Dimitri Rafalsky

Dimitri Rafalsky

Nacimiento : 1930-10-08, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Dimitri Rafalsky


Raymond (Bernard Blancan) is a very lonely peasant who lives so detached from the world that the peasants of the village nearby his family house consider him as dead for more than 30 years. None sees him but people know he is around and, as all secretly reproach themselves to not have helped the young Raymond after his all family death before he disappeared, they consider the family house as haunted by Raymonds ghost.When Frédéric (Antoine Chappey), Caroline (Lucia Sanchez) and their children come from the city to install themselves in the countryside, they know nothing about these villages tells and find in Raymonds family house a rare opportunity.
The Story Of My Life
Le roi
Raphael is a ghostwriter who takes a job writing for famous footy player Kevin. To his delight and his girlfriend, Murials horror, Kevins current girlfriend is an old (easily rekindled) flame of Raphaels. A freak accident leaves a close friend dead and Raphael is forced to reconsider his priorities.
Triple agente
général Dobrinsky
En 1936, el Frente Popular y la guerra de España agitan los espíritus. Fiodor, joven general del ejército zarista, refugiado en París, y su esposa Arsinoé, participan del enrarecido ambiente. En tanto que ella simpatiza con los comunistas, él realiza viajes secretos y le gusta inquietar a quienes le rodean. No oculta que es un espía, pero disimula por cuenta de quién: ¿de los anticomunistas blancos, de la Unión Soviética, de los nazis o de todos a la vez ? ¿Lo sabe él mismo, que ama a su mujer, pero parece dispuesto a sacrificarla en nombre de un sórdido complot?
Les migrations de Vladimir
Fleeing the mafia, Vladimir, a young romantic Russian in love with Rimbaud, ends up without money in Paris. After taking part in a game show, where presenter Victor Lalumière bows him, he is found by the Russian mafia who wants to kill him.
Russian Interpreter
Cuando un equipo internacional de ex-agentes de inteligencia y ex-guerreros de la guerra fría se reunen en una bodega, su aventura de amor, amistad y traición apenas comienza. Al igual que el honorable e independiente samurai de hace cientos de años, estos ronin modernos se embarcan en su más peligrosa misión secreta: recobrar una misteriosa maleta y entregársela a su desconocido jefe y a la vez conservar sus vidas. Un criminal que se vende al mejor postor lidera un grupo de profesionales del crimen que busca un misterioso maletín, cuyo contenido es desconocido incluso para el espectador.
San-Antonio ne pense qu'à ça
Walter Klozett is a spy arrested and imprisoned by the French Police who know him in possession of stolen booty which the French secret services would like to recover at all costs.
La main coupée
A Matter of Days
El incinerador de cadáveres
El señor Karel domina a sus familiares, amigos y empleados. Sólo está preocupado porque el tránsito de los difuntos hacia el más allá sea lo más limpio y rápido posible, todo mediante la incineración de cadáveres en el cementerio que regenta. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Limping Devil
A baleful limping man walks through Prague. He is Asmodeus (Juraj Herz), the fiend of lustfulness, entertaining himself by putting together by magic couples of lovers. He only fails at the swimming pool. Zuzana (Jana Sulcová), the good-looking blonde, ignores the men whom the devil foists off onto her. She loves Honza (Václav Neckár) and the boy shares her feelings. The fiend is annoyed by the couple and tries to provoke a row. He sends heavy rain to force them into a hotel and then warns Zuzana's father by phone, but the young lovers manage to get out in time. Then the obstinate Asmodeus takes Honza in his sleep to the Institute for Emotional Disorders, where he shows him the ugly sides of love - hysteria, voyeurism, fetishism, suicide attempts...
Pushchik Edet v Pragu