Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
Ida es nueva en la ciudad y le cuesta mucho hacer amigos. Un día, su extraña maestra de clase, la señorita Cornfield, anuncia que todos en la clase pronto tendrán un animal mágico que los acompañará. Ida escoge al zorro Rabbat. Benni, al igual que Ida también una forastera, escoge a la tortuga Henrietta como nueva compañera. Pero esos animales son algo muy especial: no solo tienen habilidades mágicas, ¡también pueden hablar y desarrollar su propio carácter!
La película gira en torno a una familia burguesa y el drama de los refugiados. La familia posee un empresa en Calais, al lado de los campamentos donde viven miles de refugiados.
George, de 50 años, pierde su trabajo como crítico musical en un periódico vienés. Entonces se iniciarán una serie de vendettas nocturnas contra su antiguo jefe que empezarán con pequeños daños materiales para aumentar el tamaño de sus ataques. Durante el día, George se pasa el tiempo en el Prater, donde se encontrará a su antiguo compañero de clase Erich, que también está en el paro. Junto a él y su novia rumana Nicoletta, empezarán la restauración de una antigua montaña rusa que quieren reabrir. En cuestión de días, sin embargo, su vida estará fuera de control.
Stories about citizens of a big city who encounter a variety of fates as a result of their difficulties in communicating with each other.
Two men who do not know each other: Ertan, a 35-year-old ex-convict who is trying to make amends for his past actions, and Mikail, a teenager drug dealer and aspiring musician. However, both will have to face the same reality.
Verano de 1788 en Rudolstadt, una pequeña ciudad rural de Alemania. La hermosa Caroline von Beulwitz está infelizmente casada, deseando amar y vivir plenamente. Charlotte von Lengefeld, su tímida hermana, sueña con encontrar un marido. Las dos son un solo corazón y una sola alma, hasta que él entra en sus vidas: Friedrich Schiller, el poeta que escribió "The Robbers", que se convirtió en una sensación de la noche a la mañana, y adalid de los ideales republicanos protorrevolucionarios. Durante el cálido verano, las dos mujeres compiten por él.
Crudo retrato de la vejez y de la muerte. Jean-Louis Trintignant y Emmanuelle Riva forman una pareja ya octogenaria, músicos retirados, que viven en París. Isabelle Huppert interpreta a la hija de ambos. El amor de la pareja será puesto a prueba en el momento en que ella sufre una grave parálisis.
Austria /// Fatima, es una mujer turca que reside en Viena junto a su marido, Mustafá, y sus seis hijos. Ella es musulmana y muy conservadora, así que sigue aplicando las costumbres y tradiciones de su país, intentando preservar el honor y el prestigio social de su familia. Uno de sus hijos se casa en Turquía con Ayse, una joven de diecinueve años. Ambos se van a Viena para vivir con el resto de la familia hacinados en un piso. Suegra y nuera comienzan a tener una relación muy estrecha basada en la más sincera amistad.
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
Centers on a group of weary Middle Eastern refugees who have made their way to Turkey to apply for European visas.
Ronnie lives in a small sleepy village and is the owner of a small company for deep-frozen goods. Daydreams, contact ads, the firemen's brassband, the weekly visits at his shrink and his buddy Lars' cynical remarks about air guitar and vinyl-records are the highlights of Ronnie's life. Already, as a kid, he suffered from being under the pressure of his power- and manhood-fixed mother. Ronnie's feelings are as deep-frozen as his goods. Until the day, a wonderful being - one of the female kind - strands in the village. The local priest hires the young girl, a groupie with the name of Zoya, as housekeeper and within days, Zoya turns the whole manship of the village mad and horny. Also Ronnie falls for Zoya and, well yes, lucky for once, marries her. However, since the presence of Zoya, strange things have happened in the village. Everybody who tries to search in Zoya's unkown past dies, disappears. Slowly that well-known fear sneaks into Ronnie's body: men's fear of women.
Alex is intersex. Although he has XY chromosomes, his sex is ambiguous. When Alex was an infant, his mother authorised genital reassignment surgery, and he was thereafter raised female. Now Alex is an adult, and he is consumed by feelings of anger and loss. After meeting other "XY women" and doing a lot of soul-searching, he decides he wants to live as a man.
Georges es el típico burgués: presenta un programa literario en televisión y lleva una vida acomodada con su mujer y su hijo adolescente. Pero, empieza a recibir unos paquetes anónimos que contienen cintas de vídeo, grabadas desde la calle, y unos dibujos inquietantes cuyo significado es un misterio. No sabe quién los envía; sin embargo, las secuencias que aparecen en las cintas se hacen cada vez más personales, lo que sugiere que el remitente le conoce desde hace algún tiempo. Georges siente que una amenaza se cierne sobre él y su familia, pero, puesto que no hay evidencias de delito alguno, la policía se niega a ayudarlo.
En la mitología germánica, el momento anterior al Apocalipsis, en el que se trastocan los valores y caen las más altas torres, se conoce como "El tiempo del lobo". Una familia de clase media (padre, madre y dos hijos) huye de la catástrofe ocurrida en la ciudad, y se refugia en su casa de campo. Piensan que así lograrán librarse del caos generalizado, pero pronto comprenderán que eso es de todo punto imposible.
Austrian television director Fritz Lehner makes his feature debut with the big-budget drama Jedermann's Fest, based on the 1911 play by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which in turn was based on a medieval tale. Originated in parts of England, the myth of Jan Jedermann ("John Everyman") deals with a rich man on his deathbed coming to terms with his life's failures. Not following much of a plot, the modernized version involves famous fashion designer Jedermann (Klaus Maria Brandauer) imagining his last big gala event while rendered unconscious as a result of a car accident in his Ferrari. He is a success in Vienna but not in fashionable Paris, so he wishes to impress French elder stateswoman Yvonne Becker (Juliette Greco).
Production Manager
Austrian television director Fritz Lehner makes his feature debut with the big-budget drama Jedermann's Fest, based on the 1911 play by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which in turn was based on a medieval tale. Originated in parts of England, the myth of Jan Jedermann ("John Everyman") deals with a rich man on his deathbed coming to terms with his life's failures. Not following much of a plot, the modernized version involves famous fashion designer Jedermann (Klaus Maria Brandauer) imagining his last big gala event while rendered unconscious as a result of a car accident in his Ferrari. He is a success in Vienna but not in fashionable Paris, so he wishes to impress French elder stateswoman Yvonne Becker (Juliette Greco).
Una mujer, profesora de piano en un conservatorio, frecuenta cines porno y tiendas de sexo para escapar de la influencia de su dominante madre. Uno de sus alumnos se propone seducirla.
The protagonist, Franz, copies the paintings of old masters. He slowly loses his sense of reality, resulting in angst-ridden fantasies and a desire for self-destruction.
Franz has an uphill battle with the loss of values and spread of capitalism around him. He rejects advertising to the point of destroying its manifestations.
Balkan Baroque is a real and imaginary biography of the Yugoslavian performance artist Marina Abramovic. Rather than a mechanical reproduction of the artist's work, the film tries to create a new reality by translating the performances into cinematographic images that intensify the fictional context of the film. Abramovic plays herself, but ,appearing in multiple forms, blurs her own identity. Memories and fantasies intermingle with day to day rituals. The chronological narrative often breaks to reflect the interior voyage of the protagonist from the present to the past and back to the present. The result is a visually impressive film. Balkan Baroque had its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, 1999.
Two rival children groups are trying to find a three postal robbers who kidnapped a young girl.
Simon Granderath has been found dead in his appartment. His only daughter, Monika Besse, who lives in Luxembourg, arrives to arrange the funeral and settle his estate. She wishes to get back to Luxembourg and to her normal life as quickly as possible.
However, she quickly realizes that in fact, she hardly knew her father, and tries to trace the various stages and encounters that made up his life.
Much later, she realizes that the search for the identity of her father has actually become a search of her own identity – though still she believes she can get closer to her father after his death.
An afternoon in the biggest fair of Germany.
Anna, Georg y su hijo Georgie van a pasar las vacaciones a su bonita casa a orillas de un lago. Sus vecinos Fred y Eva han llegado antes que ellos. Las dos parejas quedan para jugar al golf al día siguiente. Mientras padre e hijo preparan el velero, Anna prepara la cena. De repente, Peter, un joven muy educado que se aloja en casa de los vecinos, se presenta para pedir que le presten algunos huevos porque a Eva no le queda ninguno. De repente, Anna se pregunta cómo ha podido entrar en la casa. El joven le explica que Fred le ha enseñado un agujero que hay en la cerca.
Executive Producer
Anna, Georg y su hijo Georgie van a pasar las vacaciones a su bonita casa a orillas de un lago. Sus vecinos Fred y Eva han llegado antes que ellos. Las dos parejas quedan para jugar al golf al día siguiente. Mientras padre e hijo preparan el velero, Anna prepara la cena. De repente, Peter, un joven muy educado que se aloja en casa de los vecinos, se presenta para pedir que le presten algunos huevos porque a Eva no le queda ninguno. De repente, Anna se pregunta cómo ha podido entrar en la casa. El joven le explica que Fred le ha enseñado un agujero que hay en la cerca.
Una metáfora de una sociedad que manipula y aliena a los individuos que la conforman. Haneke muestra en esta obra su habilidad para generar en el espectador sensaciones que lo remiten constantemente a la angustia existencial del hombre contemporáneo.
Jan, a freelance journalist, and Sabine, the mother of his two children and a textile designer, have no money. Sabine is abandoned by her husband and then gets caught up in the bureaucracy.
A sober psychogram of a woman who is fighting and hoping for her life and everyday life.
Small-town gangsters and ambitious young girls meet in "Dreamland", where they exchange nervous kisses and green banknotes.
Humourous interpretation of the poems and writings of Soviet dadaist Daniil Charms. These are organized into a sequence, suggesting a storyline, about a poor Russian poet who lives in Vienna, falls in love and has several bizarre adventures.
The Austrian architect Hans Hollein belongs to the world elite of architects since his candle shop Retti in Vienna (1965). His museum in Mönchengladbach (1982) revolutionized museum architecture in our century, and his Haas-Haus (1990) in Vienna became the most disputed post-war building in Vienna.
The deportation of 4000 Jews from Budapest to Auschwitz in July 1944, as told by George Tabori, and how the narrator's mother escaped it, owing to coincidence, courage and some help from where you'd least expect it.
Georg, who is happy with his job as a scientist, with his loving wife and with his three children, hears one day that an accident has happened in a chemical plant nearby. All of a sudden, he finds himself face to face with one of the victims. The man, whose face has been eaten away by the sour gas that escaped from the plant, is staring at him in despair. Does Georg really see the man or is this a mere hallucination? Is he becoming insane or is he more alert to the dangers of the world than the common man?
Tercera parte de la trilogía de Haneke sobre la violencia en la sociedad moderna (los otros dos films fueron "Siebente Kontinent" y "Benny's Video").
Plachinger and Kirchhoff, the heroes of Franz Novotny's 1980 comedy "Exit - Do Not Panic" meet by chance after ten years and spend a night together in which they attempt to be as they were in the old days: anarchistic and orgiastic.
A documentary on the entire works of the Italian sculptor Michelangelo Pistoletto who lives in Vienna. His mirror-images make him one of the most original, manifold personalities in the European art scene.
1991, farewell in Budapest. Mária remembers the past in tears. Her husband, Tibor, a chemist and a target of the KGB, left their apartment one evening to fetch some cigarettes only to be found drowned in the shallow Lake Balaton the following day. Their son, Peter, a student in Western-Europe, was found dead on the Danube embankment.
A tectonic displacement at the centre of a large family. No member of the family stays clear of the quake's reverberations.
Performance conceived by Erich Wonder & Heiner Müller for the 300th anniversary of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. The band, Einstürzende Neubauten, is located on a glass palace/stage on wheels (accompanied by the slavish trotting of huskies) which is slowly moving on the nightly ring road of Vienna.
Alex (Thierry Van Werveke), a pest exterminator who lives with his grandmother, picks up a stranded woman (Kate Valk) who claims to be the American daughter of a spy.
Benny es un chico de 14 años de buena familia. Sus padres intentan compensar su falta de cariño por su hijo regalándole un estupendo equipo de vídeo. Obsesionado con el uso de su nuevo juguete, graba cómo sacrifican a un cerdo con una pistola, escena que lo incita a cometer un acto salvaje.
Executive Producer
Kurt Schneider is a superficial and funloving character. Instigated by his mother he swindles his way into the legacy of a house and some money. Both Kurti and his mother are certain there are no legal heirs to the property. Great is their surprise when Ilona appears, who is the legal heiress coming from a remote part of Yugoslavia.
Several attempts to get rid of that "Tschusch" prove unsuccessful. Once Mama Schneider gets to know that Ilona is also the beneficiary of a sizable life assurance contract, she destines her son to marry Ilona. While trying to double-cross Ilona, Kurti actually falls in love with her. Now it is Ilona's turn to take vengeance on mother Schneider and to prompt Kurti to take a clear-cut decision...
In this evocative work, we hear and see the interactions of a man and a woman in a pristine forest. We gain a sense of intimacy with them and nature. Suddenly we leave the worries of our scattered lives and begin to remember the primal elements of existence: earth, wind, fire, water, people, and creation. This epiphanic process demands patience and an almost meditative state, but it is so worth the effort – just as a journey a mountain meadow requires some effort in order to find its treasures. We leave the traditions of narrative for a more open approach to cinema. There are suggestions and onsets of a storyline, but almost everything remains a mystery for our encountering. This is a film that will allow you to observe and exist, without anxiety, without demands, and it allows you a rare glimpse into the life of things.
This film, dramatizing Weininger's life, is an adaptation of the 1982 play Soul of a Jew by Israeli writer Joshua Sobol. Weininger's last despondent hours are depicted in a dramatic furioso. His whole life passes by like distorted images in a mirror. The young genius fights a desperate battle against time, his fellow men - and against himself.
Shadows in the Spotlight: Stand-ins and bit players. Human material rented out for about 400 schillings a day. Live background, human scenery.
A man and a woman meet. In the confusion of their short encounter they fail to give their names and exchange addresses. They go back to living their lives without the prospect of seeing each other again.
From then on, the dream of true love interrupts the sober routine of their daily lives.
Their longing for love increases and draws them back to the place where they met - and they barely miss noticing each other there. In the turmoil of the city in which they live there are moments when they just fail to run into each other by chance. Their short meeting has transformed their lives as well as their dreams. Perhaps they will find true love when they least expect to find it.
It is autumn. An area of villas in the outkirts of the city. A dilapidated villa in an overgrown garden. The three Schwarz sisters live there. They make life miserable for themselves by constantly harassing each other. They can't live together but they can't get away from each other. Their father has been dead for a long time, but his spirit is omnipresent.
One day a letter arrives and the uneventful lives of the sisters are thrown into confusion.
When Fritz returns from his studies in the United States he wants to walk on pink clouds with Maxie, a TV journalist, but they come upon a gun-running operation in which Fritz's father is involved.
Fritz is caught between his loyalty to his family and his love for Maxie, who also can't decide what's more important, a career as a journalist or Fritz. They both are caught unaware by the enormous amount of individuals involved in the scandal and their unscrupulous reactions. Finally they both attempt to gather proof of the activities of this Hydra-headed organization in spite of the risks involved and independently of each other. A pandemonium of fragments of the Noricum, Bundeswuerde and Lucona scandals. The evil spirit of the late eighties in Austria.
Basada en hechos reales. Una familia burguesa decide desprenderse de todos sus bienes y vivir según una concepción espiritual del mundo, que llevarán hasta las últimas consecuencias...
Sternberg lands with his parachute in the bed of a stewardess, in the car of an airport employee and finally on a freeway service area. There he meets Harry. Harry is blind and he joins Sternberg who is looking for his Hedi. Together they land in the flat of the model married couple, Alf and Evy. With his appearance he upsets the day-to-day life of the couple.
Musical film-noir parody about Max Müller, an underemployed private detective who is asked by his beautiful but secretive client, Ingrid Bergmann to look for her disappeared fiancé. Together with his assistant Larry he combs the underworld and little by little it becomes clear that his mysterious client is not what she seems to be.
Two apartments are joined together, the demolition of a wall transfers two small flats into a big one. Seven young people move in and share the living quarters. They all have definite ideas about life and living together and want to make them come true. But they don´t really know what they want. Everyday life causes problems and when a merry-go-round of changing relationships among the young people begins to run quicker and quicker, the constant moving from one room to the other ands before the eyes of the astonished house superintendent with the setting up again of the wall which separated the two walls.
Executive Producer
A young man, the soldier and bachelor type, is looking for Anima - the eternal unattainable female who alternately appears as a virgin, harlot, mother, saint but also as a witch. In his illusions and visions made up of images which are multi-layered and ambiguous, Anima changes from a romantic ideal to a technically two dimensional duplicate which can be reproduced and is half woman, half sewing machine.