Andrey Dergachev

Andrey Dergachev

Nacimiento : 1969-01-01, Astrakhan, Russia


Andrey Dergachev
Andrey Dergachev


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Sound Mixer
The chapters of a Russian funeral procession offer a meditation on ritual and loss.
Sound Designer
A heartbreaking portrait of 16-year-old Ukrainian refugees Andrey and Alisa, who help out at a school for refugee children in Budapest. Andrey asks the children to draw pictures of something from back home in Ukraine. What beautiful things can they recall? He offers the example of his own grandfather’s cherry orchard. The children use confrontational, adult vocabulary to describe their experiences of war. A young boy earnestly goes through a number of battle strategies, and a girl provides a vivid account of a rocket attack.
A heartbreaking portrait of 16-year-old Ukrainian refugees Andrey and Alisa, who help out at a school for refugee children in Budapest. Andrey asks the children to draw pictures of something from back home in Ukraine. What beautiful things can they recall? He offers the example of his own grandfather’s cherry orchard. The children use confrontational, adult vocabulary to describe their experiences of war. A young boy earnestly goes through a number of battle strategies, and a girl provides a vivid account of a rocket attack.
Where Are We Headed?
This is ‘a road movie’ encapsulated in the Moscow metro system and filmed over the course of one year: a documentary film that observes cultural and social issues in modern Russia.
A sprawling meditation on the choreography of bodies in Moscow's urban landscape, Detours depicts a new way of dealing illicit drugs via the Darknet, the layering of the physical and the virtual realities, as well as a poetics, and politics, of space. Taking place in sleepy neighbourhoods, among the concrete walls of high-rises, behind garages and amidst abandoned railroads, the film alternately follows and loses track of Denis, the treasureman who hides stashes of drugs all over the city.
En 2014 la Fundación V-A-C, propiedad de uno de los oligarcas rusos más ricos del mundo, adquirió la abandonada central eléctrica de Moscú GES-2 con el propósito de dotar de energía cultural a toda la ciudadanía, y encargó el proyecto al arquitecto Renzo Piano. Durante cinco años la directora disfrutó de un acceso privilegiado a operarios, constructores, supervisores del proyecto y arquitectos. Nastia Korkia nos propone, con muchas dosis de humor, un retrato cercano, coral y no cronológico de la transformación de este gran edificio en un centro cultural.
Prolonging Life
Sound Director
Dmitry is a Russian emigrant living in London with his wife and son. He is one of the most successful venture capitalists in the world. He has everything, but at 46 years and 7 months he realizes that one day he will die. Dmitry creates a fund investing in life-extension technologies.
The Accommodations Of Desire
The water flows on the surface of the Earth and in the underworld, this substance connects both sides of the river as margins of life. The narration is holding out the silhouette from the sketch of an artist to the symbolism of the ancient world reading small gestures. This film accommodates artist’s works by giving them a role of an oracle.
Sound Designer
From the Barents Sea, a chill wind seems to blow constantly across a semi-deserted town at the edge of the world. Nevertheless, a little community holds out here. In a flawlessly filmed portrait of this extraordinary place, the theme linking the residents is their determination to chart their own course. Bardak was a marine, but his garrison broke up and his comrades sought a better life elsewhere. He stayed behind among the many empty buildings that are slowly but surely being consumed by the elements. Meanwhile, Dima, a young poacher​, flouts as many rules as he can, but gives friendly directions to lost tourists and reads lovingly to his little daughter. Ferryman Alexander is locked in a silent generational battle with his teenage daughter Masha; her eyes are on the outside world. Further along, a little team of ships from the Second World War turns up, and a woman steadfastly runs a weather station.
Quicksilver Chronicles
The picture is about the inexplicable property of a person to fill with energy and life even the most frightening and abandoned places. This is a portrait of the abandoned city of New Idrija and the last years of the lives of those who spent their youth in believing in an alternative version of the “American Dream”.
The Iron Bridge
Kacper, who works as a foreman, has an affair with the wife of his best friend Oskar, also a miner. To meet his mistress, he assigns Oskar to the distant and dangerous coal seams. As the lovers enjoy their rendezvous, Oskar gets buried underground, so they throw themselves into a rescue mission.
The Northerners
The Northerners is a cycle of film essays with a focus on northern individualism. Each one of the three parts plays out in different places around the Kola Peninsula over one day. The story revolves around the everyday life of three people who share no formal ties. Igor, who belongs to a dynasty of pilots, is a polar aviation squad commander; Vasily is a tug master at Murmansk’s commercial port; Volodya is a woodcutter, leader of a logging guild. Like most of those living in the north of Russia, they came here for work, and though they weren’t initially planning on staying, they ended up staying forever.
Andrey Zvyagintsev. The Director
Portrait of director Andrey Zvyagintsev against the background of the filming of his film "Loveless".
Songs for Kit
A girl — or a woman — in a bright red scarf, with a soft toy mouse in her arms. To look at her, you wouldn’t guess that she’s 50 and has been homeless for three years. Her incredible passion to live prevents her from freezing on the cold streets of Moscow.
Sin amor
El matrimonio formado por Zhenya y Boris está decidido a divorciarse: el amor se ha acabado entre ellos y lo han encontrado en otras personas. Viviendo aún juntos, las discusiones y la poca comunicación son algo normal en esta 'familia'. Mientras su hijo Ayoshya vive esta situación frente a la pantalla de su ordenador y escondiendo sus lágrimas. Durante una última pelea, el niño desaparece. Unidos por lo que más les importa a ambos, tendrán que luchar por encontrar a Ayoshya en una búsqueda que supone un punto de inflexión en la relación de la pareja.
Zhanel is trapped in a life devoid of purpose. Unable to face the real world, she finds safe harbor in her wild and beautiful dreams. With the help of a psychiatrist she meets in her dreamscape, Zhanel tackles her problems and discovers her deeper self.
A story about a friendship between talented famous musician and eleven years old girl.
Kolia vive en un pueblito a orillas del mar de Barents, al norte de Rusia. Tiene un taller de mecánica al lado de su casa, en donde vive con su joven esposa, Lylia, y su hijo Romka, fruto de una relación anterior. El alcalde del pueblo, Vadim Sergeyich, desea apropiarse del terreno de Kolia, de su casa y su taller para realizar sus proyectos. Primero intenta comprar el terreno, pero Kolia no soporta la idea de perder todo lo que posee; no solamente el terreno, sino la belleza que le rodea desde que nació.
Kolia vive en un pueblito a orillas del mar de Barents, al norte de Rusia. Tiene un taller de mecánica al lado de su casa, en donde vive con su joven esposa, Lylia, y su hijo Romka, fruto de una relación anterior. El alcalde del pueblo, Vadim Sergeyich, desea apropiarse del terreno de Kolia, de su casa y su taller para realizar sus proyectos. Primero intenta comprar el terreno, pero Kolia no soporta la idea de perder todo lo que posee; no solamente el terreno, sino la belleza que le rodea desde que nació.
Silent Ones
Original Music Composer
A young Hungarian woman (played by Hungarian actress Orsi Tóth) wakes up inside a crashed car in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where her brother Isti is. Upset and alone, she leaves aboard a cargo ship to keep a promise she made to him. Once at sea, she withdraws into a dream world and loses grip on her life completely.
A young boy picks up his father's camera, with which he accidentally films a dying romance between a man and a woman-
The Banishment
Original Music Composer
Alex y su mujer Vera emprenden con sus dos hijos un destierro voluntario que pronto se convertirá en una pesadilla. Se trata de un viaje interior del paraíso al infierno, en el que cada uno evoluciona de manera diferente, alejándose todos cada vez más del ideal familiar. Todo comienza a tambalearse con la llegada de Mark, el hermano de Alex, que ha abandonado a su mujer y a sus hijos. La perniciosa influencia de Mark hace que las relaciones de Alex con su familia sean cada vez más frías y distantes; así, cuando Vera le da la noticia de un nuevo embarazo, Alex la acusa de infidelidad.
El regreso
Original Music Composer
La vida de dos hermanos sufre un brusco cambio cuando de repente aparece su padre, al que sólo recordaban por una vieja fotografía. ¿Es realmente su padre? ¿Por qué ha vuelto después de tanto tiempo? Los chicos encontrarán la respuesta a sus preguntas en una remota y solitaria isla, después de un emocionante viaje con su padre por los bellos parajes de Siberia. Ópera prima del realizador ruso Andrey Zvyagintsev, nacido en 1964, autor de varios filmes para la televisión rusa. León de Oro en Venecia, donde fue calificada por la crítica como "un film sobre el amor, la pérdida de los afectos y el ingreso en la edad adulta, de irresistible fuerza emocional."