Lady in the red dress
Mère Magnon
The story of Jean Valjean, a Frenchman convicted of minor crimes, who is hounded for years by an unforgiving and unrelenting police inspector, Javert.
Victor is a screenwriter whose last work about the Marechal Pétain is refused by his producer. To add insult to injury, he tells Victor he is paunchy. The unfortunate man becomes obsessed by his weight. He goes out of his way to lose pounds, abetted by his wife, Corinne, who puts him on a reducing diet. He must also go to a health center where he takes exercise. Nothing really works. And one day, in a brewery, he cannot withstand his diet anymore and he has a gastronomic meal. Desperate, he tries his luck at a weight watchers reunion.
The prostitute
Robert, alias Pierrot, es un huérfano que, tras escapar del reformatorio a los trece años, ha sido criado como un hijo por Felicia y León, jefe de una banda que se ha quedado paralítico al ser arrojado desde un tercer piso por sus rivales. En 1945, en plena postguerra, cuando la economía es un desastre y la propia policía se reorganiza a duras penas, Pierrot reúne a un grupo de amigos para organizar una banda. (FILMAFFINITY)
Muscular nurse
Louis de Funes interpreta a un prestigioso crítico gastronómico que edita la guía "Duchemin", y donde valora la calidad de los restaurantes... a los cuales acude disfrazado.
Jean-Claude y Pierrot son dos macarras, unidos por una fuerte amistad, sin otro interés en la vida que hacer lo que les viene en gana. Su pasatiempo favorito es acosar, intimidar y aterrorizar a la gente, pero siempre logran eludir la acción de la justicia. Una tarde, mientras intentan robar un coche, el propietario les dispara, pero aún así logran escapar. En medio de la confusión, Maria Ange, una amiga del propietario, una mujer cansada de su mediocre vida de peluquera, se sube al vehículo, se va con ellos y se convierte en amante, cocinera y madre de los dos delincuentes.
1930. Adelaide is fed up with Paris and founds a 'retreat' for her women friends in a Breton port. They live well and take their pleasure seriously, until the attractive sailor Thomas arrives and nothing is ever the same again.
forsche Nonne
Un grupo de cadetes jóvenes se incorporan a la gendarmería, cosa que provoca una inminente retirada del grupo de gendarmes liderado por Cruchot. Éste es reticente a abandonar su puesto, pero el cambio le condena a una jubilación forzosa. Cruchot no puede acostumbrarse a esta nueva vida de inactividad. Pero cuando Fougasse, uno de sus hombres, es internado por un problema de amnesia, Cruchot ve una oportunidad para volver con su brigada y demostrar que su experiencia es mejor que los nuevos métodos.
Barmaid (uncredited)
Un asesino a sueldo viaja a Europa para ejecutar un "último trabajo", pero el encuentro con una hermosa mujer lo lleva a cuestionarse su profesión. Finalmente, decide no cumplir el contrato.
Suspecting that her husband might be having an affair, a wife plots to catch him in the act.
La professeur de danse
El gendarme Cruchot trabaja en una operación para castigar a automovilistas imprudentes. Un buen día se enamora perdidamente de Josefa, la viuda de un coronel de gendarmes. Cruchot y Josefa empezarán a verse a escondidas y esto no le sentará muy bien a Nicole, la hija de Cruchot. Poco a poco las relaciones entre las dos mujeres se irán estabilizando pero Cruchot parecerá más preocupado por el ascenso que se debate entre Gerber y él.
Suzanne Mézeray
Un marchante de arte especializado en la compra y venta de cuadros siempre está al acecho de alguna obra rara. Y finalmente la encuentra en el lugar que menos se hubiera podido imaginar. Se trata de un autorretrato de Modigliani que adorna la espalda de un antiguo legionario.
Charles Bosquier es el estricto director de una prestigiosa escuela. Cuando su hijo suspende inglés, quiere mandarlo a Inglaterra de intercambio, pero el joven ya tenía planes para el verano. Así que decide mandar a un compañero en su lugar.
Mme Blanche
The film consists of three novels. The film begins with the fact that the Bernard Blier hero removes a lantern from the entrance to a brothel. The second part is about how the lantern and jewelery were stolen from a young baroness. And in the third part the hero of Louis de Funes hangs a lantern at the entrance to his house.
Une cliente du docteur Tannait
Gaston Berrien y su primo, que regentan una sombrerería, parecen personas normales. Un día llega a la tienda un cliente más interesado por conocer las cifras del negocio que por encontrar un sombrero adecuado, lo que pone en guardia a Gastón, pues el negocio es sólo una tapadera. Por las noches se transforma en una salón de juego clandestino.
Madame Mado
Fernand Naudin es un antiguo gángster que vive en una pequeña localidad de provincias reciclado para la vida honesta y alejado de antiguas preocupaciones. Sin embargo recibe una llamada desde París de El Mexicano, su antiguo jefe. Éste, en el umbral de la muerte, le hace prometer que se ocupará de sus negocios y, lo más importante, de su hija Patricia, que desconoce las actividades de su padre. Lo que ignora Fernand es que los cabecillas de la banda no aceptarán tan fácilmente su sucesión y que la hija de El Mexicano es una joven de lo más rebelde. Los tiempos han cambiado y los antiguos métodos ya no sirven como antes. Fernand echa de menos su vida de provincias. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three girls in Paris is the story of three Danish girls (Ghita Nørby, Susse Wold and Hanne Borchsenius) traveling to Paris, but after having placed suitcase and money on the hotel and takes off in the city, they forget what it's called and where it is located. They are helped by a Parisian taxi driver, and meets a series of typical French.
Charles acaba de salir de la cárcel. Su mujer le propone que inviertan sus ahorros para montar un chiringuito en la Costa Azul y comenzar una nueva vida. Pero Charles ya no es joven y lo que desea es dar un último y gran golpe que le permita retirarse a lo grande. Tiene un plan perfecto para acceder a la cámara acorazada de un casino en Cannes, que contiene cien millones de francos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo cuenta con la complicidad de Francis, un joven compañero de prisión.
la patronne de "L'Aquarium"
In a building close to the Place de la Contrescarpe in Paris, a tale of criss‑crossings in turn romantic, gourmet, interested or mystical, between an Italian gigolo and a nightclub hostess, a family of butchers and an apprentice rocker, a mystic tailor, a writer sending himself telegrams, an alert paralytic woman, a thoughtful concierge, a bird breeder and a just‑out‑of‑jail hooligan. Little by little each one discovers each other’s more or less troubled history… when a mysterious death introduces the Police within this huis clos, hastens disclosure of well‑kept secrets and ruffle this little World.
Cleo, una joven cantante, espera impaciente los resultados de un examen médico. Cuando una adivina que lee las cartas le revela que tiene cáncer y que puede morir, su inquietud aumenta. Tratando de ocupar su tiempo a la espera de los resultados, Cleo conoce a un joven soldado, a punto de partir para hacer el servicio militar en Argelia, al que confía su temor a la muerte.
Une fille de l'auberge
Francia, siglo XVIII. Louis de Bourguignon abandonó la banda de Malichot, porque consideraba que sus métodos eran inmorales. Creó entonces su propia banda, y bajo el nombre de Cartouche se dedicó a robar audazmente a los ricos, repartiendo después el botín entre los pobres. Así fue cómo consiguió el aprecio y la admiración de la gente, pero también el rencor de la policía y de sus viejos compinches.
la patronne du Mistigris
Charles-Edmond, the eldest of the Larmentiel brothers, decides to return to La Rochelle, his hometown to die there. Forty years earlier he had been driven out by his father. Before passing away, the old eccentric announces that he has a hidden son, Émile, a fisherman to whom he wishes to bequeath his property. François, the younger brother, whom Charles-Edmond hates, is eyeing the inheritance to bail out the powerful family business, a veritable fishing trust, and will try to appropriate the affection and property of this inopportune heir. Émile, meanwhile, is too busy arguing with Fernande, a beugland singer, to suspect what awaits him...
In a small circus campaign, the act of Valentine, the dwarf, is one of the highlights of the show. But then one night, he grew suddenly and turns into a handsome young man of six feet tall. First mad with joy, he will face harsh reality of normality.
La bouchère
Une prostituée
El viejo gángster Max y un amigo suyo tienen un plan que les permitirá obtener cerca de 50 millones de francos. La ex-novia de Max, que lo ha dejado por Angelo, el jefe de otra banda, pretende obtener información sobre ese plan para quedarse con el dinero. Con este fin ella y sus amigos secuestran al socio de Max y piden un rescate por su vida.
Margot, canteen dishwasher
A dam is under construction in the Pyrénées mountains. All the workers only have eyes for pretty, sensual Clara, the canteen waitress. And what she exchanges with many of them is more than just looks, this is for sure. Nevertheless, despite her frivolity, Clara falls truly in love with Tonio Borelli, the site foreman. The latter takes her to Paris and they marry. But Clara soon realizes that the call of the flesh still consumes her...
En gatepike
Norwegian film's great charmer, Frank Robert, plays an associate professor and bachelor whose waking desire for life brings him to Paris, where he breaks free.
Mme Fernande, la couturière
While celebrating his birthday, police inspector Basquier (Bernard Blier) recalls two of his most-celebrated cases. The first involves duplicitous moneylender Olga (Suzy Prin). The second concerns the brutal broad-daylight murder of innocent young Yvonne (Veronique Deschamps).
París, 1900. Marie, una bella prostituta, es la amante de uno de los hombres de la banda de Felix; pero, sorprendentemente, acabará encontrando el verdadero amor en un sencillo carpintero. Su amante, celoso, lo provoca, y ambos se enzarzan en una terrible pelea.
Un prostituée (uncredited)
Identite Judiciare stars Raymond Souplex as wily French police inspector Basquier. The villain is Berthet (Jean Debucourt), a high-ranking government official. Basquier suspects that Berthet is a vicious murderer, but is unable to prove anything thanks to bureaucratic interference. Thus, the good inspector plays a waiting game a la Columbo, hoping for that one fatal slip on the part of the killer. Certain portions of Identite Judiciare proved a bit too intense for American audiences, and were accordingly snipped by the censors.
A model (uncredited)
A simple civil servant Léon, who has the unusual ability to walk through walls, falls madly in love with a hotel thief by the name of Susan. He poses as Garou-Garou, a dangerous gangster to attempt to woo her affections, but is arrested and sent to jail. While in jail he annoys the guards by walking in and out of his cell, and keeps persuading Susan to cease her criminal way of life. As fundamentally being an honest and law-abiding citizen, he eventually handles back everything he has stolen, is acquitted by the court, and becomes famous and respected. When he learns that Susan is planning to return to England and start a new life, he decides to confess to her his emotions. However, the couple is interrupted by a sudden rush of journalists. Trying to escape in a building, they get cornered on a corridor, and Léon pushes Susan through a nearby wall. But by doing this, he loses his own wall-walking ability, and the film concludes.
Maurice Vallier, apodado "Ma Pomme" es un hombre alegro muy consciente de que el dinero no da la felicidad y de todas las cosas quiere la libertad
Although they have loved each other since childhood without admitting it, a surgeon and a young woman see their love thwarted by life.
Une entraîneuse qui danse (uncredited)
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
A student of the course
Micheline, who fled to Paris with the man she is in love with, finds herself on her own when he abandons her. She lands in a reformatory from which she manages to escape.
A soccer enthusiast like his father, Martin Lambert is the (gifted) goalkeeper of the local team. He falls in love with Jeanette and soon marries her. Alongside a happy marital life, Martin becomes a successful professional. Which proves a mixed blessing since fame makes him vain and haughty and his marriage gets seriously affected. But the Second World War breaks out and Martin is drafted. Taken prisoner a few months later, he is sent to a camp. When he is released, he tries resume his career but his wounds hurt too much and he has to give in. But not soccer: he will now proudly train young shoots.
One of Alexandre Dumas's most popular adventure novels is "The Count of Monte-Cristo". What is little known is that the famous writer made up neither its plot nor its characters. Dumas actually heard the true story of a man named François Picault during a stay at a private mansion and only adapted it into the novel everybody knows . Picault (who in the book would become Edmond Dantès) was about to marry the beautiful Marguerite (Mercédès in the novel) when he was denounced by three jealous friends who falsely accused him of being a spy for England. Picault was placed under a form of house arrest. In his prison, he made friends with an Italian abbot. When the man died, he left his fortune to Picault whom he had begun to treat as a son. On his release, Picault, who had become wealthy, was able to pursue his ruthless revenge on the three men who were responsible for his misfortune.
The film is a 125-minute, black-and-white biography of French priest and diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), who served for 50 years under five different French regimes: the Absolute Monarchy, the Revolution, the Consulate, the Empire, and the Constitutional Monarchy. Its title comes from one of the main historical nicknames for Talleyrand, that he shares with demon king Asmodeus and English poet Lord Byron.
April fools in a studio where a radio host pretends to shoot dead all the performers....till a true crime occurs.
A 'grisette' (uncredited)
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.