Pascal Cervo

Pascal Cervo

Nacimiento : 1977-07-16, Soisy-sur-Seine, France


Pascal Cervo is a French film director, screenwriter and actor.


Pascal Cervo


A Safe Place
Alain lives locked up in a large house with his husband, Raphael. They were about to renovate the place and turn it into a bed and breakfast. A new virus, still unknown, poisoning the air, stops them in their dream. Alain is now obsessed with the idea of protecting Raphael, whose health is fragile. But the latter is suffocating, for him it is the house that is unhealthy, as if haunted.
Dialogando con la vida
Père Benoît
A sus 17 años, Lucas ve cómo su adolescencia se hace añicos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Siente que su vida es una bestia salvaje que debe domar. Entre un hermano afincado en París y una madre con la que ahora vive solo, Lucas se verá obligado a luchar para reconquistar la esperanza y el amor.
Marc Chagall – Between Two Worlds
Une habitude de jeune homme
It could have been a normal day for Virgile, but that's not the way it turned out. After being the victim of a strange attack, the young man is then forced to share a dressing room with Robert Lesmur, the main actor of the play in which he plays an extra. A disturbing character, Robert stimulates feelings in Virgile that will quickly overwhelm him.
Une habitude de jeune homme
It could have been a normal day for Virgile, but that's not the way it turned out. After being the victim of a strange attack, the young man is then forced to share a dressing room with Robert Lesmur, the main actor of the play in which he plays an extra. A disturbing character, Robert stimulates feelings in Virgile that will quickly overwhelm him.
Love Blooms
Martin, en una última esperanza, viene a encontrarse con Leah en París. Ambos tienen veinticinco años y han vivido juntos su primera historia de amor. De ahora en adelante, todos están trabajando duro para construir una vida adulta.
Train de vies
Olivier Lemoine
"Train de vies" crosses a series of characters who, in pairs, confess to each other their innermost desires and their most secret memories.
The Seven Deserters Or The Never Ending War
In a ruined house, four men and two women find a nun. All these people have deserted an anonymous war.
Strange Birds
Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from life, while Mavie is still brimming with expectation. Yet something magical happens between them, until Georges' dark secret suddenly catches up with him – and Mavie is caught up in something very different...
Hugues is forty years old. He's an actor but he doesn't want to perform. He's taken refuge with Serge, his partner, in the house where he grew up. However, Micheline, a director, insists that he tread the boards once again. Serge gives him an ultimatum: it's him or the play. Hugues chooses the play. When rehearsals start, Hugues, alone in the house, discovers naked people frolicking in the field adjoining the garden.
Hugues is forty years old. He's an actor but he doesn't want to perform. He's taken refuge with Serge, his partner, in the house where he grew up. However, Micheline, a director, insists that he tread the boards once again. Serge gives him an ultimatum: it's him or the play. Hugues chooses the play. When rehearsals start, Hugues, alone in the house, discovers naked people frolicking in the field adjoining the garden.
Cuatro días, cuatro noches
Pierre Thomas
Una mañana Pierre deja a Paul. Conduciendo en su Alfa Romeo, atraviesa toda Francia, con sus llanuras, montañas, sin destino preciso. Pierre utiliza Grindr, una aplicación de su móvil que le localiza oportunidades de ligue. Pero Paul también recurre a ella para seguir a Pierre. Al cabo de cuatro días y cuatro noches de encuentros -sexuales o no-, ¿volverán Pierre y Paul a encontrarse?
Enfant chéri
Le fils
A car trip will be an opportunity for a son to at last tell his father everything that is weighing on his heart.
The Dunce
Laurent is seeking a path in life after living his childhood and teenage years in laziness. He has a conflictual relationship with Rodolphe, his father, and both are too emotional to express their mutual affection. Despite the women of his life hanging around him , Rodolphe has but one obsession: meeting Marguerite again, the first love of his life.
Un, parfois deux
Laurent Achard set up his camera on the set of Paul Vecchiali’s film Le Cancre to capture the director’s creative power. Although Vecchiali’s precision is impressive, Achard also shows moments where his collaborators’ input is essential. Under the director’s eye, the stars are becoming actors again, and Achard revives the heritage of Vecchiali’s '70s and '80s production studio Diagonale.
C'est l'amour
Odile suspects her husband, Jean, is cheating. Thus she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. Fate gets her in touch with an actor, Daniel, who she will use for her revenge. The actor, living with a former serviceman, Albert, will make love with her. But there will be unexpected consequences: Odile and Daniel will be bound forever by an irrepressible love.
Deux Rémi, deux
Rémi Pardon
Con treinta años, sin algo que se pueda considerar un trabajo, y muy tímido para el amor, Rémi está un poco perdido en la vida hasta el día que aparece su doppelgänger, su otro yo, altivo y no muy agradable. ¿Cuál de los dos es el auténtico Rémi?
Prendre l'air
Some days in the life of Colette, her escape from the hospital Sainte-Anne in the borders of the Camargue. Some days to review her past and to try to take back control.
White Nights on the Pier
A man walks every night along the jetty. There he meets a young woman who is waiting for the man of her life. Over four nights, they discuss life and he gradually falls in love with her.
Wrong Harmonies
Man 1
After the death of his partner, a man discovers on the Internet that the latter had virtual relations with another man.
Two Parisian high school students murder a woman they chose as a victim from a chance encounter.
Monsieur Lapin
Thierry is a night watchman in a hotel. Solitary and indecisive, some nights he joined Mr. Zutawski, a painter, and poses for him.
The Ceremony
A young man (hypothesis 1) and a young woman (hypothesis 2) refuse any dinner or other invitations so as to give themselves over to an evening ritual.
Documentary about the the film critic and filmmaker Jean-Claude Biette.
Le Tableau
In the twilight of their life, Odile and Marcel still love each other. Affected by an incurable disease, Odile must be hospitalized. Feeling the end of Odile so close, the couple decided to commit suicide, so not to be separated. The time of a last Sunday.
Coming Home
Le médecin de garde
A young woman tries to adjust to freedom after she spends eight years as a prisoner to a strange man.
Last Screening
No hay pasión más peligrosa que la cinefilia. Si no, fíjense en Sylvain, un joven taquillero de una vieja sala de arte y ensayo a punto de cerrar, que dedica su tiempo libre a saldar sus deudas con las mujeres asesinando silenciosamente y a golpe de puñaladas. Pocas veces el plástico y colorista póster de Playtime de Tati ha parecido tan sombrío. El director Laurent Achard traslada los referentes cinéfilos al universo frío y aterrador de un asesino en serie. Una imagen medida, una estética marcadamente retro y un dominio rotundo de los tiempos aderezan esta cinta de celuloide ensangrentado.
Iris in Bloom
L'ami de passage
An 18-year-old beauty develops an attraction to an older photographer.
4 garçons dans la nuit
Thomas Vernet
En 1995, cuatro amigos estudiantes formaron una banda. Al regresar de una fiesta, descubren el cuerpo de una joven camarera de 19 años en el borde de una carretera. La joven murió en sus brazos. El comisario sospecha de los cuatro chicos, pero no puede probarlo. Ninguno de ellos admite ... Quince años más tarde, en el aniversario de la muerte de la joven camarera, uno de los cuatro hombres muertos por una bomba oculta en su apartamento ...
El Éjercito del Crimen
Inspecteur Bourlier
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En París, el poeta obrero Missak Manouchian encabeza un heterogéneo grupo de partisanos (22 hombres y una mujer) que luchan clandestinamente contra la ocupación nazi con la esperanza de recuperar la libertad. La información sobre sus osadas acciones, que incluyen el asesinato de un general de las SS, termina por llegar a Berlín. Siguiendo órdenes de la Gestapo, la policía francesa y los colaboracionistas asediarán a Manouchian y a sus compañeros de la Resistencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Valérie n'est plus ici
Valérie left the gallery of Madam Frédérique Sainteure, collector of art, renowned for her taste and her demanding nature. For the organization of the first exhibition since her departure, Marine has the difficult task to succeed her.
French Courvoisier
It is the end of a meal. Eight people are gathered around a big table. They evoke the memory of a lost friend. Through the stories of each about the absentee, the character traits, the haabits or the expressions, a portrait in hollow is outlined.
Regarder Oana
Oana is working. I am watching her. Tonight, the very last file will be closed. She does not want to translate the words of others anymore. She thinks that tomorrow she will start writing her own words. But she will not, I know that…
Lady Jane
le lieutenant
Centers on three childhood friends: Muriel, Francois and Rene. Partners in crime (burglaries, to be precise), the three end their "criminal" activities after one of their attempted burglaries fails. They vow never to see each other again until, however, Muriel's son is kidnapped, which leads the three to join forces again to get the ransom money.
Demented (El último de los locos)
Bajo el sol del verano y en medio de un paisaje bucólico, la granja de la familia de Martin está derrumbándose por dentro. La abuela domina a un padre sin presencia ni opinión ni mando, la madre vive encerrada noche y día en una habitación, el hermano mayor, bebe porque no puede escribir Martin está desatendido y sin amor y su único refugio son su gato y la asistenta. A sus once años, posee la ingenuidad de los dispuestos a cambiar el estado de las cosas, a mover a los suyos, a la fuerza si es preciso.
Knock, ou le triomphe de la médecine
Ella es uno de nosotros
policier accueil
Cristina sabe ir de compras, llevar la casa, trabajar de secretaria en una empresa, ir a comer a a casa de sus padres, apuntarse en una auto-escuela… Lo de todo el mundo. Lo que ocurre es que quizás lo hace todo con excesivo ahínco… demasiado a fondo. Se toma todo demasiado a pecho, como se suele decir. No consigue hacer las cosas de manera relajada como los demás. Los demás se adaptan al mundo y ella no. Ni siquiera se atreve a decir a sus padres que vive sola y se inventa una historia con el chico que le enseña a conducir. Por eso, cuando Patricia, la encargada de la agencia de colocació,n le habla con amabilidad, interesándose por su caso, parece como si recobrara confianza en la vida…
Bruno y Fréderic son los dos hermanos Saltim, de padre italiano y madre francesa. Bruno, el mayor, ocupa un cargo importante en el banco en que su hermano pequeño trabaja de director. Renuncia a postular al cargo de máximo directivo a cambio de que se le proporcione financiación para un teatro de las afueras de Paris. Justo en plenos preparativos de dos nuevos espectáculos : El tío Vania de Tchekov y Ester de Racine, la dirección del banco anuncia recortes de sueldo a sus empleados, cosa que también afecta a Bruno.
The War in Paris
Inspecteur Combes
In Paris, in 1943, Jules, a 19-year-old Jew, lived without an ideal, tossed about by circumstances. He becomes in turn a traitor then a hero. Thomas, his fifteen-year-old brother, wants to act and fight in resistance.
Skin of Man, Heart of Beast
After fifteen years of absence, a man returns to his family. Five-year-old Aurelie watches the stranger arrive and develops an immediate affinity with him. Her older sister, however, is very suspicious of the intruder and certain that misfortune will follow. The adults see nothing, but struggle with all their might when tragedy strikes. Naturally, the two girls bear the brunt of the impact. The film is an homage to the distant and primitive world of childhood, which shapes each of us.
Prague Stories
A four-story omnibus depicting different Czech slices-of-life from the titular city.
Sin Respiro
Francia /// En una pequeña ciudad del sur de Francia, Jimmy vive en la nostalgia de su infancia pasada en el campo. Fogoso y desordenado, caótico y apasionado, su máxima es vivir el momento sin preocuparse del mañana. A las puertas de esta ciudad, Julie disfruta del confort de su casa paterna. Su amigo Quentin, hijo de un obrero, consigue publicar un libro gracias al cual adquiere cierta fama, y se sirve de esa fama para reivindicar su procedencia social. Quentin conoce a Jimmy, a los dos y queda fascinado por su singularidad.
Jeunesse sans Dieu
This French-Belgian drama, based on a novel by Odon von Horvath, is set in 1938 in a German city along the banks of the Rhine and Ruhr rivers. It attempts to provide insight as to why certain German youths were so easily lead into becoming Nazis by using two narrators, one a teacher who challenged the movement and another by a student who embraced it. Pabst teaches a group of teenage boys, all of whom seem to be young Nazis. The trouble begins when Pabst and a WW I vet are assigned to take the class to a military camp and a nature outing for urban kids. While there a boy is brutally murdered and they blame one local girl. During her trial, Pabst speaks out against Hitler and becomes pariah. Still he continues investigating the death, at great personal expense until at last he brings the real killer to justice.
Les Amoureux
In a rural French town, a 15-year-old closeted gay boy breaks free from his idolization of his older and ostensibly free-wheeling half-sister, learning to trust himself and become independent.