Serie de viñetas entrelazadas por un personaje o una situación que conecta una historia con la siguiente. Unos soldados franceses entran a la catedral de Toledo durante la invasión napoleónica. Un capitán besa la estatua de una mujer y destruye la de un hombre. En la época actual, un matrimonio se escandaliza con unas postales que muestran monumentos de París. Un hombre ve pasar unos animales por su cuarto. En una escuela de policías, un gendarme dicta una lección sobre las distintas costumbres antropológicas. Un asesino es dejado en libertad después de matar a 18 personas. Una multitud furiosa asalta un zoológico gritando lemas de la resistencia anti-napoleónica, mientras un avestruz mira directamente al espectador.
This story is set in the 13th century, in Britain, where Lancelot, who was raised by Vivian, the Lady of the Lake, becomes one the Knight of the Round Tables and falls secretly in love with Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, for whom he wants to accomplish many deeds.
Le maître d'hôtel
During an orgy with minor girls, some old and wealthy notables are being murdered by a small group of leftist young revolutionaries. Very soon the police are tracking down Virgile Cabral, the leader of the group. Meanwhile, Virgile's brother and only relative, Vincent, a violonist (and a thief), comes back to Paris. They have not seen each other for three years. Vincent does not believe in the revolution. He only tries to live as he wishes to live. But by looking for his hunted down brother, he has no other choice than to be involved in a fight which is not his.
Mr Lenoir
Marceau Léonetti, un oficial de policía enérgico y competente, arresta al hijo de un famoso abogado, que conducía bajo los efectos del alcohol. Pocos meses después, el abogado acusa falsamente al policía de ser un violento incompetente, como venganza por haber arrestado a su hijo. Como castigo, el policía es destinado a una pequeña comisaría de barrio, donde tendrá a una bella novata como compañera. Pronto, sus superiores tendrán que recurrir a él para que resuelva un complicado asunto .
Auguste Maroilleur, an elderly farmer, exploits 400 hectares of crop land with the help of his family, over which he rules with an iron hand. Things go awry the day he discovers one of his grandsons is involved in drug traffic. To make matters worse, the reckless youth has hidden the white powder in the Maroilleur farm. Without a moment's hesitation, Auguste gets rid of the toxic substance but, of course, the mob has different views...
le commandant Moursson
Veterinary surgeon William Chaminade is having a peaceful holiday in the South of France when he is witness to an event that will change not only his life but the destiny of France! A young woman tries to kill herself by jumping from the upstairs window of the hotel where he is staying. Thanks to the services of a passing athlete, the woman is unharmed, and she reveals that her distress is down to her husband’s apparent lack of interest in her. Immediately, Chaminade has a brainwave. He will open a special centre for people like this unfortunate young woman, who will be able to satisfy their romantic needs, at the tax payers’ expense. All is well until this innovative ’pleasure centre’ draws the attention of an over-zealous tax inspector, Dupuis...
Station Master
Mélancolie, una atractiva joven, es asaltada y violada por un misterioso desconocido. La chica consigue quitarle la pistola al violador y lo asesina; después arroja el cadáver al fondo del océano. Al cabo de unos días, cuando el cuerpo sale a flote, un oficial del ejército americano acusa a Mélancolie no sólo de asesinato, sino también del robo de un dinero destinado al ejército de los Estados Unidos.
Una joven explotada y reprimida empieza a cobrar por sus favores sexuales y dinamita la sociedad capitalista patriarcal del pueblo donde vive.
Le curé de l'auberge espagnole / The Posadero
Dos trotamundos franceses que, desde las afueras de París, deciden ir de peregrinaje a Santiago de Compostela, conocen numerosos personajes y viven situaciones estrechamente vinculadas a las creencias religiosas
Stable boy
A TV movie about Huckleberry Finn, directed by Marcel Cravenne and released in France back in 1967.
Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.
Le gardien de l'agence de Toulouse
Pétepan se entera de que los hermanos Robinhoude han perdido su dinero. Le pide a su ayudante que retire su cuenta del banco.
le chef de gare
Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...
Inspecteur Virgus
Two police inspectors Triquet and Vergus launch their investigations to arrest a dangerous escaped forger named Mickey Le Bénedictin.
Un locataire (uncredited)
Las relaciones conyugales contempladas tanto desde el punto de vista de la esposa como del marido.
Le locataire
The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a man, Jean-Marc. The film shares the same plot with "Françoise ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.
Le camionneur
Lionel Fribourg, a great composer (at least that's what he thinks) has a problem with his noisy environment: he can't complete his unfinished symphony. Of course there is a market for unfinished symphonies but, for all he knows, only one became famous. So he had better find a way to finish it. At long last, he comes across Agnès, a divorced woman who agrees to let him her quiet home. Lionel, full of hope, resumes work...
The prison guard
Charles Rouvier, a lawyer, is in jail for trying to save one of his clients, Hedwige. He decides to be revenged on women and his inmates teach him how to seduce and exploit them.As soon as he is released from prison he places a personal ad in a newspaper. This is how the newly self-appointed "cynical Don Juan" will meet three creatures: Florence, Gisèle and Henriette. Who will eat who?
Chief Inspector Raillargaud
Bad financial conditions compel an aristocratic family to do strange work.
Cansados del abuso de poder del gobierno y de la absoluta negación de las libertades básicas, el Conde Mathias Sandorf prepara una conspiración que permita derrocar el poder establecido. Sin embargo, mientras la revolución va cogiendo forma surge un pequeño problema, Isabel, la única hija de Sandorf, planea casarse con el Conde Federico de Rotemburg, el gobernador general de la región. Todo se complica aún más cuando Sandorf es traicionado por uno de sus amigos y es enviado a prisión.
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
Un inspecteur
The owner of a suburban boarding school is found murdered. The culprit will be unmasked thanks to the ingenuity and courage of the good Janine and a student, named Nadine.
Man at the Cemetery
En París, un brillante y desquiciado cirujano rapta chicas con el fin de utilizar su piel para reconstruir la belleza de su hija, destrozada por un trágico accidente del que él se siente culpable.
El comisario de policía Jules Maigret vuelve al pequeño pueblo donde transcurrió su infancia a petición de la condesa de Saint-Fiacre, que ha recibido una inquietante carta anónima.
Institute guard (uncredited)
En un barco viajan a París dos cómicos famosos: uno es francés y regresa tras una gira americana, el otro es americano y va a Francia a comprar un guión para su próximo espectáculo. En el barco también viaja una señora que intenta apoderarse de una copia de ese guión para destruirlo.
Propriétaire du thêatre
Trois jour à vivre (Three Days to Live) takes off with a bang when two-bit actor Daniel Gelin witnesses a murder. He didn't see the killer, but that doesn't stop him from claiming that he did in order to get his name into the papers. Sure enough, the murderer targets Gelin as his next victim. Our hero is temporarily rescued by Jeanne Moreau, an aspiring actress who has always had a crush on him.
Chamonot, l'exempt
La Francia de Luis XV está en guerra con la emperatriz de Austria, María Teresa. Hernri La Tour, aventurero y cómico de la legua metido en el conflicto de forma fortuita, recibe el encargo del conde de Saint Server, mortalmente herido, de cuidad de su..
Le général
Brigitte es la hija de un importante político. Se encapricha con el jefe de gabinete de su padre y recurrirá a todo tipo de artimañas para conseguirlo. Se concierta la boda, el problema es que el novio no está enamorado de Brigitte. Celosa porque siente que su marido no la quiere, vuelve a idear un retorcido plan para conquistarlo.
Bellac, le contremaitre
Casti and Trébois, two friends who are workers at the same factory, have developed a common passion for flying. They dream of starting an aviation club. In the meantime they spend all their Sundays restoring an old plane under the supervision of Raf, a former RAF pilot...
Garbage Manager
Michael y Suzanne son dos padres solteros que no se conocen, pero cada uno tiene un hijo y acabarán coincidiendo cuando los dos chavales se escapan juntos de un internado suizo.
Heriberto (uncredited)
A young Italian fugitive and his older protective brother hide among the grape pickers at a vineyard in Provence.
François Cardinaud is one of the richest shipowners in the region. But this success arouses resentment and jealousy. When Marthe, his wife, leaves the home without warning, Cardinaud sees her life cracking little by little.
Man on the sidewalk
François is the benefactor of the town; but later on, all the inhabitants turn against him.
Ángela está casada con el doctor Valerio. Vive en una pequeña ciudad de Córcega. Un día sufre un mareo en la calle y llama a la fábrica en la que su marido cura a un obrero que ha sufrido un accidente de trabajo. Ángela no puede entender que su marido se ocupe tanto de los pobres y la deje a ella abandonada. Al ver a su mujer en tal estado, le aconseja que se vaya con su familia a Niza.
Le barbier
A trucker encounters a dead body on the road home. He reports the incident to the police, who suspect that Jean was responsible for the death, and his new truck is impounded. To make matters worse, the man's widow accuses him of having robbed her husband, and a gang of sinister crooks are also harassing him.
L'entrepreneur (as Marcel Perès)
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
Frégos les Papillottes
Durante la ocupación de España por las tropas napoleónicas, el joven Juan de Aranda (Jean Claude Pascal) se distingue tanto por su valor como por sus conquistas femeninas. Ignorando su verdadera ascendencia francesa, decidirá luchar primero al lado de los guerrilleros de la independencia, para acabar luego a las órdenes del general Gaston de Sallanches (Jacques Dacqmine). En su aventurera vida, varias mujeres le sacarán de situaciones críticas, pero será a la joven Pilar (Brigitte Bardot), que le librará de su cautiverio en la isla de Cabrera, a quién él entregará su corazón.
Cadet Rousselle ama a la bella Isabelle, pero el padre de ésta no entiende el amor de su hija con un actor. Cadet decide entonces partir de su pueblo para hacer fortuna. Este será el inicio de sus aventuras.
l'inspecteur Malingué
The title of this French "reality" drama, which translates to Before the Deluge, is a play on Louis XVI's famous prognostication, "Apres moi, le deluge." Set in 1950, the film concentrates on five Parisian adolescents. Certain that the next war will herald the apocalypse, the youngster make plans to run off to a desert island and set up a new society. This, however, will require money, which is why the boys decide to pull off a "necessary" robbery. Idealism collapses in the face of cold reality, as the five youths suffer from the consequences of their actions. Avant le Deluge was one of a group of films cowritten by director Andre Cayatte and Charles Spaak which endeavored to explore the touchy social issues of the day: others in the Cayatte-Spaak canon include the euthanasia-themed Justice est Faite and the capital-punishment tract Nous sommes tous des assassins.
Geôlier à la Bastille
Adaptación de la primera parte de la archifamosa novela de Dumas. En esta versión los elementos cómicos predominan sobre los dramáticos. D'Artagnan, con la ayuda de sus amigos Athos, Porthos y Aramis y su incondicional Planchet, tendrá que defender la reputación de la reina, la española Ana de Austria, frente a las turbias intrigas del Cardenal Richelieu y sus colaboradores, Rochefort y la peligrosísima Milady de Winter.
Le belluaire (Voice)
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
La Vie d'un honnête homme English: The Virtuous Scoundrel, is a French comedy drama film from 1953, directed by Sacha Guitry, written by Sacha Guitry, starring Michel Simon and Louis de Funès.
The machinist who makes the wind
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
After his wife's death, a man discovers that his daughter may not be his.
François wants to buy a house to help underprivileged children. He lacks money, but a generous donor allows him to realize this dream.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, René Le Guen será el encargado de ejecutar a un traidor de la Resistencia francesa, pero ya terminada la contienda continuará asesinando hasta que finalmente es detenido y condenado a muerte. Su abogado pedirá clemencia porque hace responsable a la sociedad de los crímenes cometidos por René.
Monsieur Duvert
Adaptación de tres cuentos del escritor francés Guy de Maupassant que versan sobre el placer:
(1) Un hombre extraño, que asiste a un popular baile de máscaras en París, baila hasta caer extenuado. El médico que lo atiende descubre sorprendido que tras la máscara se oculta un anciano. Cuando lo acompaña a su casa, la esposa le cuenta al médico la triste historia del bailarín. (2) A Madame Tellier, que regenta un prostíbulo, la invita su hermano Joseph a la primera comunión de su hija. La Madame cierra el negocio y se traslada con sus pupilas a la lejana granja de Joseph para asistir a la ceremonia. Terminada la fiesta, regresan al prostíbulo en medio del regocijo de los hombres, que ya las echaban de menos. (3) Un famoso artista se enamora de su bella modelo Josephine. Sólo pinta retratos de ella y alcanza el éxito, pero su historia de amor tiene un final inesperado.
André, Pierre, Finot and Le Guen are cadets in the Fort Carré Military Academy of Antibes and they are the best friends in the world. One of them, André falls madly in love with Catherine, a charming orphan. But Catherine is kidnapped by bandits and when André comes to after being knocked out, she has disappeared. André reacts promptly and aided by his three inseparable friends, tracks down the bandits and frees Catherine. The two lovebirds marry and live happily ever after.
Le contremaître
Thérèse, a young flower girl, tries hard to remain virtuous but the whole world seems to conspire against her, whether her petty Paris family, or her relatives in the province bristling with false respectability, or her lustful employer, or the boy she loves who seduces her and abandons her. But at the end of the day there is Yvon, her childhood friend. Will he be the one that will love her truly?
An inspector
A couple of dancers performs in a night club. The man is jealous of Gina, his partner,and keeps making scenes to her, going as far as bullying her on the stage during their act. A man gets killed. The dancer is suspected for being jealous of all the other men. Another potential culprit could the father of Gina since he overprotected his daughter. The real culprit will be unmasked after the police detective finds the murder has something to with the Occupation period.
Evanella, who writes the “Horoscope” section of a major newspaper, and her brother Méristo, create with the help of a young journalist, Jean Lassère and the capital of their uncle Amédée, a “Bureau des Prédictions”. Success being expected, they manage to obtain revelations about a gang of gangsters which they publish as predictions. It is success and fortune. Jean marries the newspaper director's daughter and Evanella the director himself.
Eugène, who works for Radio-Europe, is a bit dim-witted. He lives in a block of flats whose caretaker is Madame Motte, and the lady is in love with the young man. Just for laughs, Eugène's friends circulate on the air the rumor that Eugène has inherited millions of francs. It does not take long before a swarm of 'friends' start mixing with him. After a while, considering that the joke has lasted long enough, the jokers reveal the truth. Eugène immediately loses all his 'friends' but not he girl he loves. Even better, Eugène actually inherits a big sum of money. He who laughs last laughs best!
Évariste Malingué, agriculteur, deuxième juré
Elsa Lundestein, criada de Maurice Vaudreamont, le ayuda en todas sus investigaciones, ya que éste está afectado por un cáncer. Sin embargo Maurice consigue que Elsa le prometa que acabará con su vida en caso de que sus investigaciones no obtengan resultados. El problema es cuando el suceso es visto ante un jurado.
The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
Employed in a beauty salon, Amédée must undergo a pentothal injection. The dose is too strong; suddenly Amédée reveals the truth to everyone; to clients of the institute; to his cheating wife; to his boss that he robs; to the tax collector; etc. When the effects of the truth serum wear off, everyone returns contentedly to their little swamp.
A mysterious figure signing himself "The Ferret" keeps sending letters to the police, tipping them off about murders that are to be committed around Paris. Among those caught up in the police manhunt is a fraudulent clairvoyant.
The life of Adrien Wettach, famous in the annals of the circus under the name of Grock, world famous Swiss clown. A series of images from Épinal, retracing the career of a European artist, within the framework of world history. Lots of children, wars, an eccentric Russian countess, Countess Barinoff, who grows old admiring the clown, and a very long quibble about a party wall, all serve to highlight the star's final number.
The struggle of a female doctor against superstition and healers.
Coupeau (uncredited)
In 1825, Paul-Louis Courier, a Republican writer known for publishing pamphlets against the French monarchy, was killed in the farm where he had retired. Was it a political assassination or a vicious crime? Those who have known him loved him or hated him are interrogated by the police. Will the guilty person(s) be ferreted out?
Michel's father
During Christmas night, two police officers make their nocturnal rounds, in their round they meet tramps, brawlers in a café, a naked man, a concierge, a sexton, revelers in a nightclub, and end by signing in their report to the police station.
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
Adaptación del drama "Romeo y Julieta", de Shakespeare. En Venecia, dos jóvenes van a revivir el drama de Shakespeare: Angelo, un vidriero de Murano, y Georgia, hija de un magistrado fascista.
El inspector Juve decide enfrentarse al maestro del disfraz Fantomas, utilizando sus mismas armas. Cuarta entrega del serial dirigido por Louis Feuillade, basada en los folletines de Pierre Souvestre y Marcel Allain. En esta ocasión, la novela adaptada fue "El policía apache".
Mr. Porteval
A young woman who inherits her uncle's nightclub, invents a gangster husband in order to gain respect.
The aunt of Alfred Puc, a meek tax-collector in Paris, dies while riding in a moving van. The driver, not wishing to be bothered by a police interrogation, hides her corpse in a cupboard before notifying Alfred. But the van is stolen. Alfred, being the heir of a rich lady, begins a frantic search to locate the missing van and the cupboard because one can't claim an inheritance if there is no 'corpus delecti.' In his search, he gets caught up in an underworld web and finds the body of a murdered gangster in his room. He finally locates the cupboard but promptly loses it again. But, wait, it isn't "finis' time, yet.
The aunt of Alfred Puc, a meek tax-collector in Paris, dies while riding in a moving van. The driver, not wishing to be bothered by a police interrogation, hides her corpse in a cupboard before notifying Alfred. But the van is stolen. Alfred, being the heir of a rich lady, begins a frantic search to locate the missing van and the cupboard because one can't claim an inheritance if there is no 'corpus delecti.' In his search, he gets caught up in an underworld web and finds the body of a murdered gangster in his room. He finally locates the cupboard but promptly loses it again. But, wait, it isn't "finis' time, yet.
Inspector Merlin
Suspected of murder, a man disappears under mysterious conditions, which only increases the charges against him.
Le père Brodequin
A little town erupts in turmoil about the construction of a public urinal. The army is sent in to restore order, but the military add to the confusion by getting involved with the local women.
Conchita married the caïd Tahamar who deceives her about her “race”. She had to leave her love, Jean Costa, who is a prisoner of Tahamar. She decides to flee with Jean.
Stanislas Oscar Seminario, aka SOS, is a young explorer, just back from Africa, visiting old friends: the Pescara's. But the father keeps receiving anonymous letters. And soon a mysterious murder is committed. SOS begins to investigate...
La Fouille, l'ancien soldat estropié
Europa, siglo XVII. Biografía de san Vicente de Paúl, sacerdote católico francés que dedicó su vida a paliar las miserables condiciones de vida de los campesinos pobres, sobre todo después de la Guerra de la Fronda (1648-1653), que dejó asolado el país.
The orphan Catherine Maguet, nicknamed "La grande Maguet", was taken in by a young and good chatelaine, Suzanne de Norvaisis. Edmond, the husband of the latter, during a trip abroad, falls madly in love with another and will go, to conquer this one, to poison his wife. Imprisoned then released, the lord will finally marry the one for whom he has become a criminal. But the great Maguet will avenge her beloved murdered benefactress...
Philippe and Sylvie have to do with Alvarez, a dangerous gang leader. They break up with him and commit robbery and murder. Sylvie suggests that Philippe take refuge in his quiet family. His younger sister Antoinette attracts and charms Philippe and excites the jealousy of Sylvie who informs Alvarez. The police get involved and Philippe is killed during a merciless fight.
The owner of the 'Café du port'
She dragged out a more than mediocre life in the port of Antwerp; he is a renowned pianist-virtuoso. These two solitary beings, totally different, meet by chance on a liner and gradually realize that they complement each other harmoniously.
The false turk / The innkeeper
The basic premise: A retired bus driver fulfills his lifelong dream of providing an extended "voyage surprise" (the title is translated as "Mystery Tour") for unsuspecting vacationers. They soon realize, while riding in the old man's home-made bus, that he hasn't bothered to plan any kind of itinerary. As a result, they end up in completely preposterous situations, of course. Voyage surprise!
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
Monsieur Hire, enamorado de su vecina Alice, es sospechoso de un asesinato cometido por su amante.
The local building-contractor Martin Roumagnac is fascinated by the fashionable Blanche Ferrand. To impress Blache, Martin presents her with a villa. However, this ruins him financially. Despite Martin's many efforts for the now femme-fatal Blanche, she is not able to chose between him and the rich consul De Laubry.
Pierre and Jacques, one of them being disguised as a woman, work for a wacky scientist to find a treasure hidden in his property by Pierre's uncle.
Commissioner's secretary
Diavalo is the popular hero of French serials circa 1912. Diana is an actress who falls in love with Diavalo. Diavalo is forced to wear a series of disguises to elude the police so he can attend a Gala for the President.
Roger Laroque, an honest industrialist, is the victim of a criminal machination by Julia de Noirville, his possessive and jealous mistress allied to the perfidious Paul Luversan, meant to make Roger take responsibility for the crime he himself committed. Laroque is sent to prison, from where he escapes by sea. When he is reported missing, it looks like he drowned. But he reappears with revenge as his objective. He also wants his daughter Suzanne back. For his wife, it's too late, she died of grief.
Happily married to Sandrine, Pierre Fouques also known as Raboliot is the father of two young children. He would live a steady life hadn't he a passion for poaching, which gets him into a lot of trouble. Because of the nastiness of Bourrel, the gamekeeper, of the jealousy of other poachers, he becomes a hunted man who, in order to defend himself, is driven to commit a crime.
A drifting woman hangs out in the suburbs of Marseille. A young engineer picks her up drunk and takes her to the hospital. He does not know then that it is the Countess Armance de Lunegarde, driven from her home and performing as a gummy in third-rate music halls.
Alex Grégoire is a timid insurance company clerk who shares his uneventful life between his wife Angèle, his colleagues and his passion for crosswords. But all of a sudden his existence changes dramatically. First because he wins a crossword competition. Second because a jewel thief, Charles Tuffal, thinks he recognizes in him a former accomplice. From that moment "uneventful" is not the best adjective to qualify Alex's life anymore...
Inn Patron with Dark Black Hair and Mustache
The bell ringer at a way station in the French Alps, murders a passing horse trader with a thrown rock and relieves him of his bankroll, in order to bribe the daughter of his only friend, a head injury victim considered the village simpleton, into marrying him, despite her love for a lowly woodsman who is, in turn, being cajoled into marriage by the daughter of the wealthy innkeeper.
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
The brigadier
Désiré Le Sec has just won the "amateur policeman contest" and he is so glad he 's telling all the people around.He is an insure agent ,and his boss,his uncle,is annoyed :a man took out a big life insurance and died soon afterward.
Le Goliard
An episode in the life of the tumultuous poet who murdered his rival, in love with Catherine de Vauselles.
Le directeur des Funambules
París, 1820. Dos jóvenes artistas, Baptiste Debureau y Frédéric Lemâitre, debutan en el teatro de los Funámbulos y entablan amistad. Un día, Garance, una misteriosa y atractiva mujer, irrumpe en sus vidas. Mientras que el tímido Baptiste no se atreve a declararle su amor, Frédéric la convierte en su amante. Sin embargo, al estar implicada en una serie de crímenes, la mujer desaparece.
Farnza (uncredited)
The knight Henri de Lagardère wants to avenge the death of his friend, the duke Philippe de Nevers assassinated by the prince de Gonzague, a few years before.
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Agent 55 of Fontainebleau
A brave bookseller raises his four daughters alone, all of whom he employs in his shop. They are especially interested in their sentimental stories. Rosine, the youngest, falls in love with Francis, fiancé of Edith, the eldest. But Francis pushes her away and Rosine announces that she is going to commit suicide. Bertrand, a young doctor, decides to stop her by watching over her. After a few adventures, everything finally works out. Edith keeps her fiancé, the father, from whom the adventure has been hidden, returns to the usual course of his life and Bertrand and Rosine find themselves alone.
Ademaï is very happy to spend a vacation month in Corsica, invited by his family; when he arrives, much to his surprise, all the male relatives have just been shot.
Cafe owner
A bungling thief is threatened by one target with blackmail, unless the thief will kill his own cousin, a wealthy eccentric who is considered the village idiot.
Monsieur Le Verrier
An untiring lady social worker, Émilienne, has as one of her charges a stableman who was wounded by his mistress. Unfortunately, Émilienne's young sister who was helping her at work decides to go away with the stableman.
Léopold - le frère de Fébronie
Elfy, Countess of Saint-Hélié's daughter, was brought up with her foster sister Anne, in an old dilapidated castle whose landlord, Baron Julius Carol, disappeared mysteriously some day. The two girls had a playmate, Hervé, the son of the gamekeeper. Now that they are adult, Anne is in love with Hervé while Elfy thinks she loves the young man. One day, the baron's mummified body is found in an oubliette and the secret of the estate is revealed...
An old woman living in an inn is killed and her family members seem like the likely culprits.
A woman is accused of the murder of her husband, who was jealous and brutal. Her lawyer manages to get her acquitted and they get married in the end.
Martine, who has become a major star of the song in Paris, wants to return to visit her hometown. Confronted with Merlerault, a very haughty and noble character who wants to teach her how to live, she succumbs after a time of anger, to the charms of the gentleman. They get married but she forgot to tell her husband that her father is in fact the most famous poacher in the area.
Un geôlier (uncredited)
Edmond Dantes is falsely accused by those jealous of his good fortune, and is sentenced to spend the rest of his life in the notorious island prison, Chateau d'If. While imprisoned, he meets the Abbe Faria, a fellow prisoner whom everyone believes to be mad. The Abbe tells Edmond of a fantastic treasure hidden away on a tiny island, that only he knows the location of. After many years in prison, the old Abbe dies, and Edmond escapes disguised as the dead body. Now free, Edmond must find the treasure the Abbe told him of, so he can use the new-found wealth to exact revenge on those who have wronged him.
Isidore Lechat is a ruthless self-made man whose money allows him to humiliate the others, particularly a ruined noble: he wants his daughter to marry this marquis's son but the girl is in love with a young scientist.
Inspector Ballandieu (uncredited)
En París, en el barrio de Montmartre, actúa un misterioso asesino que tiene el cinismo de dejar una tarjeta de visita sobre sus víctimas. En un mes ha asesinado ya a cuatro personas.
Requin (uncredited)
The everyday life and activity of "La Dernière Heure", a major evening newspaper, seen through the eyes of Hélène Perrin, a cub reporter trained by Pierre Rabaud, a star in his field. Side by side they will investigate several events: an air show that ends tragically, the coming to France of a Hollywood actress, a lightship caught in a terrible storm...
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
Antoine Mouret, an authoritarian restaurateur, is the head of a large family where, for reasons of interest, people only marry cousins. But some have other plans, Marcus especially when he meets a passing circus girl.
Denise, a young employee of the mine, is courted by the engineer Risay while she is engaged to Daniel, a simple underground worker. A betrayal has occurred that compromises the mine. An accident occurs and about fifteen workers, including Denise's fiancé, are buried under rubble in a collapsing shaft.
Victor Lemoine
A student from an elementary school accidentally breaks the glass roof of his school. His comrades decide to support it by working during the summer holidays in order to pay for reconstruction.
Le Meur
A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.
The huckster (uncredited)
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
Director of the pound (uncredited)
In the pound, Pipo the dog recounts his adventures to his fellow inmates.
In 1919, Pierre Darmont, a handsome, much-loved piano virtuoso, falls in love with Anne Morris, a young woman who shares his tender feelings. But, quite inexplicably, after an unforgettable night, Anne vanishes without trace. Twenty years later, Pierre, at the peak of his glory, has become embittered. Unable to recover his unhappy love affair, he has collected women without ever committing himself to any. Until some night he meets the eyes of a beautiful young lady, who happens to be the spitting image of his great love...
Un consommateur
In pre-World Ward I in Paris, a budding artist, Pierre LeBlanc, falls in love and marries Janine, a dressmaker's assistant. Pierre has a flair for designing clothes, and he and his bride live in a blissful paradise, until the war breaks out and he becomes a soldier. Janine dies in childbirth and, no longer desiring to live, Pierre volunteers for a dangerous patrol behind German lines. While recuperating in the hospital from a wound he received on the mission, Pierre spends his time drawing sketches of dresses. He becomes rich and famous after the war. Years later, after devoting himself to his daughter, Pierre seeks a marriage with a girl no older than his daughter. A conflict develops and to ensure his daughter's happiness, Pierre sacrifices his own plans.
The clerk
The Bontemps family, like all the inhabitants of the village of Coussy la Chapelle, are passionate about radio. Coco, the fiancé of Jacqueline Bontemps, participates in all the contests and under the name of Mr. Bontemps wins a beautiful Sunday. All arrive in Paris and in the premises of the Parisian Post Office attend popular broadcasts.
Fearing a gangster's vengeance,his moll sails away to South Africa ,where many emigrants intend to work in the mines there.
Un consommateur
French version of the Selma Lagerlof story, most famously filmed in 1921 by Victor Sjostrom, about a poor sinner who only realizes what misery he's wrought when he dies on New Year's Eve and is collected by Death in his carriage.
Perseguido por la policía, François (Jean Gabin) se refugia en una casa. Mientras está rodeado, va recordando cómo los conflictivos hechos de los últimos días lo han conducido hasta la apurada situación en la que se encuentra; su pasión por la florista Françoise (Jacqueline Laurent), su compleja relación con la prostituta Clara (Arletty) y el asesinato de Valentin (Jules Berry), un extraño personaje relacionado con ambas mujeres.
A painter who has led a free and independent life meets true love. A jealous former lover intervenes to prevent her from being happy and succeeds in driving away the one she loves. The young woman regains a taste for life thanks to her work and her friends.
Louis Fraipont
Five people are gathered in a cafe because of a phone call they have all received. The plot thickens when they discover a dead body in a bedroom upstairs.The five people all become suspects.
Le sculpteur
What was it about opera diva Grace Moore that attracted the attention of filmdom's top directors? Moore's 1937 American movie vehicle When You're in Love had been directed by Josef Von Sternberg; two years later, her French starrer Louise was helmed by no less than Abel Gance, who a decade earlier had revolutionized the "historical epic" genre with the awesome Napoleon. There was, however, little that was revolutionary in this cinemadaption of Gustave Charpentier's opera. Moore plays Louise, a poor seamstress who is led astray by the rakish Julien (Georges Thill). After falling from grace (no pun intended), our heroine is rescued by her understanding father (Andre Pernet), who demonstrates his forgiveness by singing to her (it is, after all, an opera). Though it played to enthusiastic crowds in both London and Paris, Louise turned out to be Grace Moore's final film; conversely, Abel Gance continued to make commercial potboilers well into the 1970s.
At the beginning of World War I in a village in the country of La Marne, two families are against the marriage of their children. The war changes the positions.
A film based upon the life of Vidocq, the famous adventurer, who, after numerous prison escapes ceased being a crook, a thief and a counterfeiter, and was employed by Pasquier’s government’istry as director of the crime-fighting Sûreté Nationale.
(as Jean Perez)
Reine, a young woman, meets for the first time a cousin of hers, Paul. She falls in love with him but she soon leans that Paul is engaged to Blanche, the beautiful daughter of Reine's uncle.
Friend in the subway
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
Un lampiste
Inspirada en la novela homónima de E. Zola. El maquinista de tren Lantier (Jean Gabin) es un hombre solitario marcado por el estigma hereditario de la locura. No puede reprimir su misoginia y su trato con las mujeres es muy violento. Solo es feliz mientras conduce su locomotora que cubre el trayecto desde Le Havre hasta París. Su gran error será hacerse amante de Sévérine (Simone Simon), que querría inducirlo a matar a su marido.
Un client du restaurant
En un modesto hotel de un barrio popular de París, Renée (Annabella) y Pierre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), una joven pareja de enamorados, alquilan una habitación para una sola noche. Ambos jóvenes tiene intención de suicidarse: Pierre matará a Renée de un tiro, y luego disparará contra sí mismo. Pero el plan no sale como tenían planeado...
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
Brutus Dupont
An average worker who feels downtrodden at work and home, dreams of becoming a dictator. His aunt has her own fantasy that the love-of-her-life, a fairground magician, will return to her once more.
Soldat autrichien
About the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of the First World War. Focuses on the relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
A seasoned con-man devises an elaborate plan to relieve a rich socialite of a hefty chunk of her fortune but her falling in love with him complicates matters.
During a stopover, Morel, an airline pilot and Colette spin the perfect love. She hides from him that she is compromised in the actions of a band of criminals. She manages to escape her dangerous friends while a shootout wipes them all out.
An American billionaire who travels incognito falls in love with a blind shepherdess whose twin sister will take the place on the wedding day.
The daughter of an industrialist takes an interest in the workers and tries to improve their lot. She avoids a strike, and falls in love with an engineer.
le chauffeur
Un desertor del ejército francés llega a Le Havre, una ciudad permanentemente envuelta en la niebla, para huir en barco. Conoce a Nelly en Casa Panamá, un garito del muelle, y simpatizan de inmediato; ella es una joven de diecisiete años tiranizada por su tutor Zabel, un extraño hombre que mantiene tratos con un grupo de jóvenes que juegan a ser mafiosos.
Babinois courts all the women he meets. He has a mistress, Gladys. He would like to marry the Bourillon's daughter, Monique. His maid, Rose, claims to marry him; Héloïse, a young widow, is madly in love with him. Babinois, not knowing how to refuse women anything, promises marriage to all. The fatal day arrives. The four women show up at the town hall in bridal costume and while the other three are doing their buns, Babinois marries Monique.
Manservant of Virine
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
Homme d'équipage
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
A wealthy industrialist, Roger de Vetheuil, married, feels assured of aging in peace. Then appears a blackmailer who accuses him of being a usurper, actually called Jean Pelletier, a mobster well known to police. Vetheuil, judging himself slandered, refuses to listen to his tormentor and goes to the police. The man speaks. The scandal is public soon ...
Madame Dupin is the most influential character in her village. She is at odds with her daughter because the latter married a showman.
Annabella, Jean Gabin and Fernand Gravey star as a trio of circus trapeze artists. Both Gabin and Gravey love Annabella, but she has eyes only for Gravey. Seething with jealousy, Gabin plots revenge against his rival. He "accidentally" drops Gravey into a net during rehearsal -- but does he plan to do the same during a performance, when the trio works without a net?