Ève e Henri parecem ser o casal perfeito da alta sociedade até que ela descobre uma traição. Em um impulso vingativo, ela passa a noite com um jovem que começa a persegui-la. Agora ela fará de tudo para recuperar o controle e manter as aparências.
Associate Producer
Axèle is a photographer, Camille is a writer. They have been awarded an arts residency at the Villa Medicis in Rome. Camille is accompanied by her husband, the famous writer Marc Landré. When a strange rivalry takes shape between them, Camille bonds with Axèle. But who is Axèle really ? A total artist, who never compromises and confuses herself with her oeuvre ? Or a ghost ? This year at the Villa Medici, where bodies and souls free themselves, no one will come out unscathed.
Eddie is no longer living with his wife and their son Noam. One night, he gets mugged and badly injured, and consequently becomes a hero to his son and the victim of a vicious crime to his wife. But when Ahmed, the perfect scapegoat for the attack, is charged, the gravitas of his accusation sucks Eddie into an infernal spiral of self-doubt and lies, marking the start of a dangerous freefall.
Associate Producer
Um grupo de jovens europeus decide reunir-se em torno de um projeto único: criar uma Federação Internacional de Futebol, que regule e promova a nível internacional a prática do futuro desporto-rei. Mais de 100 anos depois, esta instituição atravessou as maiores alterações e rupturas do século pela mão de dirigentes como Jules Rimet, João Havelange e Sepp Blatter.
Mila e Javier, ambos cirurgiões de renome e ambos apaixonados pelo seu trabalho, têm-se amado loucamente durante os últimos dez anos. Eles sempre tiveram muito cuidado em preservar o amor extraordinário que sentem um pelo outro e recusam sucumbir à rotina do dia-a-dia. Mas a gravidez inesperada de Mila, combinada com o aumento da pressão do trabalho no hospital, conduz Javier a beber excessivamente, acabando por ser suspenso do hospital. Enfrentando os seus demónios, Javier deriva para cada vez mais longe de Mila. No entanto, quando o seu relacionamento começa a estar sob séria ameaça, ele está pronto a fazer o que for necessário para a reconquistar.
A man remembers holidays at his uncle in a little village in the French countryside when he was something like 10. He feels so bored until he finds a pond and starts discovering the life in it.
Joseph has just spent 20 years in prison. After being released, he has only one obsession: to make one last heist. To perform this masterpiece, he needs an accomplice. He cannot trust anyone, so decides to prepare Julie, 20 years old. The confusion and uncertainty, however, stand between these two beings so opposite ...
Muriel é uma bela mulher que fica presa em uma cama depois de um acidente e Leo é um alcoólatra que precisa de um trabalho. Quando ela o contrata para cozinhar e cuidar dela, a relação atinge níveis que nenhum deles dois esperava.
O clã Malakian, uma família de gângsters armênios, controla o submundo do sul da França. No comando, o brilhante e violento chefão Milo Malakian, impera seu mundo com punhos de ferro. Seu filho e herdeiro, Anton, sonha com a liberdade para viver seu amor com Elodie (que não pertence ao clã), e fazer suas próprias escolhas.
Jessica (Cécile de France) é uma jovem que nasceu e foi criada no interior da França. Ela se muda para Paris determinada a conseguir um emprego no famoso hotel Ritz. No entanto, a garota não consegue o almejado sonho. Por isso, contenta-se com um emprego como garçonete num café na Avenue Montaigne. O fato do estabelecimento estar situado próximo a um teatro faz com que Jessica frequentemente sirva artistas que agitam o local de trabalho da protagonista.
Executive Producer
Londres, 1950. Vera Drake (Imelda Staunton) mora com seu marido Stan (Philip Davis) e seus filhos já crescidos, Sid (Daniel Mays) e Ethel (Alex Kelly). Eles não são ricos, mas formam uma família feliz e unida. Vera trabalha como faxineira e Stan é mecânico na oficina de seu irmão. Porém, Vera mantém uma atividade paralela que esconde do resto da família: sem aceitar pagamento, ajuda jovens mulheres a abortarem. Quando uma dessas garotas precisa seguir para o hospital, a polícia começa uma investigação que faz o mundo de Vera desabar.
Executive Producer
Um feiticeiro africano conta, como quem conta uma fábula, a história da criação do mundo, do nascimento do universo e das estrelas, os inícios vulcânicos, a aparição dos primeiros sinais de vida, a conquista da terra. Fala do tempo, do nascimento, do amor e da morte. E os animais são os intérpretes desta gênese encantadora, moderna e intemporal.
Luka é um engenheiro sérvio que se mudou para uma pequena cidade no meio do nada na Bósnia, levando consigo a esposa cantora de ópera, Jadranka, e o filho Milos. Imerso no trabalho de construção de uma ferrovia, Luka ignora os boatos de que uma guerra está para estourar na região. Quando explode o conflito, a mulher abandona-o por outro homem e o filho é convocado para lutar no conflito. Para piorar a situação, Luka é nomeado pelo exército sérvio como guardião de Sabaha, uma refém muçulmana por quem acaba se apaixonando. Só que a mulher será usada como moeda no resgate de outro refém: seu filho Milos, mostrando como a vida pode ser irônica.
Executive Producer
Uma mulher rica contrata uma prostituta de elite para verificar a fidelidade do seu marido. Rapidamente, a experiência fica fora de controlo.
Executive Producer
Val is 23 years old and full of dreams. She travels to New York to become an actress. She is lonely in a strange country, in a strange city, with little money and no friends. In her path, she meets weird people who they, also, seek their dreams but everyday life gets in the way. Tired and hungry she sits on the corner of a building. Across the street a writer whose fantasy has dry out. In an instant she becomes his muse... At the Oscar's night she will be the one with the Golden Globe in her hands.
Executive Producer
At Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, a beautician on her way to a new job in Mexico accidentally meets a cook who is on his way back from America. Labor strikes, bad weather, and pure luck cause the two of them to share a room overnight at the airport Hilton hotel. Will their initial mutual indifference and downright hostility turn into a one night stand or perhaps something more?
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Jean-Marc Faure é médico de formação e investigador brilhante na OMS. Marido dedicado e pai extremoso, Jean-Marc mantém igualmente uma relação afetuosa com os seus pais e de proximidade e respeito com os amigos. Pelo menos durante dezoito longos anos todos acreditaram que assim fosse. No entanto, a verdade pode revestir-se de uma devastadora faceta de crueldade e podem revelar-se trágicos os caminhos para dela fugir. E mais dramático será perceber-se que o filme se baseia com rigor numa história verídica ocorrida em França no ainda próximo ano de 1993.
The film is about the French film industry from 1942 to 1944 during the Nazi occupation. The film focuses on assistant director and resistance fighter Jean Devaivre and screenwriter Jean Aurenche. Aurenche is on the move so that he doesn't have to write anything collaborationist. Devaivre is in dangerous political activity. Devaivre also works for the German production company Continental where he is respected. On the other hand, Aurenche's scriptwriting doesn't help how he lives and he is a womanizer which causes him to procrastinate.
Executive Producer
A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.
Executive Producer
Cet Amour-là is an intimate portrait of a legendary love affair. Set against the beauty of the Breton seaside, it is also a film that revels in the insights that Marguerite Duras' writing affords.
Executive Producer
Na Paris do ano 2000, uma múmia com poderes malignos dá origem a um fantasma chamado Belphegor que, depois de anoitecer, assombra o museu do Louvre, cuja pirâmide se tornou o símbolo universal. Janelas quebradas, vigilância de vídeo codificada, sistemas de alarme neutralizados, objetos egípcios roubados ... Por vezes, assustador e humano, esse fantasma tem toda a audácia e parece invencível.
Executive Producer
On an observatory set high on a mountain, astronomers make a stunning discovery somewhere out in the galaxy. A flying object in the depths of the cosmos is showing signs of life, emitting an intelligent signal. The UFO has just landed on Earth somewhere in the midst of a rainforest. Margot, the enthusiastic young woman heading up the research team, decides to go to the spot and check out this phenomenon. Meanwhile Edouard, our hero, studies the flora and fauna of the tree tops in the rainforest. He perches on an enormous net that stretches over the still pure, unadulterated forest that spreads out beneath him. He discovers a naked little twelve-year old girl seated on the net. He covers her with a broad banana leaf and asks where she comes from. She quickly replies, in perfect French 'from another world'.
Executive Producer
Les Acteurs is the absurd story of Jean-Pierre Marielle desperately waiting for a cup of hot water, the story of a conspiracy against actors, the story of aging actors whose careers are slowly less active than they used to be, but a stunning tribute to French actors and their cinema.
Alemanha, anos 70. Léopold, cinqüenta anos, seduz Franz, um jovem garoto de 19 anos. Franz se apaixona e vai morar com Léopold. No entanto, surge um dia uma pequena divergência, sobre a qual os dois não conseguem concordar. A partir daí, não há mais um eu comum entre eles, mas apenas divergências. Baseado em peça de Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
Executive Producer
Two sisters have to deal with the traditional issues of growing up and the unusual problem of caring for an unstable father in the drama Qui Plume La Lune?
Executive Producer
Twenty-year-old Martin seems to be living the dream. After moving from the French countryside to Paris, he quickly found professional success as a fashion model and romantic fulfillment in dating his half-brother's fiery roommate, Alice. Deep down, however, he is avoiding inner turmoil that stems from his tumultuous upbringing. But when Alice becomes unexpectedly pregnant, the full force of his repression is let loose, wreaking havoc on his life.
Executive Producer
Um filme extremamente cativante sobre a forma como uma menina lida com a morte da mãe. Ela se isola de todos ao seu redor, esperando sua mãe voltar.
Production Manager
Alain finds Marie, whom he still loves, but he is embarrassed by the presence, to say the least, of Nina, who keeps asking him for services. Marie gradually becomes aware of the strong bond that unites Alain and Nina, who has never counted in his eyes.
Even among bombers and murderers, there is a social ladder, a hierarchy to climb. Jeremie is a mere bomber who blows up people and places for mobsters in Paris. He may not look it, scruffy lad that he is, but he is a sensitive fellow, and he feels his lowly status keenly. If only he could graduate to the ranks of hitmen, who are honored in his world, perhaps then he would feel more like somebody. He finally gets his chance when he receives instructions to kill the eminent hitman Max, who knows too much to be left alive. Instead of planning a cool and distant hit, Jeremie gets to know his quarry personally and thereby gets entangled in a mass of conflicting allegiances. Max has one more assignment and has asked Jeremie to help him with it. The hero-worshipping boy can't bring himself to knock of this classy guy. However, just having such an inept apprentice as Jeremie around is enormously dangerous for the soon-to-be-retired killer.
Executive Producer
The countess and her son, irresponsible but sweet viscount Louis, own the castle Montverdier, which is falling apart. Fernand Castanier is the baker in the neighboring town Mussy-sur-Ploute.
Executive Producer
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
Executive Producer
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
Executive Producer
Marie lives with Antoine, but while he is away she meets Paul, a filmmaker visiting from Canada. Paul is instantly smitten and wants her to marry him. She puts him off by saying that she and Antoine have decided to have a baby. When Antoine returns, he becomes vividly jealous of his girlfriend's chaste encounter, which provokes her into having an affair with Paul.
Executive Producer
Marc, a troubled teenager, is bored in his native, depressing city of Sete. One day, a simple phone call makes him aware of the existence of Stephanie, a sister he has never met. Armed with a pistol his mother found, he goes out to find her. He steals money from a perfume shop, and is then stopped by a policeman who wants to search him. In the car, Marc threatens the policeman with his gun, demanding that he helps him find his sister...
Production Manager
Lucas has invented a new computer language but at the same time he has been informed about his strange terminal illness during which he has been gradually losing his memory. Shortly after that he meets Blanche who acts as a medium in a bizarre traveling show. Dying Lucas follows her to the sea resort where they spend together several days and nights.
Production Manager
Emile Chenal e sua esposa, Françoise, recorrem ao agente de boxeadores Jim Fox Warner para pagar um valor considerável que lhes deve, com a polícia e a máfia de olho na situação. No mesmo hotel, o Inspetor Neveu investiga um homicídio que aconteceu ali três anos antes.
Emile Chenal e sua esposa, Françoise, recorrem ao agente de boxeadores Jim Fox Warner para pagar um valor considerável que lhes deve, com a polícia e a máfia de olho na situação. No mesmo hotel, o Inspetor Neveu investiga um homicídio que aconteceu ali três anos antes.
Production Manager
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Location Manager