Christine Gozlan


Las apariencias
Eve y Henri son un matrimonio francés viviendo en Viena. Eve, tras descubrir que su marido le es infiel, buscará venganza al tiempo que intentará mantener las apariencias en su entorno burgués de expatriados donde reinan la hipocresía y las mentiras.
Associate Producer
Axèle es fotógrafa, Camille, escritora. Las dos se van un año a una estancia en la Villa Medici de Roma. A Camille la acompaña su marido, el reputado escritor Marc Landré. Mientras que una extraña rivalidad se establece entre las dos, Camille se acerca a Axèle. ¿Pero quién es en realidad Axèle? ¿Una artista completa, sin límites, que se confunde con su obra? ¿O el mismo fantasma del lugar? De este año en la Villa Medici, en donde los cuerpos y las almas se liberarán, nadie saldrá indemne...
Un hombre decente
Cuando es atacado violentamente en la calle, Eddie denuncia erróneamente Ahmed, al que considera el culpable ideal y que había conocido unos días antes del ataque. Mientras que la máquina judicial se pone en marcha, Eddie intenta reafirmarse de cara a su esposa e hijo gracias a su nuevo trabajo. Pero pronto, consciente de la gravedad de sus acciones, hará todo lo posible para restablecer la verdad, incluso con el riesgo de perderlo todo.
United Passions
Associate Producer
Narra la historia de la FIFA, la principal institución futbolística, desde su fundación en 1904 y especialmente centrada en sus tres principales y más conocidos presidentes: Jules Rimet, Joao Havelange y Sepp Blatter.
Tout est permis
An Open Heart
Mila and Javier, both renowned surgeons and both passionate about their work, have been madly in love for the past 10 years. They have always taken great care to preserve their extraordinary love for each other and refuse to succumb to the routine of everyday living. But Mila’s unexpected pregnancy, combined with increasing pressure from work at the hospital, drives Javier to drink more heavily and he ends up being suspended. Faced with his demons, Javier drifts further and further away from Mila. Yet, when their relationship is under serious threat, Javier is ready to do whatever it takes to win Mila back.
La llave del campo
Un estanque abandonado. Dos niños solitarios caen bajo el hechizo de este lugar salvaje que les lleva poco a poco más cerca unos de otros y les ayuda a la vida mansos. A través de sus ojos, su imaginación, el estanque se convierte en un reino secreto tanto maravilloso e inquietante, poblado por criaturas de sueño o pesadilla. Una experiencia iniciática, breve e intensa, que emerge transformado.
Joseph et la fille
José acaba de pasar 20 años en prisión. Después de ser liberado, solo tiene una obsesión: hacer un último robo. Para realizar esta obra maestra, necesita un cómplice. No puede confiar en nadie, así que decide preparar a Julie, de 20 años. La confusión y la incertidumbre, sin embargo, se interponen entre estos dos seres tan opuestos ...
Muriel is beautiful, free-spirited and bed-ridden since a horrific accident. Leo is a drunk middle-aged ex-boxer. Desperate for work and unqualified, he interviews for Muriel, who hires him to cook and care for her against her better judgment. Initially out of his depth, Leo slowly wins Muriel's trust. As Muriel teaches him to read, he forces her to confront the joys beyond her window.
El primer círculo
Narra la historia de Milo Malakian (Jean Reno), el jefe de una banda armenia tan virtuoso como violento, considerado como un padrino en la Costa Azul. Al mismo tiempo que prepara un golpe enorme que será también el último antes de retirarse, constata que su único hijo, Anton (Gaspard Ulliel), se aparta de él. El joven, enamorado de una enfermera (Vahina Giocante), aspira a otra existencia, pero deberá asumir las consecuencias ya que es con la sangre que se traza el Primer Círculo. Una lucha violenta opone el patriarca a su hijo y, para liberarse, Anton deberá también escapar de un policía (Sami Bouajila), que intenta desmantelar la banda.
Avenue Montaigne
A young woman arrives in Paris where she finds a job as a waitress in bar next on Avenue Montaigne that caters to the surrounding theaters and the wealthy inhabitants of the area. She will meet a pianist, a famous actress and a great art collector, and become acquainted with the "luxurious" world her grandmother has told her about since her childhood.
El secreto de Vera Drake
Executive Producer
Londres, 1950. Vera Drake es una humilde mujer que vive con su marido y sus hijos. Ella es limpiadora, y su marido es mecánico. No tienen dinero, pero son una familia unida y se sienten felices. Vera se dedica completamente a su familia, pero tiene un secreto: ayuda a jovencitas a practicar abortos, una actividad ilegal.
Executive Producer
An African narrator tells the story of earth history, the birth of the universe and evolution of life. Beautiful imagery makes this movie documentary complete.
La vida es un milagro
Bosnia, 1992. Luka, un ingeniero serbio de Belgrado, se ha instalado en una casa aislada con su mujer Jadranka, cantante de ópera, y su hijo Milos. Luka está preparándose para construir una vía ferroviaria que hará de la región un paraíso turístico. Pero, cegado por su trabajo y por su natural optimismo, Luka no presta atención a los persistentes rumores de una guerra civil inminente.
Nathalie X
Executive Producer
Catherine (Fanny Ardant), una atractiva ginecóloga de mediana edad y casada desde hace 25 años, descubre un día que su marido (Gérard Depardieu) la engaña. Decide entonces vengarse y, para ello, contrata a Nathalie (Emmanuelle Béart), una prostituta de un nightclub.
Quiero ser famosa
Executive Producer
Val tiene 23 años y es una soñadora. Viaja a Nueva York para convertirse en actriz. Se encuentra sola en un país extranjero, en una ciudad extranjera, con poco dinero y sin amigos. En su camino, conoce a varias personas que también persiguen sus sueños, aunque cada día la vida cotidiana interrumpe su camino.
Jet lag
Executive Producer
Rose (Binoche) es una mujer que huye del hombre del que no quiere seguir estando enamorada. Félix (Reno) es un artista que va detrás de la mujer que piensa que ama. Ella es discreta, retraída y poco habladora. Él es conversador y extrovertido. Ella ocupa un asiento de turista. Él viaja en primera clase. Ninguno, en realidad, está preparado para conocer al otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Parlez-moi d'amour
Executive Producer
El adversario
Executive Producer
Basada en hechos reales. Narra la historia de Jean Claude Roman, aparentemente un marido ideal, amante perfecto, padre ejemplar e insospechado asesino.
París, 1942. En la Continental Films, productora alemana que realiza películas en la Francia ocupada, dos hombres se enfrentan al mismo dilema que la mayoría de los franceses: ¿es posible seguir trabajando como si no hubiese cambiado nada o hay que negarse a colaborar y abandonar el país? Uno de ellos oculta su apoyo a la Resistencia trabajando como ayudante de dirección, y el otro es un guionista anticolaboracionista.
Executive Producer
Malika, una joven prostituta, es salvajemente atacada en la calle por un grupo de gamberros justo delante de las narices de una pareja de burgueses, Hélène y Paul, que se ponen a salvo dentro de su coche. Hélène, llena de remordimientos lleva a la joven a un hospital, donde entra en coma. Hélène decide cuidar de ella, abandonando temporalmente a su marido y su hijo.
Cet amour-là
Executive Producer
Cet Amour-là is an intimate portrait of a legendary love affair. Set against the beauty of the Breton seaside, it is also a film that revels in the insights that Marguerite Duras' writing affords.
La máscara del faraón
Executive Producer
Una colección de objetos procedentes de una excavación arqueológica en Egipto se deposita en el famoso museo del Louvre en París, y mientras los expertos utilizan un escáner láser para determinar la edad de un sarcófago, un espíritu fantasmagórico se escapa y se abre camino hacia el sistema eléctrico del museo.
Executive Producer
On an observatory set high on a mountain, astronomers make a stunning discovery somewhere out in the galaxy. A flying object in the depths of the cosmos is showing signs of life, emitting an intelligent signal. The UFO has just landed on Earth somewhere in the midst of a rainforest. Margot, the enthusiastic young woman heading up the research team, decides to go to the spot and check out this phenomenon. Meanwhile Edouard, our hero, studies the flora and fauna of the tree tops in the rainforest. He perches on an enormous net that stretches over the still pure, unadulterated forest that spreads out beneath him. He discovers a naked little twelve-year old girl seated on the net. He covers her with a broad banana leaf and asks where she comes from. She quickly replies, in perfect French 'from another world'.
Executive Producer
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
Gotas de agua sobre piedras calientes
Francia /// Alemania, años setenta. Léopold, un cincuentón, seduce a Franz, un joven de 19 años. Franz se enamora y se va a vivir con Leopold, pero un día sucede algo sin importancia en lo que no están de acuerdo.
Love Me
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
Who Plucked the Feathers Off the Moon?
Executive Producer
Two sisters have to deal with the traditional issues of growing up and the unusual problem of caring for an unstable father in the drama Qui Plume La Lune?
Alice y Martin
Executive Producer
A los veinte años, Martin abandona su casa y se va a París, donde tiene la suerte de convertirse en modelo. Entre él y Alice, la hermana de un amigo, surge una apasionada relación. Sin embargo, Martin mantiene una actitud de reserva total con respecto a su pasado y a las razones que lo impulsaron a abandonar a su familia. Cuando Alice le comunica su embarazo, el pasado vuelve a dominar y a trastornar su mente.
Executive Producer
Historia de la desolación y desamparo de una niña de cuatro años que ha perdido a su madre. Un drama que obtuvo unanimidad al calificar como impresionante la actuación de la niña.
Un dimanche à Paris
Production Manager
Alain finds Marie, whom he still loves, but he is embarrassed by the presence, to say the least, of Nina, who keeps asking him for services. Marie gradually becomes aware of the strong bond that unites Alain and Nina, who has never counted in his eyes.
Max & Jeremie
Even among bombers and murderers, there is a social ladder, a hierarchy to climb. Jeremie is a mere bomber who blows up people and places for mobsters in Paris. He may not look it, scruffy lad that he is, but he is a sensitive fellow, and he feels his lowly status keenly. If only he could graduate to the ranks of hitmen, who are honored in his world, perhaps then he would feel more like somebody. He finally gets his chance when he receives instructions to kill the eminent hitman Max, who knows too much to be left alive. Instead of planning a cool and distant hit, Jeremie gets to know his quarry personally and thereby gets entangled in a mass of conflicting allegiances. Max has one more assignment and has asked Jeremie to help him with it. The hero-worshipping boy can't bring himself to knock of this classy guy. However, just having such an inept apprentice as Jeremie around is enormously dangerous for the soon-to-be-retired killer.
Room Service
Executive Producer
The countess and her son, irresponsible but sweet viscount Louis, own the castle Montverdier, which is falling apart. Fernand Castanier is the baker in the neighboring town Mussy-sur-Ploute.
The Return of Casanova
Executive Producer
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
Ville à vendre
Executive Producer
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
Executive Producer
Marie lives with Antoine, but while he is away she meets Paul, a filmmaker visiting from Canada. Paul is instantly smitten and wants her to marry him. She puts him off by saying that she and Antoine have decided to have a baby. When Antoine returns, he becomes vividly jealous of his girlfriend's chaste encounter, which provokes her into having an affair with Paul.
The Little Gangster
Executive Producer
Marc, a troubled teenager, is bored in his native, depressing city of Sete. One day, a simple phone call makes him aware of the existence of Stephanie, a sister he has never met. Armed with a pistol his mother found, he goes out to find her. He steals money from a perfume shop, and is then stopped by a policeman who wants to search him. In the car, Marc threatens the policeman with his gun, demanding that he helps him find his sister...
Mis noches son más bellas que tus días
Production Manager
Lucas (Jacques Dutronc), un genio de la informática con una rara enfermedad terminal que le hace perder la memoria, conoce a una bella mujer, Blanche (Sophie Marceau), y ambos comienzan un intenso romance a pesar de que saben que sus días juntos están contados...
Production Manager
Emile Chenal and his wife, Françoise, leaned on boxing manager Jim Fox Warner to cough up the considerable sum of money that he owes them, with both the police and the mob circling the situation. In the same hotel, Inspector Neveu looks into a murder that took place years before, and his storyline overlaps with the arc of the Chenals.
Emile Chenal and his wife, Françoise, leaned on boxing manager Jim Fox Warner to cough up the considerable sum of money that he owes them, with both the police and the mob circling the situation. In the same hotel, Inspector Neveu looks into a murder that took place years before, and his storyline overlaps with the arc of the Chenals.
The Bit Between the Teeth
Production Manager
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
La Barricade du Point-du-Jour
Location Manager