Edmond Rostand

Edmond Rostand

Nacimiento : 1868-04-01, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Muerte : 1918-12-02


Edmond Eugène Alexis Rostand (1 April 1868 – 2 December 1918) was a French poet and dramatist. He is associated with neo-romanticism and is known best for his 1897 play Cyrano de Bergerac. Rostand's romantic plays contrasted with the naturalistic theatre popular during the late nineteenth century. Another of Rostand's works, Les Romanesques (1894), was adapted to the 1960 musical comedy The Fantasticks. Rostand was born in Marseille, France, into a wealthy and cultured Provençal family. His father was an economist, a poet who translated and edited the works of Catullus, and a member of the Marseille Academy and the Institut de France. Rostand studied literature, history, and philosophy at the Collège Stanislas in Paris, France. When Rostand was twenty years old, his first play, a one-act comedy, Le Gant rouge, was performed at the Cluny Theatre, 24 August 1888, but it was almost unnoticed. He and his fiancé Rosemonde Gérard became friends with Emmanuel Chabrier in 1889, and the composer quickly set three of his poems (and two of hers) to music; the following year the two collaborated on À la musique for the house-warming of a mutual friend. In 1890, Rostand published a volume of poems called Les Musardises. The same year he offered a one-act Pierrot play in verse to the director of the Théâtre François. This gave him the opportunity to write for the state theatre a three-act play, also in verse, as are all Rostand's plays. He considered himself a poet, whether writing plays or poetry. The resulting play, Les Romanesques, was produced at the Théâtre François on 21 May 1894. It was a great success and was the start of his career as a dramatist. This play would be adapted in 1960 by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt into the long-running American musical The Fantasticks. Rostand's next play was written for Sarah Bernhardt. La Princesse Lointaine was based on the story of the 12th-century troubadour Jaufre Rudel and his love for Hodierna of Jerusalem (who is the archetypal princesse lointaine character). This idealistic play opened on 5 April 1895, at the Théâtre de la Renaissance. The part of Melisandre (based on Hodierna's daughter Melisende of Tripoli) was created by Sarah Bernhardt but the play was not particularly successful. When Bernhardt performed it in London later the same year, it received a bad review from George Bernard Shaw but this was not surprising considering Shaw's bias for realism. Rambaldo di Vaqueiras: I Monferrato, 1922 1922 verse drama by Nino Berrini(it) is based on La Princesse Lointaine. Bernhardt, undeterred, asked Rostand to write another play for her. She created the role of Photine in La Samaritaine (Theatre de la Renaissance, 14 April 1897), a Biblical drama in three scenes adapted from the gospel story of the woman of Samaria. This play was more successful and became part of Sarah Bernhardt's repertoire. Rostand felt satisfied that he had proven to the public that he was something more than a writer of comedies. ... Source: Article "Edmond Rostand" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Edmond Rostand


Un hombre adelantado a su tiempo, Cyrano de Bergerac deslumbra ya sea con feroces juegos de palabras en una justa verbal o con un brillante manejo de la espada en un duelo. Pero, convencido de que su apariencia lo hace indigno del amor de una devota amiga, la luminosa Roxanne, Cyrano aún tiene que declarar sus sentimientos por ella, y Roxanne se ha enamorado, a primera vista, de Christian.
Theatre Play
Un hombre adelantado a su tiempo, Cyrano de Bergerac deslumbra ya sea con feroces juegos de palabras en una justa verbal o con un brillante manejo de la espada en un duelo. Pero, convencido de que su apariencia lo hace indigno del amor de una devota amiga, la luminosa Roxanne, Cyrano aún tiene que declarar sus sentimientos por ella, y Roxanne se ha enamorado, a primera vista, de Christian.
National Theatre Live: Cyrano de Bergerac
Fierce with a pen and notorious in combat, Cyrano almost has it all - if only he could win the heart of his true love Roxane. There’s just one big problem: he has a nose as huge as his heart. Will a society engulfed by narcissism get the better of Cyrano - or can his mastery of language set Roxane’s world alight?
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Cyril, de 17 años, es divertido, inteligente y un buen chico completo. Solo su nariz algo demasiado grande estropea la imagen. En un viaje escolar a Berlín con Roxy, una deslumbrante nueva compañera de clase, Cyril no es el único que se enamora de ella. Benno, la clase Casanova también tiene el ojo puesto en la chica y hace una apuesta desagradable. Roxy está más interesada en el introvertido Rick, que no solo es tímido sino también lento. Cyril se apresura con sus habilidades de palabra hablada en ayuda de Rick y se enamora perdidamente del propio Roxy. Entonces, ¿de quién es el corazón valiente que conquistará a la bella dama?
Cyrano de Bergerac
La Comédie-Française: Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano has a prominent nose but also a gift with words by which he helps handsome Christian to conquer Roxane. Also in love with the girl he chooses not to reveal to her that every word of Christian comes out of his own heart. In cinema, this ROSTAND classic filmed live from the Comédie Française.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Original Story
Cyrano es un brillante poeta y un hábil espadachín que expresa su amor por la bella Roxane a través de Christian, el apuesto soldado a quien ella ama. Cyrano es jactancioso y fanfarrón, de genio vivo pero a la vez ingenioso e irónico, noble y orgulloso. Pero esconde una herida secreta que le atormenta: su agudo sentido del ridículo, su fealdad y su susceptibilidad le han impedido ser amado por Roxane. Sin embargo, ya que su amada ama a otro, él ayudará a su rival escribiendo en su nombre apasionadas cartas de amor.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Theatre Play
Cyrano es un brillante poeta y un hábil espadachín que expresa su amor por la bella Roxane a través de Christian, el apuesto soldado a quien ella ama. Cyrano es jactancioso y fanfarrón, de genio vivo pero a la vez ingenioso e irónico, noble y orgulloso. Pero esconde una herida secreta que le atormenta: su agudo sentido del ridículo, su fealdad y su susceptibilidad le han impedido ser amado por Roxane. Sin embargo, ya que su amada ama a otro, él ayudará a su rival escribiendo en su nombre apasionadas cartas de amor.
Сирано де Бержерак
Original Story
Adaptación moderna del clásico de Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac. C.D. Bales, jefe de bomberos de una pequeña población, es un poeta frustrado que no ha tenido suerte ni con la literatura ni con las mujeres. En el caso de las mujeres, el problema es su enorme nariz. A pesar de ello, no tiene complejos y trata de conquistar a Roxanne, una estudiante de astronomía que prepara su tesis. Pero ella se siente atraída por otro bombero, Chris McDonell, tan guapo como torpe con las palabras.
Theatre Play
Adaptación moderna del clásico de Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac. C.D. Bales, jefe de bomberos de una pequeña población, es un poeta frustrado que no ha tenido suerte ni con la literatura ni con las mujeres. En el caso de las mujeres, el problema es su enorme nariz. A pesar de ello, no tiene complejos y trata de conquistar a Roxanne, una estudiante de astronomía que prepara su tesis. Pero ella se siente atraída por otro bombero, Chris McDonell, tan guapo como torpe con las palabras.
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Original Story
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Theatre Play
Cyrano de Bergerac
As incomparable in swordplay and wordplay as he is, the gallant soldier, philosopher, and poet Cyrano de Bergerac is as timid as a schoolboy before the fair Roxanne. Derek Jacobi delivers an electrifying award-winning portrayal of Rostand's legendary log-nosed swordsman in this highly acclaimed production from the world's premier theatre troupe, The Royal Shakespeare Company. The bold Cyrano boasts he can defeat a hundred men in a swordfight, but because of his grotesque nose lacks the confidence to court the woman he loves. Yet so entranced with Roxanne is Cyrano that he uses the eloquence of his poetry to woo her for a rival.
Long-nosed Cyrano de Begerac helps an army officer woo Roxanne, the woman he loves in this animated version of Edmond Rostand's play.
Cyrano z Bergeracu
Theatre Play
I’m Not Worthy of You
Original Story
Osman falls in love with Türkan, the daughter of a wealthy family, but he cannot open his feelings to the young woman. During Osman's military service, his brother Ekrem becomes lovers with Türkan and gets engaged. Although Türkan really loves Ekrem, his plans are completely different.
The Fantasticks
Neighboring widowers plot to romantically unite their son and daughter by pretending to feud and forbidding the two children to associate with each other. Their scheme works and the two youngsters fall head-over-heels in love. To end their "feud" the fathers hire a bandit and his henchmen to fake an abduction and allow the son to rout the assailants. The plan works, but the two love birds discover that requited love is much less exciting than forbidden romance and they break off their relationship. Matt, the son, resolves to see the world and receives a severe buffeting, while Luisa, the daughter, has an unhappy romance with the bandit, who steals her most precious possession, her mother's necklace. Matt returns, sadder but wiser, and the two former lovers reunite.
Los ballets de París
Original Story
Escenas en vivo de París y un narrador que da continuidad a las escenas integran cuatro coreografías dramáticas, de las cuales es autor Roland Petit.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac
Theatre Play
José Ferrer ganó el Oscar al mejor actor por su retraro del espadachín y poeta con lengua de plata que intenta atraer a la mujer a la que ama, pero que ama a otro hombre.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano, poet and cadet from Gascony, is afflicted with an excessively long nose which makes the beauties smile. He is no less in love with his cousin Roxane.
The Eagle
An adaptation of the play L'Aiglon by Edmond Rostand, which portrays the life of Napoleon I.
The Eagle
Theatre Play
An adaptation of the play L'Aiglon by Edmond Rostand, which portrays the life of Napoleon I.
Cyrano de Bergerac
La obra teatral CYRANO DE BERGERAC puede considerarse un clásico instantáneo. El verso de Edmond Ronstad, los amores de Cyrano por Roxane encauzados a través de Christian —joven sin discurso también enamorado de la bella— el aura patriótica de Cyrano, su capacidad de sacrificio y el hecho de estar inspirado en un personaje real de nariz tan legendaria como la de Cleopatra, convirtieron en éxito inmediato a esta obra estrenada en 1897. En 1920 ya contaba con cinco adaptaciones al cine y la de Augusto Genina se erigió por encima de todas las anteriores e, incluso, las posteriores sonoras. Protagonizado por el segundo actor que interpretó el personaje en escena, el film fue realizado en 1922 y durante cerca de 3 años fue sometido al laborioso coloreado de su largo metraje, por medio de plantillas fotograma a fotograma.
Those of Our Land
Documental hecho en 1915, en donde se intenta revindicar la imagen de los artistas e intelectuales franceses, haciendo contrapeso a la supuesta supremacía germana.
Cyrano is a cat with a snout so large and ungainly that he comes to resemble a dog. A musketeer in the company of the Cadets of Gascony who has mastered the art of poetry, he is in love with his cousin, the beautiful and gentle Roxane, an immaculate feline; but she has fallen in love with Christian, a cheeky Cavalier King Charles who has just joined the Cadets, much to Cyrano's displeasure. Roxane asks Cyrano to act as a messenger to talk to Christian. Torn but resigned, Cyrano agrees. Christian is handsome but lacks Cyrano's word, so Cyrano proposes a pact: he will be his fighting spirit, Christian will remain the charming body. Will the two of them manage to seduce Roxane?