Julia Wiedwald


When Spring Came to Bucha
Russians bombarded Bucha, Borodyanka, Irpin and other cities in the region following their invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. By the time they retreated a month later, the damage was huge: buildings had been destroyed and there were corpses lying in the streets. Filmmakers Mila Teshaieva and Marcus Lenz went in immediately, in time to film local people emerging from their shelters, but never showing the actual atrocities. That wasn’t necessary, as the trauma of war is clear to see on everyone’s faces, including those of the volunteers who rushed in from far and wide to help.
Der letzte Flug - Ein deutsches Geheimnis
Editorial Coordinator
De narices con la vida
Tanja, que tiene poco más de 50 años, ve como se presentan nuevos desafíos profesionales, ya que está perdiendo pedidos debido al aumento de los negocios en Internet.
Cloud Whispers
On an impulse, 60 year old Charlotte leaves her husband stranded at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. A deep and driven instinct has her setting off, away from her old mundane life as a grandmother, a mother, a wife, and towards a new and different life. Little does she know that her granddaughter, Jo, a wonderfully whimsical child, is hiding in the back of the car. Charlotte’s spontaneous escape triggers off a journey, not only for her and her granddaughter, but also for her husband Paul and daughter Alex. As Paul and Alex pursue Charlotte and Jo across the countryside, they stumble into their own mishaps, self discoveries and emotional confrontations.
No Land's Song
In Iran, since the 1979 Islamic revolution, women are no longer allowed to sing in public as soloists - at least in front of men. Defying censorship and taboos, the young composer Sara Najafi is determined to organize an official concert for solo female singers. In order to support their fight, Sara and her friends invite three French female singers, Elise Caron, Jeanne Cherhal and Emel Mathlouthi, to join them in Tehran and collaborate on their musical project, re-opening a musical bridge between Europe and Iran. Are they going to succeed and finally be gathered in Tehran, sing together, on stage and without restrictions, and to open a door towards a new freedom of women in Iran ?
Women Without Men
En 1953, el gobierno británico -con la ayuda del americano- decide intervenir en Irán para derrocar a Mohammed Mossadegh e instaurar la dictadura del Sha de Persia. En medio del caos que supone el golpe de Estado, cuatro mujeres se conocen y encuentran refugio en el jardín de una casa de campo. El sentimiento de amistad y solidaridad que nace entre ellas les ayudará a afrontar sus dramáticas vidas. Adaptación de la novela homónima de la escritora iraní Shahrnush Parsipur. Además de retratar el papel de la mujer, analiza la compleja realidad de la sociedad iraní de la época y subraya el valor simbólico del jardín en la tradición islámica.
El libre albedrío
Theo (Jürgen Vogel), un violador, acaba de quedar libre después de pasar nueve años en un hospital psiquiátrico, pero su enfermedad hace que su monitorizado regreso a la sociedad se convierta en una prueba casi insoportable. Nattie (Sabine Timoteo), mientras tanto, ha logrado alejarse de su padre, quien la maltrataba psicológicamente. Theo y Nattie se conocen y se enamoran. Juntos emprenden un viaje hacia la libertad.