Eric Kwong Chi-Leung

Nacimiento : , Hong Kong


Kwong Chi Leung is a multi-award winning film editor. He has won the Golden Horse Award for best film editing once and the Hong Kong Film Award for Film Editing eight times including for Our Time Will Come (2017) and Chungking Express (1994).


Where the Wind Blows
In the 70's, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two rightous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crimes and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triad and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan) was targetted by the triad for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issued the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
Love After Love
Cuenta la historia de una joven muchacha que viaja desde Shanghai a Hong Kong para estudiar, y que acaba dedicándose a seducir a hombres ricos y poderosos a las órdenes de su tía.
Ready O/R Knot
Story follows Guy and Heidi five years into their relationship and faced with a serious dilemma: Whether or not it is time to marry and form a family. They're equally in love, and their relationship is going strong. But while Heidi is ready to settle down and believes that marriage is proof of one’s everlasting love, Guy holds the belief that marrying Heidi will result in him being tied down to a woman that he will one day grow distant from. Heidi consults her girlfriends for advice, and Guy consults the guys. What follows is an outright battle of the sexes, as Heidi plots devious ways of getting pregnant—with marriage as an end goal—as quickly as possible, and Guy schemes up a handful of contraceptive counter-strategies.
Midnight Diner
When people finish their day and hurry home, his day starts. His diner is open from midnight to seven in the morning. Patrons enjoy home cooking and delicious stories at a master chef's small, overnight, counter-only restaurant.
Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy
Tras su derrota ante el Maestro Ip, Cheung Tin Chi intenta ganarse la vida con su hijo pequeño en Hong Kong, sirviendo mesas en un bar que atiende a expatriados. Pero no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que la mezcla de extranjeros, dinero y líderes de la tríada lo atraigan nuevamente a la lucha.
Combate en el cielo
Un coronel norteamericano (Bruce Willis) entrena a pilotos chinos para que combatan contra el ejército japonés. El temperamento de algunos hace que su trabajo sea más complicado de lo que había previsto cuando le asignaron la misión, pero no por ello pierde la confianza en los jóvenes soldados que le han sido asignados. Mientras tanto, un pequeño grupo de espías y de refugiados transportan un descodificador a través de zonas rurales devastadas con la esperanza de que sea el artilugio definitivo para que la contienda llegue a su fin.
Kung Fu Yoga
El profesor de arqueología chino Jack se une a una hermosa profesora india y a su ayudante para intentar localizar un tesoro perdido. En el Tíbet, encuentran en una cueva de hielo los restos del ejército real, que había desaparecido junto con el tesoro, pero son perseguidos por un peligroso descendiente de un líder del ejército rebelde.
Mi Amado Guardaespaldas
La historia se centra en un guardaespaldas retirado (Sammo Hung) que se ha establecido en un oscuro y desconocido rincón del mundo. Sufriendo de principios de demencia, este viejo guardaespaldas entabla una relación de amistad con una pequeña cuya vida se encuentra en constante peligro desde que su padre (Andy Lau) cae en el mundo de la delincuencia local. Inesperadamente, un día esta niña junto a su padre desaparecen. Ante esta situación, este guardaespaldas deberá volver a utilizar sus habilidades olvidadas para, de esta manera, poder salvar la vida de esta pequeña.
A Tale of Three Cities
A former spy in the Chinese Nationalist Party falls for an opium-dealing widow, as China is ravaged by war and revolution.
Agentes surcoreanos han de trabajar junto a la policía de Hong Kong para intentar detener la venta a un grupo organizado de un devastador explosivo sustraido de un accidente aereo.
Temporary Family
Lung, a hardworking property agent, is facing a serious situation in life. His girlfriend won't marry him unless he can buy her a 1000-sq ft. apartment in one year’s time; whilst Charlotte desperately needs a place to stay after her divorce. Along with Lung’s intern Very, a mainland rich, they become co-owners of the office girl Hak’s small flat that was left to Hak by her estranged mother.
The happy lives of three best friends from school are brutally upended when Hei (Ivy Chen) breaks up with her fiancé (Wallace Chung). High flyer Kimmy (Fiona Sit) and director May (Yang Zishan) close ranks to help a devastated Hei move on, but she clings to her old feelings despite meeting a highly eligible prospect (Shawn Yue). Whilst May considers leaving the film set to travel the world with a free spirited musician (Vanness Wu); rivalry over the same guy threatens to tear Kimmy and May apart. An unexpected, shocking incident provides a climactic test. Can the girls keep their friendship together?
Z Storm
Frente al más crítico caso de corrupción, un grupo de investigadores del ICAC, intentarán detener a los responsables y mantener la reputación de Hong Kong como un lugar libre de ella.
Firestorm: fuego cruzado
Hong Kong. Cuando Cao Nan y su grupo de ladrones asaltan un furgón blindado a plena luz del día, no dudan en asesinar a inocentes en su huida. Lui Ming Chit, un veterano inspector de policía, se ve obligado a usar siniestras tácticas para atraparlos.
Tales From The Dark 1
In the first of a two-part film project, three short stories from acclaimed Hong Kong horror writer Lilian Lee are adapted for the big screen in this horror anthology.
The Bullet Vanishes
Dos detectives investigan un asesinato en una fábrica de balas en la Shanghái de los años 30. Sin embargo, el patrón no colabora, y los trabajadores van desapareciendo.
The Second Woman
One suspects writer-director Carol Lai may have harboured some Black Swan ambitions with a tale that also centers around a stage practitioner who embarks on an unwitting destructive journey when playing a role to die for. The Second Woman, whose Chinese title Romance Riddle may hold better clues as to how this film developed, being more of a guessing game that threw constant clues rather than a overly romantic film about twins falling in love with a man who decided it's perfectly OK to string both women along, until he discovers that this spells double trouble.
Speed Angels
After being recruited by a race car driver coach, a female taxi driver joins the Speed Angels racing team.
The Great Magician
En Pekín, en la década de 1920, un grupo de magos se juntará para cumplir con un desafío: reproducir un truco llamado los Ocho Inmortales.
Una vida sencilla
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado de criada durante más de 60 años para la familia Leung. Ahora, el único miembro de la familia que sigue viviendo en Hong Kong es Roger, y Tao sigue trabajando para él. Sin embargo, un día Tao sufre un derrame cerebral. Una vez está en el hospital, le anuncia a Roger su intención de abandonar su trabajo e instalarse en una residencia para ancianos. Roger intenta disuadirla, pero ella tiene la idea muy clara, así que él empieza a buscar una residencia buena donde pueda vivir, y al final encuentra una habitación para Tao en un centro dirigido por un amigo suyo. Poco a poco, al cuidar de Tao, Roger se da cuenta de lo importante que Tao es para él.
Triple Tap
Champion competitive marksman Ken comes across an armored van robbery. He sees a policeman held hostage and shoots and kills four of the robbers. One of the robbers escapes and the policeman survives. The case is handled by Jerry Chang, whom Ken knows from having recently beaten him in a shooting match. Ken is found not guilty in court. Soon after, Ken is attacked by the escaped robber Pang Tao. Their confrontation reveals a very different background story and brings about a myriad of lies and traps and changes in relationships as Jerry and Ken try to outsmart each other.
Basada en la historia popular china sobre una heroina llamada Hua Mulan. Cuando el país se ve amenazada por los invasores, una joven defiende a su padre por escaparse de casa y vestirse como un hombre para tomar el lugar de su padre en un ejercito de hombres, donde finalmente asume un papel histórico fundamental en la defensa de la nación en un tiempo de guerra.
Dos policías de la unidad de vigilancia descubren un plan de estafa financiera, destapando así todo un entramado de negocios sucios. Los policías no son inmunes a la tentación del dinero fácil, y no tardan en hacerse con las acciones gracias a la información privilegiada de que disponen.
La venganza del dragón
Nick (Jackie Chan) es un inmigrante chino, que ha entrado ilegalmente en Japón en busca de su novia y de un futuro mejor. Al principio, malvive explotado junto a otros compatriotas con los que arriesga su vida y su libertad a cambio de un mísero salario. Al descubrir, por azar, que su novia es ahora la esposa de un jefe Yakuza, decide entrar en el mundo del crimen organizado convirtiéndose en poco tiempo, con la ayuda del jefe Yakuza a quién casualmente salva la vida, en un auténtico líder, aprendiendo como sobrevivir en un mundo donde la corrupción, el asesinato y las luchas internas entre las distintas mafias, ponen constantemente a prueba su liderazgo y sus principios.
All's Well, Ends Well 2009
Kei's eldest sister Sandra is a hot-tempered magazine editor and her temperament has left her single all this while. One of the family rules is that none of the siblings could get married before their eldest sister. Kei seeks help from the famous Casanova, Koo Chai, to pretend to court his eldest sister and lure her into the mood of love.
Ocean Flame
A turbulent love affair between a punk and a youthful waitress.
Battle of wits
Basado en el manga Bokkou, de Hideki Mori y Kenichi Sakemi, A Batte of Wits nos traslada unos 2.300 años atrás, a una China dividida en 7 reinos que luchan por la supremacía. La historia se centra en el estratega Ge Li (interpretado por Andy Lau), que intentará defender el pequeño reino de Liang contra el enorme ejercito de Zhao. (FILMAFFINITY)
Perhaps Love
Durante la producción de un musical, los celos, el odio y la pasión, se desarrollan en un triángulo amoroso. Una vez el trío está sumido en pleno ojo del huracán, aparece una especie de Cupido de nuestros días, que comparte las alegrías y penas del trío y hace que todo emerja a la luz...
A romantic comedy, the film is about Siu Min, a Budweiser girl who takes pity on Michael (Daniel), an ethnic Chinese restaurateur from France drinking away his misfortune because his food is too sophisticated for (and thus unpopular with) the working class neighborhood in which both work. Unsatisfied with spending her days as a beer girl, the ambitious Siu Min becomes Michael's partner in the restaurant business, and eventually falls in love with him. Michael, however, must reconcile his dream of traveling the world with his other dream of running a successful restaurant.
Seoul Raiders
Agent Lam (Tony Leung) sets out to track a pair of plates used to make fake American dollars. When he discovers the plates, they are conned out of him by enigmatic US Embassy workers Owen (Richie Ren) and JJ (Shu Qi). With the trail now leading to Korea, Lam sets off in hot pursuit. There, amidst the dangerous and glamorous urban landscape of Seoul, Lam finds himself confronting an underworld crime boss known as the Polar Bear, head of the biggest counterfeiting organisation in Asia.
Silver Hawk
Michelle Yeoh interpreta a una Robin Hood en versión femenina. Una mente criminal maestra busca conquistar el mundo con sus tres entrenados asesinos. Yeoh interpreta a Wong Ngang, una mujer que está haciendo carrera en el mundo judicial por el día y que busca hacer justicia en las calles por la noche.
My Lucky Star
Yip is attractive but for some strange reason, no man has ever been interested in her. Yip meets Lai, a famous feng shui expert and she thinks that Lai can change her luck. But Duen, also a famous feng shui expert continually cast all kinds of spells on Yip. A fierce battle of feng shui and horoscope techniques ensues. Will Lai and Yip live happily afterwards?
Tres mediometrajes de terror, cada uno dirigido por un director. A pesar de su título en inglés, se trata de un antecedente del formato de film de terror "Three... Extremes". Going Home (Peter Chan, Hong Kong): Un policía y su hijo se mudan a un edificio aparentemente vacío en el que habita un misterioso vecino. The Wheel (Nonzee Nimburt, Tailandia): Segmento centrado en el arte Hunk Lakorn Lek. Un teatro de curiosas marionetas protegidas por terribles maldiciones. Memories (Kim Ji-Woo, Corea del Sur): Después de la desaparición de su mujer, un hombre sufre extrañas visiones que no le dejan vivir.
Going Home
A cop and his son move into a worn-down apartment building. The boy is first menaced by a neighbor girl and then goes missing. The father tries to look for him by knocking on the neighbor girl's door but finds that no girl lives there.
Princess D
Joker is a computer programmer working on a 3-D adventure game starring a virtual idol. Stuck for inspiration, he ends up finding it in Ling, a bartender at a dance club. While in a drug-induced stupor, Joker imagines Ling to be the perfect image of his virtual girl. He's immediately smitten, but more important, he now has a model for his virtual heroine: Princess D.
July Rhapsody
Lam es un profesor de instituto que enseña su gran pasión, la literatura china. Casado desde hace veinte años, con dos hijos adolescentes, el matrimonio de Lam parece perfecto a ojos de los demás, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Cuando el antiguo profesor y mentor de Lam vuelva a hacer acto de presencia en su vida trayendo consigo los fantasmas del pasado todo comenzará a desmoronarse, al tiempo que a Lam le será cada vez más difícil resistirse en caer en la tentación de tener una aventura con una atractiva alumna que está enamorada de él y no tiene ningún pudor en hacérselo saber.
Peony Pavilion
The story takes place in a beautiful pavilion in 1930's Suzhou. Jade is a famous songstress courtesan, marrying into the noble house. She develops a dubious relationship with a female cousin of the family and also being admired secretly by her butler. LAN, the cousin, is a modern woman who wants to be independent and serves her country, but when she meets the charismatic Shing, an official from the North, all her plans go astray. These two women's love bears no fruit with their men and in the end they have only each other to lean on.
Espía por accidente
Bei trabaja en una tienda de deportes mientras sueña con tener una vida llena de aventuras. Todo cambia para él cuando un día corriente decide salir del trabajo para seguir a unos hombres sospechosos. Pronto descubre que están a punto de cometer el asalto a una joyería y decide entrar en acción.
Tempting Heart
A female director decides to make a autobiographical film on her love life and we see it through the use of flashbacks and brilliant intercutting.
Ordinary Heroes
Ordinary Heroes is a narration about the life stories of an advocate, a prostitute, a social worker, and a priest during the social movements from 1970s to 1980s in Hong Kong. The film is based upon true stories.
Moonlight Express
On the eve of her wedding, Hitomi loses her fiance Tatsuya to a car accident. She travels to Hong Kong seeking solace and meets undercover cop Karbo — a dead ringer for Tatsuya. The duo is forced to take it on the lam when a corrupt colleague frames Karbo, and Hitomi soon finds herself torn between her love for Tatsuya and her blossoming feelings for her fellow fugitive.
Sleepless Town
Kenichi is a half-Japanese, half-Chinese man of the underworld. You can sell him anything except children's organs. His domain is in Kabukicho, a gangland controlled by various Shanghai gangs intent on taking control. His former partner-in-crime, Fu-Chun, is rumored to have returned to Kabukicho, having fled years earlier after killing the number two of gangland boss, Yuan. Yuan wants to get even and attempts to do so by using Kenichi.
He Comes From Planet K
A girl is captured by aliens for mating and bears a baby who possesses extraordinary abilities. This extraterrestrial baby boy grows up speedily and inherits the best quality of mankind and aliens of Planet K. This film is a spoof of some Hollywood big hits.
Downtown Torpedoes
Jackal, Cash and Sam form the core of ATM (Available Tactical Mercenaries), an industrial espionage unit that utilizes high-tech gadgetry to steal technology and fence it on the black market. However, they're blackmailed by the Hong Kong government to snatch some counterfeit plates called SN2 from the British MI5. Naturally stuff goes wrong, our heroes are framed for SN2’s disappearance, and then they must set about clearing their names with whatever hi-tech gadgets they have leftover.
Viva Erótica
Las dos últimas películas de Sing fueron un fracaso, pero se le da el timón en una película de sexo de Categoría III y tiene que lidiar con una protagonista que no hará escenas de desnudos, patrocinadores de Triad y una relación que se desmorona con su novia.
Comrades: Almost a Love Story
A finales de los 80, Xiaojun llega a Hong Kong procedente de la China continental dispuesto a encontrar un trabajo que le permita ahorrar algo de dinero para volver a su pueblo natal y casarse con su novia de toda la vida. Un día, en su primera visita a un McDonalds, Xiaojun conoce a Qiao, una joven que también busca fortuna en la gran ciudad. La relación entre Xiaojun y Qiao pasará de la amistad al amor, y ambos jóvenes vivirán una historia marcada por las dudas, las casualidades y las canciones de Teresa Teng.
They Don't Care About Us
Just back from abroad, Brenda Lee helps out a friend by substitute teaching her mischievous class. The students are cold to her at first, but warm up to her as she helps them learn life's lessons. Essentially a remake of To Sir With Love [1967] (or maybe just a remake of To Miss With Love [1992]).
The "Hu-Du-Men" (loosely translated as "stage door") is an imaginary line separating the stage from reality, and a line that must be crossed each and every night by Sum (Josephine Siao), the aging star of a Cantonese Opera troupe. Nearing the twilight of a storied career, Sum must face a variety of challenging new obstacles, including the possible emigration of her family come 1997, the appearance of a promising young actress (Anita Yuen), the hiring of a Western-schooled stage director (David Wu), the surprising revelation of her daughter's sexuality, and finally the reappearance of a shocking secret from her past. Through it all, Sum must retain her professionalism and dignity, as the "Hu-Du-Men" between the stage and her life begins to blur. Emotional, intimate direction and Raymond To's intelligent, relevant screenplay make Hu-Du-Men worthwhile cinema, but it's Josephine Siao's brilliant, emotionally dynamic performance that sets this film above the rest.
Forbidden City Cop
Fat es uno de los Guardianes de la Ciudad Perdida, protectores del emperador y última línea de defensa en la ciudad imperial. Pero Fat no es como sus compañeros ya que en vez de dominar las artes marciales y usar la fuerza, él destaca por su astucia y sus inventos, una mezcla de inspector gadget y 007. Cuando sus compañeros desaparezcan, tendrá que asumir la protección del emperador recurriendo a sus “habilidades”
Full Throttle
Joe is a champion motorcycle racer who is forced to question his entire lifestyle after he and some close friends are seriously injured in motorcycle accidents. He subsequently struggles to maintain his identity as a risk-taker; and fights to maintain and redefine his relationships with his fiancée, his friends, and his estranged father.
Ghost House, A True Story
A group of 7 friends seek shelter from a heavy rain in an old abandoned house.
Cenizas del tiempo
En la antigua China, Ouyang Feng es un decaído armador de katanas conducido por la envidia hacia su amigo y adversario. Tiene miedo al amor después de que un equivocado romance le rompiera el corazón. Feng es un solitario a perpetuidad, pero el cazador de recompensas que trabaja para él como “ciego espadachín” y otro de sus mejores guerreros descubren el infatigable secreto de amor verdadero que guarda Feng mientras resguarda su actitud hacia sus guerreros y la valiosa lección que ellos le han enseñado...
Naughty Couple
Ma publishes books; his marriage is flat and his wife wants attention, so she arranges a photo session in bed with Si, a gay decorator, to make Ma jealous. Her friend, Linda Lo, also unhappily married, is there as well, dressed for the photos, and Si's lover is hiding in another room. Enter Henry Lo with a call girl, and Ma himself, intent on killing Si. Chance intervenes: a best-selling author and a prude, Lovely Pak, pays a call; she wants Ma to publish her books. Mistaken identities and everyone's attempt to seem conservative to please Pak lead to chaos: Si pretends to be Ma; Ma pretends to be a servant. Will Miss Pak sign a contract, and can the married couples find harmony?
I Wanna Be Your Man
Lau Ching Wan was in the force for almost ten years. He was very careless and was termed "Detective Idiot" by his colleagues. One day, he came to the knowledge that his boss, Christine Ng was a lesbian. Nevertheless, they became good friends and treated each other like brothers. Unfortunately, Lau fell in love with Ng's girlfriend.
Even Mountains Meet
Movie Director
A Hong Kong diva dies of a heart attack during a rehearsal with her faithful servant. Unaware of her death, the servant goes about her life as usual, until she is visited by the diva's spirit. The diva coaxes her servant into believing that the only way to bring her back to life is to find her long lost love, Prince Charming. Ironically, he is both the diva and the servant's love interest.
Hero of the Beggars
Hero of the Beggars is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Chan Wai-Man and Michael Hui.
All's Well, Ends Well
Assistant Editor
Three brothers living with their father fib and play pranks to win parental approval for themselves and their romances.
Lee Rock
The film chronicles the rise and fall of a corrupt police force that Lee Rock becomes a part of.
Beyond's Diary
Kui (Wong Ka Kui), Keung (Steve Wong), Chung (Paul Wogn) and Wing (Wing Yip) are four buddies who are all very enthusiastic about music. Together they form a band called Beyond. In order to fulfill his family's emigration dream, Kui works round the clock to earn money and exhausts himself to sickness. Keung wants to build a successful career, but only finds himself being framed by his boss. Chung's childhood dream was to become a police officer, but he is rejected due to his weak body. Wing wants to study music at Hong Kong University, but his girlfriend (Faye Wong) and her parents pressure him into medicine. Can they find their ways again through friendship and music?
Eight Taels of Gold
La continuación de Mabel Cheung a An Autumn's Tale es una comedia agridulce sobre las alegrías y las penas de un regreso a casa.
Painted Faces
La historia de la Escuela de Ópera de Beijing, su maestro, el Maestro Yu y sus alumnos.
Assistant Editor
Chik (Philip Chan), Lucky (Michael Wong), Chi-to (Waise Lee), and his ex-girlfriend Ngao (Carrie Ng) who he is still sweet on but is married to Lucky now, are aiming to make a score on a deal with a Taiwan triad when things take a turn for the BLOODY because Chi-to's cousin, who arranged the deal, set them up.
The Young Taoism Fighter
Art Direction
The Progenitor, Cheng Yang, Cheng Jen and his brother, Chung Yin-Chiu tried all means to acquaint with the “Yin Yang Separate Body Style”, which was the most powerful Taoism Kung-fu of Yin Yang Tang. One day, Student, Ko Sheng practiced the style secretly. Since his basic Kung-fu training was not well-established, he made his soul separated from the body. At the most critical moment, he was saved by Yin-Chiu. The leader of Tien Wu Men, Master Fu Luen wanted to rule over the community by force, bitterly practiced the “Tzu Yin Wicked Style” kung fu. He controlled Kuan Shih-Chung by using poison and ordered him to get the urea of children and women's placenta for him to practice...
Lost Romance
Rose (Maggie Cheung) and her big brother Charles (Chow Yun-fat) live a fairy-tale existence in their seaside villa. Rose is young, beautiful, and spoiled - in a word, irresistible. Disappointed in love, she moves to Paris. When Charles dies suddenly, she rushes back to Hong Kong to take over the family estate. Fate intervenes when she meets Ka-ming (also played by Chow Yun-fat), who is the exact image of her late brother. The two fall in love, but their romance is in the hands of a not always benevolent fate.