Detlev Buck

Detlev Buck

Nacimiento : 1962-12-01, Bad Segeberg, Germany


Detlev Buck
Detlev Buck


Sophia, der Tod und ich
Tarta Sacher
Cuando Karl conoce a la vienesa Nini, está convencido de que ella es el amor de su vida. Desafortunadamente, pierde su número de teléfono. Lo único que sabe es que Nini siempre celebra su cumpleaños en el famoso Café Sacher a las tres de la tarde. Karl decide irse de Berlín y se va a Viena a esperar a Nini todos los días en el café. Hace nuevos amigos, incluida la panadera Miriam. Con ella, Karl descubre Viena mientras busca el amor verdadero.
Bibi & Tina - Einfach anders
Una comedia de la Stasi
¿Una comedia sobre el servicio secreto de la RDA? Sí, una comedia sobre el servicio secreto de la RDA. Situaciones absurdas, enredos y una bonita historia de amor son las claves de esta cinta basada en hechos reales. Berlín, 2022. La familia de Ludger le ha preparado una sorpresa por su cumpleaños: su expediente como policía de la Stasi (servicio secreto de la RDA), en el que encuentran información comprometida.Un filme divertidísimo que demuestra la poca sofisticación del servicio secreto de la RDA a través de la historia de Ludger, quien, de joven, en la década de 1970, se infiltró en ambientes juveniles simpatizantes de Occidente. La vida bohemia, la libertad y la desinhibición que le ofrecen estas comunidades hacen que el joven se acabe olvidando de su cometido.
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Adaptación literaria: un apuesto joven de origen humilde asciende en la sociedad a través de sus conexiones hechas como ascensorista en un hotel de lujo.
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Senior Physician
Adaptación literaria: un apuesto joven de origen humilde asciende en la sociedad a través de sus conexiones hechas como ascensorista en un hotel de lujo.
Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Adaptación literaria: un apuesto joven de origen humilde asciende en la sociedad a través de sus conexiones hechas como ascensorista en un hotel de lujo.
Fuego cruzado por Navidad
Un hombre frustra un asesinato y acaba huyendo de los asesinos con la persona a la que iban a matar. Mientras, una mujer que acaba de conocer intenta encontrarlo.
Fuego cruzado por Navidad
Sigi Köhler
Un hombre frustra un asesinato y acaba huyendo de los asesinos con la persona a la que iban a matar. Mientras, una mujer que acaba de conocer intenta encontrarlo.
Fuego cruzado por Navidad
Un hombre frustra un asesinato y acaba huyendo de los asesinos con la persona a la que iban a matar. Mientras, una mujer que acaba de conocer intenta encontrarlo.
Fuego cruzado por Navidad
Un hombre frustra un asesinato y acaba huyendo de los asesinos con la persona a la que iban a matar. Mientras, una mujer que acaba de conocer intenta encontrarlo.
Berlin, Berlin: la novia se fuga
Lolle ha pasado página y está a punto de casarse con su amigo Hart. Hasta que Sven aparece y altera sus planes.
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula, who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan, the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
Magische Momente - Ein himmlisch fauler Engel
Erster Sekretär
Rocca cambia el mundo
Valiente, divertida y única: así es Rocca. A sus once años, lleva una vida un tanto peculiar. Mientras su padre, astronauta, está pendiente de ella desde el espacio exterior, Rocca vive sola con su ardilla y acude a un colegio normal por primera vez en su vida. Allí destaca enseguida por su actitud despreocupada e inconformista. Rocca no tiene miedo a enfrentarse a los matones de la clase, porque defiende la justicia contra viento y marea. Y no le cuesta hacerse amiga de Casper, un 'sin techo' al que trata de ayudar, al tiempo que intenta ganarse el cariño de su abuela. Con su desbordante optimismo, Rocca demuestra, junto a sus nuevos amigos, que incluso una niña puede cambiar el mundo.
Windstorm 4
Dr. Anders
La abuela Maria, Sam y el instructor de equitación Kaan están tratando juntos de mantener a Gut Kaltenbach corriendo, lo que está en dificultades financieras. La ambiciosa Isabell la apoya, aunque en secreto persigue sus propios objetivos. La impulsiva Ari viene a entrenar a caballo en Kaltenbach, donde desarrolla una relación especial con Windstorm, el caballo homónimo de la serie de películas, y también se hace amiga de Mika. Mika y Ari intentan salvar la finca y proteger a Windstorm del entrenador de caballos imprudente Thordur Thorvaldson.
Romantic comedy about the love confusion of four girlfriends, whose lives are properly turned upside down by their four-legged friends. After being abandoned by her boyfriend, Ella adopts a half-breed called Bozer, who jumbled up her everyday life, but also makes her happy again. Cecile, on the other hand, is about to divorce, but the meek four-legged Simpson averts the worst and is also there for the children. Silke works as a dog trainer and knows very well about the animals, but she has her problems with her fellow human beings. She meets former footballer Olli. And also Lulu has met someone, but her acquaintance is a dog lover, while she has a preference for cats.
Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal, Atris thinks his chance has finally come, not knowing that he is about to set in motion a fateful chain of events.
Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal, Atris thinks his chance has finally come, not knowing that he is about to set in motion a fateful chain of events.
Geheimakte Otto Waalkes - Harry Hirsch auf Spurensuche
Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt
Under the auspicious name "Magical Mystery" the Berlin techno label BummBumm Records wants to go on a rave tour. Karl Schmidt aka Charly himself was once an aspiring artist on the scene, until he retired after a nervous breakdown five years ago. Since then he lives in a supervised withdrawal WG in Hamburg. Now, as a driver and custodian for the party-loving DJs and their producers, he becomes part of "Magical Mystery", trying to lead a self-determined life after years of patronizing and well-intentioned advice.
Das Pubertier - Der Film
Bibi & Tina: Tohuwabohu total
Es un pandemónium perfecto cuando Bibi y Tina conocen a un niño fugitivo con un problema de actitud, que resulta ser una niña, llamada Adea. El tío de Adea es tan estrecho de miras y obstinado que incluso con todos sus hechizos mágicos, Bibi no puede lograr que los dos se reconcilien. Mientras tanto, el Castillo de Falkenstein está siendo renovado, lo que está llevando al Conde a su ingenio. Especialmente porque Alex planea realizar un festival de música en Falkenstein y está decidido a seguir adelante a pesar de las objeciones de su padre. Y si todo eso no fuera suficiente, Tina es secuestrada. A pesar del completo caos, una cosa está clara: al final, el cambio real proviene de que todos trabajen y trabajen juntos, no por arte de magia.
Der Tunnel
On his weekly train ride through Switzerland a student notices that the tunnel they are driving through is unusually long. The persistent darkness makes him increasingly apprehensive. His fellow passengers don’t seem concerned. Even the conductor reassures him that everything is fine. But when he heads to the engineer’s cabin with the chief conductor – they find it empty. And after their effort to pull the emergency break fails, they watch the rapidly accelerating train head straight into a dark abyss.
Hotel Rock'n'Roll
Vivi is exhausted. Actually, she is about to become an attorney and to move in together with her boyfriend Adam, but somehow, she is stuck. She tries to flee back to her Moms couch, only to find that there is no more space for her. Vivi's father assumes that she needs some rest and sends her to an island...
The 90 Minute War
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has lasted 100 years. 100 years of war, bloodshed, bitterness, suffering. 100 years of stalemate, intransigence and failed peace deals. And now, it’s all over! They’ve finally found the solution: A game of soccer. The winner gets to stay. The loser leaves forever. And no whining.
Too Hard to Handle
It's no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it.
The Pasta Detectives 3
Oskars Vater Lars
The friends and amateur detectives Rico and Oskar experiencing their last adventure together. Here everything is really only one well, because now they live next door to. Ricos mother Tanya and Buhl are together, Oskar is with his father Lars pulled to Rico into the house. But dies as the grumpy Fitzke, the trouble begins. The stone Breeder inherited Rico his beloved stone-collection over which the boy also very pleased - but then he and his buddy note that Rico's favorite stone calf stone was stolen. The task now is to make the thieves apprehended. And because there are on the way to the Baltic Sea, Rico and Oskar must as soon as possible afterwards. Glad Tanja is flown by Buhl in the "snogging holiday" ...
Bibi & Tina: Chicas contra chicos
En el campamento de verano, la joven Bibi y sus amigas compiten con los chicos en una búsqueda del tesoro. Pero ¿qué puede hacer una bruja si ha perdido sus poderes?
Bibi & Tina: Chicas contra chicos
En el campamento de verano, la joven Bibi y sus amigas compiten con los chicos en una búsqueda del tesoro. Pero ¿qué puede hacer una bruja si ha perdido sus poderes?
Bibi & Tina: Chicas contra chicos
En el campamento de verano, la joven Bibi y sus amigas compiten con los chicos en una búsqueda del tesoro. Pero ¿qué puede hacer una bruja si ha perdido sus poderes?
Half Brothers
Juliano, el alemán, Yassin, el turco, y Addi, el africano, tienen la misma madre pero padres diferentes. Cuando aprenden acerca de la existencia de cada uno, van en un viaje por carretera juntos en busca de sus raíces comunes.
Bibi & Tina II
Dr. Eichhorn
Bibi y Tina han pensado un plan para promocionar la granja de vacaciones Martinshof y también para ocuparse del enamoramiento de Bibi.
Bibi & Tina II
Bibi y Tina han pensado un plan para promocionar la granja de vacaciones Martinshof y también para ocuparse del enamoramiento de Bibi.
Bibi & Tina II
Bibi y Tina han pensado un plan para promocionar la granja de vacaciones Martinshof y también para ocuparse del enamoramiento de Bibi.
The Man Cave
Quotas for women, parking spaces for women, online shopping, small talk and gossip. Software developer Erol, porta-potty rep Lars, and commercial pilot Helmut are licking the wounds of their masculinity – a female-free zone is what’s needed! In the boiler room of their recently built housing complex, the three stressed husbands create a secret refuge where they can watch football, eat fast-food, drink beer and curse the opposite sex undisturbed. When Aykut, the complex’s facility manager, discovers their last bastion of masculinity, he threatens to close it down. One thing is for sure, the men are not going to give up their little slice of paradise without a fight. Based on the stage play bearing the same name, director Franziska Meyer Price allows men to return to rebellious ladhood.
Bibi & Tina
Para la joven bruja Bibi no hay nada como pasar sus vacaciones en los establos con su mejor amiga Tina. Aunque a Bibi le cuesta no lanzar algún conjuro, montar a caballo lo compensa más que de sobra. Pero ese verano, Bibi y Tina tendrán que hacer frente a una dura competición hípica.
Bibi & Tina
Para la joven bruja Bibi no hay nada como pasar sus vacaciones en los establos con su mejor amiga Tina. Aunque a Bibi le cuesta no lanzar algún conjuro, montar a caballo lo compensa más que de sobra. Pero ese verano, Bibi y Tina tendrán que hacer frente a una dura competición hípica.
Joy of Fatherhood
Dr. Parisius
A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...
Dr. Anders
Mientras pasa el verano en la granja de su abuela, una chica (Hanna Höppner) descubre que tiene un talento especial para comunicacarse con los caballos y trata de domar a un feroz semental.
Shark Alarm at Müggel Lake
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Break Up Man
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
A poor peasant woman lives in a cabin in the woods. She grows two rose-trees in front of her house, one with white roses and one with red. When the flowers bloomed she had two children, both girls. She named them both after the trees, Snow White and Rose Red respectively. They have an adventure involving a bad dwarf and a bewitched bear.
Waiting for the Sea
Sailor Marat carries a great burden. His whole village condemns him since his wife and many fishermen were washed off his boat in a mysterious sea storm. Ever since then the sea has vanished. One day, Marat returns to his village, obsessed by the idea of making the sea return and so the dead. He begins rebuilding his shipwreck in the middle of the desert, dragging it towards the endless horizon. Only his last close friend Balthasar, and Tamara, the sister of Marat's deceased wife, believe in him. Tamara, deeply in love with Marat, who repulses her, knows from a fortune teller that maybe not her dream but his might come true. One morning Marat wakes up by the sound of water - the sea has returned, ready to take what belongs to her...
Midiendo el mundo
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
Midiendo el mundo
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
Midiendo el mundo
Angry Man
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
Midiendo el mundo
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
Der Heiratsschwindler und seine Frau
Sigi Krugschenk
Woman in Love
Jürgen Honk
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
Woman in Love
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
Woman in Love
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
How to Live Your Life
A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
12 pasos sin cabeza. La leyenda de un pirata
Divertirse, desatar el caos y provocar motines ha sido, durante mucho tiempo, la forma de vida de los piratas Klaus Stöertebeker y Gödeke Michels. Un sinfín de conquistas en el Mar Báltico han dado a Stöertebeker una reputación de rebelde y revolucionario y, para sus leales tropas de piratas, él es una leyenda. Sin embargo, las constantes batallas y luchas contra los odiados “ricachones” de Hanse han ido desgastando a los antes invencibles bucaneros y a su audaz tripulación. Es por eso que, cuando Stöertebeker resulta gravemente herido en una batalla para abordar un barco, el legendario pirata comienza a preguntarse si este tipo de vida tiene futuro para él y, en el momento en que se enamora de la preciosa y luchadora Billie, la cual le hace soñar con una tranquila vida en tierra firme, se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su futuro.
On the Other Side of the Screen: 100 Years of Moviemento Cinema
You say you’re interested in film and you’ve never been to the Moviemento? You are hereby put on cineastic probation – at least until you watch Bernd Sobolla’s documentary.
La cinta blanca
Eva's Father
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
Same Same But Different
Basado en la historia real de Benjamin Prufer y Sreykeo Solvan. La inesperada e incierta historia de amor de Sreykeo, una chica de bar de 21 años en Phnom Penh y Ben, un joven estudiante alemán que viaja a Camboya en un viaje de verano de posgrado. Cuando Ben regresa a su casa en Alemania, descubre que Sreyko está enferma y asume la responsabilidad de salvarla. En el camino, descubre un mundo donde no todos reciben las mismas cartas y donde las motivaciones no siempre son puras.
Same Same But Different
Basado en la historia real de Benjamin Prufer y Sreykeo Solvan. La inesperada e incierta historia de amor de Sreykeo, una chica de bar de 21 años en Phnom Penh y Ben, un joven estudiante alemán que viaja a Camboya en un viaje de verano de posgrado. Cuando Ben regresa a su casa en Alemania, descubre que Sreyko está enferma y asume la responsabilidad de salvarla. En el camino, descubre un mundo donde no todos reciben las mismas cartas y donde las motivaciones no siempre son puras.
Contact High
Gangster boss Carlos orders the dodgy Viennese junkyard owner Harry to bring him a bag from Poland. Harry passes the order on to his "best man" Schorsch. Schorsch, not exactly the brightest, is currently without a driver's license and completely fixated on the 24-hour car race of Le Mans. So he gives the order to Mao and sends in their place the takeaway lessees Hans and Max to Poland. Their journey leads to a seemingly endless drug trip full of extraordinary phenomena.
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
Karl Wilhelm von Zieten
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
Robert Zimmermann Is Tangled Up in Love
Cuando un chorro de kétchup al curry acaba en su elegante traje, Robert Zimmermann, de 26 años, se siente francamente mal. Y dado que este diseñador de videojuegos tiene una importante presentación esta misma tarde, no queda más remedio que limpiar el traje inmediatamente. La tarea recae en Monika, que trabaja en la tintorería del barrio.
The Moon and Other Lovers
Der Mond und andere Liebhaber narrates the story of Hanna, a woman who will not take lifes set-backs and knock-downs sitting down. Instead, she takes them in her stride, picks herself up and marches onward. This is a woman who continually draws new courage from her inexhaustible will to live. Whatever losses and uncertainties come her way, she remains true to herself.
M/S Gustloff
Hagen Koch
Joseph Vilsmaier Two-part TV movie focuses on the tragic events surrounding the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, a German passenger ship, at the end of World War II. On 30 January 1945, Captain Hellmuth Kehding was in charge of the ship, evacuating wounded soldiers and civilians trapped by the Red Army. Soon after leaving the harbor of Danzig, it was hit by three torpedoes from the Soviet submarine and sank in less than an hour.
Midsummer Madness
St. John’s Night is a traditional midsummer Latvian celebration where family and friends get together to build bonfires, drink and have a good time. According to a legend, on this night lovers and those who wish to fall in love can search the woods for the "magic fern".
Hands off Mississippi
Hands off Mississippi
Vom Ende der Eiszeit
Tough Enough
From the youth directed novel of the same name by Greogor Tressnow comes a film by Detlev Buck that is a realistic portrait of life in the section of Berlin called Neukölln. It’s about power and weakness, delinquents and victims, and the difficulties a 15-year-old faces in a poor and criminal environment.
Kabale und Liebe
Sekretär Wurm
Ferdinand's father, the president of the residence, can not tolerate a serious relationship between his son and a commoner, and moreover intends to marry him to Lady Milford, the prince's mistress, to increase his own influence at court.
Oberst Kalt
Mi nombre es Bach
Narra el encuentro histórico que se produjo en mayo de 1747, en Postdam, entre el anciano compositor Johann Sebastian Bach, casi ciego y al final de sus días, y el joven emperador Federico II, amante de la música y gran admirador del anciano maestro. Bach, que contaba con 65 años, había realizado un largo viaje desde Leizpig para atender al bautizo de su primer nieto Adam, hijo de Emanuel, su hijo de 28 años. En ese encuentro entre el rey y el famoso compositor, el monarca ve en Bach a un padre ideal, en las antípodas del suyo, Ferderico Guillermo I, y Bach ve en el joven homosexual al hijo poderoso y resuelto que hubiera deseado, tan distinto a Emanuel, demasiado sumiso y marginal a sus ojos. Con Bach había viajado también Friedmann, su hijo mayor de 30 años, un brillante organista con tendencia a la autodestrucción y una rebeldía natural. La aproximación entre artista y monarca comienza entonces a sembrar la discordia en el seno de ambos clanes, los Bach y la corte.
Liebe süß-sauer: Die Verlobte aus Shanghai
Three loser-type ex-students who earn too little money and don´t get laid as much as they want, try to change that by producing a home made porn movie starring themselves. They loan money from a pimp and begin casting the girls. When filming starts they find out that sex in front of the camera is hard work. Also you should know how to work a video camera. Frustration, relationship problems and cabin fever culminate in a dope induced garden orgy. But is it a film?
Berlin Blues
Der beste Freund Karl
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
Blue Moon
Ignaz Springer
After screwing up a money exchange a Viennese small-time crook accompanied by a Russian hostess hits the road to the East.
Herr Wagner
Fernes Land Pa-Isch
1. Polizist
Un verano sangriento
Jeannette es una mujer joven que vive en un centro mental desde niña. Con tan solo doce años presenció la brutal muerte de sus padres a manos de un asesino en serie. Ha vivido perseguida por las pesadillas recordando aquel día y ahora ha llegado el momento de enfrentarse de nuevo al mundo real. Sale del hospital en busca de una nueva vida, pero el asesino reaparecerá y esta vez no será un sueño...
Sun Alley
A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany.
Sun Alley
A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany.
Sun Alley
A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany.
The Devil and Ms. D
Gevatter Tod
Aimée y Jaguar
Günter Wüst
En el Berlín de la II Guerra Mundial, Lilly, esposa de un oficial nazi, ama de casa y madre de cuatro hijos, lleva una vida convencional. Felice es judía y trabaja para un periódico nazi bajo un nombre falso, además de suministrar información a la resistencia. Cuando se conocen inician una historia de amor apasionada. Se escriben a diario cartas y poemas con los nombres ficticios de Aimèe y Jaguar. Cuando Lilly llega a saber que Felice es judía, rompe con su vida y emprende una serie de acciones: se divorcia de su marido nazi y hace que Felice se traslade a su apartamento. Pero, un día, las SS están esperándolas en el apartamento de Lilly...
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Nackt im Cabrio
Unter der Milchstraße
A young student travels through Europe as a sleeping car attendant.
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.
The Elephant Never Forgets
A short by Detlev Buck.
Alles auf Anfang
Movie-making cliches are parodied in this German comedy which features to warring actresses, meddling producers, indulgent directors, and an ignored writer. Not only must they contend with each other, they must also deal with the bankers who have the power to shut them down at any moment. The story begins at the premier of director Viktor Rote's newest film "The Tin Cat," which stars his popular wife Riki Rote. The film's writer and Viktor's brother Richard is miffed when he is not allowed into the screening. Viktor's ambitious mistress and aspiring star the Nina is also not invited in. The film is a hit so Rote is allowed to begin his new film by producer George Kuballa. George is also head of the studio. His rich and frequently rejected wife is Lore, a major financial studio backer who prefers spending her time consorting with her handsome young chauffeur.
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Child's Play
When Micha's mother leaves his irascible father, he tries to prevent their divorce by any means he can think of, but his attempts to hold the family together lead to a catastrophe...
After his training as a policeman, the young, shy Köppe is transferred to a northern German town. Unfortunately, in an area where fox and rabbit say goodnight, there is little for a lawman to do. So Köppe kills time with the search for mysterious cow murderers, flirting with two attractive women and befriending a likeable petty crook.
After his training as a policeman, the young, shy Köppe is transferred to a northern German town. Unfortunately, in an area where fox and rabbit say goodnight, there is little for a lawman to do. So Köppe kills time with the search for mysterious cow murderers, flirting with two attractive women and befriending a likeable petty crook.
Solinger Rudi
Rudi Kowatsch, 42 years old, divorced, two kids, jobless. One day he's hired to sell knives ("Solinger Messer")..
A young customs officer is bored by his job and his situation at all. He tries to have some fun, but in a way that nobody else can enjoy. The situation changes when he decides to let his too long hair be cut.
A young customs officer is bored by his job and his situation at all. He tries to have some fun, but in a way that nobody else can enjoy. The situation changes when he decides to let his too long hair be cut.
A young customs officer is bored by his job and his situation at all. He tries to have some fun, but in a way that nobody else can enjoy. The situation changes when he decides to let his too long hair be cut.
Schwarzbunt Märchen
This short film describes what cows are doing in spring from a very human point of view.
Eine Rolle Duschen
A short directed by Detlev Buck.
Eine Rolle Duschen
A short directed by Detlev Buck.
Normal bitte
Normal bitte
Erst die Arbeit und dann?
Gerhart Ramm is a simple minded farmer's son with much an interest what life means downtown. When he tries to spend the night in Hamburg, he gets no attention at first. But there is Chantalle who is kind of amused by Gerhart's behaviour.
Erst die Arbeit und dann?
Gerhard Ramm
Gerhart Ramm is a simple minded farmer's son with much an interest what life means downtown. When he tries to spend the night in Hamburg, he gets no attention at first. But there is Chantalle who is kind of amused by Gerhart's behaviour.
Erst die Arbeit und dann?
Gerhart Ramm is a simple minded farmer's son with much an interest what life means downtown. When he tries to spend the night in Hamburg, he gets no attention at first. But there is Chantalle who is kind of amused by Gerhart's behaviour.