Alex Beaupain

Alex Beaupain

Nacimiento : 1974-10-15, Besançon, France


Alex Beaupain


Top Dogs
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
El paciente
Original Music Composer
Tras despertar de un coma, lo único que quiere Thomas es averiguar qué le pasó a su familia. Pero la verdad es muchas veces tan sombría como la mente humana…
Alex Beaupain, Création Love on the beat etc
Original Music Composer
Agnès, editor-in-chief and presenter of a successful investigative magazine, is at the peak of her career. Agnès' personal assistant Manon urges her to deal with "sexual violence" in the next broadcast ... - A poignant chamber play (2021, directed by François Hanss) between theater and fiction.
Mitterrand, président culturel
On the occasion of the fourty years anniversary of François Mitterand's election, a look back to the relationship between the President and artists, from admiration to manipulation.
10 mai 1981 : Changer la vie ?
Fourty years ago, in May 1981, with François Mitterrand's election, some people were letting themselves dream about a better life while others were predicting the coming of soviet tanks upon the Champs-Élysées. If we gladly remember the turning point of austerity in 83, there were also the wage rises, the fifth week of paid leave, the abolition of death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, or the advent of independent radio stations. Rare archives and accounts by those who were at the heart of this story give an overview of it and shed light on lesser-known aspects.
10 mai 1981, le jour du grand soir
Claire Andrieux
A single forty-something, with a well-regulated life, sees a heavy secret poisoning her budding relationship with a man she fell in love with.
Ali's Circle
With the aid of a social worker, young Salman Ali is preparing to argue his case for permanent settlement in front of France’s National Court of Asylum. The process stirs up memories of a fateful game of buzkashi – Afghanistan’s national sport – and the life, land and loved ones he has left behind.
I Am Jonas
Original Music Composer
Cuando Jonas tenía 14 años, conoció al carismático pero misterioso Nathan. Además de guiarlo en su sexualidad, Jonas pronto enfrenta algo oscuro e incluso peligroso acerca de su nuevo amigo. Ahora, un adulto atractivo y sexualmente seguro, los recuerdos todavía lo persiguen. Tratando frenéticamente de juntar las piezas faltantes, Jonas está decidido a romper las cadenas del pasado y finalmente liberarse.
Croque monsieur
Coco Baisos, a mature woman who likes to lead a big train, finds herself once again a widow, the fifth to be more precise. Bursting with energy and natural optimism, Coco is firmly determined not to be put down by fate. She immediately starts looking for a new companion, preferably a billionaire, so as not to have to give up her habits of luxury and pomp. She would indeed be very unhappy if fate forced her to modify her lifestyle. But the wallets trimmed do not run the streets. This manhunt, longer than expected, will hold many surprises for him ...
Sophie's Misfortunes
Original Music Composer
Sophie is far from being the model little girl one would like her to be, unlike her friends Camille and Madeleine. She always insists on having her own way, often getting into trouble, to the despair of one and all. But her mother is unbending and otherwise inclined. She will not let her get away with anything, and poor Sophie will often have to live with the consequences of her bad behaviour and learn her lesson.
Boys Band Theorie
Boys Band Theorie band members lost sight of each other. Nathan became a sports coach, Julien wants to remake the scene and Leo exiled to Los Angeles. But Leo is murdered.
En los años 60, Madeleine abandona París para reunirse en Praga con su nuevo marido. La llegada de los tanques rusos en la primavera del 68 coincide con la separación de la pareja y el retorno a Francia de la joven. En los 90, Véra , la hija de Madeleine, se enamora en Londres de un chico que no corresponde a sus sentimientos.
The Beautiful Person
Original Music Composer
Adaptación de la novela "La princesa de Clèves", de Madame de La Fayette. La acción se traslada desde la corte de Enrique II hasta un instituto parisino de la actualidad. Después de la muerte de su madre, Junie, una chica de 16 años, se traslada a otro instituto a mitad de curso. Su primo Mahias, que está en la misma clase, la presenta a sus amigos, que están deseando salir con ella. Sin embargo, Junie se enamora locamente de Nemours, su profesor de italiano, aunque reprime sus sentimientos porque considera que la felicidad es algo puramente ilusorio.
Love Songs
Todas las canciones de amor hablan de lo mismo: 'Hay demasiada gente que te quiere'... 'No podría vivir sin ti'... 'Sorry Angel'... "Las canciones de amor", la interpretación musical de tres amantes en París, habla también de estas cosas.
In Paris
Original Music Composer
Crónica de una familia cuyo lema sería: "Esfuérzate en ignorar la tristeza de los tuyos". Tras romper con su novia, Paul vuelve a casa de su padre en París. Se instala en el dormitorio de su hermano Jonathan y se niega a salir de allí. Su padre y su hermano intentan ayudarlo para que venza su dolor y supere la ruptura sentimental. Mientras tanto, los parisinos están preparando las fiestas de Navidad.
Seventeen Times Cécile Cassard
Haunted by the death of her husband, a woman travels to another town and finds a soul mate.
Les rois de la piste
Home cook, Rachel, a sort of Ma Dalton, has raised her sons Sam and Jeremiah, and her grandson, Nathan, in the cult of conning. From bad plans to petty theft, this friendly family of broken arms is always after the big score. Luck or fate, during a burglary, they steal a painting by Tamara de Lempicka without knowing its value. Céleste, a shrewd and charming detective, sets out in pursuit.