Alex Beaupain

Alex Beaupain

Nascimento : 1974-10-15, Besançon, France


Alex Beaupain


Top Dogs
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
O Paciente Perdido
Original Music Composer
Um jovem acorda do coma sem se lembrar da noite em que toda a família foi assassinada. Para tentar descobrir o que aconteceu, ele vai contar com a ajuda de uma psicóloga.
Alex Beaupain, Création Love on the beat etc
Original Music Composer
Agnès, editor-in-chief and presenter of a successful investigative magazine, is at the peak of her career. Agnès' personal assistant Manon urges her to deal with "sexual violence" in the next broadcast ... - A poignant chamber play (2021, directed by François Hanss) between theater and fiction.
Mitterrand, président culturel
On the occasion of the fourty years anniversary of François Mitterand's election, a look back to the relationship between the President and artists, from admiration to manipulation.
10 mai 1981 : Changer la vie ?
Fourty years ago, in May 1981, with François Mitterrand's election, some people were letting themselves dream about a better life while others were predicting the coming of soviet tanks upon the Champs-Élysées. If we gladly remember the turning point of austerity in 83, there were also the wage rises, the fifth week of paid leave, the abolition of death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, or the advent of independent radio stations. Rare archives and accounts by those who were at the heart of this story give an overview of it and shed light on lesser-known aspects.
10 mai 1981, le jour du grand soir
Claire Andrieux
A single forty-something, with a well-regulated life, sees a heavy secret poisoning her budding relationship with a man she fell in love with.
Ali's Circle
With the aid of a social worker, young Salman Ali is preparing to argue his case for permanent settlement in front of France’s National Court of Asylum. The process stirs up memories of a fateful game of buzkashi – Afghanistan’s national sport – and the life, land and loved ones he has left behind.
Original Music Composer
Atormentado por um passado turbulento, Jonas relembra seu caso de amor adolescente com o impulsivo, perverso e irresistível Nathan.
Croque monsieur
Coco Baisos, a mature woman who likes to lead a big train, finds herself once again a widow, the fifth to be more precise. Bursting with energy and natural optimism, Coco is firmly determined not to be put down by fate. She immediately starts looking for a new companion, preferably a billionaire, so as not to have to give up her habits of luxury and pomp. She would indeed be very unhappy if fate forced her to modify her lifestyle. But the wallets trimmed do not run the streets. This manhunt, longer than expected, will hold many surprises for him ...
Sophie's Misfortunes
Original Music Composer
Adaptação do romance infantil homônimo da Condessa de Ségur.
Boys Band Theorie
Boys Band Theorie band members lost sight of each other. Nathan became a sports coach, Julien wants to remake the scene and Leo exiled to Los Angeles. But Leo is murdered.
De como Madeleine, ao roubar um sapato, se torna puta às vésperas da invasão russa à Tchecoslováquia. Do seu amor por um médico tcheco. Do fruto desse amor: Véra. Da busca da filha por algo sólido, entre o caso mal resolvido com Clément e a sua necessidade dos braços do gay Henderson. Das idas e vindas no amor de mãe e filha, dos idos de 1960 até os dias de hoje, em mais um belo filme de Honoré.
A Bela Junie
Original Music Composer
Junie (Léa Seydoux) é uma garota de 16 anos que se mudou após a morte de sua mãe. Ela passa a estudar na mesma turma que seu primo Matthias, que a apresenta aos demais colegas. Todos os garotos logo desejam sair com Junie, mas ela escolhe o mais calado de todos, Otto Clèves. Porém, Junie descobre o grande amor de sua vida: Nemours (Louis Garrel), seu professor de italiano.
Canções de Amor
Ismaël (Louis Garrel) perambula sem direção por Paris. Erwann (Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet) apressa um pouco seu passo. Já Jeanne (Chiara Mastroianni) é condenada à imobilidade e Alice (Clotilde Hesme) anda ao lado de Ismaël, mas ela resolve se afastar do seu caminho para seguir outra história, agora com um rapaz bretão que acaba de conhecer.
Em Paris
Original Music Composer
Paul está deprimido por ter se separado de Anna e volta para Paris, onde vai morar com o pai divorciado e o irmão mais novo, Jonathan. Enquanto o despreocupado irmão e o sempre alegre e companheiro pai tentam em vão reanimá-lo, só uma visita de sua mãe parece lhe trazer a alegria de volta. Quando um dia Paul fica em casa e se entrosa e conversa com uma das namoradas do irmão, ele começa a pensar que, enquanto as coisas não saem como planejadas, é sempre possível encontrar algum motivo para viver.
Seventeen Times Cécile Cassard
Haunted by the death of her husband, a woman travels to another town and finds a soul mate.
Les rois de la piste
Home cook, Rachel, a sort of Ma Dalton, has raised her sons Sam and Jeremiah, and her grandson, Nathan, in the cult of conning. From bad plans to petty theft, this friendly family of broken arms is always after the big score. Luck or fate, during a burglary, they steal a painting by Tamara de Lempicka without knowing its value. Céleste, a shrewd and charming detective, sets out in pursuit.