra do destino, Blake Newman, um grande fotógrafo conceitual, que tem por estilo deixar a multidão sem roupas para suas fotos, está passando pela região. Balbuzard vê nesse encontro a oportunidade de salvar sua aldeia, resta saber se a população estará disposta a ficar nua.
Faces de Uma Mulher
Sandra (Adèle Exarchopoulos) é uma jovem se mudando para Paris, e que tem um leve toque para o desastre. Karine (Solène Rigot) é uma adolescente que passa por infinitas sucessões de fugas, homens e percalços, porque qualquer coisa é melhor que sua família. Kiki (Vega Cuzytek) é uma criança que vive uma tragédia após ser pega em um jogo de esconde-esconde. Renée (Adèle Haenel) é uma mulher estabelecida, que pensava estar livre do seu passado. Aos poucos, entendemos que essas quatro mulheres representam diferentes lados da mesma pessoa.
A vida de Felicité muda quando Samo, seu filho adolescente, sofre um acidente. Sem uma cirurgia de emergência, ele corre o risco de ter uma perna amputada, mas o cirurgião se recusa a intervir enquanto ela não tiver reunido o dinheiro necessário.
Yacine is in his 30s, of Algerian origins, and has come to Paris looking for inner peace. A playful and poetic quest leads him via all kinds of strange encounters to an increasingly surrealist world and to Andalusia: a state of mind.
Myriam Bechet
El Hadj is studying in Paris. He is one of the young Senegalese men who have come to Paris since the French colony became independent to get a good education so that he can serve his fatherland on his return. Unexpectedly he is suddenly confronted by a problem with his residence papers, just because he has arranged an extension too late. His pleasant life filled with good prospects has gone in one fell swoop. He faces a dilemma. He can stay illegally in France, the country where he feels at home, where he has his friends, has fallen in love and can drink water from the tap. Or he can return (without graduating) to the 3rd-world country of Senegal to use the knowledge he has acquired. It is not only a practical choice. It comes down to the question of who he is, who he thought he could be.
A Matter of Taste
Nicolas, a handsome, young waiter, is befriended by Frédéric Delamont, a wealthy middle-aged businessman. Delamont, a man of power, influence and strictly refined tastes, is immediately smitten by Nicolas' charm. Lonely and phobic, Delamont offers Nicolas a lucrative job as his personal food taster. In spite of their differences, a close friendship begins to emerge between the two men. However, their bond of trust and admiration soon spirals downward into a dangerous game of deceit and obsession for which neither is prepared.
Annabelle partagée
In this mildly explicit sexual drama, the lovely dancer Annabelle (Delphine Zingg) has a passionate relationship with an older man but eventually decides to devote her romantic energies to a younger man with whom she has more in common. Between sex scenes, and philosophical discussions between friends and lovers about love and relationships, the viewer is treated to shots of the lovely dancer mulling over her life at various scenic locations in Paris.