In Mexico, a mad general is leading his own war against the Church. Priests are rounded up, churches burned down and religion outlawed. The suffering of one pious catholic priest could bring the tide of change however.
Herman's Hermits' first film, in which the British band has the chance to have an American spacecraft named for them.
Limpet es un aburrido contable cuya pasión son los peces y aspira a servir en la Marina de EEUU. Pero a pesar de que es rechazado, llegará a cumplir su sueño... bajo el agua. Se tira desde el muelle y ante la sorpresa de su esposa, se transforma milagrosamente en una fantástica criatura con aletas. Limpet se convertirá en el arma más secreta de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, detectando patrulleros nazis en las aguas del Atlántico.
Uno de los cuentos fantásticos de "Las 1001 Noches". Steve Reeves, la estrella del "peplum", encarna al legendario ladrón que debe superar mil peligros y aventuras para encontrar la rosa azul que le permitirá desposar a la heroína, la hija del Sultán de Bagdad.
Narra las aventuras que corren dos niños, uno americano y otro japonés, al escaparse éste último de casa para ayudar a su amigo a encontrar a sus padres. Estas aventuras sirven de pretexto para mostrar la belleza y las costumbres del Japón.
Narra las aventuras que corren dos niños, uno americano y otro japonés, al escaparse éste último de casa para ayudar a su amigo a encontrar a sus padres. Estas aventuras sirven de pretexto para mostrar la belleza y las costumbres del Japón.
At the turn of the century Rose and ex-showbiz friend Molly get involved in selling steel. When they come unstuck with corsets they embark on the even more hazardous project of selling barbed wire to highly suspicious Texas cowboys.
Lady Godiva se casó con Leofric, conde de Chester, hacia el año 1040. Según Roger de Wendower, cronista del siglo XIII, Godiva rogó a su marido que redujera los impuestos que abrumaban a los habitantes de Coventry. El conde accedió, pero con la condición de que su mujer atravesara desnuda las calles de la ciudad, cosa que hizo cubriéndose únicamente con su larga cabellera. Se cuenta también que la población, por respeto hacia ella, se encerró en sus casas para no mirarla. Sólo la vio un indiscreto que desde entonces fue llamado Peeping Tom, Tom el Fisgón.
Inglaterra Victoriana, siglo XIX. Una chica bastante ambiciosa (Jean Simmons) trabaja como sirvienta en la sombría mansión de un inquietante aristócrata (Stewart Granger). Cuando la mujer de éste muere, la criada empieza a sospechar del señor y acaba chantajeándolo, a pesar de que con su actitud está corriendo un grave peligro.
Una vez terminada la guerra, la mula Francis está apunto de ser subastada como excedente. Por otro lado, Peter es confundido por otro hombre y acusado de todas sus fechorías...
Peter Stirling (con su vieja amiga la mula parlante) se incorpora al activo en las ... WACs (Women's Army Corps, cuerpo femenido del ejército)!
Estamos en la Francia del siglo XVIII, en la corte del Rey Sol; un aristócrata vuelve de la guerra y se encuentra con sus posesiones usurpadas por una bella viuda, que dice haberlas adquirido. Para recuperar su castillo, el noble habrá de recuperar para la hermosa hembra cierta valiosa joya.
El sargento de marines James O`Hearn, se encuentra ante un consejo de guerra, acusado de deserción y unos cuantos cargos más o igual de graves, y se verá obligado a contar su increíble historia que le ha llevado hasta esta situación.
Un hombre propietario de una mula que habla consigue trabajo de periodista, y los dos se ven mezclados en un juicio por asesinato.
The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery shipment by mistake. They turn out to be money trees. After initial problems, Polly decides to spend the money.
Tercera película de la serie de la mula Francis, en la que el joven Peter se inscribe en la famosa academia militar de West Point, donde queda bajo la tutela de su amigo, la mula Francis.
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Adapted from the TV and radio series of the same name, the producer of said show reads letters from three woman providing the framing story for this melodrama anthology film. The tales focus on parenting and family struggles.
El propietario de una mula que habla se mete en líos por culpa de unos gánsteres.
El sincero soldado Stirling no podía mentir sobre su fuente de información, la mula parlante del ejército, Francis, por lo que le trataron como un loco y dio lugar a continuas situaciones hilarantes, donde la mula era la única que parecia estar en su sano juicio. Durante de todo esto, la mula ayuda a descubrir un espía, Mareen, que pretendía que se pierderan en la selva, pero en realidad era ...
Una mujer (Helen Walker) y su amante deciden matar al marido (Brian Donlevy) para quedarse con su dinero.
El dueño de una sala de juego se muda de Nueva Orleans a Chicago y entretiene a sus clientes con el prendido jazz de Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Woody Herman y otros.
Aesop of fable fame poses as an old man and woos away a princess who wants a king for his gold.
A young girl goes to work as a live-in caretaker for a spooky old woman. She doesn't know that every night, the woman drains some blood from her to feed her strange plant.
Young Sherry Williams dreams of having a singing career, and she idolizes her older sister Josephine, who has gone to New York to perform on the stage. When Sherry is distraught just before performing at her school, a visiting Broadway producer encourages her by telling her positive things about her sister. Soon afterwards, Sherry decides to make a surprise trip to New York to visit Josephine - but what she finds there is not at all what she expected
Alí Babá, hijo del Califa de Bagdad, es criado y protegido por 40 ladrones tras la muerte de su padre a manos de los soldados de Hugalu Khan, un malvado que obtuvo la ayuda del traidor Cassim. Con el tiempo Alí se convierte en el líder de la banda de ladrones, decidido a luchar por la liberación de su país.
Un violinista de la Ópera de París, locamente enamorado de Christine Dubois, una joven aspirante a soprano, es despedido porque su mano izquierda ya no es tan hábil como antes. Solo y sin dinero, después de haberlo gastado todo en pagar -sin que ella lo sepa- las lecciones de canto de Christine, decide publicar un concierto con el fin de completar la instrucción de la soprano y de hacerse famoso. Pero, a causa de un malentendido, ataca a su editor, y la secretaria de éste le desfigura el rostro con ácido. Se refugia entonces en los sótanos de la Ópera y, desde entonces, actúa como un fantasma cuya sombra amenazadora acecha en la sombra y siembra el pánico entre el público.
A native boy plays Cupid for a shark fisherman and a South Sea Islands princess.
World War II public education film about sexually transmitted diseases focused on syphilis.
Topical wartime short depicting the plight of civilians who must stay in shape in order to fight the good fight.
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
El mejor autor de novelas del oeste, Bronco Bob Mitchell, nunca ha puesto un pie en el oeste. Un artículo de prensa ha puesto de manifiesto este hecho a sus fans, y su imagen está sufriendo a causa de ello. Por ello decide lavar su imagen haciendo una aparición en un rodeo de caridad de Long Island. Mientras está montado en un caballo, un novillo se escapa y se lanza contra él. No sabiendo qué hacer, una vaquera, Anne Shaw, viene a su rescate y le salva la vida. Mientras tanto, Duke y Willoughby son vendedores de cacahuetes en el rodeo. No son muy buenos en su trabajo, y pronto causan estragos. En una de esas se esconden de su jefe en un vagón de ganado y de pronto se encuentran camino hacia el oeste...
Un piloto de acrobacias decide unirse a las fuerzas aéreas, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a la fuerte disciplina militar. Sus dos asistentes de acrobacias que han decidido acompañarlo tampoco logran aclimatarse...
Unos gángters quieren hacer que un grupo de gente abandone una casa donde ellos se han escondido. Para ello intentarán asustarles hasta conseguir que se marchen.
Dos marineros ayudan a un cantante que se ha unido a la Marina a escapar de sus admiradoras. Con las hermanas Andrews.
Bud y Lou se alistan en el ejército para poder escaparse de la cárcel; lo que ignoran es que en el cuartel se encontraran con un instructor de armas tomar.
In this musical comedy, a motley band of musicians have only their extreme poverty in common. They end up writing a hit and getting a recording contract. The trouble is, the composer's works are never played without another band member doctoring them up to make them swingier. Fortunately, the composer isn't too averse to the changes as he has just won the heart of the beauty who sings his revamped songs. Songs include: "Where Did You Get That Girl?" (Harry Puck, Bert Kalmar, sung by Helen Parrish), "Sergeant Swing," "Rug-Cuttin' Romeo" (Milton Rosen, Everett Carter).
Longshoreman Johnny Barnes is in love with Kitty Tracy, barmaid at her father's waterfront saloon, and he beats up Cassidy, a crooked politician who has been annoying her. Cassidy is murdered that night and Johnny is jailed for the crime. Kitty, her father Andy Tracy, and waterfront-priest Father Cameron believe Johnny is innocent but all evidence points to his guilt.
When a much-despised matriarch is murdered, or apparently murdered, all of her relatives and "friends" fall under suspicion. Sheriff Gregory is the official investigator, but most of the clue gathering is done by amateur sleuths Kirk Pierce and Sally Ambler.
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
In this low-budget musical, two sets of politically ambitious parents attempt to pair up their youngsters who unfortunately despise each other and only pretend to like each other to please their parents. On the nights they are to go out, they sneak out with their respective true loves. It all works well until the unwilling couple find themselves falling in love for real. songs include: "I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now", and "Got Romance".
Un criminal utiliza sus conocimientos legales para alcanzar sus propósitos, no siempre acordes con la ley, traicionando de paso a sus amigos.
Un científico injerta en el cuerpo de un profesor muerto el cerebro vivo de un gángster que acaba de morir; el profesor vuelve a la vida, pero cada tanto tiene atisbos de otra personalidad.
A man is given the choice between having fabulous wealth or saving an innocent man from the death penalty.
A tough street kid attempts to rob a post office and is caught. In order to avoid reform school, he takes a job as a messenger with the post office. He finds that he likes it, and when his brother is released from prison, attempts to help his brother go straight. However, the two of them get mixed up with a local gangster, who has plans to start robbing post office branches and using the messenger and his brother to do it.
A bank robber and his boy make a run for it during winter in a bus full of children.
When gangster Phil Daley gets rid of his chief Paul Burgess he has everything that money can buy, except the respect of his parents and his sweetheart Susan Warren. His younger brother Danny quits college and forces Phil to make him part of the gang. The overly-ambitious Danny fixes a prize-fight on which rival gang-leader Mike Luger loses heavily and, thinking that Phil has double-crossed him, sends gunmen out to kill Phil. They kill Danny instead and the frightened Phil flees to a country hideout. His chief lieutenant, Sid Travis, sets a trap for Phil when he returns.
Radio commentator Dan Clifford takes desperate chances to save the life of a young girl who has been kidnapped.
A beautiful girl inherits a newspaper that sponsors a charity home for boys.
This Universal programmer was based on a Collier's Magazine story by journalist Quentin Reynolds. This story in turn was ostensibly based on a true incident, in which a gangster "returned from the dead" to save an innocent young man from the electric chair. The nurse of the film's title is Katharine McDonald, who falls in love with her prizefighter-patient Lee Burke as he recovers from a beating received in a fixed prizefight. Katharine must fend off the advances of criminal attorney John Dodge, another patient who also loves her and becomes jealous of Lee. But when Lee is framed for the murder of his disgruntled manager, Slice, by a henchman of the fight-fix leader, Joe Largo, Dodge takes on his defense and works with Katherine to discover the real killer. Convicted and sentenced to death, Burke is about to walk the "last mile", as Katharine encourages mortally wounded Largo to a deathbed confession.
Story of a tuna fisherman who has been wrongfully convicted of a murder he did not commit. His exemplary behavior in prison ensures that he is up for early parole. He realizes, however, that his movements will be limited, and he will be unable to join and wed his beloved. The only solution is to escape and hunt down the real killer, himself.
Roberta Morgan is being raised in a wealthy home where her mother is occupied with her society-club activities and her father is immersed in his business activities. She also feels that the household staff is against her and that no one understands her needs and problems. Things spiral out of control.
A former actor poses as the son of a wealthy man and gets involved in a murder in which the real son is the suspect.
En los mares del sur, Duke Slade es un buscador de perlas que se enrola en un barco ballenero. El capitán del barco, Abner Drew, es un hombre mayor y enfermo que le pide a Duke que se case con su hija Janet antes de que le seduzca Rand, otro marinero que Drew no aprueba. Además, la tripulación del ballenero intentará que Duke les proporcione información sobre la ubicación de perlas.
Johnny desea ganar más dinero para agrandar su granja de pollos. Para ello, juega al hockey, pero unos gangsters se interponen en su camino.
Un reportero viaja al norte de África para cubrir una rebelión árabe contra los británicos. Consigue su reportaje, pero sólo después de seducir a la hija del coronel, salvar a su hermano de caer en las garras de traficantes de armas, y salvar al ejército británico.
Un ex conductor de autobuses escolares regenta una empresa de camiones, que compite con un tren de mercancías para entregar piezas de aviones en la Costa Oeste.
While crossing on the train ferry to New Orleans, roving reporter Addison Francis Murphy borrows money from singing hillbilly "Carolina," then loses it all in a crap game. Outside on deck, Murphy sees two men shaking hands, and after he looks away, hears a splash of water and discovers both men have disappeared...
Murder mystery set in Yellowstone National Park.
The story of diplomatic courier Tony Carleton, who's been entrusted with a secret message vital to the cause of International peace. En route to Geneva by train, Tony is drugged by sexy cabaret dancer Raquel, who promptly steals the message -- only to be murdered by sinister master spy Sebastian, owner of a posh gambling casino known as The House of a Thousand Candles.
As California gubernatorial candidate Burton is about to cast his vote a truck crashes into the polling booth, critically injuring him and his opponent. A flashback traces his career from unemployed veteran to dockworker to lawyer. A side thread traces his tortured relationship with his wife.
An ex-convict gets released after shooting a fellow who made a play for his wife. When he meets Sleeper, his life takes a change for the better, but along with her comes the boisterous little Collins, for whom she is a governess.
A publisher bets an author that he won't be able to write a romantic adventure novel while on a walking trip from New York to San Francisco.
Greed, ambition and hunger-for-power drive John Hart, a New-York-City stock-market broker, into crooked dealings and deception, but he doesn't realize that those he ruined will seek vengeance. He meets his match and downfall when his path crosses with a reporter, Phil Stuart; a girl, Marcia Harper, and a man-with-a-gun from a family he ruined.
Ellery Cushing is full of catchy sayings and old-fashioned wisdom. But all that his family cares about is how much money he makes, and all that his boss at the newspaper sees is that Cushing is getting too old to keep up with his work. So his loyal co-worker Phil decides to see what he can do to help everyone see what his friend has to offer.
Vivid tale of love in Tin Pan Alley.
Gang Leader
Sportchamp Pat Doran is consoling the daughter of a puplisher who is murdered by the mob as he had incrimiating documents on them. Now they're after the daughter.
Meyer Rubens and his wife, Esther, own a pressing-shop in New York's Lower East Side. Esther wants to move on up to the Upper West Side. She has a rich sister, Reba, who persuades Meyer to invest in the worthless oil stock sold by her husband. The stock proves to be not worthless and Meyer and Esther become overnight millionaires. But Reba thinks Meyer, who has no taste for high society, is holding her sister back socially, so she devises some schemes that involve catching Meyer in a compromising situation with other women, so her sister can file for a divorce.
King Louis XIII
Durante el reinado de Luis XIII, un jactancioso joven llamado Bardelys se hace famoso gracias a sus conquistas amorosas.
Morris Cominsky
The two sons of a poor Russian-Jewish pushcart peddler on New York's Lower East Side are causing their father grief. As Morris and Sammy stray from traditions cherished by their parents, each generation learns to accept change to preserve the family as a source of love and respect.