Rob Sweeney


Rob Sweeney is an American film and television cinematographer.


The Magic Bracelet
Director of Photography
'The Magic Bracelet' mysteriously links best friends Angela, Ashley and a cheese obsessed dog. When Ashley inherits a totem bracelet from a friend who died of Mitochondrial Disease - the same illness she herself battles - it leads the girls on a mystical journey of discovery in which a new level of friendship, family and healing is revealed. This project was created by Make A Film Foundation to fulfill the wish of 15 year old Rina Goldberg whose final words to her mom before she died of Mitochondrial disease were 'Promise to take care of my film.'
Letters from the Big Man
Sarah Smith, an artist and government hydrologist, sets out on a post-fire stream survey in a remote part of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness of southwestern Oregon. In the course of her journey through this ancient and ecologically diverse land, she unwittingly finds herself interacting with a sasquatch man, and a mutual curiosity ensues. As their friendship deepens, Sarah must take bold steps to protect his privacy, as well as her own.
Waking Madison
Director of Photography
A woman suffering from multiple personality disorder tries to piece back together her life.
Director of Photography
A woman's schizophrenia affects her relationships with her husband and son.
Prohibido enamorarse
Second Unit Director of Photography
Mirabelle es una dependienta que vende guantes y otros accesorios en una tienda. Se siente poco considerada en su trabajo y con poca fortuna en el terreno amoroso, hasta que un maduro millonario divorciado entra en su vida... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Dianne travels alone to Mexico in search of her missing sister. Her investigation presents unsettling encounters leading her on a mind-bender as she attempts to unravel the truth.
Harry + Max
Director of Photography
Harry y Max son dos hermanos dedicados al mundo de la música, y dos ídolos de adolescentes. Mientras Harry se encuentra al final de su carrera, Max está comenzándola, y en pleno triunfo. Harry es declarado heterosexual, mientras que Max es gay. Ambos han mantenido una relación de incesto durante su juventud.
Blue Car
Director of Photography
Gifted 18-year-old Meg has been abandoned by her father and neglected by her hardworking mother. Left to care for her emotionally disturbed younger sister, her world begins to unravel. She finds an outlet in writing poetry and support from her English teacher, Mr. Auster. But what started out as a mentoring relationship begins to get a bit more complex.
Puedes besar a la novia
Director of Photography
Niki, Chrissy y Toni son tres hermanas pertenecientes a una familia italo-americana, de Rhode Island, que dejaron el hogar hace años por no soportar la rigidez de su padre. Ahora regresan a su pueblo natal para asistir a la boda de su cuarta hermana, Danni, la más tradicional de todas.
The Sleepy Time Gal
Director of Photography
A young woman learns of her adoption and eventually quits her law firm job and goes on a journey to find her birth mother.
En lo más profundo
Second Unit Director of Photography
Una mujer encubre un asesinato para proteger a su hijo adolescente de verse implicado. Pero alguien lo sabe, la información vale dinero y el precio del silencio será aún mayor. Un thriller que obtuvo el aplauso de la crítica.
Big Eden
Director of Photography
Tras muchos años en Nueva York, Henry Hart regresa a su pequeño pueblo natal de Big Eden, en Montana, para cuidar de su abuelo. Henry se da cuenta de que tiene que afrontar su amor no correspondido por Dean, su mejor amigo del instituto. Sus sentimientos por Dean, que fueron la causa de su huida 20 años atrás, son aún muy fuertes. Por otra parte Pike se enamora de él. Este triángulo y una tragedia darán a los habitantes de Big Eden la posibilidad de ayudar a dos de los suyos.
I'm Losing You
Director of Photography
A wealthy businessman Perry Krohn attempts to juggle the needs of his dedicated wife, demanding mistress and grown children while facing his own certain death from lung cancer.
Director of Photography
When a large corporation threatens to take over a small town's primary business and put half of the town's population out of work, sawmill owner Logan Reeser is the only one who can stand in their way.
All Revved Up
Director of Photography
A lovely school teacher finds herself the victim of a scam artist - a garage owner who delights in ripping off his customers. Soon, she has two eager young men, her lizard-loving neighbour and his friend, on her side to help her exact revenge on the sleazy mechanic, who is the leader of a stolen car ring.
Color of a Brisk and Leaping Day
Director of Photography
The Yosemite Valley Railroad, which runs through the breathtaking scenery and stunning vistas of Yosemite National Park, is on the brink of failure. The grandson of a Chinese railroad laborer embarks on a romantic, but ultimately doomed, quest to save this railroad from being sold for scrap. His love of trains finds him working as a railroad-man, instead of at his father's profitable business. He manages to locate a wealthy eccentric investor to help him acquire the railroad, but its financial inviability makes this a quixotic reprieve, at best. The film also portrays the anti-Asian racism present in America at the conclusion of World War II.
Héroe por accidente
First Assistant Camera
Bernie Laplante es un ladronzuelo perseguido por la policía que pasa por una mala racha. Un día, ve cómo un avión se estrella, decide ayudar y, de paso, llevarse el bolso de una pasajera, que resulta ser una periodista empeñada en descubrir al héroe que rescató a parte del pasaje.
Corazón salvaje
First Assistant Camera
Durante un permiso carcelario, Sailor va a ver a su novia Lula y ambos deciden huir a California. La madre de la chica, que se opone a esta relación, se pone en contacto con un mafioso para que elimine a Sailor. En realidad, quiere deshacerse de él porque el joven presenció cómo ella y su amante asesinaban a su marido. La huida de Sailor y Lula va acompañada de turbios acontecimientos y sórdidos recuerdos.
Lecciones inolvidables
Second Assistant Camera
Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos, nominado al Oscar al mejor actor) es el nuevo profesor de matemáticas en un instituto para jóvenes de origen hispano en un barrio de Los Angeles. Son alumnos difíciles que no esperan llegar a la universidad, y que aspiran tan sólo a algún trabajo que apenas les permita sobrevivir. Jaime tendrá que hacerles cambiar de opinión, y exigirles fuertes sacrificios.
El borracho
Second Assistant Camera
Henry Chinaski es un escritor alcohólico y genial que se pasa la vida en los bares. Su preferido es el "Golden Horn", frecuentado por un variopinto grupo de vagabundos, prostitutas y otros desechos de la sociedad. Henry se lleva muy bien con Jim, el barman de día, pero discute frecuentemente con Eddie, el barman de noche, un hombre iracundo y fanfarrón. Sus peleas son objeto de apuestas por parte de los clientes. Cuando Henry gana, gasta su dinero recorriendo los demás bares del barrio. Así es cómo conoce a Wanda, una mujer todavía bella y tan alcohólica como él