William Harrigan
Nacimiento : 1886-03-27, New York City, New York, USA
Muerte : 1966-02-01
William Harrigan was an American stage, screen, and television actor.
A rookie New York cop has to deal with juvenile delinquents, his superiors, and blame for the suicide of a woman who jumped to her death while he was in her apartment.
Inspector Hansen
Un hombre propietario de una mula que habla consigue trabajo de periodista, y los dos se ven mezclados en un juicio por asesinato.
John 'Mac' McNamara
Steve Kostain (Lund), nephew of the owner, begins working at a steel mill to learn the business from the bottom up. He rooms with a steel working family, the McNamaras, and falls for the daughter, "Red" (Sheridan), who is already involved with another steelworker, Jim (Duff.) Although he is at first has a hard time with his co-workers, he eventually wins them over, and also wins the girl.
Dr. Lt.Cdr. Joe Curran
Hawai, verano de 1942. Los aviones surcando constantemente el cielo contrastan con la placidez de las playas y ponen de manifiesto una trágica realidad: la guerra. Los japoneses dominan las islas hasta Guadalcanal. El mayor Dan Kirby es nombrado comandante del escuadrón de combate VMF-247, noticia que no es muy bien recibida por los soldados, que esperaban el ascenso de Carl Griffin, su capitán. Los caracteres de Kirby y Griffin chocan al principio, aunque el capitán irá descubriendo poco a poco el valor y la entereza de Kirby, sobre todo cuando deban emprender la gran batalla del Pacífico.
Berle Lindquist
Fritzie, dueña de una casa de juego, no desea que su hija Paula se relacione con los tipos que pululan por ahí. Pero cae en las redes de Eddie, un mafioso.
Father Vail
A Catholic Church-sponsored film about the life of Frances Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who established schools, orphanages and hospitals in the United States. Primarily booked into schools or churches, or a local church would rent a theatre for a roadshow one-night viewing by members of the local congregation.
Ward Hughes
Una mujer de origen sueco, abandona la granja de su padre rumbo a la gran ciudad. Allí se emplea como sirvienta en la casa del congresista Glen Morley, y a fuerza de tesón pronto llega a triunfar en política, logrando un puesto en Washington dentro del Congreso. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jimmy Dobson
In PRC's Follies Girl, Wendy Barrie plays dress designer Anne Merriday, who becomes the object of middle-aged millionaire J. B. Hamlin's (J.C. Nugent) affections. To save his dad from throwing his life away on a supposed golddigger, Hamlin's son, Army private Jerry Hamlin (Gordon Oliver), begins courting Anne-and, of course, falls genuinely in love with her himself. Meanwhile, the rogueish J.B. tries to mount a Broadway burlesque show, with costumes designed by Our Heroine.
Union Commanding Officer
Phoebe (Jean Arthur) transforma ella sola un triste almacén en lo que ahora se conoce como Tucson, en Arizona, el orgullo del Oeste americano. Allí construye su rancho, que pronto será el más grande del territorio. Recién llegado de la ciudad, Peter Muncie (William Holden) comienza a trabajar en la propiedad de Phoebe entablándose entre ellos una relación que culmina con planes de boda. Pero el éxito del negocio de Phoebe no tarda en generar envidias y se cruza en su camino Jefferson Carteret (Warren William), un vecino que planea estafar a Phoebe y asesinar a Peter el día de su boda.
Frankie's Father
The life of a young kid, who starts stealing small things to fit in with the "cool crowd".
After being nabbed while trying to stow away on board an ocean liner en route to Hawaii, young Bobby Breen sings for his travel fare and, along with sidekick Pua, turns detective to recover stolen naval documents from crooks
Grant Powell
A fired cameraman by way of a girl's mistaken identity wins back his job through pioneering work in television.
Federal Agency Chief
Federal Bullets is a leisurely paced Monogram crime melodrama with not a few clever plot twists. The FBI, represented by Milburn Stone and William Harrigan, investigates a seemingly respectable charitable organization. In fact, the enterprise is a front for a crime ring, headed by Ma Barker clone Zeffie Tilbury (Trivia note: Ms. Tilbury was totally blind, and had to learn her "blocking" by rote).
Jim Shelly
The Carlton State star quarterback is wrongly thrown in jail, almost guaranteeing a major loss as well as costing the college a donation which would save the school from closing.
The story of a woman, Frankie, and the man who has done her wrong, Johnnie.
'Doc' Evans
Película con la que la Metro Goldwyn Mayer intentó competir con las obras maestras del género negro producidas por la Warner Bros. Para ello contó con sus dos estrellas más populares: Spencer Tracy y Myrna Loy. Él es un agente de policía infiltrado en una banda de malhechores. Ella, la chica del jefe de la banda, ve la oportunidad de abandonar la mala vida cuando se enamora del policía.
Charles Murfree
A father leaves his native Ireland and travels to America to visit the son he hasn't heard from in many years.
A Traveler's Aid worker who delights in solving people's problems gets mixed up with gangsters.
'Mac' McKay
Un abogado abandona su profesión para convertirse en agente del gobierno con la intención de descubrir al asesino de su mejor amigo. Las primeras investigaciones le conducen hasta un gángster que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Mientras resuelve el caso, en escena aparece la hija de su jefe, de la que se enamora locamente.
Arthur Kemp
Adaptación de una novela de H.G. Wells sobre un hombre que posee la facultad de hacerse invisible.
Captain Holloway
A lovely fashion model's dreams of marital bliss are shattered when her fiance jilts her. To make matters worse, her father kills the cad and she gets accused of the crime.
Peter Lawton
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
Jim Richards
The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.
Railroad engineer Chuck Long finds the showgirl he's about to marry was the subject of scandal and swears off women. He joins a coast guard unit stationed at a lighthouse, and one day must rescue a drowning girl that turns out to be his old fiancée.
Danny Madden
An ironworker and his equally tough friend decide to leave New Orleans to work as beam-walkers on a New York City skyscraper. This arouses the ire of his Cajun girlfriend who promptly shoots at him as he walks away and then follows him to the Big Apple where she becomes a nightclub performer.
Good News Brophy
Esperando utilizar la publicidad que de ello se pueda derivar para ser reelegido, un juez condena a un conocido gangster a luchar en la guerra.