Chen Chao-jung

Chen Chao-jung

Nacimiento : 1968-11-01, Hualien, Taiwan


Chen Chao-jung, also known as Aaron Chen is a Taiwanese actor. He is most famous for starring in several of Tsai Ming-liang's films, including Rebels of the Neon God and Vive L'Amour. He is also enormously popular in Taiwan as a TV actor.


Chen Chao-jung


The Ultimate Winner
Champion Lee
Since young, Shi Tian Cai (Li Nanxing) was known among his peers to be the junior gambling king thanks to his gambling addict of a father. Years later, Tian Cai gets married to Zhi Hui who is about to give birth. All this while Tian Cai have been supporting his family through gambling, but with a kid now on board, things just got tougher. Without hesitation Tian Cai dabbles with the high-stake circles and with his talent and reputation manages to make a huge windfall. Tian Cai's much sought after talent in the gambling circle generates envy from Taiwanese tycoon Li Guan Jun, and each step that Tian Cai takes brings him closer to his nemesis.
Comedy Makes You Cry
This story is a description of how modern people search for their happiness and self-worth in Taipei City. In order to make a living, a man and a woman applied for a job as Call Man and Call Girl in the same day coincidentally, and they also sat out with the same taxi in that day. More spontaneously, due to various factors, both of them always fail to get clients which produced a lot of funny accidents. Finally, these pitiful and ridiculous "chicken and duck" have an opportunity to break the shackles on their body toward the well-being reality. The film's unique humor in trying to approach the interpretation of the most true humanity.
Un director taiwanés (Kang-sheng) prepara en París una delirante adaptación de la espeluznante historia de Salomé (Laetitia Casta), la hijastra de Herodes que exigió la cabeza de Juan el Bautista (Léaud). Ardant interpreta a la productora del proyecto, y Moreau es la musa inspiradora que aparece en sus sueños.
Plastic City
Yuda, a Chinese immigrant, and his adopted son Kirin, who he saved being eaten by a tiger in the jungle, stand at the head of a massive pirated goods operation that brings in both money and influence. But their empire is crumbling, as corrupt politicians and rival gangs seek to end their power in the city. Yuda is soon got arrested and his dedicated son tries his best to save not just the family business, but his father's reputation.
Fire Ball
Priest Tang San
Fire Ball is a 2005 Taiwanese animated feature film made by Wang Film Productions and directed by Wong Tung.
Good Bye, Dragon Inn
La película tiene lugar en un viejo cine de Taipei en el que se va a proyectar la épica película de artes marciales de 1967 dirigida por King Hu, Dragon Inn. No será una proyección más, será la última antes de que se cierren sus puertas para siempre.
¿Qué hora es?
Man in Subway Station
Un vendedor de relojes deambula por las calles de Taipei. Su padre acaba de morir, su madre está enferma y él se encuentra inmerso en una aburrida y deprimente vida. Fortuitamente, un día se topa con una muchacha que se dirige a Paris y quiere comprarle un reloj que le de la hora de las dos ciudades. Inmediatamente se establece una fuerte conexión entre ellos.
Hidden Whisper
The film consists of three stories: One about a 5-year-old girl, one about a teenager, and still another about a 30 something woman involved in an affair with a married man. Without providing a definite answer whether the three leading actresses are playing the same person in different stages of life, the movie instead hovers on several consistent themes that keep on emerging in all the stories. For example, the image of drops of blood on the clothes, in the shape of maroon flowers.
Cop Abula
Cop Abula arrests a pregnant illegal immigrant, Xiao Qing, who came from mainland China to look for the father of her baby. Upon arrest, Xiao Qing gives birth to a baby girl in the police station, causing disorder in the place. Abula takes care of her and even helps to search for the father. On the other hand, Abula has to face other worries, like the problem between him and his son, Ah Yi. In addition, there is the Mafia who makes life difficult for Abula as he refuses to accept bribery. In the end, Abula resorts to the improper way of solving the problem, resulting in a hilarious ending to the story.
The Personals
An attractive and successful doctor places a personal ad in a newspaper to try to meet (and eventually marry) Mr. Right. A succession of blind dates ensues, featuring men who are lonely, desperate, dangerous and perverted.
Murmur of Youth
Lin's Schoolmate
A rather dejected Mei-li Chen lives with her extended family in the suburbs. She drops out of college when the boy she has a crush on finds a girlfriend. Mei-li eventually ends up selling tickets in a movie theatre. A great camaraderie then builds up between the two cashiers in the small ticket booth.
El río
Anonymous Man
Retrato de tres personajes víctimas de la soledad y la incomunicación: un joven con dolor en el cuello, un hombre que frecuenta saunas gays, y una mujer ascensorista, cuyo amante trafica con películas pornográficas.
Viva el amor
Una joven pareja, May y Ah-jong, utiliza un apartamento para sus relaciones. Sin embargo, una tercera persona, un tímido homosexual escondido en el mismo apartamento les espía creando un triangulo bizarro de amor.
Comer, beber, amar
Guo Lun
Agridulce comedia sobre la vida de Chu, un viejo chef de Taipei, viudo y con tres hijas (Jen, Chien y Ning) muy distintas pero con algo en común: la rebeldía. Un buen día, sus vidas empiezan a complicarse: una gruñona viuda se muda al apartamento de al lado, alguien se queda embarazada, alguien cae en una profunda depresión, alguien muere y alguien encuentra el amor verdadero. El reputado director Ang Lee volvió a Taiwán para contar otra historia de sentimientos y emociones.
Green Green Leaves of Home
Rebeldes del Dios Neón
Ah Tze
El joven Hsiao Kang, excéntrico e introvertido, abandona la aldea donde vive con sus padres y se traslada a la deslumbrante Taipei. Allí se ve arrastrado a la vida en las calles de la ciudad y sus salas de máquinas. Muy pronto su vagabundeo le hará encontrarse por azar con Ah Tze, un joven delincuente que corteja a la bella Ah Kuei, que trabaja en la sala de patinaje sobre hielo. Hsiao Kang verá su vida perversa e indisolublemente ligada a la de Ah Tze y su novia Ah Kuei, a los que acechará desde las sombras.
Manhattan Sur
Jade Cobra
Stanley White (Rourke) es un veterano del Vietnam que, tras quince años en la policía, es destinado a Manhattan Sur, un distrito de Nueva York. Su cometido es acabar con las bandas juveniles que dominan la zona. Sus investigaciones lo conducen a la peligrosa mafia china, dirigida por Joey Tai (John Lone), y cuyos métodos para controlar el tráfico de drogas son extraordinariamente violentos. Acabar con el crimen organizado se convierte para White en una obsesión, pero su traumático pasado y su situación presente lo arrastran más allá de las órdenes recibidas.