Frédéric Paquet


Adiós, felicidad
Couple qui part
Cuatro hermanos, totalmente opuestos entre sí, se reencuentran para rendirle un último homenaje a su padre en la casa de veraneo familiar.
The Fall of Sparta
Vendeur magasin
When we are young, we sometimes feel that the world is stacked against us. This is the case for 16 year-old Steeve Simard (Lévi Doré), who is entering his last year at Gaston-Miron High School in St-Lambert. A cynical intellectual with a critical view of himself and the world, he struggles to establish bonds with his parents and peers. He only has one friend: Virgil (Jonathan St-Armand). In order to evade his loneliness and fill a void in his imagination, he seeks refuge in his books and music. However, an incident with the star of the Spartans football team, will force Steeve to come out of his shell and face his destiny…
Doctor in the Emergency Room
Jeanne y Simon Marwan son dos mellizos cuya madre, que lleva mucho tiempo sin hablar, está a punto de morir. Pero, antes del fatal desenlace, les da dos cartas que deben ser entregadas a un padre al que creían muerto y a un hermano cuya existencia desconocían. Ambos emprenderán un viaje al Líbano para localizarlos y encontrar respuestas a su existencia. Basada en una obra de teatro de Wajdi Mouawad.
Father and Guns
Fils Fric - Maxime
To save the life of fellow cop kidnapped by a biker gang, a father and a son who cannot stand the sight of each other infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy for fathers and sons. Their biggest challenge is to survive the therapy without killing each other.
Happy Camper
Gardien de Prison
Pierre-Louis Cinq-Mars is a successful stockbroker. Everything in his life is well-ordered -- stock investments, luxury car, the latest computer, stylish and tasteful clothes...well-ordered to the point of being utterly predictable. Jackie Pigeon, the owner of the Camping Pigeon campground, is a go-getter who always gets her way. She conducts her business with a sure hand and everything at the campground runs smoothly. Her life is the complete opposite of Pierre-Louis's -- she's rather messy, of modest means, wears flamboyant and sexy clothes...everything in her life hovers on the edge of bad taste. Two people from completely different worlds whose paths would not normally have been fated to cross.