Patrick Bruel
Nacimiento : 1959-05-14, Tlemcen, Oran, France [now Algeria]
Patrick Maurice Benguigui (born 14 May 1959), better known by his stage name Patrick Bruel, is a French singer-songwriter, actor and professional poker player.
Patrick is the son of Pierre Benguigui and Augusta Kammoun, daughter of Elie and Céline ben Sidoun.
In his youth, Bruel aspired to be a football player, but decided instead to pursue singing after seeing Michel Sardou in 1975. His first success came as an actor, in 1979's Le Coup de sirocco. He continued acting in films, on television, and in the theater while pursuing his singing career. His first single, "Vide" ("Empty"), released in 1982, was not a success, but the follow-up, "Marre de cette nana-là" ("Fed up with that chick"), was a hit.
In 2003, just before his partner, the writer and playwright Amanda Sthers, gave birth to his first child, Oscar, on 19 August, he changed his name to Bruel-Benguigui, combining his stage name with his birth name. On 21 September 2004, he wed the then 26-year-old Sthers; it was his first marriage. His second child, Léon, was born on 28 September 2005. The couple separated in 2007.
As of 2004, Bruel has acted in more than forty television and film productions, and has made five studio albums and several live albums. In 2002, Bruel released Entre Deux, a double CD of classic chanson that features duets with Charles Aznavour, Jean-Louis Aubert, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Alain Souchon and Renaud, among others. It sold two million copies and made Bruel France's best paid singer of the year. At the beginning of 2005, in response to the South Asian tsunami of 26 December 2004, Bruel wrote the song "Et puis la terre" with Marie-Florence Gros, with whom he had begun a long-term collaboration in 1998, to benefit the Red Cross. His latest album, "Des souvenirs devant", was his fourth chart-topper in France.
Bruel is a world-class professional poker player. He won a World Series of Poker bracelet in 1998 for the $5,000 Limit Hold'em event. As of 2009. he has earned more than $900,000 in tournament play, of which his ten cash winnings at the WSOP account for $411,659. He also comments on the World Poker Tour in France.
In April 2020 he announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19.
Bruel has been a member of the Les Enfoirés charity ensemble since 1993.
Source: Article "Patrick Bruel" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
This exceptional documentary, rich in anecdotes and revelations thanks to the rare testimonies of his family (his wife, his sister...) and his closest friends (such as Patrick Bruel, Kad Mérad or Pascal Obispo), you will discover all the secrets of the man behind this extraordinary artist. With a career spanning 35 years, over 15 million albums sold and hits that have become cult favorites, Florent Pagny, the emblematic coach of the show The Voice, is in the pantheon of French song. However, you will discover that he almost lost everything several times... How did he get up each time to build this immense career? And above all, how did he overcome the ordeal of the announcement of his cancer?
Gilles Fontaine
La vida de Luc Germon, un famoso abogado de gran reputación, se ve trastocada cuando acepta a un nuevo cliente, Gilles Fontaine, uno de los empresarios más poderosos de Francia. A este le acusan de comprar una propiedad en circunstancias sospechosas, y deberá confiar en las habilidades de Germon para librarle del caso, pero poco a poco, los aliados empezarán a convertirse en enemigos...
César Montesiho
Arthur Dreyfus (Fabrice Luchini) y César Montesiho (Patrick Bruel) son dos amigos de la infancia que hacen frente a la vida de manera totalmente opuesta. Arthur es un reputado investigador y docente universitario divorciado y con una hija adolescente (Marie Narbonne) con quien le cuesta comunicarse. Por su parte, César sigue soltero a sus cincuenta años y su solvencia económica está siempre al límite. En el día en el que tiene que hacer frente a una deuda con todas sus posesiones, cae accidentalmente por la ventana, lastimándose la espalda. Arthur es el encargado de llevarle al hospital para que comprueben que se ha dañado, prestándole sus papeles. Semanas después, Arthur recibe una llamada del hospital informando de que tiene cáncer de pulmón terminal; pero no son sus análisis los que han recibido, si no los de César con los documentos médicos de Arthur. Incapaz de contarle la dura verdad, Arthur lidia con su amigo mientras le cuida pensando que el moribundo es su amigo, no él.
Alongside his impertinent puppet, ventriloquist Jeff Panacloc celebrates Christmas with humour, surrounded by personalities from music, cinema and TV hosts.
Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.
Cuando el judío fallecido y ex cardiólogo Harry (James Caan) repentinamente decide pasar su retiro como criador de cerdos en Nazaret, Israel, la mudanza conmociona profundamente a su familia y a sus nuevos vecinos. De vuelta en Nueva York, la ex esposa de Harry, Monica (Rosanna Arquette), está tratando de manejar las vidas de sus hijos adultos, Annabelle y David (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), así como la suya propia.
Maurice y Joseph son dos jóvenes hermanos judíos que viven en la Francia ocupada por los nazis. Ambos tendrán que demostrar un increíble valor e ingenio para tratar de escapar del enemigo y reunirse así de nuevo con su familia.
Gabrielle cría ella sola a su hija Claire. Con 17 años, ésta se ha quedado embarazada de Simon, quien se niega a hacer frente a su recién adquirida responsabilidad. Gabrielle decide tomar las riendas de la situación y ponerse en contacto con el padre de Simon. Llega al despacho de Ange, pero éste, solterón y seductor, no ha asumido jamás su paternidad ni tiene intención de hacerlo.
Patrick Bruel
A romantic comedy about two Parisian therapists who are so obsessed about getting into the sack with anyone they meet, they can’t ever get it on with each other.
Philippe Dupin
Dos hermanas. Una, Joséphine, historiadora especializada en el siglo XII, enfrentada a las dificultades de la vida. La otra, Iris, bella y con una vida parisiense fútil y acomodada. Una noche, durante una cena cualquiera, se jacta de escribir una novela. Atrapada por su mentira, persuade a su hermana, abandonada por su marido y ahogada en deudas, de escribir la novela que ella firmará, pero pudiendo quedarse ella el dinero. El éxito del libro cambiará su relación y sus vidas para siempre.
On Saturday, November 24, 2012, Celine Dion appeared in the TV special 'Celine Dion : le grand show', broadcast live on the French channel France 2 and hosted by Michel Drucker and Veronic DiCaire, at the Studios d'Aubervilliers, near Paris, France.
Alice es una guapa y joven soltera farmacéutica que siente una insólita fascinación por Woody Allen. A pesar de que su soltería es un tema que no le preocupa en absoluto, su entorno familiar vive obsesionado por encontrarle pareja a toda costa, aunque en realidad ella desea a la pareja de su hermana. Como en los grandes amores, Victor aparecerá en la vida de Alice sin previo aviso, al acudir para instalar una alarma de seguridad en la farmacia que Alice ha heredado de su padre. Victor lo verá claro al instante y luchará por estar a su lado, aunque Alice necesitará un poco más de tiempo y de los imaginarios consejos de Woody Allen para aceptar lo que ella se niega repetidamente: el amor ha llamado a su puerta.
Vicent, cuarentón y triunfador, va a ser padre por primera vez. Invitado a cenar a casa de Élizabeth y Pierre, su hermana y su marido, se encuentra con Claude, un amigo de la infancia. Mientras esperan a Anna, la joven esposa de Vincent, entre el buen humor le hacen preguntas sobre su próxima paternidad. Pero cuando le preguntan si ya ha elegido un nombre para el niño, su sorprendente respuesta provoca el caos.
Self (archive footage)
Documental sobre la filmografía de Claude Lelouch haciendo hincapié en sus títulos más relevantes.
Dans l’œil des Enfoirés est le vingt-et-unième album des Enfoirés, enregistré lors de leurs sept concerts à l’Arena Montpellier du mercredi 26 janvier au lundi 31 janvier 2011.
Dan Hayoun
Five brothers similar yet different, raised by a mother widowed too early. One of them had left the family when he returns, pursued by a gang of smugglers, he find shelter in his family while reveling them a dark secret. The five brothers, together, will find the energy to defend themself and the means to avenge the memory of their murdered father...
Una noche de verano varios amigos se reúnen para cenar. Cada uno de ellos trata de enmascarar sus problemas personales y pasar una agradable noche de comida, vino y amistad. Sin embargo, las parejas empiezan muy pronto a mostrar su verdadero estado de ánimo, su insatisfacción mutua, y queda de manifiesto que lo que realmente pretenden es vivir una aventura amorosa.
Maxime Nathan Grinberg / Grimbert
En la Francia de la posguerra, "Un secret" narra el descubrimiento de un oscuro secreto de una familia judía francesa. Una historia vista a través de los ojos de un fantasioso hijo único llamado François, que no sólo se inventa un hermano mayor, sino también el pasado de sus padres. El día que cumple quince años se le desvela una verdad conmovedora..
David Levin
Adaptación de la novela "Oh, Jerusalén", de Dominique Lapierre (autor de "La ciudad de la alegría) y Larry Collins. "Oh, Jerusalén" recrea la historia de la creación del Estado de Israel, en 1948, a través de dos amigos, uno árabe y el otro judío. Contada desde diferentes puntos de vista, en el filme se mezclan valor, violencia, política y un fuerte sentido de la moralidad. Su historia les lleva desde las calles de Nueva York a la Tierra Prometida, donde arriesgan sus vidas luchando por lo que creen.
Jacques Sibaud
Jeanne Charmant Killman (Isabelle Huppert), juez de instrucción, es la encargada desentrañar e instruir un complejo caso de malversación de fondos en el que está implicado el presidente de un importante grupo industrial. A medida que avanza la investigación, se da cuenta de que su poder es casi omnímodo. Pero, al mismo tiempo, y por causa de su adicción al trabajo, su vida privada se tambalea.
Mikel Lejarza, alias "Lobo", fue un agente de los servicios secretos españoles que consiguió infiltrarse en ETA entre 1973 y 1975. Provocó la caída de unos ciento cincuenta activistas y colaboradores, incluyendo a los miembros más destacados de los comandos especiales y a la cúpula dirigente. La "Operación Lobo", supuso un mazazo a la organización terrorista en un momento en el que sus sangrientos atentados se estaban convirtiendo en la excusa perfecta para que los sectores más involucionistas del franquismo intentaran bloquear la instauración de la democracia.
A married Frenchwoman living in Brazil returns to her native country to visit her ailing elderly mother. There, she ends up rekindling a love affair with a man whom she hadn't seen in twelve years.
Concierto en el Parc des Princes de Paris en 2003. Títulos grabados en el Parc des Princes en 2003: 01 - Que je t'aime 02 - Hijo de nadie 03 - Gabrielle 04 - Piensa en mí (con Florent Pagny) 05 - Algo de Tennessee 06 - ¿Qué quedará? 07 - Olvidaría tu nombre (con Isabelle Boulay) 08 - O Carol 09 - Nunca he llorado (con Marc Lavoine) 10 - Mi boca 11 - Instinto (con Gérald de Palmas) 12 - Diego (gratis en su cabeza) 13 - Marie 14 - Vive para lo mejor 15 - Enciende el fuego 16 - Quiero quemarte en mi vida 17 - Duro como la madera 18 - Hasta la medianoche 19 - Estoy solo 20 - La penitenciaría 21 - Dime 22 - Loving You 23 - Zapatos de gamuza azul 24 - Tutti Frutti 25 - Whole Lotta Shakin 'Going On 26 - Te lo prometo (con Jenifer) 27 - Envy (con Patrick Bruel) 28 - Prueba 29 - La música que amo 30 - deténgame allí
Lucie, who works as a white-hot fashion model, exhibits a dominant, often controlling, "Type A" personality, whereas identical twin Marie consistently projects a backward, reserved, laconic and unassuming attitude. When Lucie receives a covetable French recording contract, a significant problem stands in her way: the inability to sing. Marie possesses the voice of an angel, however, and quickly jets off to Paris to stand in for her sister, unannounced - little realizing the dangerous and even violent string of consequences that she is igniting.
A woman, scared by motherhood and her new born baby, runs away from her home and family to find a shelter at her upstairs neighbour's place.
Una mujer felizmente casada desde hace siete años, traductora de profesión, se ve seducida por las aventuras amorosas que relatan el diario escrito por un joven francés dos siglos atrás. La lectura de dichas páginas le harán replantearse su vida y despertar su imaginación.
Patrick Bruel
In this French comedy-drama, actor Angelo Bastiani installs satellite dishes when not auditioning for films. After being told he's not convincing enough for a role in a gangster flick, Ange dons a mask and stages a parking-lot holdup, terrifying the film's director and casting director to prove his point.
Sam Bellamy
In this French crime film, set during the time of the Gulf War, an elderly German tourist is murdered in Paris by junk dealer Joseph Katz (Pinkas Braun), a friend of Paris detective Sam Bellamy (singer Patrick Bruel). Romantically involved with the victim's daughter Emma Guter (Isabella Ferrari), Bellamy covers up the crime he witnessed. Joseph then mysteriously vanishes, and Bellamy heads for Berlin where the victim's possessions are auctioned. After Bellamy finds the source of the well-hidden traffic in art stolen by Nazis from French Jews, he discovers a Nazi war criminal is blackmailing past associates. Incorporating background from journalist Hector Feliciano's Lost Museum, the film is adapted from Guy Konopnicki's novel, Pas de Kaddish pour Sylberstein (No Kaddish for Sylberstein).
François Perrin
Tres pintorescos personajes coinciden en el ascensor del gran hotel Crillon: un indio amazónico, su intérprete y un ciudadano francés, cuya vida cambia cuando el nativo lo reconoce como El Elegido.
Sabrina Fairchild (Julia Ormond), la hija del chófer de la acaudalada familia de los Larrabee, desde niña se sintió fascinada por los hermanos Larrabee, especialmente por David. Convertida ya en una jovencita, gracias a los ahorros de su padre, se va a París. Cuando regresa a Estados Unidos, se ha transformado en una bella y sofisticada joven que deslumbra a David hasta tal punto que está dispuesto a romper su compromiso matrimonial con una millonaria. Pero Linus (Harrison Ford), el hermano mayor, ha cerrado un trato comercial con el padre de la novia de David y no está dispuesto a consentir que nadie interfiera en sus negocios.
Le premier orateur
Fábula que celebra el centenario del cine. En ella intervienen de forma desinteresada Harrison Ford, Depardieu, De Niro, Jane Birkin, Belmondo, Anouk Aimée, Deneuve, Delon, Moreau, Lollobrigida, Di Caprio, Martin Sheen, Dean Stanton, Léaud y muchos otros.
Julien Segal
A disillusioned police detective, used as a scapegoat by his corrupted superior, fights back by becoming a competent criminal.
Cristophe Vade
A young French police inspector, Christophe Vade, is assigned to investigate some mysterious murders in a village in the Swiss Alps. His superior is a man named Thurston, who uses some unorthodox methods to fight crime. Vade’s investigations lead him to a wealthy industrialist, Gardella, a dangerous and powerful man.
Force Majeure (Uncontrollable Circumstances) begins with a drug deal involving tourists Phillipe (Patrick Bruel) and Daniel (Francois Cluzet), and a Dutch stranger. Two years pass: the Dutchman has been arrested in an unspecified Asian country, where the penalty for drug trafficking is death. Phillipe and Daniel agree to admit that the hashish partly belongs to them, which will reduce the Dutchman's sentence, but also subject the twosome to a prison sentence themselves. Malcolm Forrest (Alan Bates), a representative of Amnesty International, does what he can to aid all three of the unfortunate young men. Force Majeure was co-written by Michele De Broca, wife of director Philippe De Broca.
Simon Atlan
Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.
Séraphin Monge
After World War I, a young ex-soldier, Sébastien Monge, returns to his home village. Ignorant of his past, he learns that, 24 years before, his entire family was slain in their home one stormy night. Only Sébastien, then a four-month old baby, was spared. Whilst Sébastien is being seduced by Charmaine, Dupin is killed by someone else. Sébastien’s next victim, the miller Didon Pujol, is also murdered before he has a chance to take his revenge. Sébastien realises that someone is watching his every move and is going to extraordinary lengths to protect him. But who, and why..?
On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini's wife. (Simon was fencing the jewels for a youthful gang who robbed Cartiers; he suspects them of the murder.) He's framed for the theft and spends ten years in prison, writing to his daughter, Marie-Sophie, who's 11 when he's sent away. Released, he reconnects to Marie-Sophie and to the young thieves, seeks revenge, and is quickly arrested again. She doesn't know what to make of her father, retreats to her Swiss fiancé, and is flummoxed when one of the young thieves falls for her. Is resolution possible when crime cuts across families and romance?
The musician
A long parade of actors and actresses pop up in an unconnected series of skits, vignettes, and sight gags in this comedy anthology by Jean Curtelin. Among the sketches performed is one with Jean Carmet playing a man from the sticks woefully burdened with the challenge of getting through a dog food commercial on less than one tank of intelligible French. Another skit shows a silent duel between an airport custodian and an automatic door, while another with the renowned Michel Galabru sets up a strange teacher-student exchange.
In North Africa, a father and his illegitimate son are in love with the same woman.
Un grupo de cuatro jóvenes profesores de instituto parecen convertirse en el centro de la crítica para el resto de sus compañeros, ya que para combatir la rutina del día a día, ellos parecen traer al instituto nuevas y refrescantes ideas, con divertidos juegos que en ocasiones les hacen parecer a ellos más infantiles que sus alumnos.
Three times divorced, a man consoles himself with another version of success, that of money.
Le guitariste du métro
Two friends, one a musician the other constantly depressed wander around Greece and France till they get to Paris without a penny to their name. Here they spend nights in the underground, and squat in houses with the African immigrants. One day they both fall in love with Mathilde a blond dancer and follow her to New York.
Pierre-Marie Labrouche
The story follows Americans in Algeria at the time of the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.
The students of a prestigious law school try their best to mess things up.
Abandoned by his wife, Bernard struggles to overcome his grief and settles in a residence for singles. Employed by "SOS Doctors", he provides night guards to occupy his insomnia. That's how he is brought one night to help a neighbor, Nadine Foulon, victim of discomfort in the elevator. It turns out that Nadine is also going through a difficult time, since her companion, Terry, a singer-guitarist, has left her. A professional photographer, she can not forget it and has since oscillated between depression and bulimia. Gathered by their pains of heart, these two beings will, with the wire of the confidences, become more intimate ...
Chanteur d'un groupe de banlieue
Paulo Narboni
A shady Parisian tries to take advantage of a family of French-descended Algerians forced to move to France.