Henri Colpi

Henri Colpi

Nacimiento : 1921-07-15, Brig, Valais, Switzerland

Muerte : 2006-01-14


Henri Colpi


Life Lesson
To attain knowledge, man and woman had to be willing to give up their innocence," says Boris Lehman. Life Lesson is a poetic and philosophic reflection on the theme of paradise lost. Some fifty persons illustrate the planet's convulsions and the world's vacillations. Trying to communicate, to commune with the invisible, they cry out, sing out, give out messages, each in their own way, in their own state of solitude. These are like multiple echoes that resemble waves in the water or stars in the sky. " Behind these images and sounds that have been stifled by today's society, Lehman hunts for noises, cries, songs, messages that go astray. He says that if we look at the invisible we may hear the words. He invites us to look beyond the appearances of social life and to vibrate in tune with life's polyphony that is all around us."
Music for the Movies: Georges Delerue
Documentary covering the career of French composer Georges Delerue, famous for film scores for such films as Platoon, Contempt, Shoot the Piano Player, and Jules and Jim.
The Elegant Criminal
The head of the prison
On 9 January 1836, Pierre Lacenaire goes to the guillotine, a murderer and a thief. He gives Allard, a police inspector, his life story, written while awaiting execution. He also asks Allard to care for Hermine, a lass to whom he has been guardian for more than ten years. In flashbacks, from the prison as Lacenaire writes, from Allard's study as he and Hermine read, and from other readers' memory after the book is published, we see Lacenaire's childhood as he stands up to bullies, including priests, his youthful thieving, his first murder, his brief army career, his seduction of a princess, and his affair with Avril, a young man who dies beside him.
Mientras su familia se reúne para celebrar su cumpleaños, el periodista Alexander se siente angustiado por la desoladora falta de espiritualidad que caracteriza al mundo contemporáneo. Sus peores temores se confirman cuando, durante la fiesta, llega la noticia de un inminente conflicto nuclear: la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El final, definitivo e irreversible, está cerca. En ese momento están con él su angustiada esposa, sus dos hijos, un amigo médico y un peculiar cartero, que lo convence de que una de sus criadas es una bruja que tiene el poder de salvar al mundo mediante un último sacrificio.
Le sphinx
Fragments of a text by Jean Genet – “Four Hours in Chatila” – are illustrated by summer images of a park in Brussels. The contrast between what is seen and what is said attempts to stop, to break the flow of information which tends to neutralize horror.
Los frutos de la pasión
Secuela espiritual de "La historia de O". “Les Fruits de la Passion” es un melodrama erótico ambientado en el Hong Kong de los años 20. Kinski, un europeo decadente con negocios en la ciudad, envía a su mujer a un burdel para profundizar en su amor física y espiritualmente. El tema de la sumisión, del sufrimiento y la ofensa que aparecían en la cinta de 1975 son retomados aquí, en cuyo burdel de fantasía se muestran viñetas de tortura, fetichismo y perversiones diversas. “O” debe renunciar a cualquier deseo para amar completamente a Sir Stephen, quien se deleita martirizándola mostrándole como ama también a otra mujer, Nathalie, interpretada por Arielle Dombasle. El trío se rompe cuando un cuarto personaje, un joven que envía flores a la bella encarcelada, se introduce entre la pareja protagonista para hacer suya a “O”.
David Hamilton es un prestigioso fotógrafo que llevaba varias décadas dedicado a un tipo de fotografía sensual, calmada y luminosa. En "Bilitis" lleva su estilo al cine contando una historia sobre unas adolescentes que descubren la sexualidad durante un verano en la playa. La banda sonora de Frances Lai consiguió el César de la Academia Francesa a la mejor música del año.
La isla misteriosa
En el año 1865, durante el sitio de Richmond (Virginia), cinco prisioneros se evaden en globo y son arrastrados por un terrible huracán hasta una isla, situada a más de seis mil millas de distancia.
La isla misteriosa
En el año 1865, durante el sitio de Richmond (Virginia), cinco prisioneros se evaden en globo y son arrastrados por un terrible huracán hasta una isla, situada a más de seis mil millas de distancia.
Rafael Kubelik A Portrait
A comprehensive portrait of one of the 20th century's most brilliant and charismatic conductors working with three great orchestras: The Berlin Philharmonic, the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam and the Vienna Philharmonic, performing works by Beethoven, Mozart and Bruckner. Kubelik didn't arrive on the podium trailing clouds of glory like von Karajan or Leonard Bernstein. He seemed to just appear there, shyly and without fanfare. His 'bed hair' curling outward, making his head look like the letter w. His appearance and demeanor suggested that a timid, tentative performance was likely. Then he'd rip into a taut and crisp Eroica or an effervescent, crystalline Prague Symphony.
Happy He Who Like Ulysses
For 25 years now, under the Provence sun, Antonin, a farmhand, has shared his work and everyday life with a horse named Ulysse. What a shock when Pascal, the farmer, tells him he has decided to sell Ulysse to a picador for being too old. Not only will he be separated from his faithful companion, but he is well aware too that the arenas of Arles mean death for Ulysse. Being unable to stand such injustice, Antonin runs away from the farm in the company of Ulysse. Together, they go through the Lubéron, the Baux de Provence, the Alpilles, the Crau and the Vaccarès. Yet, their journey is no pleasure cruise, specially when it comes to crossing National Road 7. After a visit to Marcellin, an old friend of his, Antonin sets off again with Ulysse, this time towards the Rhône River.
Happy He Who Like Ulysses
For 25 years now, under the Provence sun, Antonin, a farmhand, has shared his work and everyday life with a horse named Ulysse. What a shock when Pascal, the farmer, tells him he has decided to sell Ulysse to a picador for being too old. Not only will he be separated from his faithful companion, but he is well aware too that the arenas of Arles mean death for Ulysse. Being unable to stand such injustice, Antonin runs away from the farm in the company of Ulysse. Together, they go through the Lubéron, the Baux de Provence, the Alpilles, the Crau and the Vaccarès. Yet, their journey is no pleasure cruise, specially when it comes to crossing National Road 7. After a visit to Marcellin, an old friend of his, Antonin sets off again with Ulysse, this time towards the Rhône River.
Destroy, She Said
Un profesor, su joven esposa, una mujer de mediana edad que se recupera de un aborto, y un pensativo judío extranjero se encuentran en un hotel rural. Mientras el resto de huéspedes hacen otro tipo de vida más turística, buscando los supuestos maravillosos paisajes que la película no tienen intención de ofrecer, estas cuatro personas exploran el potencial destructivo de sus deseos.
The Nameless Star
The tranquility of a Romanian village is shattered by the arrival of a beautiful unknown coinciding with the discovery of a new star by a modest professor of astronomy ...
The Nameless Star
The tranquility of a Romanian village is shattered by the arrival of a beautiful unknown coinciding with the discovery of a new star by a modest professor of astronomy ...
An ex-convict struggles to survive by brute force alone in a turn-of-the-century slum in Bucharest. Codine is the thug who served 10 years for murdering a friend. He returns home to his miserly mother, whose penny-pinching ways infuriate her son. A young boy looks up to Codine, and through the man's eyes he sees the economic and social injustices from an adult perspective. When Codine kills another man who violated his trust, his mother becomes more unhinged and paranoid. Thinking her son will steal her hoarded money, she plots to kill her only son. The impressionable child watches in horror and amazement at the cruel machinations of the adult work that surrounds him.
An ex-convict struggles to survive by brute force alone in a turn-of-the-century slum in Bucharest. Codine is the thug who served 10 years for murdering a friend. He returns home to his miserly mother, whose penny-pinching ways infuriate her son. A young boy looks up to Codine, and through the man's eyes he sees the economic and social injustices from an adult perspective. When Codine kills another man who violated his trust, his mother becomes more unhinged and paranoid. Thinking her son will steal her hoarded money, she plots to kill her only son. The impressionable child watches in horror and amazement at the cruel machinations of the adult work that surrounds him.
An ex-convict struggles to survive by brute force alone in a turn-of-the-century slum in Bucharest. Codine is the thug who served 10 years for murdering a friend. He returns home to his miserly mother, whose penny-pinching ways infuriate her son. A young boy looks up to Codine, and through the man's eyes he sees the economic and social injustices from an adult perspective. When Codine kills another man who violated his trust, his mother becomes more unhinged and paranoid. Thinking her son will steal her hoarded money, she plots to kill her only son. The impressionable child watches in horror and amazement at the cruel machinations of the adult work that surrounds him.
El año pasado en Marienbad
En un barroco hotel, un extraño, X, intenta persuadir a una mujer casada, A, de que abandone a su marido, M, y se fugue con él. Se basa en una promesa que ella le hizo cuando se conocieron el año anterior, en Marienbad, pero la mujer parece no recordar aquel encuentro.
The Long Absence
Therese, a café owner, mourns the mysterious disappearance of her husband sixteen years earlier. A tramp arrives in the town and she believes him to be her husband. But he is suffering from amnesia and she tries to bring back his memory of earlier times.
Paris la belle
A look at Paris in 1928 in black and white and then color sequences filmed in the same places in 1959.
Hiroshima, mon amour
Después de rodar una película en Hiroshima, una joven actriz francesa pasa su última noche en un hotel, en compañía de un japonés. Son dos desconocidos, pero lo que podría ser la fugaz aventura de una noche se convierte en un intenso idilio que hace que ella rememore un amor imposible vivido en Nevers (Francia) unos años antes. La relación amorosa se convierte entonces en un proceso introspectivo a través del cual la mujer reconstruye su pasado y revela sus sentimientos más íntimos a su compañero.
Monsieur Tête
Along the Coast
Tongue-in-cheek look at the French Riviera, especially in summer when it overflows with tourists. Reviews its history and famous visitors; displays its faux-exotic buildings, its crowded beaches, its trees and monuments; and, pokes fun at the colors women wear and the vagaries of fashion. The film celebrates the use of "Eden" as a place name, suggesting that paradise comes to the coast after all are gone, perhaps only on a remote island beach.
Les hommes de la baleine
In a small fishermen's village in the Azores, an enormous whale is being jointed, carved and stocked. Once this task is over, the whalers ready themselves for another hunt, a fascinating but trying and dangerous experience...
La déroute
How to make the most of a defeat. How to make money from Napoleon's fiasco at Waterloo.
El misterio de Picaso
Documental artístico rodado en el taller de Pablo Picaso que descubre el proceso creativo del artista. A partir de un lienzo en blanco, el genio va añadiendo y eliminando elementos a medida que el tiempo y la cámara siguen su curso. Comienza con simples figuras basadas en trazos sencillos y evoluciona hacia elementos y escenas mas complejas en las que los elementos aparecen y desaparecen siguiendo los caprichos del pintor.
Noche y niebla
Sound Recordist
Doce años después de la Liberación y del descubrimiento de los campos de concentración nazis, Alain Resnais entra en el desierto y siniestro campo de Auschwitz. Lentos travellings en color sobre la arquitectura despoblada, donde la hierba crece de nuevo, alternan con imágenes de archivo (en blanco y negro, rodadas en 1944) que reconstruyen la inimaginable tragedia que sufrieron los prisioneros así como las causas y las consecuencias de esa tragedia: desde el advenimiento del nazismo y la deportación de los judíos hasta el juicio de Nuremberg.
"Professor Marian died under mysterious circumstances."