Leda Gloria

Leda Gloria

Nacimiento : 1912-08-29, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Muerte : 1997-03-16


Leda Gloria


El camarada Don Camilo
Maria Bottazzi
Película inspirada en "Don Camillo e Peppone", colección de relatos de Giovanni Guareschi (1908-1968). Para el alcalde Peppone ir a Rusia es como visitar el paraíso; así que está deseando que sus camaradas comunistas le muestren las maravillas de la dictadura del proletariado. Para el párroco don Camilo, en cambio, Rusia representa el infierno. Sin embargo, con tal de salvar almas y llevarle la contraria a Peppone está dispuesto incluso a vestirse de paisano y hacerse pasar por miembro del partido.
Don Camilo monseñor... pero no tanto
Maria Botazzi, moglie di Peppone
Cuarta entrega de las aventuras de Don Camilo y el alcalde Peppone. Ahora Don Camilo ha sido nombrado monseñor, y Peppone es senador. Ambos coinciden en Roma, donde continúan sus cordiales diferencias. A modo de viñetas con la nostalgia por el terruño junto al Po al fondo, tienen intereses comunes como en la boda del hijo de Peppone, que oficiará don Camilo, o el acuerdo sobre la capilla de la Virgen del Borghetto.
La ley es la ley
Ferdinand es un estricto agente francés que vigila la aduana de Assola, población en parte francesa y en parte italiana, porque la frontera que separa ambos países atraviesa el pueblo. Don Giuseppe es un contrabandista italiano que intenta sacar partido de esta circunstancia, pero sus esfuerzos siempre se ve truncados por culpa del implacable Ferdinand. Pero un buen día Don Giuseppe descubre algo muy interesante: la casa en la que nació Ferdinand ocupa la línea que divide el pueblo, de modo que si hubiera nacido en la cocina, entonces sería italiano y quedaría inhabilitado como agente aduanero francés.
La sposa
Una mujer mata a otra en un accidente de coche y descubre que el marido de la víctima es su primer amor que había perdido de vista. La amistad se reencuentra y termina en matrimonio, pero será necesario un intento de suicidio y un acto heroico para que la hija de la primera acepte a la madrastra.
Il cocco di mamma
madre di Aldo
Aldo, Vasco and "Smilzo" (Slim) are friends. They live with their parents and are training for boxing. But their real interest is in women. When casually Aldo meets Laura and falls for her. Will he succeed in winning her love?
Serenata a Maria
la madre di Maria e Pupella
Stefano, a singer struggling for success, falls for Maria who, however, is pregnant with a child from another guy. Stefano leaves her but when he becomes a star, he looks for her and marries her.
Madre di Oberdan
El verano es más largo que de costumbre en Viareggio para Guendalina, hija de un rico, cuya amistad con un joven nativo pronto se convierte en amor.
Ciao pais..!
Don Camilo y el honorable Peppone
Maria Botazzi, moglie di Peppone
Tercera entrega de las andanzas del alcalde comunista Peppone y el párroco del pueblo don Camilo. Todo transcurre en Brescello, a orillas del Po, donde Peppone aspira a llegar a senador, para lo que hará una importante campaña. Pero a pesar de su lucha heroica contra los fascistas durante la guerra, no tiene ni un mísero título académico. Don Camilo podría ayudarle en este tema...
Tragic ballad
A sailor is accused of the murder of his girlfriend's father.
The Boatman of Amalfi
Rita Selva
"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.
Mother's Heart
Donna Elvira
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
Mother's Heart
donna Elvira
An unworthy nephew, with the help of a girl who seduces the young guardian, robs the aunt of the family jewels. He also manages to put the blame for the theft on the caretaker, engaged to a young woman who is actually the woman's natural daughter. The thief also tries to blackmail his aunt by threatening to reveal the truth after so many years, but a commissioner manages to prove the innocence of the suspect and the guilt of his nephew.
It Happened in the Park
Mrs. Ventrella - Donato's wife (segment: Il paraninfo)
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
El retorno de Don Camilo
Maria Botazzi, moglie di Peppone
Continuación de "Don Camilo", comedia de Julien Duvivier protagonizada por Fernandel y Gino Cervi, y que contaba el enfrentamiento entre el cura Don Camilo y el alcalde comunista Peppone, a partir de la novela de Giovanni Guareschi. Su éxito fue tal que dio origen a una saga. En "El regreso de don Camilo", el sacerdote es alejado del pueblo por orden del obispo. Eso lo aprovecha Peppone para hacer algunos negocios por su cuenta, pero con tan mala fortuna que puede provocar una inundación en el pueblo.
It's Never Too Late
Anna Colussi
The Wild Oat
Mme Zanetti, l'épicière
A small village is torn apart by a quarrel between the baker and the italian grocery tenant, mother of a pregnant young girl. She accuses the baker's son, doing his military service in Algeria, to be the father of the would be child. Offended, the baker refuses to deliver bread to the villagers standing on the mother's side.
Rosa Lulli
Rosa Lulli, has an illegitimate 20-year-old son, named Stefano, who lives with her in the house of Professor Arlotta. Stefano is in love with Lydia, the granddaughter of the professor. The couple has a gambling addiction: the need to obtain a large sum to meet gambling debts, which pushes him to accept the loving invitation of Jeannette, owner of a dance school, where Stefano goes to play.
The Eternal Chain
donna Teresa
As the Legion Etrangère puts in at Napoli, legionnaire Walter escapes from the ship to meet a woman he still loves ,in spite of his five years away from home.
Don Camilo
Signora Bottazzi
El cómico francés Fernandel encarna a Don Camilo, y Gino Cervi a Peppone, personajes creados por el escritor italiano Giovanni Guareschi. En Brescello, una pueblo del valle del Po, los conflictos y enfrentamientos entre Don Camilo, el párroco local, y Peppone, el alcalde comunista, son constantes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Las muchachas de la Plaza de España (Tres enamoradas)
Rosa, Elena's mother
Tres amigas se proponen llegar a ganarse la vida como modelos, pero no es una tarea fácil, son demasiados los obstáculos que hay salvar; así que deciden unir sus fuerzas para alcanzar su meta e incluso para encontrar el amor de sus vidas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Luna rossa
A sailor's girlfriend is courted by the same man who also seduced his sister.
Last Meeting
The wife of a mechanic and tester of Alfa Romeo cars becomes the lover of a pilot. The two decide to flee together in Argentina.
Side Street Story
A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker
Vogliamoci bene!
The Mill on the Po
La Sniza
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
Vietato ai minorenni
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
Maria Ansaldi
Anime in tumulto
Sette giorni all'altro mondo
Elena Santarelli
The Knight of Kruja
Venice Film Festival 1940
Venice Film Festival 1939
L'aria del continente
Arma bianca
Manon, la ballerina
Nozze vagabonde
Milizia territoriale
Three Cornered Hat
Carmela, moglie di Luca
A comedy about a governor who wants a miller's wife and tries to fix a night with her by putting the miller in jail.
Oggi sposi
It seems that Zarre (Guido Celano), the man chosen to be the jockey for the Lupa contrada, and fiance' to Fiora (Leda Gloria), becomes enamored of a cafe' chanteuse. Bachicche, the jockey of a rival neighborhood, wants to get even with Zarre for a past offense and enlists the help of the chanteuse, Liliana (Laura Nucci).
The Table of the Poor
Giorgina Fusaro
A bankrupt aristocrat tries to keep up appearances while his situation worsens. To top it off the life savings given to him by a beggar to invest has been mistakenly claimed by the aristocrat's altruist society for their annual Feast of the Poor.
Figaro and His Great Day
In this delightful mixture of romance, comedy and music, the director turns back the wheel of time about sixty years and shows the audience an Italy of primitive railroads, high bicycles and the famous "dolce far niente." Taking the visit of a traveling opera company to a small town, where it is scheduled to present "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" and where one of the most important citizens is a retired opera singer, the scenario writer weaves a web of merry complications well calculated to keep the spectators in a happy mood.
Mother Earth
The Duke Marco visits to his country side estate after many years absence. His farmers wants him to stay and run the place while his lover wants him to sell it. All while a farmers daughter also enters his life.
Ninna nanna delle 12 mamme